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The geometric burning law of gun propellants is widely used in computer codes used for the simulations of the internal ballistics of guns. However, the results of closed vessel tests prove that the burning process of some propellants deviates from the geometric law. Validation of the hypothesis that observed deviations can be attributed to the cracking of propellant grains was the aim of this work. In order to verify the hypothesis, three types of gun propellants were chosen with considerably differing mechanical strengths a single-base propellant, a double-base propellant, and a composite propellant. The mechanical properties of the gun propellants were tested using a quasi-static compression method with strain rate values of the order of 0.001 s-1 and the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar technique with the strain rate in the range of 1000-6000 s-1. The mechanical responses of the propellants were assessed on the basis of the true stress-strain curves obtained and from the point of view of the occurrence of cracks in the propellant grains specimens. Moreover, closed vessel tests were performed to determine experimental shape functions for the considered gun propellants. Juxtaposition of the stress‒strain curves with the experimental shape functions proved that the observed deviations from the geometrical burning law can be attributed mainly to the cracking of propellant grains. The results obtained showed that the rheological properties of propellants are important not only from the point of view of logistical issues but also for the properly controlled burning process of propellants during the shot.The global burden of cancer is growing and a wide disparity in the incidence, malignancy and mortality of different types of cancer between each sex has been demonstrated. The sex specificity of cancer appears to be a relevant issue in the management of the disease, and studies investigating the role of sex and gender are becoming extremely urgent. Sex hormones are presumably the leading actors of sex differences in cancer, especially estrogens. They modulate gene expression, alter molecules and generate disparities in effectiveness and side effects of anticancer therapies. Recently immunotherapy aims to improve anticancer treatment strategies reducing off-target effects of chemotherapy and direct cancer cells killing. It is recognized as a fruitful strategy to treat and possible to cure cancer. Immunotherapeutic agents are used to activate or boost the activation of the immune system to fight cancer cells through physiological mechanisms often evaded in the offensive march of the disease. These therapeutic strategies have allowed new successes, but also have serious adverse effects including non-specific inflammation and autoimmunity. Sex and gender issues are of primary importance in this field, due to their recognized role in inflammation, immunity and cancer, and the clarification and understanding of these aspects is a necessary step to increase the responses and to diminish the adverse effects of immunotherapy. This review describes the available knowledge on the role of sex and gender in cancer immunotherapy, and will offer insights to stimulate the attention and practice of clinicians and researchers in a gender perspective of new cancer treatment strategies.Advanced age or preexisting comorbidities have been characterized as risk factors for severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases requiring hospitalization and intensive care. In recent years, clonal hematopoiesis (CH) of indeterminate potential (CHIP) has emerged as a risk factor for chronic inflammatory background and subsequent aging-associated diseases. The purpose of this study was to identify biological factors (particularly leukocyte subtypes and inflammatory markers) associated with a risk of clinical deterioration (i.e., orotracheal intubation (OTI)) and to determine whether CH was likely to influence clinical and biological behavior in patients with severe COVID-19 requiring hospitalization. Here, we describe clinical and biological features, including the screening of CHIP mutants in a well-annotated cohort of 122 hospitalized patients with a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 (55% requiring OTI). We showed that elevated white blood cell counts, especially neutrophils and high C-reactive protein (CRP) levels at admission, were associated with an increased requirement of OTI. We noticed a high prevalence of CH (25%, 38%, 56%, and 82% of patients aged 80 years) compared to a retrospective cohort of patients free of hematological malignancy explored with the same pipelines (10%, 21%, 37%, and 44%). However, the existence of CH did not significantly impact clinical outcome, including OTI or death, and did not correlate with other laboratory findings.The present investigation aims to evaluate the impacts of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the water parameters and physiological behaviors of an aquatic plant (Azolla sp.). The experiment used three groups treatment with organic or inorganic fertilizer and a group with no fertilization as a control. Azolla sp. were grown in cement ponds that received different treatments. For water analysis, the obtained results clarified that fertilization resulted in no variation in the temperature or total hardness among different treatments. Organic fertilizer increased the dissolved phosphorus content, total hardness, and bicarbonate alkalinity, as well as the total phosphorus content, whereas inorganic treatment increased the pH, total ammonia content, and total nitrogen content. Regarding the biochemical composition of Azollasp., the chlorophyll content showed no variation among different treatment groups, while organic matter showed high variation among different treatment groups. The highest values for ash and fat content were recorded in control ponds. The highest protein content was found in organic treatment ponds. The addition of fertilizers led to an increase in the tissue contents of N and P compared to the control. This increase was highest when Azolla sp. was fertilized with organic fertilizer. The atomic NP ratio was low in tissues subjected to either treatment compared with the control. The doubling time of Azolla sp. was decreased by fertilization. It is concluded that different fertilizer systems have significant effect on physico-chemical and biological parameters of water. Fertilization positively affects Azolla sp. growth. Organic fertilizer was more efficient for the growth of Azolla sp., so it can be considered as a source of biofertilizer and green manure in areas where it spreads.

Nebulised antibiotics are habitually used in patients with bronchiectasis, but the use of dry powder inhaled antibiotics (DPIA) in these patients is extremely limited. This study seeks to analyse the efficacy and safety of DPIA in bronchiectasis patients.

Multi-centre study of historic cohorts. All the hospital centres in Spain were contacted in order to collect data on patients with a diagnosis of bronchiectasis who had taken at least one dose of DPIA. Its efficacy was analysed in clinical, functional and microbiological terms by comparing the year before and the year after the prescription of DPIA. Adverse effects and variables associated with these effects, or any need to withdraw the drug, were also analysed.

164 patients from 33 Spanish centres were included; 86% and 14% of these were treated with dry powder colistin and tobramycin, respectively. Chronic bronchial infection by

was present in 86% of these patients, and DPIA significantly reduced the number of exacerbations, the quantity and purulence of sputum and the isolation of pathogenic microorganisms. The most common adverse effect was cough (40%), particularly in cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and a previous cough and in those patients who had difficulties in handling the device. These factors were associated with a higher level of withdrawal of the treatment. There were no serious adverse effects.

Our study suggests that DPIA are clinically efficacious and safe for treating bronchiectasis patients. Cough was shown to be the most common side-effect and reason for withdrawal of the treatment.

Our study suggests that DPIA are clinically efficacious and safe for treating bronchiectasis patients. Cough was shown to be the most common side-effect and reason for withdrawal of the treatment.The authors wish to make the following corrections to this paper [...].(1) Background Little is known on impacts of ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) treatment on lipid metabolism in children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM). (2) Methods We analyzed glycerophospholipid fatty acids (FA) and polar lipids in plasma of 41 Pakistani children with SAM before and after 3 months of RUTF treatment using gas chromatography and flow-injection analysis tandem mass spectrometry, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using univariate, multivariate tests and evaluated for the impact of age, sex, breastfeeding status, hemoglobin, and anthropometry. (3) Results Essential fatty acid (EFA) depletion at baseline was corrected by RUTF treatment which increased EFA. In addition, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and the ratio of arachidonic acid (AA)/linoleic acid increased reflecting greater EFA conversion to LC-PUFA, whereas Mead acid/AA decreased. Among phospholipids, lysophosphatidylcholines (lyso.PC) were most impacted by treatment; in particular, saturated lyso.PC decreased. Higher child age and breastfeeding were associated with great decrease in total saturated FA (ΣSFA) and lesser decrease in monounsaturated FA and total phosphatidylcholines (ΣPC). Conclusions RUTF treatment improves EFA deficiency in SAM, appears to enhance EFA conversion to biologically active LC-PUFA, and reduces lipolysis reflected in decreased ΣSFA and saturated lyso.PC. Child age and breastfeeding modify treatment-induced changes in ΣSFA and ΣPC.Light around twilight provides the primary entrainment signal for circadian rhythms. Here we review the mechanisms and responses of the mouse and human circadian systems to light. Both utilize a network of photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (pRGCs) expressing the photopigment melanopsin (OPN4). In both species action spectra and functional expression of OPN4 in vitro show that melanopsin has a λmax close to 480 nm. Anatomical findings demonstrate that there are multiple pRGC sub-types, with some evidence in mice, but little in humans, regarding their roles in regulating physiology and behavior. Studies in mice, non-human primates and humans, show that rods and cones project to and can modulate the light responses of pRGCs. Such an integration of signals enables the rods to detect dim light, the cones to detect higher light intensities and the integration of intermittent light exposure, whilst melanopsin measures bright light over extended periods of time. Although photoreceptor mechanisms are similar, sensitivity thresholds differ markedly between mice and humans. Mice can entrain to light at approximately 1 lux for a few minutes, whilst humans require light at high irradiance (>100's lux) and of a long duration (>30 min). The basis for this difference remains unclear. As our retinal light exposure is highly dynamic, and because photoreceptor interactions are complex and difficult to model, attempts to develop evidence-based lighting to enhance human circadian entrainment are very challenging. A way forward will be to define human circadian responses to artificial and natural light in the "real world" where light intensity, duration, spectral quality, time of day, light history and age can each be assessed.Cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death worldwide, is predominantly associated with atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterised by the narrowing of large to medium-sized arteries due to a build-up of plaque. Atherosclerotic plaque is comprised of lipids, extracellular matrix, and several cell types, including endothelial, immune, and vascular smooth muscle cells. Such narrowing of the blood vessels can itself restrict blood flow to vital organs but most severe clinical complications, including heart attacks and strokes, occur when lesions rupture, triggering the blood to clot and obstructing blood flow further down the vascular tree. To circumvent such obstructions, percutaneous coronary intervention or bypass grafts are often required; however, re-occlusion of the treated artery frequently occurs. Neuropilins (NRPs), a multifunctional family of cell surface co-receptors, are expressed by endothelial, immune, and vascular smooth muscle cells and are regulators of numerous signalling pathways within the vasculature. Here, we review recent studies implicating NRP2 in the development of occlusive vascular diseases and discuss how NRP2 could be targeted for therapeutic intervention.The reduction of multipath errors is a significant challenge in the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), especially when receiving non-line-of-sight (NLOS) signals. However, selecting line-of-sight (LOS) satellites correctly is still a difficult task in dense urban areas, even with the latest GNSS receivers. This study demonstrates a new method of utilization of C/N0 of the GNSS to detect NLOS signals. The elevation-dependent threshold of the C/N0 setting may be effective in mitigating multipath errors. However, the C/N0 fluctuation affected by NLOS signals is quite large. If the C/N0 is over the threshold, the satellite is used for positioning even if it is still affected by the NLOS signal, which causes the positioning error to jump easily. To overcome this issue, we focused on the value of continuous time-series C/N0 for a certain period. If the C/N0 of the satellite was less than the determined threshold, the satellite was not used for positioning for a certain period, even if the C/N0 recovered over the threshold. Three static tests were conducted at challenging locations near high-rise buildings in Tokyo. The results proved that our method could substantially mitigate multipath errors in differential GNSS by appropriately removing the NLOS signals. Therefore, the performance of real-time kinematic GNSS was significantly improved.The global trade of honey bee hive products has raised concern about pathogen transmission. However, the efficacy of hive products as virus vehicles is poorly understood. Here, we investigated the transmission capacity of hive products for Deformed wing virus genotype A (DWV-A) in a fully-crossed hoarding cage experiment and estimated the transmission risk by screening commercial products. Western honey bee workers were provided with honey, pollen and wax either contaminated with high (~2 × 109), medium (~1.7 × 108), low (~8 × 106) or zero (control) DWV-A genome copies. For 10 days, mortality was monitored. Then, virus titers were quantified in bee heads and 38 commercial products using RT-qPCR. For honey and pollen, a positive association between DWV-A concentration and mortality was observed. High concentrations always resulted in infections, medium ones in 47% of cases and low ones in 20% of cases. No significant difference was observed between the tested products. In commercial honey and pollen, 7.7 × 102-1.8 × 105 and 1.4 × 103-1.3 × 104 DWV-A copies per gram were found, respectively. The results show that DWV-A transmission via hive products is feasible. The risk of introducing novel viruses and/or strains should be considered in trade regulations by including virus analyses for health certificates of hive products.Several rare neurodegenerative diseases, including chorea acanthocytosis, are caused by mutations in the VPS13A-D genes. Only symptomatic treatments for these diseases are available. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a unique VPS13 gene and the yeast vps13Δ mutant has been proven as a suitable model for drug tests. A library of drugs and an in-house library of natural compounds and their derivatives were screened for molecules preventing the growth defect of vps13Δ cells on medium with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Seven polyphenols, including the iron-binding flavone luteolin, were identified. The structure-activity relationship and molecular mechanisms underlying the action of luteolin were characterized. The FET4 gene, which encodes an iron transporter, was found to be a multicopy suppressor of vps13Δ, pointing out the importance of iron in response to SDS stress. The growth defect of vps13Δ in SDS-supplemented medium was also alleviated by the addition of iron salts. Suppression did not involve cell antioxidant responses, as chemical antioxidants were not active. Our findings support that luteolin and iron may target the same cellular process, possibly the synthesis of sphingolipids. Unveiling the mechanisms of action of chemical and genetic suppressors of vps13Δ may help to better understand VPS13A-D-dependent pathogenesis and to develop novel therapeutic strategies.Halal is an Arabic term used to describe any components allowed to be used in any products by Muslim communities. Halal food and halal pharmaceuticals are any food and pharmaceuticals which are safe and allowed to be consumed according to Islamic law (Shariah). Currently, in line with halal awareness, some Muslim countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Middle East regions have developed some standards and regulations on halal products and halal certification. Among non-halal components, the presence of pig derivatives (lard, pork, and porcine gelatin) along with other non-halal meats (rat meat, wild boar meat, and dog meat) is typically found in food and pharmaceutical products. This review updates the recent application of molecular spectroscopy, including ultraviolet-visible, infrared, Raman, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopies, in combination with chemometrics of multivariate analysis, for analysis of non-halal components in food and pharmaceutical products. The combination of molecular spectroscopic-based techniques and chemometrics offers fast and reliable methods for screening the presence of non-halal components of pig derivatives and non-halal meats in food and pharmaceutical products.Introduction Parenteral nutrition (PN) education in pharmacy schools and postgraduate programs may not sufficiently prepare future pharmacists for clinical practice. Limited data exist regarding innovative teaching strategies in the area of PN. The purpose of this study was to identify students' perceptions of a simulated PN activity in a pharmacotherapeutics course. Methods Second-year Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) students from two cohorts (N = 84 for both cohorts) completed a PN assignment using simulated PN materials, which resembled those seen in clinical practice. Before and after the activity, students completed identical surveys about their perceived competence and interest in PN, which were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Results Following the simulation, the percentage of students affirming their perceived competence (selecting strongly agree or agree in the survey) in their ability to describe the process of combining ingredients to make a PN admixture (45.2% vs. 83.3%, p less then 0.001) and calculate PN-related problems (58.3% vs. 83.3%, p less then 0.001) improved. The proportion of students expressing interest in PN increased after the simulation (78.6% vs. 86.9%, p less then 0.001). Conclusion A simulated practicum experience in PN was viewed positively by PharmD students at this university, and may be a valuable active learning experience to incorporate in a PharmD curriculum.Blueberry (BB) and cherry pomace were investigated as new biosorbents for aflatoxins (AFs) sequestration from buffered solutions, gastrointestinal fluids and model wine. Among the tested biosorbents, BB exhibited the maximum adsorption performance for AFs and hence was further selected for the optimization of experimental parameters like pH, dosage, time and initial concentration of AFs. Material characterizations via scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, N2 adsorption-desorption isothermal studies, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS) techniques revealed useful information about the texture and chemical composition of the biosorbents. The fitting of isothermal data with different models showed the model suitability trend as Sips model > Langmuir model > Freundlich model, where the theoretical maximum adsorption capacity calculated from the Sips model was 4.6, 2.9, 2.7 and 2.4 mg/g for AFB1, AFB2, AFG1 and AFG2, respectively. Kinetics study revealed the fast AFs uptake by BB (50-90 min) while thermodynamics studies suggested the exothermic nature of the AFs adsorption from both, single as well as multi-toxin buffer systems, gastrointestinal fluids and model wine. Accrediting to the fast and efficient adsorption performance, green and facile fabrication approach and cost-effectiveness, the newly designed BB pomace can be counted as a promising contender for the sequestration of AFs and other organic pollutants.Breast Cancer 1 (BRCA1) gene is a well-characterized tumor suppressor gene, mutations of which are primarily found in women with breast and ovarian cancers. BRCA1-associated RING domain 1 (BARD1) gene has also been identified as an important tumor suppressor gene in breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers. Underscoring the functional significance of the BRCA1 and BARD1 interactions, prevalent mutations in the BRCA1 gene are found in its RING domain, through which it binds the RING domain of BARD1. BARD1-BRCA1 heterodimer plays a crucial role in a variety of DNA damage response (DDR) pathways, including DNA damage checkpoint and homologous recombination (HR). However, many mutations in both BARD1 and BRCA1 also exist in other domains that significantly affect their biological functions. Intriguingly, recent genome-wide studies have identified various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), genetic alterations, and epigenetic modifications in or near the BARD1 gene that manifested profound effects on tumorigenesis in a variety of non-breast and non-gynecological cancers. In this review, we will briefly discuss the molecular functions of BARD1, including its BRCA1-dependent as well as BRCA1-independent functions. We will then focus on evaluating the common BARD1 related SNPs as well as genetic and epigenetic changes that occur in the non-BRCA1-dominant cancers, including neuroblastoma, lung, and gastrointestinal cancers. Furthermore, the pro- and anti-tumorigenic functions of different SNPs and BARD1 variants will also be discussed.Endemic to West Africa and South America, mammalian arenaviruses can cross the species barrier from their natural rodent hosts to humans, resulting in illnesses ranging from mild flu-like syndromes to severe and fatal haemorrhagic zoonoses. The increased frequency of outbreaks and associated high fatality rates of the most prevalent arenavirus, Lassa, in West African countries, highlights the significant risk to public health and to the socio-economic development of affected countries. The devastating impact of these viruses is further exacerbated by the lack of approved vaccines and effective treatments. Differential immune responses to arenavirus infections that can lead to either clearance or rapid, widespread and uncontrolled viral dissemination are modulated by the arenavirus multifunctional proteins, NP and Z. These two proteins control the antiviral response to infection by targeting multiple cellular pathways; and thus, represent attractive targets for antiviral development to counteract infection. The interplay between the host immune responses and viral replication is a key determinant of virus pathogenicity and disease outcome. In this review, we examine the current understanding of host immune defenses against arenavirus infections and summarise the host protein interactions of NP and Z and the mechanisms that govern immune evasion strategies.Recently, there has been an increase in the number of food poisoning cases associated with histamine in food, mainly in relation to histamine in fish. Here, we investigated methods to decrease histamine levels in Japanese pilchard, Japanese horse mackerel, and chub Mackerel, stored at 10 °C using various concentrations of heated scallop bioshell calcium oxide (BiSCaO) suspension, dispersion (BiSCaO + Na2HPO4), colloidal dispersion (BiSCaO + NapolyPO4), scallop shell powder (SSP) Ca(OH)2 in pure water (PW) or saline, and BiSCaO water. BiSCaO in a high alkaline pH solution chemically decomposes histamine poorly, but the partial flocculation/precipitation of histamine was observed with 1 and 0.2 wt.% BiSCaO dispersion and BiSCaO colloidal dispersion, respectively. Cleaning fish samples with BiSCaO suspension, dispersion, colloidal dispersion, or BiSCaO water remarkably reduced histamine levels and normal bacterial flora (coliform bacteria (CF) and total viable bacterial cells (TC)) after storage for four days at 10 °C, while much higher histamine levels were observed after cleaning with saline. These results suggest that cleaning fish with BiSCaO dispersion, colloidal dispersion, or BiSCaO water can significantly reduce histamine levels through their bactericidal activity against histamine-producing bacteria.Kombucha is a traditional low-alcoholic beverage made from sugared tea and transformed by a complex microbial consortium including yeasts and acetic acid bacteria (AAB). To study the microbial interactions and their impact on the chemical composition of the beverage, an experimental design with nine couples associating one yeast strain and one AAB strain isolated from original black tea kombucha was set up. Three yeast strains belonging to the genera Brettanomyces, Hanseniaspora, and Saccharomyces and three strains of Acetobacter and Komagataeibacter species were chosen. Monocultures in sugared tea were analyzed to determine their individual microbial behaviors. Then, cultivation of the original kombucha consortium and cocultures in sugared tea were compared to determine the interactive microbial effects during successive phases in open and closed incubation conditions. The results highlight the main impact of yeast metabolism on the product's chemical composition and the secondary impact of bacterial species on the composition in organic acids. The uncovered microbial interactions can be explained by different strategies for the utilization of sucrose. Yeasts and AAB unable to perform efficient sucrose hydrolysis rely on yeasts with high invertase activity to access released monosaccharides. Moreover, the presence of AAB rerouted the metabolism of Saccharomycescerevisiae towards higher invertase and fermentative activities.The current management of alperujo as the main solid by-product from the two-phase olive oil extraction system has led to the appearance of a new liquid effluent that until now was treated together with the alperujo itself. The composition and antioxidant properties of its bioactive components at different depths of the pond were studied using colorimetric and HPLC with UV and MS detectors, DPPH, reducing power and rancimat. The concentration of suspended solids varied between 1.71 and 8.49 g/L, total fat was between 0.74 and 1.47 g/L, and total phenols were found between 3.74 and 4.11 g/L, which included hydroxytyrosol, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylglycol and tyrosol as the main phenols. Two types of extracts were obtained through two industrial systems with ethyl acetate and by chromotography, with an average content in total sugars of 2.1% and 3.16%, total phenols of 17.9% and 28.6% and hydroxytyrosol of 51.5 and 79.0 mg/g of extract, respectively. The activity presented by the chromatographic extract was higher in terms of free radical sequestering capacity, reducing power and the inhibition of lipid oxidation. Obtaining bioactive extracts would improve the formulation of food with natural components and at the same time would be the first step in a biorefinery to improve the management of the new effluent.Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive skin cancer frequently caused by the Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV). It is still under discussion, in which cells viral integration and MCC development occurs. Recently, we demonstrated that a virus-positive MCC derived from a trichoblastoma, an epithelial neoplasia bearing Merkel cell (MC) differentiation potential. Accordingly, we hypothesized that MC progenitors may represent an origin of MCPyV-positive MCC. To sustain this hypothesis, phenotypic comparison of trichoblastomas and physiologic human MC progenitors was conducted revealing GLI family zinc finger 1 (GLI1), Keratin 17 (KRT 17), and SRY-box transcription factor 9 (SOX9) expressions in both subsets. Furthermore, GLI1 expression in keratinocytes induced transcription of the MC marker SOX2 supporting a role of GLI1 in human MC differentiation. To assess a possible contribution of the MCPyV T antigens (TA) to the development of an MC-like phenotype, human keratinocytes were transduced with TA. While this led only to induction of KRT8, an early MC marker, combined GLI1 and TA expression gave rise to a more advanced MC phenotype with SOX2, KRT8, and KRT20 expression. Finally, we demonstrated MCPyV-large T antigens' capacity to inhibit the degradation of the MC master regulator Atonal bHLH transcription factor 1 (ATOH1). In conclusion, our report suggests that MCPyV TA contribute to the acquisition of an MC-like phenotype in epithelial cells.Kiwifruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and other bioactive compounds, which contribute to its high antioxidant activity. However, the fruits with small size and low weight are considered waste and are unprofitable; therefore, the production of healthy kiwifruit-based dried snacks, which contain a lot of health-beneficial ingredients, could be a viable alternative for their use. The aim of this study was to develop formulations and methods to produce attractive and nutritionally valuable dried snacks based on yellow kiwifruit. Three different puree formulations (kiwifruit; fennel; and strawberry, lemon, or spinach) with or without addition of sugar were subjected to two drying methods freeze-drying (fruit bars) and conventional hot air drying (fruit leathers). The obtained products were analysed for their content of total polyphenols (TPs), flavonoids, and vitamin C, as well as their antioxidant activity. The results showed that snacks prepared by freeze-drying (fruit bars) presented higher TP, vitamin C, and flavonoids content than those prepared by convective drying; however, the antioxidant activity did not always follow this trend. The amount of bioactive compounds depended on the formulation used for the preparation of snacks. The effect of the sugar addition seems to be strictly related to the mix used and specific bioactive compound investigated.The Cucumber aphid (Myzus persicae), a destructive cucumber aphid usually managed by chemical pesticides, is responsible for enormous annual agricultural losses. A protein elicitor, PeBL1, was investigated in the present work for its ability to induce a defense response against M. persicae in cucumber. The rates of population growth (Intrinsic rate of increase) of M. persicae (second and third generations) decreased with PeBL1-treated cucumber seedlings as compared to positive (water) and negative 70.58 μg mL-1 controls (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). In an assay on host selection, M. persicae had a preference for colonizing control plants as compared to the PeBL1-treated cucumber seedlings. The nymphal development time of the aphid was extended with the PeBL1-treated cucumber seedlings. Likewise, fecundity was reduced, with less offspring produced in the PeBL1-treated cucumber seedlings as compared to the positive (water) and negative 70.58 μg mL-1 controls (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0). The cucumber leaves treated with PeBL1 had a hazardous surface environment for M. persicae, caused by trichomes and wax formation. Jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), and ethylene (ET) levels were significantly higher, exhibiting significant accumulation in the PeBL1-treated cucumber seedlings. The following results showed that PeBL1 considerably altered the height of the cucumber plant and the surface structure of the leaves to minimize M. persicae reproduction, and it prevented colonization. Defensive processes also included the activation of pathways (JA, SA, and ET). This study provides evidence of biocontrol for the use of PeBL1 in cucumber defense against M. persicae.Surface active agents (SAAs) are molecules with the capacity to adsorb to solid surfaces and/or fluid interfaces, a property that allows them to act as multifunctional ingredients (e.g., wetting and dispersion agents, emulsifiers, foaming and anti-foaming agents, lubricants, etc.) in a widerange of the consumer products of various industrial sectors (e.g., pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, personal care, detergents, food, etc.). Given their widespread utilization, there is a continuously growing interest to explore their role in consumer products (relevant to promoting human health) and how such information can be utilized in order to synthesize better chemical derivatives. In this review article, weaimed to provide updated information on synthetic and biological (biosurfactants) SAAs and their health-promoting properties (e.g., anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-aging) in an attempt to better define some of the underlying mechanism(s) by which they exert such properties.The biological benefits of using two fractions derived from injectable platelet-rich fibrin (i-PRF) in bone regeneration remain unclear. Thus, the current study examined two fractionation protocols producing yellow i-PRF and red i-PRF on periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs). The i-PRF samples from five donors were harvested from two different levels, with and without a buffy coat layer, to obtain red and yellow i-PRF, respectively. The PDLSCs were isolated and characterized before their experimental use. The culture medium in each assay was loaded with 20% of the conditioned medium containing the factors released from the red and yellow i-PRF. Cell proliferation and cell migration were determined with an MTT and trans-well assay, respectively. Osteogenic differentiation was investigated using alkaline phosphatase and Alizarin red staining. The efficiency of both i-PRFs was statistically compared. We found that the factors released from the red i-PRF had a greater effect on cell proliferation and cell migration. Moreover, the factors released from the yellow i-PRF stimulated PDLSC osteogenic differentiation earlier compared with the red i-PRF. These data suggest that the red i-PRF might be suitable for using in bone regeneration because it induced the mobilization and growth of bone regenerative cells without inducing premature mineralization.For many years, body dissatisfaction was considered a western phenomenon, and was studied mostly in Caucasian women. Recent studies, however, suggest that these issues are also present in men and in other ethnic groups. This research investigated the differential effects of various sociocultural pressures transmitted from the media, one's parents, and one's peers on the drives for thinness and muscularity, and body dissatisfaction among 1125 Korean college students (56% male) using structural equation modeling. The results indicate that, after controlling for body mass index and exercise, media pressures exerted the largest effects on participants' body ideals and, in turn, body dissatisfaction across both genders (β = 0.44, and 0.30, p less then 0.05, for females and males, respectively). This study's results also indicate that there are considerable gender differences in this relationship. Specifically, the results show that parental and media pressure had significant indirect relationships with body dissatisfaction via the drive for thinness among females, while peer and media pressures had significant indirect relationships with body dissatisfaction via the drive for muscularity among males. As body dissatisfaction is known to significantly affect an individual's mental and physical health, future research needs to identify relevant influential factors in this area, as well as the paths they have leading to increased body dissatisfaction.Interdisciplinary approaches are needed to measure the additive or multiplicative impacts of chemical and non-chemical stressors on child development outcomes. The lack of interdisciplinary approaches to environmental health and child development has led to a gap in the development of effective intervention strategies. It is hypothesized that a broader systems approach can support more effective interventions over time. To achieve these goals, detailed study protocols are needed. Researchers in child development typically focus on psychosocial stressors. Less attention is paid to chemical and non-chemical stressors and how the interaction of these stressors may impact child development. This feasibility study aims to bridge the gap between child development and environmental epidemiology research by trialing novel methods of gathering ultrafine particle data with a wearable air sensor, while simultaneously gathering language and noise data with the Language Environment Analysis (LENA) system. Additionally, psychosocial data (e.g., parenting quality, caregiver depression, and household chaos) was gathered from parent reports. Child participants (age 3-4 years) completed cognitive tasks to assess self-regulation and receptive language skills, and provided a biospecimen analyzed for inflammatory biomarkers. Data collection was completed at two time points, roughly corresponding to fall and spring. Twenty-six participants were recruited for baseline data, and 11 participants completed a follow-up session. Preliminary results indicate that it is feasible to gather personal Particulate Matter (PM2.5), language, and noise data, cognitive assessments, and biospecimens from our sample of 3-4-year-old children. While there are obstacles to overcome when working with this age group, future studies can benefit from adapting lessons learned regarding recruitment strategies, study design, and protocol implementation.Reptiles are notable for the extensive genomic diversity and species richness among amniote classes, but there is nevertheless a need for detailed genome-scale studies. Although the monophyletic amniotes have recently been a focus of attention through an increasing number of genome sequencing projects, the abundant repetitive portion of the genome, termed the "repeatome", remains poorly understood across different lineages. Consisting predominantly of transposable elements or mobile and satellite sequences, these repeat elements are considered crucial in causing chromosomal rearrangements that lead to genomic diversity and evolution. Here, we propose major repeat landscapes in representative reptilian species, highlighting their evolutionary dynamics and role in mediating chromosomal rearrangements. Distinct karyotype variability, which is typically a conspicuous feature of reptile genomes, is discussed, with a particular focus on rearrangements correlated with evolutionary reorganization of micro- and macrochromosomes and sex chromosomes. The exceptional karyotype variation and extreme genomic diversity of reptiles are used to test several hypotheses concerning genomic structure, function, and evolution.Polylactic acid (PLA) is one of the most promising biodegradable and recyclable thermoplastic biopolymer derived from renewable feedstock. Nanocellulose reinforced PLA biocomposites have received increasing attention in academic and industrial communities. In the present study, cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) was liberated by combined enzymatic pretreatment and high-pressure homogenization, and then subsequently incorporated into the PLA matrix to synthesize PLA/CNF biocomposite films via solution casting and melt compression. The prepared PLA/CNF biocomposite films were characterized in terms of transparency (UV-Vis spectroscopy), chemical structure (attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared, ATR-FTIR; X-ray powder diffraction, XRD), thermal (thermogravimetric analyzer, TGA; differential scanning calorimetry, DSC), and tensile properties. With 1.0-5.0 wt % additions of CNF to the PLA matrix, noticeable improvements in thermal and physical properties were observed for the resulting PLA/CNF biocomposites. The 2.5 wt % addition of CNF increased the tensile strength by 8.8%. The Tonset (initial degradation temperature) and Tmax (maximum degradation temperature) after adding 5.0 wt % CNF was increased by 20 °C, and 10 °C, respectively in the nitrogen atmosphere. These improvements were attributed to the good dispersibility and improved interfacial interaction of CNF in the PLA matrix.In the present study, data related to the metabolomics of saliva and serum in trained standardbred horses are provided for the first time. Metabolomic analysis allows to analyze all the metabolites within selected biofluids, providing a better understanding of biochemistry modifications related to exercise. On the basis of the current advances observed in metabolomic research on human athletes, we aimed to investigate the metabolites' profile of serum and saliva samples collected from healthy standardbred horses and the relationship with physical exercise. Twelve trained standardbred horses were sampled for blood and saliva before (T0) and immediately after (T1) standardized exercise. Metabolomic analysis of both samples was performed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Forty-six metabolites in serum and 62 metabolites in saliva were detected, including alcohols, amino acids, organic acids, carbohydrates and purine derivatives. Twenty-six and 14 metabolites resulted to be significantly changed between T0 and T1 in serum and saliva, respectively. The findings of 2-hydroxyisobutyrate and 3-hydroxybutyrate in serum and GABA in equine saliva, as well as their modifications following exercise, provide new insights about the physiology of exercise in athletic horses. Glycerol might represent a novel biomarker for fitness evaluation in sport horses.Starting from isoniazid and carboxylic acids as precursors, thirteen new hydrazides and 1,3,4-oxadiazoles of 2-(4-substituted-phenoxymethyl)-benzoic acids were synthesized and characterized by appropriate means. Their biological properties were evaluated in terms of apoptosis, cell cycle blocking, and drug metabolism gene expression on HCT-8 and HT-29 cell lines. In vitro antimicrobial tests were performed by the microplate Alamar Blue assay for the anti-mycobacterial activities and an adapted agar disk diffusion technique for other non-tubercular bacterial strains. The best antibacterial activity (anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis effects) was proved by 9. Compounds 7, 8, and 9 determined blocking of G1 phase. Compound 7 proved to be toxic, inducing apoptosis in 54% of cells after 72 h, an effect that can be predicted by the increased expression of mRNA caspases 3 and 7 after 24 h. The influence of compounds on gene expression of enzymes implicated in drug metabolism indicates that synthesized compounds could be metabolized via other pathways than NAT2, spanning adverse effects of isoniazid. Compound 9 had the best antibacterial activity, being used as a disinfectant agent. Compounds 7, 8, and 9, seemed to have antitumor potential. Further studies on the action mechanism of these compounds on the cell cycle may bring new information regarding their biological activity.In this novel conceptual fuel cell vehicle (FCV), an on-board CH4 steam reforming (MSR) membrane reformer (MR) is considered to generate pure H2 for supplying a Fuel Cell (FC) system, as an alternative to the conventional automobile engines. Two on-board tanks are forecast to store CH4 and water, useful for feeding both a combustion chamber (designed to provide the heat required by the system) and a multi tubes Pd-Ag MR useful to generate pure H2 via methane steam reforming (MSR) reaction. The pure H2 stream is hence supplied to the FC. The flue gas stream coming out from the combustion chamber is used to preheat the MR feed stream by two heat exchangers and one evaporator. Then, this theoretical work demonstrates by a 1-D model the feasibility of the MR based system in order to generate 5 kg/day of pure H2 required by the FC system for cruising a vehicle for around 500 km. The calculated CH4 and water consumptions were 50 and 70 kg, respectively, per 1 kg of pure H2. The on-board MR based FCV presents lower CO2 emission rates than a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle, also resulting in a more environmentally friendly solution.Oncolytic adenoviruses (OAds) present limited efficacy in clinics. The insertion of therapeutic transgenes into OAds genomes, known as "arming OAds", has been the main strategy to improve their therapeutic potential. Different approaches were published in the decade of the 2000s, but with few comparisons. Most armed OAds have complete or partial E3 deletions, leading to a shorter half-life in vivo. We generated E3+ OAds using two insertion sites, After-fiber and After-E4, and two different splice acceptors linked to the major late promoter, either the Ad5 protein IIIa acceptor (IIIaSA) or the Ad40 long fiber acceptor (40SA). The highest transgene levels were obtained with the After-fiber location and 40SA. However, the set of codons of the transgene affected viral fitness, highlighting the relevance of transgene codon usage when arming OAds using the major late promoter.Chemokines and their receptors direct migration and infiltration of immune cells. CCR1 and CCR2 maintain sequence similarity and respond to a number of the same chemokines secreted in lymphoid organs. Expression of CD38 on leukemic cells has been associated with poor clinical outcomes in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and is considered as the negative predictor of progression. In our study of newly diagnosed CLL patients, which included 39 CD38-positive and 22 CD38-negative patients, CCR1 and/or CCR2 were always detected, using flow cytometry, on the peripheral blood (PB) CD19+CD5+ lymphocytes in patients with >30% of the CD38+ CD19+CD5+ lymphocytes (n = 16). Spearman's rank correlation analysis determined correlations between the frequency of the CCR1- and CCR2-expressing PB CD19+CD5+ lymphocytes and the frequency of the CD38-positive CD19+CD5+ lymphocytes (rs = 0.50 and rs = 0.38, respectively). No significant correlations were observed between ZAP70 mRNA expression levels in PB mononuclear cells and the frequency of the circulating CCR1+ or CCR2+ CD19+CD5+ lymphocytes. Further association studies are needed to verify prognostic relevance of the CCR1/CCR2 expression on leukemic cells in CLL patients at diagnosis. We suggest that CCR1/CCR2 signaling pathways could represent attractive targets for development of CLL anti-progression therapeutics.Esophageal manometry (EM) could serve as an objective method for the detection of esophageal peristalsis in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). In this group of patients, biofeedback training (BT) using the EM procedure is a promising method for the rehabilitation of swallowing function. A total of 20 ALS patients with clinical evidence of dysphagia and who met WFN criteria were recruited for this study. The standard transnasal EM with solid-state transducers was performed, and swallows with water and saliva were initiated in all subjects and repeated at 30-s intervals. The median upper esophageal contractile amplitude, duration, and velocity results during the wet and dry swallows were evaluated and compared in both the ALS and the control groups. In ALS patients, in contrast to the control, significant abnormalities in all EM parameters were recorded, which implies a specific pattern of esophageal peristalsis. Twelve months after BT, the body mass index (BMI) of ALS patients who underwent BT (ALSBT) was compared to the BMI of those who did not (ALS1)-compared to the ALS1 group, ALSBT patients showed a slightly smaller drop in BMI value. We presume that BT using EM can be a promising tool for the improvement of the swallowing mechanism in ALS patients.An increased use of social networks is one of the most far-reaching consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Aside from the traditional media, as the main drivers of social communication in crisis situations, individual profiles have emerged supported by social networks, which have had a similar impact to the more specialized communication media. This is the hypothesis of the research presented, which is focused on health communication and based on a virtual ethnography methodology with the use of social metrics. The aim is to understand the relationship established between the population in general and digital media in particular through the measurement of engagement. In this regard, a comparative study was carried out that describes this phenomenon over a period of six months on three social networks YouTube, Twitter and Instagram, with a sample composed of specialized health media versus healthcare professionals. The results point to a new communications model that opens up a new space for agents whose content has a degree of engagement comparable to and even exceeding that of digital media specialized in health communication. The conclusions show that the crisis of the pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the communication sector, creating new challenges for the communication industry, media professionals, and higher education institutions related to market demands.In this study, we explore the diagnostic accuracy of a Radiographic-based Periodontal Bone Loss (R-PBL) method as a screening tool for periodontitis, in the form of radiographic bone loss, under the 2018 case definition in comparison to the 2012 case definition. The analysis was based on 456 patients (253 females and 203 males), screened for periodontal status in the Study of Periodontal Health in Almada-Seixal (SoPHiAS) project and subjected to a panoramic dental X-ray. Patients were diagnosed for the presence of periodontitis following the 2018 and 2012 case definition. R-PBL classification was defined by alveolar bone loss and diagnosed as no periodontitis (≥80% remaining alveolar bone), mild to moderate periodontitis (66% to 79%), or severe periodontitis ( less then 66%). We appraise the X-ray quality to look for the influence on the performance of R-PBL. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and precision, through several indicators, were determined. Performance measurement was assessed through binary and multiclass Receiver operating characteristic/are under the curve (ROC/AUC) analyses. Our results show that the tested R-PBL method under the 2018 case definition is a reliable tool in periodontitis cases screening. This method does not replace clinical periodontal evaluation, but rather, it screens patients towards a definitive periodontitis diagnosis. These results will contribute to support the development of automated prediction systems towards periodontitis surveillance.

Autoři článku: Loftfleming1045 (Liu Weeks)