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Based on the latest data, a review of the literature on urinary incontinence in women, risk factors, as well as existing methods of surgical correction are presented in the lecture. Particular attention is paid to the impact of urinary incontinence on the quality of life of patients and current methods for its assessment.The article presents the main molecular mechanisms of the pathogenesis of renal cell carcinoma. The molecular pathways that determine the development of histological variants of renal cell carcinoma and the role of stem cells markers in the carcinogenesis of these tumors are considered.Urolithiasis is one of the most urgent problems of clinical urology. Currently, there is no consensus on the causes of stone formation, as well as the role of various factors in the development of urolithiasis, however, increasingly, according to various studies, the leading role is given to genetic causes. The article presents a modern review of data on genetic polymorphisms associated with ICD rs1801197 and rs6776158 of the CASR gene; TaqI of the VDR gene; rs1801197 of the CALCR gene, rs3752472, rs650439, rs2853744 of the Klotho gene.The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has brought serious economic and social problems worldwide'. Due to its medical consequences, it is of importance to study the mechanisms of the disease and new therapeutic interventions, as well as rehabilitation processes. Despite the fact that the genome of the new coronavirus has been sequenced and studied, clinical and epidemiological data are constantly updated and analyzed, and exact pathogenesis has not yet been understood. At the same time, domestic and foreign studies suggest that the virus is an agent that affects not only the lungs, vascular wall, hemostasis, but also the reproductive system. The aim of the review is to summarize the current knowledge about novel SARS-CoV-2, including its pathophysiology and potential impact on male reproductive function.The analysis of the results of perineal urethrostomy for urethral stricture in men for the period from 2000 to 2020 is presented in the article. We identified 29 original articles devoted to this technique, including 4 Russian and 25 foreign publications. In two studies, there were more than 100 patients, four studies included from 51 to 77 men, and in remaining studies less than 50 patients were analyzed. Complete data on all pre- and postoperative aspects of perineal urethrostomy were provided only in a few studies. In the overwhelm of cases, perineal urethrostomy was performed after one or several unsuccessful reconstructive procedures and only in few patients it was done prior to various types of urethroplasty. It was not possible to establish any association between etiological factors and localization of urethral stricture among these patients. The incidence of pan-urethral stricture ranged from 28.6% to 100%. Only in one study the average stricture length was 2 cm, while in all other studies it was 5 cm or more. Postoperative follow-up was on average 14 to 62 months. Treatment success with perineal urethrostomy ranged from 0% to 100%, but in most studies it was 75% or more. The most common perineal urethrostomy technique used included Blandy technique, and Johanson and 7-flap techniques.The review article is devoted to using modern combined herbal remedies for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections. From current point of view, the mechanisms of the pharmacological action of the components of Phytolysin preparations, paste for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration and Phytolysin capsules, are described in detail. The pathogenetic explanations of using herbal preparations in urological patients is given. The results of clinical studies are presented, confirming the efficiency of the use of drugs for the treatment and prevention of lower urinary tract infections. The new dosage form Phytolysin in the form of capsules does not differ in composition from the paste. Pharmacological effects and pathogenetic bases for the use of Fitolizin suggest that the new dosage form (capsules) is identical to the traditional, previously used one (paste).In everyday practice, urologists often encounter clinical manifestations of overactive bladder (OAB), without of organic or infectious disease. In such cases, OAB may appears in the structure of a somatized (more often depressive) disorder, and therefore an integrated psychosomatic approach to such patient management is becoming increasingly relevant. The relevance of studying the topic is due to the high prevalence of OAB symptoms, its recurrent course, insufficient effectiveness of urological treatment, a significant decrease in the quality of life and working capacity of the socially active part of the adult population. Our clinical observation illustrates the development of symptoms of OAB with massive "pseudo-urological" symptoms within the framework of recurrent somatized depression in a woman of involutional age.A clinical observation of a 12-year-old patient with a traumatic right kidney laceration is described in the article. The child underwent an organ-preserving procedure, namely diagnostic laparoscopy, laparotomy, revision of the abdominal cavity and right retroperitoneal space, suturing of the right kidney, nephrostomy. Irrigation and drainage of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. The satisfactory result was seen.Chronic recurrent cystitis (CRC) is one of the most common diseases of the lower urinary tract in the female population. Difficulties in diagnosis and treatment, despite the observance of modern clinical recommendations for CRC, are due to the versatility and polyetiology of the pathogenesis of the disease. The most difficult and discussed section of this problem is the diagnosis and treatment of CRC of papillomavirus (PV) etiology. The article presents its own clinical observation - Diagnosis and treatment of a patient with CRC PV etiology. CRC, in addition to bacterial uropathogens, can be caused by various representatives of a viral infection. Among all viral pathogens, HPV has the widest pathogenic potential. Currently, there is no single etiotropic therapy for PVI of the urinary tract and reproductive organs; there is no systemic treatment of patients with HPV-associated lesions, including the bladder. Nevertheless, an important principle of therapy, which has already become an axiom, is applied - an integrated approach that includes anti-inflammatory,antiadhesive, antiviral and immunoactive therapy.Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and chronic prostatitis (CP) are among the most common causes of LUTS in men. LUTS occur on average in 62.5% of males, with irritative symptoms occurring in 51%, obstructive symptoms in 26%, and postmicturic symptoms in 17% of cases. According to the literature, moderate and severe LUTS were observed in 13% of men under the age of 50 and in 28% after 70 years. LF3 in vivo It should be noted that LUTS are not BPH-specific, since may be caused by prostate inflammation. According to publications, 57% of patients examined for CP have BPH, and 39% of patients with BPH have CP. The first line of drug therapy in patients with BPH is currently considered to be alpha-blockers and inhibitors of 5-a-reductase. In addition, it is possible to use herbal preparations made from fruits, roots, seeds, pollen and plant bark. Preparations based on Serenoa repens extract are among the most studied and are widely used both in our country and worldwide for the treatment of patients with BPH and LUTS. Only lipidosterol hexane extract of Serenoa repens is recognized as a drug, the use of which has a good evidence base. The clinical examples illustrating the pharmacological properties and results of the use of the preparation of lipidosterol hexane extract Serenoa repens are presented in the article. CONCLUSION The presented clinical cases demonstrate the efficiency of the hexane extract of Serenoa repens fruit for the treatment of LUTS associated with BPH and CP. At the same time, the drug can be effectively used both as monotherapy and in combination with alphablockers. Therefore, it is reasonable to use the hexane extract of Serenoa repens fruit in clinical practice for the treatment of LUTS associated with BPH.Urethral diverticula are sac-like dilatations of the urethra that communicate with its lumen. They may be congenital or acquired. In males, urethral diverticula are rare and classified as congenital (true) and acquired, which are associated with trauma, abscess, strictures, surgical procedures, in particular in patients with hypospadias. A clinical observation of urethral diverticulum with two stones in a man after complex treatment of prostate cancer with metastasis to the left cavernous body of the penis is presented in the article. At the first stage, the patient underwent endoscopic lithotripsy with a biopsy of the diverticulum wall and laser ablation of the stricture of urethrovesical anastomosis. At the second stage the excision of the diverticulum with urethroplasty was performed. The team of authors considers this clinical observation to be unusual. Previously, postoperative urethral diverticula with two stones in patients after complex treatment of prostate cancer with metastasis to the left cavernous body of the penis was not described in the scientific literature.

The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate the effect of low temperatures of carbon dioxide on a "living" blood-supplying organ (pig kidney), to determine the possibility of performing cryoablation of kidney tissue with carbon dioxide (carboxycryoablation), as well as to establish experimentally modes of carboxycryoablation of the kidney.

To carry out this experimental study, a female of the mini-pig line was used. We performed laparoscopic access to the kidney for carboxycryoablation. During the freezing of the kidney, three modes were compared 60, 90, and 120 s on one kidney of one animal. Immediately after the completion of cryoablation, nephrectomy was performed, and the removed kidney was sent for histological examination. According to the histological study, the results of the use of carbon dioxide during cryoablation of porcine kidney tissue were evaluated.

Cryoablation based on carbon dioxide (carboxycryoablation) leads to irreversible death (necrosis) and destruction of the affected tissue. A direct relationship between the exposure mode and the size of the cryonecrosis zone was noted. Thus, the most extensive zone of necrosis with a diameter of 10 mm was achieved when performing cryoablation in the exposure mode of 120 s.

This experiment showed that carbon dioxide-based cryoablation remains a feasible procedure that leads to irreversible death (necrosis) and destruction of the affected tissue. However, further studies on the safety and efficacy of cryoablation of kidney tissue with carbon dioxide are required.

This experiment showed that carbon dioxide-based cryoablation remains a feasible procedure that leads to irreversible death (necrosis) and destruction of the affected tissue. However, further studies on the safety and efficacy of cryoablation of kidney tissue with carbon dioxide are required.

The kidney concussion causes damage to intraorganic angioarchitectonics, microcirculatory disorders, as a consequence - a decrease in functional capabilities of the organ, affecting inter-system interrelationships in the organism.

to evaluate the interaction of renal functions and hemodynamic homeostasis by the method of correlation adaptometry in groups of victims after closed kidney injury with different areas of organ damage.

The study involved 114 patients with isolated comotional kidney injury Grade I-III, with the involvement of the 1st organ segment - 30 (26.0%), 2 segments - 26 (22.8%), 3 segments - 58 (51.2%). A radionuclide study was performed, the parameters of hemodynamic homeostasis were determined, and the functional stress index (IFN) was calculated. The assessment of the contingency of the analyzed parameters was carried out on the basis of correlation analysis, and the degree of connectivity of the parameters was estimated using the correlation graph.

It was found that with an increase in the number of damaged segments of the kidney, the main physiological parameters of the organ regress together with an increase in functional deficit.

Autoři článku: Lohseneergaard0139 (William Gallagher)