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The aim of the study was to evaluate the caffeine level and antioxidant activity of brews of specialty grade coffee compared to popular coffee brands.

Ten types of coffee were used, including 7 specialty Arabica, 1 Robusta and 2 popular cheap coffee brands. For caffeine determination, HPLC analysis and the spectrophotometric method were used as reference. The total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity (DPPH and FRAP methods) were evaluated. For two selected high-quality coffees, the influence of the brewing method on the antioxidant activity and caffeine content in the brews was assayed.

Regarding the caffeine content, differences between specialty coffee brews and popular products were not found, and an average level amounted to 56 and 40 mg/ml, respectively. In contrast, the antioxidant capacity of specialty coffee brews was significantly higher than for popular ones, independently of the test used. The highest scavenging ability and total phenolic content was found for S3 specialty coffee (46.gh consumption of coffee, due to antiradical protective effects without the risk of caffeine overdose.

Nowadays, dried milk products are highly traded and consumed all over the world, so we aimed in this study to evaluate to what extent whole and skim milk powders are safe and comply with Egyptian standards.

Eighty samples of dried milk (50 whole milk powder and 30 skim milk powder) were gathered from several retailers and supermarkets for evaluation of their differing quality and safety parameters.

The most frequent off-flavors recovered from whole milk powder samples were cooked ones and, in the case of skim milk powder samples, flat ones. Five samples of whole milk powder were of fair quality and three samples of poor quality, according to the sensory evaluation. The compositional parameters, moisture, %, fat, %, protein, %, and acidity, %, were measured as mean values of 3.90 ±0.15, 26.90 ±0.19, 25.53 ±0.27, and 0.99 ±0.03% in the examined whole milk powder samples and 3.77 ±0.08, 1.11 ±0.05, 34.62 ±0.29, and 1.22 ±0.03% in the examined skimmed milk powder samples, respectively. These results were wiled Plasma - Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS), we could measure lead and mercury as mean values of 0.243 ±0.069 and 0.261 ±0.052 mg/kg for whole milk powder samples at a percentage of 68.00 and 34.00%, while for the skim milk powder samples they were 0.150 ±0.037, and 0.347 ±0.110 mg/kg at a percentage of 66.67 and 40.00%, respectively.

Finally, thirty-four whole milk powder and twelve skimmed milk powder samples didn't comply with Egyptian standards, so it is necessary for authorities to put more attention on this and regular monitor it.

Finally, thirty-four whole milk powder and twelve skimmed milk powder samples didn't comply with Egyptian standards, so it is necessary for authorities to put more attention on this and regular monitor it.

Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart), a Brazilian fruit, is considered a "superfruit" due its energetic properties and bioactive compounds. The açai's anti-inflammatory effects could attenuate the undesirable metabolic and pro-inflammatory side effects triggered by some antipsychotic drugs, such as Olanzapine (OLZ). It is possible to infer that açai supplement could potentially minimize the adverse effects of OLZ. Aim. This study tested the potential in vitro effects of açai hydroalcoholic extract on the inflammatory activation of the RAW 264.7 macrophage line triggered by OLZ antipsychotic drugs.

An in vitro protocol was performed using commercial RAW 264.7 macrophages, cultured under sterile conditions at 37°C with 5% CO2 saturation. Initially, a pharmacological curve was defined to determine the concentration of Olanzapine to be used. After this, the cells were supplemented with different concentrations of hydroalcoholic extract of açaí, which had been previously chemically characterized. After 24 and 72 hourshe results suggest that açai extract could be useful in attenuating the peripheral inflammatory states triggered by OLZ. Additional pre-clinical and clinical investigations could be useful in testing therapeutic açai extract supplements.

'Cempedak' (Artocarpus integer) is an aromatic fruit which is similar to jackfruit. Although it is rich in vitamin A and is consumed fresh, the fruit has a short shelf life. Hence, it can be converted through a spray-drying process, to form powder, which is more stable. Powder flow properties are important when considering storage, while its reconstitution characteristics are critical for the consumer to make juice from the product.

The parameters of spray-dried 'cempedak' fruit powder under study include inlet air temperature (140-180°C) and maltodextrin (DE 10) concentrations (5-15% w/w). Response surface methodology involving 14 runs was used to assess the effects of inlet temperature and maltodextrin on the powder flow properties and reconstitution properties of the spray-dried 'cempedak' powder.

Out of the tested responses, only bulk density, change in cake height ratio, and water solubility index had a high coefficient of determination value. Inlet air temperature was found to be the main parameter to affect the bulk density, caking and water solubility index, when compared to maltodextrin concentration. By setting minimization of caking and maximization of water solubility index as the main determinants, the optimal parameters of 160°C inlet temperature and 15% (w/w) maltodextrin DE10 were generated, with a desirability of 0.697.

The powder produced under optimal conditions (160°C and 15% w/w maltodextrin) had a low bulk density (480.01 kg/m3), low caking properties (0.17 change in cake height ratio), and a high solubility index (88.69). This indicates that the powder is stable to be stored (without caking) and will have good reconstitution when added to water.

The powder produced under optimal conditions (160°C and 15% w/w maltodextrin) had a low bulk density (480.01 kg/m3), low caking properties (0.17 change in cake height ratio), and a high solubility index (88.69). This indicates that the powder is stable to be stored (without caking) and will have good reconstitution when added to water.

Cold-pressed berry seed oils are used for consumption and other applications including skin and hair care. They are natural products which gain the attention of customers. In this study, strawberry, raspberry and blackberry seed oils used for cosmetic purposes, purchased from three different European producers, were analyzed. The aim of the study was to assess the quality and oxidative stability of the berry fruit oils, thus they were analyzed after purchase and after 4 and 8 weeks of storage at room temperature.

Acid and peroxide values were determined in the tested oils, as was oxidative stability, which was measured using pressure differential scanning calorimetry (PDSC). Additionally, fatty acid profiles and thei.

nd. Cold-pressed berry seed oils are used for consumption and other applications including skin and hair care. They are natural products which gain the attention of customers. In this study, strawberry, raspberry and blackberry seed oils used for cosmetic purposes, purchased from three dify to evaluate the effects of these products on the body. Moreover, standards clarifying the oxidation of cosmetic oils should be set internationally.Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) often conclude with a "low" or at least "negligible" final health impact assessment (HIA) of the industrial plant under assessment. We explore the reasons for this - often simplistic - conclusion and offer suggestions on how to extend the assessment focus from just the plant to an appropriate impact area. For many assessments, the conclusions are easily predictable the application of available risk functions to modest increases in pollution, in the presence of numerically small populations in the areas of greatest fallout and considering rather rare health outcomes, can only result in quantitatively modest health impacts. This is the classic situation of low sensitivity of the observation system due to the impossibility of containing the type II error (false negatives) since we cannot increase the exposed population at will. The risk is to give the green light to an industrial plant in which the apparently null or very limited damage is simply not properly detectable. TService.A basic condition is the establishment of functions dedicated to integrated environmental and health surveillance to update the health profile and carry out the 'HIA area' as an accompanying tool for local strategic planning. check details On these issues, the Italian Environment and Health Network (RIAS) has opened a discussion within the network and with any Italian regions.In Italy, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic showed the devastating consequences of a widespread biological risk not only for the general population, but also for healthcare workers that diagnose COVID-19 and treat patients. In the set of preventive measures taken to reduce this contagion, a fundamental role in personal protection is played by equipment suitable for preventing the contaminated air inhalation. Despite this severe biological risk during the first epidemic phase, some institutional operating protocols and recommendations have shown limitations and contradictions and, therefore, they must not be repeated. It was observed a widespread inadequate use of respiratory protections, such as surgical masks, which show a low efficacy for health workers; adequate respiratory protective devices are instead rarely used, while their use should have been guaranteed more extensively than it is recommended and noticed, according to the current work hygiene legislation.

to develop a risk prediction model for 30-day mortality from COVID‑19 in an Italian cohort aged 40 years or older.

a population-based retrospective cohort study on prospectively collected data was conducted.

the cohort included all swab positive cases aged 40 years older (No. 18,286) among residents in the territory of the Milan's Agency for Health Protection (ATS-MI) up to 27.04.2020. Data on comorbidities were obtained from the ATS administrative database of chronic conditions.

to predict 30-day mortality risk, a multivariable logistic regression model, including age, gender, and the selected conditions, was developed following the TRIPOD guidelines. Discrimination and calibration of the model were assessed.

after age and gender, the most important predictors of 30-day mortality were diabetes, tumour in first-line treatment, chronic heart failure, and complicated diabetes. The bootstrap-validated c-index was 0.78, which suggests that this model is useful in predicting death after COVID-19 infection in swab positive cases. The model had good discrimination (Brier score 0.13) and was well calibrated (Index of prediction accuracy of 14.8%).

a risk prediction model for 30-day mortality in a large COVID-19 cohort aged 40 years or older was developed. In a new epidemic wave, it would help to define groups at different risk and to identify high-risk subjects to target for specific prevention and therapeutic strategies.

a risk prediction model for 30-day mortality in a large COVID-19 cohort aged 40 years or older was developed. In a new epidemic wave, it would help to define groups at different risk and to identify high-risk subjects to target for specific prevention and therapeutic strategies.

Autoři článku: Levesquecole4652 (Dillon Pacheco)