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Experimental results show that PMVT improves the AU detection accuracy on the popular BP4D and DISFA datasets. Compared with other state-of-the-art AU detection methods, PMVT obtains consistent improvements. Visualization results show PMVT automatically perceives the discriminative facial regions for robust AU detection.In this paper, a circular objects detection method for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) docking is proposed, based on the Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) and the Spiking Neural Network (SNN) framework. In contrast to the related work, the proposed method not only avoids motion blur caused by frame-based recognition during docking procedure but also reduces data redundancy with limited on-chip resources. First, four coplanar and rectangular constrained circular light sources are constructed as the docking landmark. By combining asynchronous Hough circle transform with the SNN model, the coordinates of landmarks in the image are detected. Second, a Perspective-4-Point (P4P) algorithm is utilized to calculate the relative pose between AUV and the landmark. In addition, a spatiotemporal filter is also used to eliminate noises generated by the background. Finally, experimental results are demonstrated from both software simulation and experimental pool, respectively, to verify the proposed method. It is concluded that the proposed method achieves better performance in accuracy and efficiency in underwater docking scenarios.SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) plays a vital role in navigation tasks of AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle). However, due to a vast amount of image sonar data and some acoustic equipment's inherent high latency, it is a considerable challenge to implement real-time underwater SLAM on a small AUV. This paper presents a filter based methodology for SLAM algorithms in underwater environments. First, a multi-beam forward looking sonar (MFLS) is utilized to extract environmental features. The acquired sonar image is then converted to sparse point cloud format through threshold segmentation and distance-constrained filtering to solve the calculation explosion issue caused by a large amount of original data. Second, based on the proposed method, the DVL, IMU, and sonar data are fused, the Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (RBPF)-based SLAM method is used to estimate AUV pose and generate an occupancy grid map. To verify the proposed algorithm, the underwater vehicle is equipped as an experimental platform to conduct field tasks in both the experimental pool and wild lake, respectively. Experiments illustrate that the proposed approach achieves better performance in both state estimation and suppressing divergence.Robot-based rehabilitation is consolidated as a viable and efficient practice to speed up and improve the recovery of lost functions. Several studies highlight that patients are encouraged to undergo their therapies and feel more involved in the process when collaborating with a user-friendly robotic environment. Object manipulation is a crucial element of hand rehabilitation treatments; however, as a standalone process may result in being repetitive and unstimulating in the long run. In this view, robotic devices, like hand exoskeletons, do arise as an excellent tool to boost both therapy's outcome and patient participation, especially when paired with the advantages offered by interacting with virtual reality (VR). Indeed, virtual environments can simulate real-life manipulation tasks and real-time assign a score to the patient's performance, thus providing challenging exercises while promoting training with a reward-based system. Besides, they can be easily reconfigured to match the patient's needs by manitigated. The proposed approach has been tested on a single subject in the framework of a pilot study.The hippocampus and its accessory are the main areas for spatial cognition. It can integrate paths and form environmental cognition based on motion information and then realize positioning and navigation. Learning from the hippocampus mechanism is a crucial way forward for research in robot perception, so it is crucial to building a calculation method that conforms to the biological principle. In addition, it should be easy to implement on a robot. This paper proposes a bionic cognition model and method for mobile robots, which can realize precise path integration and cognition of space. Our research can provide the basis for the cognition of the environment and autonomous navigation for bionic robots.This article proposes a bottom-up visual saliency model that uses the wavelet transform to conduct multiscale analysis and computation in the frequency domain. First, we compute the multiscale magnitude spectra by performing a wavelet transform to decompose the magnitude spectrum of the discrete cosine coefficients of an input image. Next, we obtain multiple saliency maps of different spatial scales through an inverse transformation from the frequency domain to the spatial domain, which utilizes the discrete cosine magnitude spectra after multiscale wavelet decomposition. Then, we employ an evaluation function to automatically select the two best multiscale saliency maps. A final saliency map is generated via an adaptive integration of the two selected multiscale saliency maps. The proposed model is fast, efficient, and can simultaneously detect salient regions or objects of different sizes. It outperforms state-of-the-art bottom-up saliency approaches in the experiments of psychophysical consistency, eye fixation prediction, and saliency detection for natural images. In addition, the proposed model is applied to automatic ship detection in optical satellite images. Ship detection tests on satellite data of visual optical spectrum not only demonstrate our saliency model's effectiveness in detecting small and large salient targets but also verify its robustness against various sea background disturbances.There have been few anatomical structure segmentation studies using deep learning. Numbers of training and ground truth images applied were small and the accuracies of which were low or inconsistent. For a surgical video anatomy analysis, various obstacles, including a variable fast-changing view, large deformations, occlusions, low illumination, and inadequate focus occur. In addition, it is difficult and costly to obtain a large and accurate dataset on operational video anatomical structures, including arteries. In this study, we investigated cerebral artery segmentation using an automatic ground-truth generation method. Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence intraoperative cerebral videoangiography was used to create a ground-truth dataset mainly for cerebral arteries and partly for cerebral blood vessels, including veins. Four different neural network models were trained using the dataset and compared. Before augmentation, 35,975 training images and 11,266 validation images were used. After augmentation, 26re computer vision to identify blood vessels and arteries.Resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) has been widely used for the early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Ivacaftor With rs-fMRI, the functional connectivity networks (FCNs) are usually constructed for representing each subject, with each element representing the pairwise relationship between brain region-of-interests (ROIs). Previous studies often first extract handcrafted network features (such as node degree and clustering coefficient) from FCNs and then construct a prediction model for ASD diagnosis, which largely requires expert knowledge. Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have recently been employed to jointly perform FCNs feature extraction and ASD identification in a data-driven manner. However, existing studies tend to focus on the single-scale topology of FCNs by using one single atlas for ROI partition, thus ignoring potential complementary topology information of FCNs at different spatial scales. In this paper, we develop a multi-scale graph representation learning (MGRL) framework for rs-fMRI based ASD diagnosis. The MGRL consists of three major components (1) multi-scale FCNs construction using multiple brain atlases for ROI partition, (2) FCNs representation learning via multi-scale GCNs, and (3) multi-scale feature fusion and classification for ASD diagnosis. The proposed MGRL is evaluated on 184 subjects from the public Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) database with rs-fMRI scans. Experimental results suggest the efficacy of our MGRL in FCN feature extraction and ASD identification, compared with several state-of-the-art methods.Analyses of brain function and anatomy using shared neuroimaging data is an important development, and have acquired the potential to be scaled up with the specification of a new Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) standard. To date, a variety of software tools help researchers in converting their source data to BIDS but often require programming skills or are tailored to specific institutes, data sets, or data formats. In this paper, we introduce BIDScoin, a cross-platform, flexible, and user-friendly converter that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to help users finding their way in BIDS standard. BIDScoin does not require programming skills to be set up and used and supports plugins to extend their functionality. In this paper, we show its design and demonstrate how it can be applied to a downloadable tutorial data set. BIDScoin is distributed as free and open-source software to foster the community-driven effort to promote and facilitate the use of BIDS standard.During slow-wave sleep, the brain is in a self-organized regime in which slow oscillations (SOs) between up- and down-states travel across the cortex. While an isolated piece of cortex can produce SOs, the brain-wide propagation of these oscillations are thought to be mediated by the long-range axonal connections. We address the mechanism of how SOs emerge and recruit large parts of the brain using a whole-brain model constructed from empirical connectivity data in which SOs are induced independently in each brain area by a local adaptation mechanism. Using an evolutionary optimization approach, good fits to human resting-state fMRI data and sleep EEG data are found at values of the adaptation strength close to a bifurcation where the model produces a balance between local and global SOs with realistic spatiotemporal statistics. Local oscillations are more frequent, last shorter, and have a lower amplitude. Global oscillations spread as waves of silence across the undirected brain graph, traveling from anterior to posterior regions. These traveling waves are caused by heterogeneities in the brain network in which the connection strengths between brain areas determine which areas transition to a down-state first, and thus initiate traveling waves across the cortex. Our results demonstrate the utility of whole-brain models for explaining the origin of large-scale cortical oscillations and how they are shaped by the connectome.Virtual reality (VR) enables individuals to be exposed to naturalistic environments in laboratory settings, offering new possibilities for research in human neuroscience and treatment of mental disorders. We used VR to study psychological, autonomic and postural reactions to heights in individuals with varying intensity of fear of heights. Study participants (N = 42) were immersed in a VR of an unprotected open-air elevator platform in an urban area, while standing on an unstable ground. Virtual elevation of the platform (up to 40 m above the ground level) elicited robust and reliable psychophysiological activation including increased distress, heart rate, and electrodermal activity, which was higher in individuals suffering from fear of heights. In these individuals, compared with individuals with low fear of heights, the VR height exposure resulted in higher velocity of postural movements as well as decreased low-frequency (1 Hz) body sway oscillations. This indicates that individuals with strong fear of heights react to heights with maladaptive rigidity of posture due to increased weight of visual input for balance control, while the visual information is less reliable at heights.

Autoři článku: Lindsaydaniels7611 (Thorsen Baird)