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Benefits of TLH have already been widely demonstrated in literature. It's a real opportunity that young specialists become confident with this innovative "FHT" that allow them to be surgeon first assistant. They can learn faster real intraoperative stereotaxis and surgical steps sequence, familiarizing with the anatomy of retroperitoneal space.

Benefits of TLH have already been widely demonstrated in literature. It's a real opportunity that young specialists become confident with this innovative "FHT" that allow them to be surgeon first assistant. They can learn faster real intraoperative stereotaxis and surgical steps sequence, familiarizing with the anatomy of retroperitoneal space.

Infertile women carrying ovarian endometriomas can be managed either with surgery or by in vitro fertilization (IVF). The objective of this study is to compare ovarian responsiveness to controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) in assisted reproduction techniques (ART) in infertile women carrying small intact endometriomas and those managed by endometrioma cystectomy or CO2 fiber laser ablation.

Retrospective case-control study of prospectively collected data including women underwent ART for endometriosis-related infertility. The study group consisted of infertile women undergoing endometriomas CO2 fiber laser vaporization before ART ('ART after laser CO2' group). Controls were infertile women with endometrioma managed by cystectomy before ART ('ART after cystectomy' group) and infertile women with small endometriomas undergoing ART as first approach ('ART only' group).

Of the 86 included patients, 27 (31.4%) belonged to 'ART after laser CO2' group, 37 (43%) to 'ART after cystectomy' group and 22 (25.6%) to 'ART only' group. Surgical groups had larger endometriomas than patients referred to 'ART only' group. No between-groups differences were observed in terms of COS protocol, gonadotropins starting and total doses and length of COS. While women belonged to 'ART after cystectomy' group had fewer recruited follicles (p = .014), oocytes (p = .042), MII oocytes (p = .042) and formed embryos (p = .004) compared to women of 'ART only' group, no significant differences were found between patients of 'ART only' group 'ART after laser CO2' group. A greater number of good-quality embryos were observed in surgical groups. No between-groups differences were found in clinical pregnancy rates.

Our results demonstrate encouraging findings on IVF/ICSI outcomes after laser CO2 endometrioma ablation in terms of both quantity and quality of developed embryos.

Our results demonstrate encouraging findings on IVF/ICSI outcomes after laser CO2 endometrioma ablation in terms of both quantity and quality of developed embryos.Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) is used as a frequent add-on for in vitro fertilization (IVF) to improve clinical outcomes. The purpose is to select a euploid embryo following chromosomal testing on embryo biopsies. The current practice includes comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS) technology applied on trophectoderm (TE) biopsies. Despite its widespread use, PGT-A remains a controversial topic mainly because all of the RCTs comprised only good prognosis patients with 2 or more blastocysts available; hence the results are not generalizable to all groups of patients. Furthermore, with the introduction of the highly-sensitive platforms into clinical practice (i.e. next-generation sequencing - NGS), a result consistent with intermediate copy number surfaced and is termed "Mosaic", consistent with a mixture of euploid and aneuploid cells within the biopsy sample. The optimal disposition and management of embryos with mosaic results is still an open question, as many 'mosaics' generated healthy live births with no identifiable congenial anomalies. The present article provides a complete and comprehensive up-to-date review on PGT-A. It discusses in details the findings of all the published RCTs on PGT-A with CCS, comments on the subject of "mosaicism" and its current management, and describes the latest technique of non-invasive PGT-A.Estrogen dependence and progesterone resistance play a crucial role in the origin and development of endometriosis. Therefore, hormonal therapies are currently the most effective treatment. Progestins are considered the first-line approach, especially for a long-term management. Progestins are synthetic compounds that mimic the effects of progesterone by binding progesterone receptors. Continuous use of progestins leads to the suppression of ovarian steroidogenesis with anovulation and low serum levels of ovarian steroids, causing endometrial pseudodecidualisation. Moreover, they act by interfering on several endometriosis pathogenetic pathways, decreasing inflammation, provoking apoptosis in endometriotic cells, stimulating atrophy or regression of endometrial lesions, inhibiting angiogenesis, and decreasing expression of metalloproteinases, thus diminishing the invasiveness of endometriotic implants. Progestins are effective for pain relief and improvement of the quality of life (QoL). The side effects are limited, and the compounds are available in different formulations and routes of administration and represent, in most cases, an inexpensive treatment option. Dienogest, Medroxyprogesterone acetate and Norethisterone acetate are the labeled progestins for endometriosis, but other progestins, such as Dyhidrogesterone, Levonorgestrel and Desogestrel, have been shown to be effective in the treatment of endometriosis-associated pain. The present review aims to describe the available and emerging evidences on progestins used for the treatment of endometriosis.SARS-CoV-2 disease mechanisms are not yet fully understood, especially in cases affecting pregnant women. In fact, although they suffer from the same symptoms as non-pregnant women, they are more susceptible to adverse outcomes of COVID-19 as well as pregnancy complications leading to stillbirth, premature rupture of membrane, or intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD). The consequences on pregnancy are not clearly correlated with the severity of the infection. We present a case of fetal death in a 30-year-old woman with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection without any other significant clinical or obstetric disorders. A histopathological examination of the placenta indicated massive and diffuse intervillar fibrinoid deposits associated with chronic histiocytic intervillositis that can be associated with SARS-CoV-2 placentitis. Given the high rates of SARS-CoV-2 infections in pregnancy, it is important to understand the factors that determine negative pregnancy outcomes, regardless of the severity of the patient's symptoms.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) affects 5-20 % of females and is the most common cause of anovulatory infertility. Leptin seems to have an important role in reproduction. Many reproductive pathologies such as preeclampsia, PCOS, and endometriosis are associated to plasma adiponectin levels. Kisspeptin levels are increased in PCOS women.

A review of the literature was completed through the PubMed database aiming to find articles regarding leptin, adiponectin and kisspeptin and if they are related to PCOS pathogenesis.

Even today it is not clear what is the role of leptin in women with PCOS, although most of the researchers found increased levels of leptin as well as leptin resistance in PCOS (both obese and lean individuals). Many more longitudinal studies should be done to vdiscover the usefulness of measuring adiponectin in prepubertal women who apparently have a possibility to develop PCOS to find out if they finally develop PCOS. Most of the researchers found that PCOS women have decreased levels of adiponectin unrelated to BMI levels. Nevertheless, not all studies had the same result. Moreover, it is necessary more studies to be made to investigate the connection between kisspeptin and other metabolic factors such as LH and insulin resistance.

In general, it remains inconclusive whether leptin, adiponectin, and kisspeptin can be used as clinical and/or biochemical markers of PCOS. Therefore, it is essential to review the current data with regards to the association between PCOS and circulating leptin, adiponectin, and kisspeptin in women with PCOS.

In general, it remains inconclusive whether leptin, adiponectin, and kisspeptin can be used as clinical and/or biochemical markers of PCOS. Therefore, it is essential to review the current data with regards to the association between PCOS and circulating leptin, adiponectin, and kisspeptin in women with PCOS.Glutaric aciduria type II (GA II) is a genetic disorder that interferes with the body's ability to break down proteins and fats in order to produce energy. Signs and symptoms vary greatly depending on the age of onset and severity of the condition. Pregnancy may be a high risk period in women affected by metabolic disorders, because the mother has to guarantee wellness for both her and fetus. A 37-years-old primigravida woman affected by a mild form of GA II presented to our high risk department. During pregnancy a dietician strictly controlled her diet and nutritional intake. The fetal growth was regular but around the 38th week a polyhydramnios was diagnosed. A modification in carbohydrate intake led to a normal amniotic fluid. Considering the high risk of metabolic decompensation during labor, an elective cesarean section was programmed. The rare disease geneticist gave some indications to follow before, during and after delivery to reduce the risk for the mother. No complications occurred and the patient with her baby was discharged on the third postoperative day. We present a case report and a review of literature. In pregnant women affected by GA II periodical nutritional and obstetrical evaluations are important to monitor maternal condition and fetal growth. Adequate nutrient intake is fundamental to preserve mother and fetus from complications. Elective caesarean section is preferred to reduce metabolic distress during delivery and to avoid the risk of metabolic crisis. Pregnant women with metabolic diseases are increasing, consequently guidelines may be necessary for a better management.Insertion of an LNG-Intra-uterine System (LNG-IUS) has many gynecological indications. The approved indications worldwide are contraception, treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding depending on not organic disease, and endometrial protection in case of an estrogenic therapy. Instead adenomyosis, fibroids, and fertility-sparing management of endometrial hyperplasia or early endometrial cancer in patients with desire of pregnancy are off label indications. Hydroureteronephrosis is an uncommon complication during LNG-Intra-uterine System (LNGIUS) insertion. selleck chemicals llc There are few cases described in the literature. The first diagnostic approach for this complication is an abdominal-pelvic ultrasound scan to identify the abnormal position of the device. Diagnostic management includes computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which are necessary to confirm hydroureteronephrosis and to assess the exact location of the LNG-Intra-uterine System (LNG-IUS) in the abdomen. A minimally invasive approach is the standard of care with the removal of the device, while the therapeutic management of the hydroureteronephrosis depends on ureteral and kidney involvement.

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