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The aim of this paper is to describe the protocol of a study assessing the impact of a Community-based pro-Active Monitoring Program, by measuring the effect in counteracting the adverse outcomes related to frailty.

a prospective pragmatic trial will be carried out to describe the impact of an intervention on people aged>80, adjusted for relevant parameters demographic variables, comorbidities, disability and bio-psycho-social frailty. They have been assessed with the Functional Geriatric Evaluation questionnaire that is a validated tool. Mortality, Acute Hospital Admission rates, Emergency Room Visit rates and Institutionalization rates are the main outcomes to be evaluated annually, over three years. Two groups of patients, made up by 578 cases (undergoing the intervention under study) and 607 controls have been enrolled and interviewed.

at baseline the two groups are quite similar for age, living arrangement, comorbidity, disability and cognitive status. They differ in education, economic resources and physical status (that are better in the control group) and in social resources (that is better in the case group). The latter was expected since the intervention is focused on increasing social capital at individual and community level and aimed at improving survival among the cases as well as reducing the recourse to hospital and residential Long Term Care.

The proposed study addresses a crucial issue assessing the impact of a

service consisting of social and health interventions aimed at reducing social isolation and improving access to health care services.

The proposed study addresses a crucial issue assessing the impact of a bottom up care service consisting of social and health interventions aimed at reducing social isolation and improving access to health care services.Covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). On 30 January 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the outbreak of Covid-19 realizes a public health emergency of international concern. Because of the primary involvement of the respiratory system, chest CT is strongly recommended in suspected Covid-19 cases, for both initial and follow-up. We present the case of a Covid-19 patient, a 57-year-old man, with a typical HRCT course of OP reaction.The meeting of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPonAHA) action group A3 together with members of the Reference site collaborative network (RSCN) in December 2019 in Rome focused on integration of evidence-based approaches on health and care delivery for older citizens at different levels of needs with expertise coming from stakeholder across Europe. It was the final aim of the group to co-create culturally sensitive pathways and facilitate co-ownership for further implementation of the pathways in different care systems across Europe. The study design is a mixed method approach. Based on data analysis from a cohort of community-dwelling over-65 citizens in the framework of a longitudinal observational study in Rome, which included health, social and functional capacity data, three personas profiles were developed the pre-frail, the frail and the very frail personas. Based on these data, experts were asked to co-create care pathways due to evidence and eminence during a workshop and included into a final report. All working groups agreed on a common understanding that integration of care means person-centered integration of health and social care, longitudinally provided across primary and secondary health care including citizens' individual social, economic and human resources. Elements for consideration during care for pre-frail people are loneliness and social isolation, which, lead to limitation of physical autonomy in the light of reduced access to social support. Frail people need adaption of environmental structures and, again, social resource allocation to maintain at home. Very frail are generally vulnerable patients with complex needs. Most of them remain at home because of a strong individual social support and integrated health care delivery. The approach described in this publication may represent a first approach to scaling-up care delivery in a person-centered approach.To develop trainings on the implementation of smart healthy age-friendly environments for people who aim to support, for example, their parents, their neighbours or local community, there are precautionary measures that have to be taken into account the role of the facilitator (volunteer or self-employed), the level of skills, the needs of the end-users, training content and methodologies together with the sustainability of the learning. This article examines these aspects, based on desk research and expert interviews in the Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) fields.This manuscript presents a model and the methodology to understand and define the ethical management of the large-scale implementation of ICT solutions for Active and Healthy Ageing. Based on project expertise, including experience from the Pharaon project Horizon 2020, this model includes an understanding of the main ethical challenges and the development of the necessary guidelines, measures, and tools for different stakeholder profiles. This model extends beyond conventional ethical guidelines, providing a methodology to actively discuss ethical and societal challenges within a project based on interactive and iterative dialogue between the entire value-chain of stakeholders. One of the cornerstones in the analysis of challenges is focused attention on policy and societal issues that emerge during a project. Accordingly, the model includes targeted reflections and tools delivered in the context of the recent Covid-19 pandemic. The tools developed in this process are organised in a guide that can be actively used throughout large-scale implementation projects related to ICT solutions.The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled the frailty of our societies from too many points of view to look away. We need to understand why we were all caught unprepared. On the one hand, we have all short memories. As we forget too quickly, we were unable to recognize key factors influencing response and preparedness to public health threats. For many years, economic evaluation pushed governments all over the world to cut resources for public health systems, with COVID-19 pandemic the question arises do we spend too much or too little on health care? What is the right amount to spend on health? Moreover, in many countries, the privatisation, or semi-privatisation, of healthcare may give rise to inequitable access to health care for everyone. Although COVID-19 is very "democratic", its consequences aren't. According to OECD, income inequality in OECD countries is at its highest level for the past half century. Three main causes have been recognized, technological revolution, globalization, and "financialisation". In this scenario, lockdown measures adopted to save lives are showing dramatic economic consequences. To address post COVID-19 reconstruction we need to go beyond GDP. As an economic measure this has many shortcomings in describing the real well-being of a country, and since what we measure affects what we do, new paradigms will have to guide the post COVID-19 reconstruction strategies, as the fate of countries and their citizens is at stake.The World Health Organization plan for a Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020-2030 has established some priorities in the field of palliative and end-of-life care. It states that "people require non-discriminatory access to good-quality palliative and end-of-life care" and recommends the "implementation of strategies for the provision of information, training, respite and support for informal caregivers". The priorities described are in line with the home care services that National Tumor Assistance (ANT) Foundation has been providing in Italy. This 5-years investigation was designed to measure caregivers' satisfaction and determine what types of support services are associated with greater satisfaction. 5.441 family caregivers filled out autonomously a 6-item questionnaire at the end of home care assistance, focusing on the level of satisfaction with the social and health services received. The overall data indicate a high satisfaction rate for the home care assistance received. In particular, participants rate positively the assistance provided by healthcare professionals (physicians, nurses and psychologists). The most appreciated aspects of assistance are those ensuring a global management of patients and their families, whereas an area of deficiency emerged was the continuity of care, suggesting the importance to implement the networks between the health care facilities and home care services. The present investigation constitutes a mean to highlight the aspects associated with greater satisfaction and the ones perceived as less satisfactory by caregivers. Moreover, this research constitutes a crucial instrument to improve home care assistance provided by ANT ensuring the best quality of life for both patients and their families.The ability of an organism to sense and respond to environmental redox fluctuations relies on a signaling network that is incompletely understood in apicomplexan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii. The impact of changes in redox upon the development of this intracellular parasite is not known. Here, we provide a revised collection of 58 genes containing domains related to canonical antioxidant function, with their encoded proteins widely dispersed throughout different cellular compartments. We demonstrate that addition of exogenous H2O2 to human fibroblasts infected with T. gondii triggers a Ca2+ flux in the cytosol of intracellular parasites that can induce egress. In line with existing models, egress triggered by exogenous H2O2 is reliant upon both Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 3 and diacylglycerol kinases. Finally, we show that the overexpression a glutaredoxin-roGFP2 redox sensor fusion protein in the parasitophorous vacuole severely impacts parasite replication. These data highlight the rich redox network that exists in T. gondii, evidencing a link between extracellular redox and intracellular Ca2+ signaling that can culminate in parasite egress. Our findings also indicate that the redox potential of the intracellular environment contributes to normal parasite growth. Combined, our findings highlight the important role of redox as an unexplored regulator of parasite biology.Dengue virus (DENV) infection is prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, which is fatal if untreated symptomatically. Emergence of new genotype within serotypes led to enhanced severity. The objective of the study is to identify the molecular characteristics of the DENV circulated during 2017 outbreak in Tamil Nadu, India, and to investigate the role of inflammatory cytokines in different "serotypes" and in "dengue severity". A total of 135 suspected samples were tested for DENV infection using IgM, IgG, and qPCR assay; where 76 samples were positive for DENV and analyzed for 12 inflammatory cytokines using ELISA. Serotyping shows 14 DENV-1, 22 DENV-2, 7 DENV-3, and 33 DENV-4, where DENV-4 was predominant. Among 76, 42 isolates were successfully sequenced for C-prM region and grouped. A lineage shift was observed in DENV-4 genotype. Irrespective of serotypes, IFNγ was significantly elevated in all serotypes than control as well as in primary infection than secondary, indicating its role in immune response.

Autoři článku: Lehmanziegler4051 (Lau Sinclair)