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p because many CHDs will become inoperable or even if operated will leave some or other cardiac dysfunction beyond adolescence.

Cardiac toxicity following snakebite envenomation has been previously observed, but not studied in detail, especially the involvement in neurotoxic bites. This prospective observational case study evaluates the incidence of cardiac toxicity along with the difference between vasculotoxic and neurotoxic bites and analysing the predictors for development of cardiotoxicity.

96 patients who had snake bite envenomation were evaluated for features of cardiotoxicity with clinical features, ECG, echocardiogram and troponin-I levels.

Cardiac toxicity was observed in 42.7% of patients, the majority were either ECG changes, noted in 34.3% and rise in troponin-I, noted in 21.9% of patients. Other changes included echocardiographic changes in 4.2%, and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy in 1%. There was no significant difference in the incidence of cardiotoxicity between the neurotoxic (41.7%) and vasculotoxic (42.9%) (p value =1) snake bites, even though the predominant changes seen in neurotoxic snake bites were ECG changes. There were no deaths in the current study. None of the demographic or clinical parameters studied could predict the development of cardiac events.

Cardiac toxicity is a well defined complication of poisonous snake bite and incidence is more frequent than previously thought. Both vasculotoxic and neurotoxic snake bites are associated with cardiac toxicity and is not associated with increase in mortality.

Cardiac toxicity is a well defined complication of poisonous snake bite and incidence is more frequent than previously thought. Both vasculotoxic and neurotoxic snake bites are associated with cardiac toxicity and is not associated with increase in mortality.

India has the highest number of TB (27%) and MDR/RR-TB (24%) cases among the notified TB patients. Xpert MTB/ RIF assay is a fully automated cartridge-based real-time PCR to detect MTB and resistance to rifampicin within two hours using three specific primers and five unique molecular probes to target the rpoB gene. This study was done to detect RR-TB cases and frequency of missing probes, which target mutations in rpoB gene, in the different groups of study population in Sirmaur district of Himachal Pradesh.

All, pulmonary and extrapulmonary specimens, were processed for AFB microscopy and Xpert MTB/RIF assay to diagnose TB and RR-TB.

Xpert detected MTBC in 721 patients. Using AFB microscopy, only 284 samples were positive. Of these MTB positive patients, 671 had pulmonary TB and 50 were EPTB cases. Resistance to RIF was detected in 31 (4.29%) cases of which resistance in presumptive tuberculosis group and presumptive drug resistant tuberculosis was 1.51% and 9.30% respectively. Twentyeight (4.17%) PTB cases and three (6%) EP-TB cases were resistant to RIF. The frequency of probe E was highest (77.41%) and mutation combination of probes C and D and E and D was 3.22%.

Drug resistance in the MTBC is mainly conferred through point mutations in specific gene targets in the bacterial genome. Molecular assays like Genexpert gives rapid diagnosis and Rifampicin resistance. This study helps to provide baseline data of mutations with in the 81 bp of rpoB gene and stresses the need to further evaluate the mutation patterns in this part of the country.

Drug resistance in the MTBC is mainly conferred through point mutations in specific gene targets in the bacterial genome. Molecular assays like Genexpert gives rapid diagnosis and Rifampicin resistance. This study helps to provide baseline data of mutations with in the 81 bp of rpoB gene and stresses the need to further evaluate the mutation patterns in this part of the country.

Left Ventricular (LV) function and myocardial viability is the key predictor of prognosis after myocardial infarction. Management of ischemic cardiomyopathy (revascularization and or drugs alone) is the objective of this study.

72 patients were assigned to revascularization and medical management group based on the inclusion criteria Follow up was done upto 12 months with advanced imaging techniques (FDG PET and SPECT MPI analyses).

Subjects with significant viable myocardium, revascularization resulted in significant improvement in heart failure symptoms. The mean NYHA functional class improved from 2.9 ± 0.3 to 2.3 ± 0.5(mean ± SD) after 6 months of revascularization (p < 0.01). This improvement in functional class was maintained after 12 months of revascularization (2.0 ± 0.4 (mean ± SD). Subjects on medical management with a baseline NYHA functional class 2.7 ± 0.5, at 6 months of follow, there was no significant change in functional class (2.8 ± 0.3) (p<0.24). However at 12 months follow up functional class had dropped to 3.0 + 0.3, which was significant as compared to baseline (p <0.03).

coronary revascularization has a protective effect on patients with ischemic coronary who have viable myocardium and reversible myocardial ischemia as assessed by 18F-FDG PET and SPECT MPI Imaging.

coronary revascularization has a protective effect on patients with ischemic coronary who have viable myocardium and reversible myocardial ischemia as assessed by 18F-FDG PET and SPECT MPI Imaging.

Dengue fever is the most common viral communicable disease caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito. Worldwide about 3.9 billion people are at the risk of this infection.

This prospective study was done in patients of dengue fever admitted in a service hospital in the coastal area of southern India from 01 Jan 2018 to 31 Dec 2018.

751 patients of confirmed dengue patients were admitted with 555 (73.9%) males and 196 (26.1%) females. The mean age was 30.6 (SD± 10.48) years, mean day of admission after the onset of illness was 3.4 days (SD±2.76). The most common presentation was fever (99.33%) followed by myalgia (77.62%), headache (67.24%), vomiting (35.41%), nausea (26.76%) and fatigue (9.05%). Eprosartan Angiotensin Receptor antagonist Bleeding diathesis was evident in 97patients (12.91%). 306 (40.75%) patients presented with warning signs. The mean duration of hospitalization was 5.73 (SD± 2.75) days. Four patients died due to severe dengue (mortality rate-0.53%).

Intense monitoring, early detection, and management of complications can prevent mortality in dengue.

Intense monitoring, early detection, and management of complications can prevent mortality in dengue.Viruses have been shown to modify the clinical picture of several autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Viral infections have also been considered as a possible trigger for autoimmune disorders like myositis through myositis specific antibodies. Dermatomyositis is an acquired inflammatory myopathy which is relatively rare with incidence of 9.3 per 1 million persons. Usually we come across 1-2 patients of dermatomyositis per year, amongst 800-1000 new patients in our tertiary care rheumatology services. A surge in the incidence was noted this year during the months of April-August of 2020, the period coinciding with the occurrence of corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic in the city of Mumbai, the total number of cases encountered being five in a span of six months. The following case series includes five such cases with review of available literature on virus-triggered autoimmunity with special reference to SARS-CoV-2 and the challenges of immunosuppression during this pandemic.

Seroprevalence studies for COVID-19 evaluate the extent of undetected transmission in a defined community, with special significance among health care workers (HCW) owing to their greater exposure and potential to transmit.

A total of 1122 HCW (approximately 25% of the employees) of a large tertiary care hospital in India were recruited for this cross-sectional study. COVID PCR-positive HCW were excluded. Based on their risk-assessment, participants were grouped into three categories. A questionnaire was administered and they were tested for SARS-CoV-2-IgG antibodies using the chemiluminescence.

The overall seroprevalence among workers was 11.94%, which included 19.85% in COVID units, 11.09% in non-COVID units, and 8% in administrative workers (p=0.007). Antibody prevalence was highest in the department of gastroenterology (11.94%), followed by oncology (10.53%), pathology (10.26%), emergency medicine (7.84%) and critical care medicine (7%). Housekeeping staff, food and beverage staff, lab assistants and technicians had higher seroprevalence rate than doctors and nurses (p < 0.0001). HCW with a history of BCG vaccination in childhood and those who received an adequate prophylactic dose of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) had a lower seroprevalence as compared to those who did not (7.31% vs. 16.8% and 1.30% vs. 11.25% respectively).

BCG vaccination, HCQ prophylaxis, and the job profile influence the seroprevalence rate in HCW. Seroprevalence rate and follow-up evaluation of its durability may help hospitals to triage their staff at risk, rationalize their placement, prioritize the use of PPE, thereby potentially reducing the risk.

BCG vaccination, HCQ prophylaxis, and the job profile influence the seroprevalence rate in HCW. Seroprevalence rate and follow-up evaluation of its durability may help hospitals to triage their staff at risk, rationalize their placement, prioritize the use of PPE, thereby potentially reducing the risk.Low concentrations of CO2 cause stomatal opening, whereas [CO2 ] elevation leads to stomatal closure. Classical studies have suggested a role for Ca2+ and protein phosphorylation in CO2 -induced stomatal closing. Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) and calcineurin-B-like proteins (CBLs) can sense and translate cytosolic elevation of the second messenger Ca2+ into specific phosphorylation events. However, Ca2+ -binding proteins that function in the stomatal CO2 response remain unknown. Time-resolved stomatal conductance measurements using intact plants, and guard cell patch-clamp experiments were performed. We isolated cpk quintuple mutants and analyzed stomatal movements in response to CO2 , light and abscisic acid (ABA). Interestingly, we found that cpk3/5/6/11/23 quintuple mutant plants, but not other analyzed cpk quadruple/quintuple mutants, were defective in high CO2 -induced stomatal closure and, unexpectedly, also in low CO2 -induced stomatal opening. Furthermore, K+ -uptake-channel activities were reduced in cpk3/5/6/11/23 quintuple mutants, in correlation with the stomatal opening phenotype. However, light-mediated stomatal opening remained unaffected, and ABA responses showed slowing in some experiments. By contrast, CO2 -regulated stomatal movement kinetics were not clearly affected in plasma membrane-targeted cbl1/4/5/8/9 quintuple mutant plants. Our findings describe combinatorial cpk mutants that function in CO2 control of stomatal movements and support the results of classical studies showing a role for Ca2+ in this response.

To demonstrate that delayed cord clamping (DCC) is safe in mothers with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Prospective observational study involving epidemiological information from 403 pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 between 1 March and 31 May 2020. Data were collected from 70 centres that participate in the Spanish Registry of COVID-19.

Patients' information was collected from their medical chart.

The rate of perinatal transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and development of the infection in neonates within 14days postpartum.

The early cord clamping (ECC) group consisted of 231 infants (57.3%) and the DCC group consisted of 172 infants (42.7%). Five positive newborns (1.7% of total tests performed) were identified with the nasopharyngeal PCR tests performed in the first 12hours postpartum, two from the ECC group (1.7%) and three from the DCC group (3.6%). No significant differences between groups were found regarding neonatal tests for SARS-CoV-2. No confirmed cases of vertical transmission were detected. The percentage of mothers who made skin-to-skin contact within the first 24hours after delivery was significantly higher in the DCC group (84.

Autoři článku: Lohmannthrane1712 (Nicholson Clarke)