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The metagenomic and microscopy data suggest that these anaerobic processes were likely occurring in low-oxygen microniches related to extensive growth of filamentous cyanobacteria, including diazotrophic Dolichospermum and non-diazotrophic Planktothrix. By summing the total nitrate fluxes through DNRA and denitrification, it results that DNRA retains approximately one fifth (19%) of the fixed N that goes through the nitrate pool. This is noteworthy as DNRA represents thus a very important recycling mechanism for fixed N, which sustains algal proliferation and leads to further enhancement of eutrophication in these endangered ecosystems.

Predicting the onset and course of mood and anxiety disorders is of clinical importance but remains difficult. We compared the predictive performances of traditional logistic regression, basic probabilistic machine learning (ML) methods, and automated ML (Auto-sklearn).

Data were derived from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. We compared how well multinomial logistic regression, a naïve Bayes classifier, and Auto-sklearn predicted depression and anxiety diagnoses at a 2-, 4-, 6-, and 9-year follow up, operationalized as binary or categorical variables. Predictor sets included demographic and self-report data, which can be easily collected in clinical practice at two initial time points (baseline and 1-year follow up).

At baseline, participants were 42.2 years old, 66.5% were women, and 53.6% had a current mood or anxiety disorder. The three methods were similarly successful in predicting (mental) health status, with correct predictions for up to 79% (95% CI 75-81%). However, Auto-sklearn was superior when assessing a more complex dataset with individual item scores.

Automated ML methods added only limited value, compared to traditional data modelling when predicting the onset and course of depression and anxiety. However, they hold potential for automatization and may be better suited for complex datasets.

Automated ML methods added only limited value, compared to traditional data modelling when predicting the onset and course of depression and anxiety. selleck inhibitor However, they hold potential for automatization and may be better suited for complex datasets.Four subtypes of the alexithymia construct have been proposed based on different response patterns to the Cognitive and Affective dimensions of the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ). Previous studies investigating whether alexithymia subtypes can be statistically estimated have not found complete support for these specific subtypes. These previous studies, however, contained several methodological limitations such as relatively small sample sizes, and considerations of only a limited number of proposed subtypes. In the current investigation, we examined whether the four proposed subtypes could be statistically detected in a large sample of undergraduate students (N = 612) who completed the BVAQ, using latent profile analysis (LPA). Based on observed responses to the five BVAQ subscales, consistent with previous studies, our results did not find support for the four proposed alexithymia subtypes. Rather, our results suggested LPA solutions that correspond to individuals with various degrees of alexithymia 'severity'. Although further studies are needed, especially with clinical samples, these results question the idea of four alexithymia subtypes and suggest that the implementation of these subtypes into various research studies may be a premature endeavour.Little is known about the use of mental health smartphone applications during the greatest period of vulnerability - immediately following discharge from a psychiatric inpatient unit. Currently, no data are available regarding smartphone ownership or technology literacy of individuals who receive inpatient psychiatric treatment. The goal of this study was to determine psychiatric inpatients' smartphone ownership, current uses of, and interest in utilizing apps to aid in mental health treatment after discharge. A single time point self-report survey was given to patients prior to discharge from a psychiatric inpatient unit at a major academic hospital in a metropolitan area of the United States. Of the 101 survey respondents, 82.8% indicated that they own a smartphone, and over 70% indicated that they use smartphone apps, can access the internet from their phones, and use social media. While only 25.3% reported that they currently use a mental health app, a majority of respondents (53.2%) expressed interest in using such apps in the future, and almost 60% would use those apps to track their mental health. Our data suggest that there is significant untapped potential for utilizing smartphone applications for psychiatric monitoring and treatment following discharge from an inpatient psychiatric unit.The immune response and phenotypic characteristics of Pelibuey lambs were analysed after the induction of a Haemonchus contortus trickle infection. Male lambs (n = 29; 20 kg live weight) were infected with 100 H. contortus infective larvae per kg of live weight on day 3, 5 and 7 of the experiment. The number of eggs per gram (epg), seven haematological parameters and the immunoglobulin A (IgA) level were analysed for 56 experimental days. In addition, histopathological samples from the fundic abomasal region and the relative expression of 10 immune-related genes from 15 infected and three non-infected lambs were analysed at day 0 and 49 of the experiment. The epg count and some haematological parameters (leucocytes, red blood cells, haemoglobin and total protein) with statistically significant differences (P less then 0.01) were used to identify nine resistant and 20 susceptible lambs (1166 ± 1071 and 3171 ± 1463 epg, respectively). Moreover, acute infiltration of immune cells and parasitic granuloma formation were observed in susceptible lambs; the resistant group had moderate inflammatory cell infiltration. With respect to relative gene expression, resistant lambs showed upregulation (P less then 0.001) of 10 genes, from 2.2 to 15.99 fold. Moreover, there was a strong indirect correlation (P less then 0.05) between the epg count and interleukin 5 (IL5) gene expression. By contrast, there was an average 0.34 fold downregulation in nine of the immune-related genes (P ≤ 0.05) in susceptible lambs (the only exception was Fc fragment of IgE receptor Ia [FCER1A] upregulation). In addition, there was a direct correlation (P ≤ 0.05) between the epg count and the expression of IL8, which encodes an inflammatory chemokine. In conclusion, this study showed differential IL5 and IL8 gene expression during haemonchosis in resistant and susceptible Pelibuey lambs, respectively, together with a variable immune response based on histopathological and haematological parameters.This study compared the suicide rates among different groups of occupations in Korea and their changes from 1993 through 2017. The suicide rate tended to be low in the high skill occupations except the manager group. The suicide rates showed increases around the financial crises of 1997 and 2008 in most occupations, and the sharpest increase was observed in the managers. The suicide rate in the manager group, which was the lowest among all occupation groups until the mid 2000s, showed the sharpest increase and became the highest since 2012 among all occupation groups. The sustained reduction in suicide rates among the skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers in Korea, following the implementation of paraquat control since 2005, shows that means restriction is an effective and essential way for reducing suicides. While more efforts should be put into means restriction, policy makers should focus on changing public perceptions of suicide in order that it would not be accepted as a possible solution for the difficulties in life.Identification of fetal location and its relations to abdominal organs is extremely important in reducing fetal and maternal morbidity in rare cases of abdominal pregnancy. Ultrasound examination is inadequate for helping to successfully manage such cases. In this case report, FIESTA sequence MRI is used to provide high-resolution, better contrast, and higher signal-to-noise ratio fetal and abdominal images. A case of advanced abdominal pregnancy with a live fetus is reported. The surgery was conducted successfully on 34 weeks of gestation.Uterine artery embolization (UAE) for symptomatic uterine fibroids is accompanied by transcervical fibroid expulsion in 3-15% of cases. It can be a source of significant patient distress, may require reintervention for removal, and is the most common reason for hospital readmission following UAE. Conversely, the success of hysteroscopic resection decreases with increasing fibroid size while the risk of complications increases. Because certain fibroid features identifiable on preoperative imaging predict need for eventual hysteroscopic resection, it is possible to prospectively identify such patients and employ an alternative management strategy. We present such an approach, illustrated in the case of a woman with a pedunculated broad-based uterine fibroid successfully managed via combination UAE and immediate hysteroscopic resection.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of tissue heterogeneities on dose distribution in Californium-252(252Cf) neutron brachytherapy. The effect of location and size of heterogeneity on dose distribution was also evaluated. Neutron and photon dose rate distributions were determined in a water phantom in presence of air, lung, soft tissue and bone heterogeneities using MCNPX code. To benchmark the Monte Carlo simulation of the 252Cf source, air kerma strength(SKN), dose rate constant (ɅN) and radial dose function (gN(r)) were calculated and compared with previously reported data. Results showed a considerable reduction of neutron dose rate (up to 66%) inside heterogeneities, especially in air and bone heterogeneities, while the reduction of total photon dose rate was found less significant (up to 10%). In the presence of a heterogeneity, dose rate, fluence and energy spectrum were significantly different with respect to the homogenous phantom. The contribution of photon dose to the total dose in the presence of air and bone was dominant, compared to the neutron dose, whereas this photon contribution was reduced after passing the heterogeneity. As the bone heterogeneity size was increased from 1 × 1 × 1 cm3 to 1 × 3 × 1 cm3, the total dose and neutron energy fluence decreased of about 50% and 70%, respectively.Although self-compassion has been extensively studied in the recent decades, the representation of self-compassion as a unitary measure or the presence of self-warmth (i.e., presence of the positive components self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness) and self-coldness (i.e., presence of the negative components self-judgment, isolation, and mindfulness) remains controversial. Moreover, the differential effects of the six components of self-compassion on mental well-being and psychological distress have not been systematically investigated. To synthesize the differential effects of the six components of self-compassion and to examine how people in different cultures may associate the positive and negative components of self-compassion differentially, the present meta-analysis synthesized 183 effect sizes across 27 cultures. Results showed that the negative components of self-compassion (rs = 0.44 to 0.45) showed greater effect sizes with psychological distress than the positive counterparts (rs = -0.17 to -0.

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