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The article presents results of evaluation of long-term dynamics of morbidity of mumps in the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) in the pre-vaccination period, after the introduction of routine mass immunization in 1978 and in beginning of re-vaccination since 2015. The pronounced trend of increasing of morbidity was noted since 1970. In 1978, the morbidity increased up to 194 times as compared to 1948. The annual growth rate was made up to 7.7%. The application of vaccination significantly effected morbidity and prevalence of mumps in the Republic. In the long-term dynamics a pronounced trend of morbidity decreasing with annual decreasing rate of 7.5%. In 2015, re-vaccination of children of 6 years old was introduced in the Republic. This action resulted in morbidity decreasing during the next three years (2016, 2017 and 2018). However, in 2019, an outbreak of morbidity covering both children under 14 years and the adults was registered. The level of IgG to virus of mumps was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using the test-system "VectoParotit-IgG" (by Vector BEST, Russia). The analysis of seroepidemiological study established the highest specific weight of seronegative individuals in the age group of 1-4 years (51.5%, 95% CI 42.9-60.1), and proportion of seropositive individuals falls on the age groups of 30 years and over (85, 4%), 10-14 years (62%), 5-9 years (61.5%), 15-19 years (60%).The article considers the organization of postgraduate education and clinical activities within the framework of functioning of the North-Caucasian Scientific and Educational Medical Cluster. The analysis of obtained data revealed shortcomings in training of physicians at all stages of their professional career, as well as inadequately effective mechanisms of employment of graduates from medical faculties. To eliminate these shortcomings, the measures have been developed within the framework of NOMK that include computer programs for operational monitoring of public health indices, innovative technologies of education and advanced training of of physicians, exemplified by the Tutor project. The conclusion is made that scientific and educational cluster is an effective tool in area of training and retraining of physicians .The level of development of human resources in health care is determined by a number of factors, among which an important place belongs to turnover of medical staff. The turnover, or the process of unscheduled dismissal of staff, negatively affects functioning of the organization in any field, including health care. Although the analysis of staff turnover is widely applied in various fields of activity, relatively few studies are related to problems of assessing causes of this phenomenon in health care. The purpose of the study was to assess the characteristics and causes of turnover of medical staff in state medical organizations of the Irkutsk Oblast. The detailed information about the respondents obtained in the study made it possible to get a concept of intensity and characteristics of turnover of physicians and medical nurses, and to study causes of dismissal of respondents from their previous employment as well as causes that influenced current employment and to assess content and effectiveness of measures of professional adaptation and social support of hired specialists.The purpose of the study was to analyze organization of medical care of crews of passenger ships of inner water transport of the Russian Federation and to examine morbidity according to appeal for medical care of the crew during navigation. The analysis of organization of medical care in inner water transport covered the corresponding normative legal base of the late 1980s to present times. The search and analysis of available publications concerning issues of organization and provision of medical care to passenger river transport crews during and out of navigation was carried out. The estimation of morbidity statistics was implemented according data of medical log journal of out-patient reception of members of the crew of river cruise ship during navigation. The normative legal base of provision of medical care to crews of water river transport during navigation and on shore, and training and employment systems of ship physicians requires substantial revision. On average, 1.5 initial visits for medical assisdical personnel, and developing and approval of unified quality standards for organizations (institutions) involved into medical support of inner water transport workers.The key priorities of the concept of development of health care in the Russian Federation is the population health support and increasing of availability and quality of medical care. The critical link in chain of interaction between medical organizations and residents is examination of applications of citizen. An appeal of citizen received by state authority, local self-government authority or by the official in accordance with their competence is to be a subject of mandatory proceeding. The service of non-staff chief stomatologist based on the organizational methodical office of Moscow Oblast Stomatological Polyclinic the comprehensive analysis of appeals of citizen appeals regarding provision of medical care in stomatological polyclinics of the Moscow Oblast was carried out. The analysis of summary of tasks demonstrated that in 2020, 107,511 appeals of citizens were received and 1002 tasks were related to stomatological care support that accounts 0.93% of total number of appeals. The results of analysis permitted to elaborate a set of recommendations for administrators of stomatological medical organizations to improve quality of examination of appeals of citizen.The neurosurgery is one of the most innovative and hi-tech directions of scientific and clinical activity that significantly contribute into improvement of health and improvement of quality and longevity of human life. This positioning specifies actuality of implementing on regular basis the analysis of trends of its development with purpose to improve corresponding indices of its efficiency, to develop conditions for continuity of medical process, to ensure equal accessibility of specialized neurosurgical medical care to population in the Regions of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study was to describe and to analyze indices of neurosurgical service functioning to support decision making related to development of professional partnership and ensuring for population of different regions of Russia equal access to profile specialized medical care. The data of 2015-2019 was collected from 85 Subjects of the Russian Federation contained in the forms of state statistical observation "Data on activity ofrative processes (vertical integration) is needed. The important role in solution of this task belongs to National medical research centers organized in Russia on the basis of leading Federal state scientific medical organizations.The article considers financial mechanisms applied in provision of medical services in the Russian health care system. The data concerning the structure of state financing and personal expenses of Russian citizens in health care system is presented. The financial resources in the Russian health care system are formed on the basis of mixed model consisting of personal funds of citizens (private sources of financing) and public funds allocated by budget system to implement the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. Nowadays, the citizens have an opportunity to pay the cost of medical services directly when applying to medical organizations and through medical insurance organization, purchasing voluntary medical insurance policy and visiting medical organizations when insurance case occurred. The key goal of financial policy in concerning health care is the implementation of directions contributing to increase of financial sources in the system of medical services provision, population health support and improving efficiency of financial mechanisms application. The effectiveness of use of financial resources in health care determines the efficiency of impact of financial policy on national economy.The article analyzes modern approaches to the rating of medical organizations based on national and foreign publications. The study identified groups of indices that are responsible for effectiveness of health care organizations from the point of view of consumers of medical services and state boards of public health management. According analyzed publications, rating values consider effectiveness of particular processes, rather than organization as a whole. This became the basis for scientific search for assessment system that can reflect the performance of medical organization contributing into its sustainable development. In 2012-2018, the Novosibirsk State Medical University carried out the study of potential of sustainable development of health care organizations. On the basis of normative legal analysis, sociological and expert survey of opinions of managers, the key areas of activities that contributed to improving efficiency of medical organizations were identified. The article presents the original azations having clear-cut plan of actions and set of management practices to achieve long-term goals acquire ability to improve both medical social indices and population health indices.The article considers one of the most actual issues of social policy of the Russian state - the rising generation health. The maintenance of health of rural senior high-school students is considered in chronotopic dimension of key factors and main parameters of healthy life-style during the most dynamic period of their growing up. The rural lifestyle has its own specifics, that are reflected in organization and implementation of healthy life-style at individual and institutional levels and acquires characteristic features at its implementation in gender context. The article presents the results of an attempt to analyze, on the basis of empirical study data, dynamics of changes of attitude to healthy life-style of rural senior high-school students in 7-11 grades of rural schools and to assess impact of main factors and changes of key parameters. U0126 datasheet The obtained data are oriented to development of health-preserving social technologies at individual and institutional levels in municipalities.The purpose of the study is to determine therapeutic effectiveness of the pulsed high intensity optical irradiation device "Zarya" exemplified by treatment of model wounds in laboratory animals and to compare with traditional methods of wound treatment. The prototype of "Zarya" device was used whose operating principle was based on pulsed irradiation of affected areas with high intensity optical radiation in continuous spectrum generated by pulsed xenon lamp. The therapeutic effect of the "Zarya" device was compared with effectiveness of the certified medical ultraviolet irradiator based on low-pressure mercury lamp and also with known wound-healing and antibacterial medication Levomekol ointment. The mature male rats of Wistar line were used in the study. The animals were distributed to 4 groups group 1 was irradiated by "Zarya" device, group 2 was irradiated by low-pressure mercury lamp, group 3 was treated with Levomekol ointment and group 4 was exposed to no exposure. The linear wound was modeled according to the standard method under ether anesthesia.

Autoři článku: Lorentsenkay8526 (Cates Bonner)