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es at 1-year follow-up was correlated with the incidence of post-operative ischaemic symptoms.Various ligands and receptors of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily have been found upregulated following traumatic brain injury; however, the role of this signalling system in brain injury pathophysiology is not fully characterized. To address this, we utilized an acute stab wound brain injury model to demonstrate that hallmarks of transforming growth factor-β superfamily system activation, such as levels of phosphorylated Smads, ligands and target genes for both transforming growth factor-β and bone morphogenetic protein pathways, were upregulated within injured tissues. Using a bone morphogenetic protein-responsive reporter mouse model, we showed that activation of the bone morphogenetic protein signalling pathway involves primarily astrocytes that demarcate the wound area. Insights regarding the potential role of transforming growth factor-β superfamily activation in glia cells within the injured tissues were obtained indirectly by treating purified reactive astrocytes and microglia with bone mositu by the integrated action of transforming growth factor-β and/or bone morphogenetic protein-mediated signalling. Collectively, our study provides a comprehensive comparative analysis of transforming growth factor-β superfamily signalling in reactive astrocytes and microglia and points towards a crucial role of both transforming growth factor-β and bone morphogenetic protein pathways in modulating the inflammatory and brain injury reparatory functions of activated glia cells.Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders lack imaging biomarkers associated with disease course and supporting prognosis. This complex and heterogeneous set of disorders affects many regions of the central nervous system, including the spinal cord and visual pathway. Here, we use graph theory-based multimodal network analysis to investigate hypothesis-free mixed networks and associations between clinical disease with neuroimaging markers in 40 aquaporin-4-immunoglobulin G antibody seropositive patients (age = 48.16 ± 14.3 years, femalemale = 364) and 31 healthy controls (age = 45.92 ± 13.3 years, femalemale = 247). Magnetic resonance imaging measures included total brain and deep grey matter volumes, cortical thickness and spinal cord atrophy. Optical coherence tomography measures of the retina and clinical measures comprised of clinical attack types and expanded disability status scale were also utilized. For multimodal network analysis, all measures were introduced as nodes and tested for directed connectivil thickness and the expanded disability status scale score. The identified imaging biomarker candidates warrant further investigation in larger-scale studies. Graph theory-based multimodal networks allow for connectivity and interaction analysis, where this method may be applied in other complex heterogeneous disease investigations with different outcome measures.The purpose of this article is to describe dependence and withdrawal phenomena related to CNS drugs discontinuation and to clarify issues related to the evaluation of clinical drug withdrawal and rebound as they relate to safety in new drug development. The article presents current understanding and definitions of drug dependence and withdrawal which are also relevant and important features of addiction, though not the same. Addiction, called substance use disorder in DSM-5, affects an individual's brain and behaviour, represents uncontrollable drug abuse and inability to stop taking a drug regardless of the harm it causes. Characteristic withdrawal syndromes following abrupt discontinuation of CNS-active drugs from numerous drug classes are described. These include drugs both scheduled and non-scheduled in the Controlled Substances Act, which categorizes drugs in five schedules based on their relative abuse potentials and dependence liabilities and for regulatory purposes. Schedules 1 and 2 contain drugs identified as those with the highest abuse potential and strictest regulations. Less recognized aspects of drug withdrawal, such as rebound and protracted withdrawal syndromes for several drug classes are also addressed. Part I presents relevant definitions and describes clinical withdrawal and dependence phenomena. Part II reviews known withdrawal syndromes for the different drug classes, Part III describes rebound and Part IV describes protracted withdrawal syndromes. To our knowledge, this is the first compilation of withdrawal syndromes for CNS drugs. Part V provides details of evaluation of dependence and withdrawal in the clinical trials for CNS drugs, which includes general design recommendations, and several tools, such as withdrawal questionnaires and multiple scales that are helpful in the systematic evaluation of withdrawal. The limitations of different aspects of this method of dependence and withdrawal evaluation are also discussed.Ophthalmological abnormalities in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy may lead to treatable vision loss, facilitate diagnostics, could help unravelling the pathophysiology and serve as biomarkers. In this study, we provide a detailed description of the ophthalmological findings in a well-defined cohort of patients with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy using state of the art retina imaging techniques. Thirty-three genetically confirmed patients (aged 7-80 years) and 24 unrelated healthy controls (aged 6-68 years) underwent clinical ophthalmological examination, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography/angiography, genotyping and neurological examination. All patients had normal corrected visual acuity and normal intraocular pressure. In 27 of the 33 patients, weakness of the orbicularis oculi was observed. Central retinal pathology, only seen in patients and not in healthy controls, included twisting (tortuosity) of the retinal arteries in 25 of the 33 patients and retinal pigment epithelium defects in 4 of the 33 patients. Asymmetrical foveal hypoplasia was present in three patients, and exudative abnormalities were observed in one patient. There was a correlation between the severity of retinal tortuosity and the D4Z4 repeat array size (R2 = 0.44, P  less then  0.005). Follow-up Raltitrexed in a subgroup of six patients did not show any changes after 2 years. #link# To conclude, retinal abnormalities were frequent but almost always subclinical in patients with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy and consisted primarily of arterial tortuosity and foveal abnormalities. Retinal tortuosity was seen in the retinal arterioles and correlated with the D4Z4 repeat array size, thereby providing clinical evidence for an underlying genetic linkage between the retina and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy.Increasing evidence for the cumulative effects of head trauma on structural integrity of the brain has emphasized the need to understand the relationship between tissue mechanic properties and injury susceptibility. Here, diffusion tensor imaging, helmet accelerometers and amplified magnetic resonance imaging were combined to gather insight about the region-specific vulnerability of the corpus callosum to microstructural changes in white-matter integrity upon exposure to sub-concussive impacts. A total of 33 male Canadian football players (meanage = 20.3 ± 1.4 years) were assessed at three time points during a football season (baseline pre-season, mid-season and post-season). The athletes were split into a LOW (N = 16) and HIGH (N = 17) exposure group based on the frequency of sub-concussive impacts sustained on a per-session basis, measured using the helmet-mounted accelerometers. Longitudinal decreases in fractional anisotropy were observed in anterior and posterior regions of the corpus callosum (average cicrostructural integrity following exposure to sub-concussive head impacts.Beyond disruption of neuronal pathways, focal stroke lesions induce structural disintegration of distant, yet connected brain regions via retrograde neuronal degeneration. Stroke lesions alter functional brain connectivity and topology in large-scale brain networks. These changes are associated with the degree of clinical impairment and recovery. In contrast, changes of large scale, structural brain networks after stroke are less well reported. We therefore aimed to analyse the impact of focal lesions on the structural connectome after stroke based on data from diffusion-weighted imaging and probabilistic fibre tracking. In total, 17 patients (mean age 64.5 ± 8.4 years) with upper limb motor deficits in the chronic stage after stroke and 21 healthy participants (mean age 64.9 ± 10.3 years) were included. Clinical deficits were evaluated by grip strength and the upper extremity Fugl-Meyer assessment. We calculated global and local graph theoretical measures to characterize topological changes in the structurale brain networks in the ipsi- and contralesional hemisphere after stroke.Mutations in ATP13A2 (PARK9) are causally linked to the rare neurodegenerative disorders Kufor-Rakeb syndrome, hereditary spastic paraplegia and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. This suggests that ATP13A2, a lysosomal cation-transporting ATPase, plays a crucial role in neuronal cells. The heterogeneity of the clinical spectrum of ATP13A2-associated disorders is not yet well understood and currently, these diseases remain without effective treatment. Interestingly, ATP13A2 is widely conserved among eukaryotes, and the yeast model for ATP13A2 deficiency was the first to indicate a role in heavy metal homeostasis, which was later confirmed in human cells. In this study, we show that the deletion of YPK9 (the yeast orthologue of ATP13A2) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae leads to growth impairment in the presence of Zn2+, Mn2+, Co2+ and Ni2+, with the strongest phenotype being observed in the presence of zinc. Using the ypk9Δ mutant, we developed a high-throughput growth rescue screen based on the Zn2+ sensitivity phenotype. link2 Screening of two libraries of Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs identified 11 compounds that rescued growth. Subsequently, we generated a zebrafish model for ATP13A2 deficiency and found that both partial and complete loss of atp13a2 function led to increased sensitivity to Mn2+. Based on this phenotype, we confirmed two of the drugs found in the yeast screen to also exert a rescue effect in zebrafish-N-acetylcysteine, a potent antioxidant, and furaltadone, a nitrofuran antibiotic. This study further supports that combining the high-throughput screening capacity of yeast with rapid in vivo drug testing in zebrafish can represent an efficient drug repurposing strategy in the context of rare inherited disorders involving conserved genes. This work also deepens the understanding of the role of ATP13A2 in heavy metal detoxification and provides a new in vivo model for investigating ATP13A2 deficiency.Intracerebral haemorrhage in the elderly is a severe manifestation of common forms of cerebral small vessel disease. Nearly 60% of intracerebral haemorrhage survivors will develop clinical manifestations of small vessel disease progression including recurrent haemorrhage, ischaemic stroke, dementia, late-life depression and gait impairment within 5 years. link3 Blood pressure measurements following intracerebral haemorrhage are strongly associated with this risk. However, aggressive blood pressure lowering in the elderly carries substantial risks. In order to determine whether there might be an opportunity to select individuals at the highest risk for small vessel disease progression for aggressive blood pressure reduction, we investigated whether APOE gene variants ɛ2/ɛ4 modify the association between blood pressure and small vessel disease clinical progression after intracerebral haemorrhage. We conducted a single-centre longitudinal study at a tertiary care referral centre (Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA, USA), analysing 716 consecutive survivors of acute intracerebral haemorrhage, enrolled from January 2006 to December 2016.

Autoři článku: Lodbergjuel1033 (Martinez Lentz)