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Integrons were first identified because of their central role in assembling and disseminating antibiotic resistance genes in commensal and pathogenic bacteria. However, these clinically relevant integrons represent only a small proportion of integron diversity. Integrons are now known to be ancient genetic elements that are hotspots for genomic diversity, helping to generate adaptive phenotypes. This perspective examines the diversity, functions, and activities of integrons within both natural and clinical environments. We show how the fundamental properties of integrons exquisitely pre-adapted them to respond to the selection pressures imposed by the human use of antimicrobial compounds. We then follow the extraordinary increase in abundance of one class of integrons (class 1) that has resulted from its acquisition by multiple mobile genetic elements, and subsequent colonisation of diverse bacterial species, and a wide range of animal hosts. selleck chemical Consequently, this class of integrons has become a significant pollutant in its own right, to the extent that it can now be detected in most ecosystems. As human activities continue to drive environmental instability, integrons will likely continue to play key roles in bacterial adaptation in both natural and clinical settings. Understanding the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of integrons can help us predict and shape these outcomes that have direct relevance to human and ecosystem health.Gaet'ale (GAL) and Mud'ara (MUP) are two hypersaline ponds located in the Danakil Depression recharged by underground water from the surrounding highlands. These two ponds have different pH, salinity, and show variation in the concentration of many ionic components. Metagenomic analysis concludes that GAL is dominated by bacteria as in the case of the other hypersaline and acidic ponds in the Danakil Depression. However, Archaea dominated the ponds of MUP. In the current study, the application of SEED and KEGG helped to map the ordered steps of specific enzyme catalyzed reaction in converting CO2 into cell products. We predict that highly efficient and light-independent carbon fixation involving phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase takes place in MUP. On the contrary, genes encoding enzymes involved in hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic methanogenesis appeared solely in ponds of GAL, implying the biological source of the hazardous methane gas in that environment. Based on the investigation of the sources of the genes of interest, it is clear that cooperative interactions between members of the two communities and syntrophic metabolism is the main strategy adapted to utilize inorganic carbon as a carbon source in both MUP and GAL. This insight can be used to design biotechnological applications of microbial communities in production of methane biogas or to minimize CO2 emissions.Colistin resistance is one of the major threats for global public health, requiring reliable and rapid susceptibility testing methods. The aim of this study was the evaluation of a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) peak-based assay to distinguish colistin resistant (colR) from susceptible (colS) Escherichia coli strains. To this end, a classifying algorithm model (CAM) was developed, testing three different algorithms Genetic Algorithm (GA), Supervised Neural Network (SNN) and Quick Classifier (QC). Among them, the SNN- and GA-based CAMs showed the best performances recognition capability (RC) of 100% each one, and cross validation (CV) of 97.62% and 100%, respectively. link2 Even if both algorithms shared similar RC and CV values, the SNN-based CAM was the best performing one, correctly identifying 67/71 (94.4%) of the E. coli strains collected in point of fact, it correctly identified the greatest number of colS strains (42/43; 97.7%), despite its lower ability in identifying the colR strains (15/18; 83.3%). In conclusion, although broth microdilution remains the gold standard method for testing colistin susceptibility, the CAM represents a useful tool to rapidly screen colR and colS strains in clinical practice.Corals are the main primary producers of coral reefs and build the three-dimensional reef structure that provides habitat to more than 25% of all marine eukaryotes. They harbor a complex consortium of microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, viruses, and protists, which they rely on for their survival. The symbiosis between corals and bacteria is poorly studied, and their symbiotic relationships with intracellular bacteria are only just beginning to be acknowledged. In this review, we emphasize the importance of characterizing intracellular bacteria associated with corals and explore how successful approaches used to study such microorganisms in other systems could be adapted for research on corals. We propose a framework for the description, identification, and functional characterization of coral-associated intracellular bacterial symbionts. Finally, we highlight the possible value of intracellular bacteria in microbiome manipulation and mitigating coral bleaching.Chagas disease principally affects Latin-American people, but it currently has worldwide distribution due to migration. Death among those with Chagas disease can occur suddenly and without warning, even in those who may not have evidence of clinical or structural cardiac disease and who are younger than 60 years old. HCN4 channels, one of the principal elements responsible for pacemaker currents, are associated with cardiac fetal reprogramming and supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, but their role in chagasic arrhythmias is not clear. We found that a single-dose administration of ivabradine, which blocks HCN4, caused QTc and QRS enlargement and an increase in P-wave amplitude and was associated with ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias in mice challenged with isoproterenol, a chronotropic/ionotropic positive agent. Continuous treatment with ivabradine did not alter the QTc interval, but P-wave morphology was deeply modified, generating supraventricular arrhythmias. In addition, we found that repolarization parameters improved with ivabradine treatment. These effects could have been caused by the high HCN4 expression observed in auricular and ventricular tissue in infected mice. Thus, we suggest, for the first time, that molecular remodeling by overexpression of HCN4 channels may be related to supraventricular arrhythmias in acute Chagas disease, causing ivabradine over-response. Thus, ivabradine treatment should be administered with caution, while HCN4 overexpression may be an indicator of heart failure and/or sudden death risk.Lentivirus-based vectors derived from human immunodeficiency viruses type 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and 2) are widely used tools in research and may also be utilized in clinical settings. Like their parental virions, they are known to depend on the cellular machinery for successful gene delivery and integration. While most of the studies on cellular proteomic and transcriptomic changes have focused on the late phase of the transduction, studies of those changes in early time-points, especially in the case of HIV-2 based vectors, are widely lacking. Using second generation HIV-1 and 2 vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV-G) pseudotyped lentiviral vectors, we transduced HEK-293T human embryonic kidney cells and carried out transcriptomic profiling at 0 and 2 h time points, with accompanying proteomic analysis at 2 h following transduction. Significant variations were observed in gene expression profile between HIV-1 and HIV-2 transduced samples. Thrombospondin 1 (THBS1), collagens (COL1A2, COL3A1), and eukaryotic translation factors (EIF3CL) in addition to various genes coding for long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) were significantly upregulated 2 h after HIV-2 transduction compared to HIV-1. Label-free quantification mass spectrometry (MS) indicated that seven proteins involved in RNA binding, mRNA transport, and chaperoning were significantly downregulated. The identification of cellular protein targets of lentiviral vectors and their effect on the cellular transcriptome will undoubtedly shed more light on their complex life cycle and may be utilized against infection by their parental lentiviruses. Furthermore, characterizing the early phase of HIV-2 infection may aid in the understanding of its pathomechanism and long incubation period.Gram-positive bacteria are ancient organisms. Many bacteria, including Gram-positive bacteria, produce toxins to manipulate the host, leading to various diseases. While the targets of Gram-positive bacterial toxins are diverse, many of those toxins use a similar mechanism to invade host cells and exert their functions. Clostridial neurotoxins produced by Clostridial tetani and Clostridial botulinum provide a classical example to illustrate the structure-function relationship of bacterial toxins. Here, we critically review the recent progress of the structure-function relationship of clostridial neurotoxins, including the diversity of the clostridial neurotoxins, the mode of actions, and the flexible structures required for the activation of toxins. The mechanism clostridial neurotoxins use for triggering their activity is shared with many other Gram-positive bacterial toxins, especially molten globule-type structures. This review also summarizes the implications of the molten globule-type flexible structures to other Gram-positive bacterial toxins. Understanding these highly dynamic flexible structures in solution and their role in the function of bacterial toxins not only fills in the missing link of the high-resolution structures from X-ray crystallography but also provides vital information for better designing antidotes against those toxins.Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli are important human pathogens that frequently contain plasmids, both large and small, carrying antibiotic resistance genes. Large conjugative plasmids are known to mobilize small Col plasmids, but less is known about the specificity of mobilization. In the current study, six S. enterica and four E. coli strains containing large plasmids were tested for their ability to mobilize three different kanamycin resistance Col plasmids (KanR plasmids). Large conjugative plasmids from five isolates, four S. enterica and one E. coli, were able to mobilize KanR plasmids of various types. Plasmids capable of mobilizing the KanR plasmids were either IncI1 or IncX, while IncI1 and IncX plasmids with no evidence of conjugation had disrupted transfer regions. Conjugative plasmids of similar types mobilized similar KanR plasmids, but not all conjugative plasmid types were capable of mobilizing all of the KanR plasmids. link3 These data describe some of the complexities and specificities of individual small plasmid mobilization.Nuclear ribosomal and mitochondrial genes have been utilized individually or in combination to identify known species and discriminate closely related species. However, compared with metazoans, genetic diversity within the ciliate order Euplotida is poorly known. The aim of this study is to investigate how much nucleotide sequence divergence occurs within Euplotes. A total of 14 new gene sequences, comprising four SSU rDNA and 10 CO1 (including three species for the first time) were obtained. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out based on sequences of two DNA fragments from the same 27 isolates. We found that CO1 revealed a larger interspecific divergence than the SSU rRNA gene, thus demonstrating a higher resolution for separating congeners. Genetic distances differ significantly at the species level. Euplotes balteatus was revealed to have a large intraspecific variation at two loci, while E. vannus showed different levels of haplotype variability, which appeared as a polyphyletic cluster on the CO1 tree. These high genetic divergences suggest the presence of more cryptic species.

Autoři článku: Lindstentoft5578 (Lundsgaard Moody)