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001). Dietary fiber intake was also significantly higher (

< 0.003), as was the percentage of patients reporting an increase in bowel movements while following the modified diet (

= 0.008). There was no significant difference in the change in serum potassium or in reported protein intake between the 2 diets. Both diets were similarly well tolerated.

The modified low phosphorus diet was well tolerated and was associated with similar phosphate and potassium control but with a wider food choice and greater fiber intake than the standard diet.

The modified low phosphorus diet was well tolerated and was associated with similar phosphate and potassium control but with a wider food choice and greater fiber intake than the standard diet.

Arteriovenous (AV) access thrombosis remains 1 of the most troubling AV access-related complications affecting hemodialysis patients. It necessitates an urgent and occasionally complicated thrombectomy procedure and increases the risk of AV access loss. AV access stenosis is found in the majority of thrombosed AV accesses. The routine use of AV access surveillance for the early detection and management of stenosis to reduce the thrombosis rate remains controversial.

We have conducted a multicenter, prospective, randomized clinical trial comparing the standard of care coupled with ultrasound dilution technique (UDT) flow measurement monthly surveillance with the standard of care alone.

We prospectively randomized 436 patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis with arteriovenous fistula (AVF) or arteriovenous graft (AVG) using cluster (shift) randomization to surveillance and control groups. There were no significant differences in the baseline demographic data between the 2 groups, except for the per-patient thrombotic events without significantly increasing the total number of angiographic procedures. Even though there is a trend, surveillance did not reduce the first thrombotic event rate.

Autoantibody to angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R-Ab) has been recognized as a non-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibody relevant in transplantation. Endothelin type A receptor antibody (ETAR-Ab) has been strongly associated with AT1R-Ab, but the data in kidney transplantation are scarce.

We examined the relationship of ETAR-Ab and AT1R-Ab with clinical outcomes, biopsy findings, inflammatory cytokines, and HLA donor-specific antibody (DSA) in a cohort of pediatric renal transplant recipients. Sixty-five patients were longitudinally monitored for ETAR-Ab, AT1R-Ab, HLA DSA, interleukin (IL)-8, tumor necrosis factor-α, IL-1β, interferon-γ, IL-17, IL-6, renal dysfunction, hypertension, rejection, and allograft loss during the first 2 years post-transplant.

Fifteen patients (23%) had AT1R-Ab alone, 1 (2%) had ETAR-Ab alone, 23 (35%) had both ETAR-Ab and AT1R-Ab, and 26 (40%) were negative for both antibodies at all timepoints. Having both ETAR-Ab and AT1R-Ab was associated with >30% decline in estimaarteritis, elevated IL-8, and decline in renal function, and our results suggest possible interaction effects. Better understanding of this interaction may be informative in developing protocols for testing, treatment, and prevention of allograft injury.

Incidental IgA deposits in donor kidneys have unknown sequelae and may predate clinical kidney disease if primed by adverse immunologic or hemodynamic stimuli or may remain dormant.

The presence of incidental IgA in post-implantation (T

) biopsies from living (LDK) and deceased donor (DDK) kidneys, and its relationship to post-transplant patient and graft outcomes was investigated in an ethnically diverse US population at a large transplant center.

Mesangial IgA was present in 20.4% of 802 T

biopsies; 13.2% and 24.5% of LDK and DDK, respectively. Donors with incidental IgA deposits were more likely to have hypertension and be of Hispanic or Asian origin. Intensity of IgA staining was 1+ (57.3%), 2+ (26.8%), or 3+ (15.8%) of the T

IgA+ biopsies. Mesangial pathology correlated with higher-intensity IgA staining with less clearance on follow-up (53.8%) versus 79.2% without mesangial pathology. IgA cleared in 91%, 63%, and 40% of follow-up biopsies with 1+, 2+, and 3+ IgA staining, respectively. Early post-transplant rejection and rejection-related graft loss occurred more frequently in IgA+ kidney recipients; however, 5-year kidney function and graft survival were comparable to kidneys without IgA.

This first and largest report of incidental IgA in T

biopsies of LDK and DDK in a US ethnically diverse population demonstrated no adverse association between the presence of IgA in donor kidneys and graft or patient survival. Whether IgA in donor kidneys represents latent IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is uncertain; nevertheless, living donors who demonstrate IgA on T

biopsy deserve careful follow-up.

This first and largest report of incidental IgA in T0 biopsies of LDK and DDK in a US ethnically diverse population demonstrated no adverse association between the presence of IgA in donor kidneys and graft or patient survival. XCT790 mouse Whether IgA in donor kidneys represents latent IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is uncertain; nevertheless, living donors who demonstrate IgA on T0 biopsy deserve careful follow-up.

The factors that influence deceased donor kidney procurement biopsy reliability are not well established. We examined the impact of biopsy technique and pathologist training on procurement biopsy accuracy.

We retrospectively identified all deceased donor kidney-only transplants at our center from 2006 to 2016 with both procurement and reperfusion biopsies performed and information available on procurement biopsy technique and pathologist (n= 392). Biopsies were scored using a previously validated system, classifying "suboptimal" histology as the presence of at least 1 of the following glomerulosclerosis≥11%, moderate/severe interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy, or moderate/severe vascular disease. We calculated relative risk ratios (RRR) to determine the influence of technique (core vs. wedge) and pathologist (renal vs. nonrenal) on concordance between procurement and reperfusion biopsy histologic classification.

A total of 171 (44%) procurement biopsies used wedge technique, and 221 (56%) used core te optimize procurement biopsy practices.Patients with plasma cell dyscrasias produce free abnormal monoclonal Ig light chains that circulate in the blood stream. Some of them, termed glomerulopathic light chains, interact with the mesangial cells and trigger, in a manner dependent of their structural and physicochemical properties, a sequence of pathological events that results in either light chain-derived (AL) amyloidosis (AL-Am) or light chain deposition disease (LCDD). The mesangial cells play a key role in the pathogenesis of both diseases. The interaction with the pathogenic light chain elicits specific cellular processes, which include apoptosis, phenotype transformation, and secretion of extracellular matrix components and metalloproteinases. Monoclonal light chains associated with AL-Am but not those producing LCDD are avidly endocytosed by mesangial cells and delivered to the mature lysosomal compartment where amyloid fibrils are formed. Light chains from patients with LCDD exert their pathogenic signaling effect at the cell surface of mesangial cells. These events are generic mesangial responses to a variety of adverse stimuli, and they are similar to those characterizing other more frequent glomerulopathies responsible for many cases of end-stage renal disease. The pathophysiologic events that have been elucidated allow to propose future therapeutic approaches aimed at preventing, stopping, ameliorating, or reversing the adverse effects resulting from the interactions between glomerulopathic light chains and mesangium.Hemodialysis has saved many lives, albeit with significant residual mortality. Although poor outcomes may reflect advanced age and comorbid conditions, hemodialysis per se may harm patients, contributing to morbidity and perhaps mortality. Systemic circulatory "stress" resulting from hemodialysis treatment schedule may act as a disease modifier, resulting in a multiorgan injury superimposed on preexistent comorbidities. New functional intradialytic imaging (i.e., echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) and kinetic of specific cardiac biomarkers (i.e., Troponin I) have clearly documented this additional source of end-organ damage. In this context, several factors resulting from patient-hemodialysis interaction and/or patient management have been identified. Intradialytic hypovolemia, hypotensive episodes, hypoxemia, solutes, and electrolyte fluxes as well as cardiac arrhythmias are among the contributing factors to systemic circulatory stress that are induced by hemodialysis. Additionally, these factors contribute to patients' symptom burden, impair cognitive function, and finally have a negative impact on patients' perception and quality of life. In this review, we summarize the adverse systemic effects of current intermittent hemodialysis therapy, their pathophysiologic consequences, review the evidence for interventions that are cardioprotective, and explore new approaches that may further reduce the systemic burden of hemodialysis. These include improved biocompatible materials, smart dialysis machines that automatically may control the fluxes of solutes and electrolytes, volume and hemodynamic control, health trackers, and potentially disruptive technologies facilitating a more personalized medicine approach.

Kidney transplant recipients are at increased susceptibility to many viral infections leading to justifiable anxiety about the effects of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

We performed literature searches from multiple resources in April and August 2020 for relevant English and Chinese literature. Abstracts were screened, followed by full-text review with data extraction of reports that included at least 20 kidney transplant recipients with confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and completed outcomes.

Twenty studies had sufficient data, which we have summarized. Studies were predominantly descriptive and came from France, Italy, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States. Quality assessment demonstrated limitations in selection of comparison groups and controlling for additional factors. Mortality rates from published studies were variable. Based on early data early from Spain, 46% of patients who developed COVID-19 within 60 days of transplantation dily reports but interpretation of these data requires caution, as studies were susceptible to period effects. Reassuringly, the quality of observational data is improving. Detailed and comprehensive data collection through linked registries will be necessary to conduct accurate analyses of risk factors for adverse outcomes, not least given the risks of stopping imunosuppression. This report highlights the early mortality excess in transplant recipients but medium- and longer-term outcomes remain uncertain and merit careful investigation.

People with mental disorders are less successful in smoking cessation efforts. This study compared the characteristics of current smokers and former smokers with mental disorders.

This was a cross-sectional study that used the Public Use Microdata File of the Canadian Community Health Survey 2012. Survey respondents with any mental health disorder in the last 12 months (n=2700), identified using the World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview instrument, were included in the analysis. Smoking status was classified based on self-report responses as current, former and never smoker. Logistic regression models were used to analyze the data.

The odds of quitting smoking were significantly lower among people who were single or never married (widowed/divorced/separated/single) compared to those who were married or had a common-law partner (adjusted odds ratio, AOR=0.6, 95% CI 0.4-0.9). Similarly, significantly lower odds of quitting smoking were observed among people with less than post-secondary education compared to those with post-secondary education (AOR=0.

Autoři článku: Lindgrendouglas7018 (Norwood Womble)