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The objectives of the study were to compare the imaging findings and patient's perception of barium defecating proctography and dynamic magnetic resonance (MR) proctography in patients with pelvic floor disorders.

This is a prospective study conducted on patients with pelvic floor disorders who consented to undergo both barium proctography and dynamic MR proctography. Imaging findings of both the procedures were compared. Inter-observer agreement (IOA) for key imaging features was assessed. Patient's perception of these procedures was assessed using a short questionnaire and a visual analog scale.

Forty patients (M F =1921) with a mean age of 43.65 years and range of 21-75 years were included for final analysis. Mean patient experience score was significantly better for MR imaging (MRI) (p < 0.001). However, patients perceived significantly higher difficulty in rectal evacuation during MRI studies (p = 0.003). While significantly higher number of rectoceles (p = 0.014) were diagnosed on MRI, a greaterall patient experience was better for dynamic MRI proctography.In December 2019, a disease attributed to a new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, and named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), broke out in Wuhan, China and has spread rapidly throughout the world. CT has been advocated in selected indications as a tool toward rapid and early diagnosis. The CT patterns of COVID-19 include ground glass opacities GGO, consolidation, and crazy paving. Additional signs include a "rounded morphology" of lesions, vascular enlargement sign, nodules, and fibrous stripe. Signs of healing and organization include subpleural bands, a reticular pattern, reversed halo sign and traction bronchiectasis. Cavitation and tree in bud signs are absent and pleural effusions are rare. There is a high incidence of pulmonary embolism associated with COVID-19. CT findings in COVID-19 appear to follow a predictable timeline with maximal involvement approximately 6-11 days after symptom onset. The stages of evolution include early stage (days 0-4) with GGO being the predominant abnormality, progressive stage (days 5-8) with increasing crazy paving; and peak stage (days 9-13) with predominance of consolidation and absorption phase (after day 14) with gradual absorption of consolidation with residual GGO and subpleural bands. CT findings in COVID-19 have a high sensitivity and low specificity, determined to be 98% and 25% in a retrospective study of 1014 patients. The low specificity of CT for the diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia is due to the overlap of CT findings with other viral pneumonias and other infections, lung involvement in connective tissue disorders, drug reaction, pulmonary edema, and hemorrhage.

Multidisciplinary cancer clinic (MDC) is an evaluation option for the management of prostate cancer (PCa). The purpose of MDC is to provide the patient with a comprehensive assessment and risk/benefit discussion of all pertinent treatment options. Our objective was to obtain a contemporary measure and analysis of urologists' opinion regarding PCa MDC.

We created a 14-item questionnaire for respondent baseline characteristics, subjective and objective inquiries regarding MDC for PCa management. The survey was distributed through email to members of the Society of Urologic Oncology and the Endourological Society. Data were analyzed using R (R Core team, 2017).

One hundred and seven (51%) respondents reported participation in MDC; the majority of which were male (97.6%), academic (61.4%) urologists with urologic oncology fellowship training (50%), and >20 years in practice (40.3%). MDC patients were most commonly referrals (78.5%) and with high-risk disease (Gleason sum 8-10) (83.2%). A majority of the respondents felt that MDC was very or extremely beneficial for PCa research (45% and 19%, respectively) and treatment (35% and 20%, respectively). Responses dissuading the use of MDC included lack of infrastructure (41%) and time commitment (21%). On multivariate analysis, urologists with >10 years in practice were less likely to find MDC beneficial in the management of PCa (11-20 years,

= 0.028 and >20 years

= 0.009).

A contemporary sampling of urologists' opinion and practice patterns alludes to the benefits that advocate for and the resource demand that hinders routine use of MDC for PCa evaluation. Urologist training and practice environment can affect participation in PCa MDC.

A contemporary sampling of urologists' opinion and practice patterns alludes to the benefits that advocate for and the resource demand that hinders routine use of MDC for PCa evaluation. Urologist training and practice environment can affect participation in PCa MDC.A 43-year-old man presented with painless jaundice. Imaging revealed a porta hepatis mass compressing the common bile duct. Endoscopic biopsy was negative for malignancy. Complete surgical resection was performed. Pathological assessment showed IGg4 negative inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor.Herein is described a mechanistic study of a palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling of aryl Grignard reagents to fluoroarenes that proceeds via a low-energy heterobimetallic oxidative addition pathway. Traditional oxidative additions of aryl chlorides to Pd complexes are known to be orders of magnitude faster than with aryl fluorides, and many palladium catalysts do not activate aryl fluorides at all. The experimental and computational studies outlined herein, however, support the view that at elevated Grignard ArX ratios (i.e. 2.5 1) a Pd-Mg heterobimetallic mechanism predominates, leading to a remarkable decrease in the energy required for Ar-F bond activation. The heterobimetallic transition state for C-X bond cleavage is proposed to involve simultaneous Pd backbonding to the arene and Lewis acid activation of the halide by Mg to create a low-energy transition state for oxidative addition. The insights gained from this computational study led to the development of a phosphine ligand that was shown to be similarly competent for Ar-F bond activation.

Hematology analysis comprises some of the highest volume tests run in clinical laboratories. Autoverification of hematology results using computer-based rules reduces turnaround time for many specimens, while strategically targeting specimen review by technologist or pathologist.

Autoverification rules had been developed over a decade at an 800-bed tertiary/quarternary care academic medical central laboratory serving both adult and pediatric populations. In the process of migrating to newer hematology instruments, we analyzed the rates of the autoverification rules/flags most commonly associated with triggering manual review. We were particularly interested in rules that on their own often led to manual review in the absence of other flags. Prior to the study, autoverification rates were 87.8% (out of 16,073 orders) for complete blood count (CBC) if ordered as a panel and 85.8% (out of 1,940 orders) for CBC components ordered individually (not as the panel).

Detailed analysis of rules/flags that frequende revealed opportunities to optimize the parameters. The data analysis was challenging and time-consuming, highlighting opportunities for improvement in software tools that allow for more rapid and routine evaluation of autoverification parameters.

Detailed analysis of autoverification of hematology testing at an academic medical center clinical laboratory that had been using a set of autoverification rules for over a decade revealed opportunities to optimize the parameters. The data analysis was challenging and time-consuming, highlighting opportunities for improvement in software tools that allow for more rapid and routine evaluation of autoverification parameters.

Morphologic rare cell detection is a laborious, operator-dependent process which has the potential to be improved by the use of image analysis using artificial intelligence. Detection of rare hemoglobin H (HbH) inclusions in red cells in the peripheral blood is a common screening method for alpha-thalassemia. This study aims to develop a convolutional neural network-based algorithm for the detection of HbH inclusions.

Digital images of HbH-positive and HbH-negative blood smears were used to train and test the software. The software performance was tested on images obtained at various magnifications and on different scanning platforms. Another model was developed for total red cell counting and was used to confirm HbH cell frequency in alpha-thalassemia trait. The threshold minimum red cells to image for analysis was determined by Poisson modeling and validated on image sets.

The sensitivity and specificity of the software for HbH+ cells on images obtained at ×100, ×60, and ×40 objectives were close to 91% and 99%, respectively. When an AI-aided diagnostic model was tested on a pilot of 40 whole slide images (WSIs), good inter-rater reliability and high sensitivity and specificity of slide-level classification were obtained. Using the lowest frequency of HbH+ cells (1 in 100,000) observed in our study, we estimated that a minimum of 2.4 × 10

red cells would need to be analyzed to reduce misclassification at the slide level. The minimum required smear size was validated on 78 image sets which confirmed its validity.

WSI image analysis can be utilized effectively for morphologic rare cell detection. 3,4-Dichlorophenyl isothiocyanate The software can be further developed on WISs and evaluated in future clinical validation studies comparing AI-aided diagnosis with the routine diagnostic method.

WSI image analysis can be utilized effectively for morphologic rare cell detection. The software can be further developed on WISs and evaluated in future clinical validation studies comparing AI-aided diagnosis with the routine diagnostic method.We believe the switch to a digital pathology (DP) workflow is imminent and it is essential to understand the economic implications of conversion. Many aspects of the adoption of DP will be disruptive and have a direct financial impact, both in short term costs, such as investment in equipment and personnel, and long term revenue potential, such as improved productivity and novel tests. The focus of this whitepaper is to educate pathologists, laboratorians and other stakeholders about the business and monetary considerations of converting to a digital pathology workflow. The components of a DP business plan will be thoroughly summarized, and guidance will be provided on how to build a case for adoption and implementation as well as a roadmap for transitioning from an analog to a digital pathology workflow in various laboratory settings. It is important to clarify that this publication is not intended to list prices although some financials will be mentioned as examples. The authors encourage readers who are evaluating conversion to a DP workflow to use this paper as a foundational guide for conducting a thorough and complete assessment while incorporating in current market pricing. Contributors to this paper analyzed peer-reviewed literature and data collected from various institutions, some of which are mentioned. Digital pathology will change the way we practice through facilitating patient access to expert pathology services and enabling image analysis tools and assays to aid in diagnosis, prognosis, risk stratification and therapeutic selection. Together, they will result in the delivery of valuable information from which to make better decisions and improve the health of patients.

Autoři článku: Liubeyer6221 (Holmgaard Nyborg)