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This article presents a novel deep network with irregular convolutional kernels and self-expressive property (DIKS) for the classification of hyperspectral images (HSIs). Specifically, we use the principal component analysis (PCA) and superpixel segmentation to obtain a series of irregular patches, which are regarded as convolutional kernels of our network. With such kernels, the feature maps of HSIs can be adaptively computed to well describe the characteristics of each object class. After multiple convolutional layers, features exported by all convolution operations are combined into a stacked form with both shallow and deep features. These stacked features are then clustered by introducing the self-expression theory to produce final features. Compound9 Unlike most traditional deep learning approaches, the DIKS method has the advantage of self-adaptability to the given HSI due to building irregular kernels. In addition, this proposed method does not require any training operations for feature extraction. Because of using both shallow and deep features, the DIKS has the advantage of being multiscale. Due to introducing self-expression, the DIKS method can export more discriminative features for HSI classification. Extensive experimental results are provided to validate that our method achieves better classification performance compared with state-of-the-art algorithms.Recent advances in cross-modal 3D object detection rely heavily on anchor-based methods, and however, intractable anchor parameter tuning and computationally expensive postprocessing severely impede an embedded system application, such as autonomous driving. In this work, we develop an anchor-free architecture for efficient camera-light detection and ranging (LiDAR) 3D object detection. To highlight the effect of foreground information from different modalities, we propose a dynamic fusion module (DFM) to adaptively interact images with point features via learnable filters. In addition, the 3D distance intersection-over-union (3D-DIoU) loss is explicitly formulated as a supervision signal for 3D-oriented box regression and optimization. We integrate these components into an end-to-end multimodal 3D detector termed 3D-DFM. Comprehensive experimental results on the widely used KITTI dataset demonstrate the superiority and universality of 3D-DFM architecture, with competitive detection accuracy and real-time inference speed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that incorporates an anchor-free pipeline with multimodal 3D object detection.Industry 4.0 requires new production models to be more flexible and efficient, which means that robots should be capable of flexible skills to adapt to different production and processing tasks. Learning from demonstration (LfD) is considered as one of the promising ways for robots to obtain motion and manipulation skills from humans. In this article, a framework that enables a wheel mobile manipulator to learn skills from humans and complete the specified tasks in an unstructured environment is developed, including a high-level trajectory learning and a low-level trajectory tracking control. First, a modified dynamic movement primitives (DMPs) model is utilized to simultaneously learn the movement trajectories of a human operator's hand and body as reference trajectories for the mobile manipulator. Considering that the auxiliary model obtained by the nonlinear feedback is hard to accurately describe the behavior of mobile manipulator with the presence of uncertain parameters and disturbances, a novel model is established, and an unscented model predictive control (UMPC) strategy is then presented to solve the trajectory tracking control problem without violating the system constraints. Moreover, a sufficient condition guaranteeing the input to state practical stability (ISpS) of the system is obtained, and the upper bound of estimated error is also defined. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed strategy is validated by three simulation experiments.Named entity disambiguation (NED) finds the specific meaning of an entity mention in a particular context and links it to a target entity. With the emergence of multimedia, the modalities of content on the Internet have become more diverse, which poses difficulties for traditional NED, and the vast amounts of information make it impossible to manually label every kind of ambiguous data to train a practical NED model. In response to this situation, we present MMGraph, which uses multimodal graph convolution to aggregate visual and contextual language information for accurate entity disambiguation for short texts, and a self-supervised simple triplet network (SimTri) that can learn useful representations in multimodal unlabeled data to enhance the effectiveness of NED models. We evaluated these approaches on a new dataset, MMFi, which contains multimodal supervised data and large amounts of unlabeled data. Our experiments confirm the state-of-the-art performance of MMGraph on two widely used benchmarks and MMFi. SimTri further improves the performance of NED methods. The dataset and code are available at https//github.com/LanceZPF/NNED_MMGraph.A traction drive system (TDS) in high-speed trains is composed of various modules including rectifier, intermediate dc link, inverter, and others; the sensor fault of one module will lead to abnormal measurement of sensor in other modules. At the same time, the fault diagnosis methods based on single-operating condition are unsuitable to the TDS under multi-operating conditions, because a fault appears various in different conditions. To this end, a real-time causality representation learning based on just-in-time learning (JITL) and modular Bayesian network (MBN) is proposed to diagnose its sensor faults. In specific, the proposed method tracks the change of operating conditions and learns potential features in real time by JITL. Then, the MBN learns causality representation between faults and features to diagnose sensor faults. Due to the reduction of the nodes number, the MBN alleviates the problem of slow real-time modeling speed. To verity the effectiveness of the proposed method, experiments are carried out. The results show that the proposed method has the best performance than several traditional methods in the term of fault diagnosis accuracy.This article investigates the tracking control problem for Euler-Lagrange (EL) systems subject to output constraints and extreme actuation/propulsion failures. The goal here is to design a neural network (NN)-based controller capable of guaranteeing satisfactory tracking control performance even if some of the actuators completely fail to work. This is achieved by introducing a novel fault function and rate function such that, with which the original tracking control problem is converted into a stabilization one. It is shown that the tracking error is ensured to converge to a pre-specified compact set within a given finite time and the decay rate of the tracking error can be user-designed in advance. The extreme actuation faults and the standby actuator handover time delay are explicitly addressed, and the closed signals are ensured to be globally uniformly ultimately bounded. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been confirmed through both theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.The existing occlusion face recognition algorithms almost tend to pay more attention to the visible facial components. However, these models are limited because they heavily rely on existing face segmentation approaches to locate occlusions, which is extremely sensitive to the performance of mask learning. To tackle this issue, we propose a joint segmentation and identification feature learning framework for end-to-end occlusion face recognition. More particularly, unlike employing an external face segmentation model to locate the occlusion, we design an occlusion prediction module supervised by known mask labels to be aware of the mask. It shares underlying convolutional feature maps with the identification network and can be collaboratively optimized with each other. Furthermore, we propose a novel channel refinement network to cast the predicted single-channel occlusion mask into a multi-channel mask matrix with each channel owing a distinct mask map. Occlusion-free feature maps are then generated by projecting multi-channel mask probability maps onto original feature maps. Thus, it can suppress the representation of occlusion elements in both the spatial and channel dimensions under the guidance of the mask matrix. Moreover, in order to avoid misleading aggressively predicted mask maps and meanwhile actively exploit usable occlusion-robust features, we aggregate the original and occlusion-free feature maps to distill the final candidate embeddings by our proposed feature purification module. Lastly, to alleviate the scarcity of real-world occlusion face recognition datasets, we build large-scale synthetic occlusion face datasets, totaling up to 980,193 face images of 10,574 subjects for the training dataset and 36,721 face images of 6817 subjects for the testing dataset, respectively. Extensive experimental results on the synthetic and real-world occlusion face datasets show that our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art in both 11 face verification and 1N face identification.Recent studies have revealed the vulnerability of graph convolutional networks (GCNs) to edge-perturbing attacks, such as maliciously inserting or deleting graph edges. However, theoretical proof of such vulnerability remains a big challenge, and effective defense schemes are still open issues. In this article, we first generalize the formulation of edge-perturbing attacks and strictly prove the vulnerability of GCNs to such attacks in node classification tasks. Following this, an anonymous GCN, named AN-GCN, is proposed to defend against edge-perturbing attacks. In particular, we present a node localization theorem to demonstrate how GCNs locate nodes during their training phase. In addition, we design a staggered Gaussian noise-based node position generator and a spectral graph convolution-based discriminator (in detecting the generated node positions). Furthermore, we provide an optimization method for the designed generator and discriminator. It is demonstrated that the AN-GCN is secure against edge-perturbing attacks in node classification tasks, as AN-GCN is developed to classify nodes without the edge information (making it impossible for attackers to perturb edges anymore). Extensive evaluations verify the effectiveness of the general edge-perturbing attack (G-EPA) model in manipulating the classification results of the target nodes. More importantly, the proposed AN-GCN can achieve 82.7% in node classification accuracy without the edge-reading permission, which outperforms the state-of-the-art GCN.In a regression setup, we study in this brief the performance of Gaussian empirical gain maximization (EGM), which includes a broad variety of well-established robust estimation approaches. In particular, we conduct a refined learning theory analysis for Gaussian EGM, investigate its regression calibration properties, and develop improved convergence rates in the presence of heavy-tailed noise. To achieve these purposes, we first introduce a new weak moment condition that could accommodate the cases where the noise distribution may be heavy-tailed. Based on the moment condition, we then develop a novel comparison theorem that can be used to characterize the regression calibration properties of Gaussian EGM. It also plays an essential role in deriving improved convergence rates. Therefore, the present study broadens our theoretical understanding of Gaussian EGM.

Autoři článku: Lorentsencurtis0343 (Ward Lester)