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Both the two-sample MR and one-sample GRS analyses showed no change in risk of sporadic miscarriages, stillbirths, pre-term birth or effect on gestational age connected to coffee consumption. Although both analyses showed an association between increased coffee consumption and higher birthweight, the magnitude of the effect was inconsistent.

Our results suggest that coffee consumption during pregnancy might not itself contribute to adverse outcomes such as stillbirth, sporadic miscarriages and pre-term birth or lower gestational age or birthweight of the offspring.

Our results suggest that coffee consumption during pregnancy might not itself contribute to adverse outcomes such as stillbirth, sporadic miscarriages and pre-term birth or lower gestational age or birthweight of the offspring.Biominerals are unique materials found in many living organisms that often display outstanding functionalities attributed to their mesocrystalline structure. Mesocrystals are nanocrystal superstructures with mutual crystallographic alignment of the building units. One could thus imagine these optimized evolutionary systems as archetypes to fabricate advanced materials. The main advantage of such systems relies on their ability to combine the features of the nanocrystals with those of single crystalline microscopic structures, yielding assemblies with directional, enhanced, and potentially emergent properties. Moreover, fueled by the promises of multifunctional materials with unprecedented and tunable properties, the rational design of mesocrystals assembled from two distinct colloidal nanocrystal ensembles has become a recent focus of research. However, the combination of dissimilar nanocrystals into ordered binary superstructures is still a major scientific challenge due to the nature of the coassembly proce and growth of single component mesocrystals. This phenomenon was illustrated during the successful preparation of 3D binary mesocrystals composed of iron oxide and platinum nanocubes. Although the building blocks possessed comparable sizes and were stabilized by similar ligands, the amount of the second component could only be arbitrarily tuned up to some extent, even when the assembly conditions were rationally optimized to achieve 3D binary mesocrystals. Only a small amount of it was effectively incorporated into the matrix of the initial mesocrystal. The 3D binary mesocrystal growth process demands a delicate control over the size, shape, and surface chemistry of the nanocrystals, the solvent nature, and the self-assembly process. Hence, the improvement of our ability to control the synthesis of 3D binary mesocrystalline materials is critical to exploit their potential toward technological applications in catalysis, energy storage, or structural materials.Spin electronics is delivering a much desired combination of properties such as high speed, low power, and high device densities for the next generation of memory devices. Utilizing chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect is a promising path toward efficient and simple spintronic devices. To be compatible with state-of-the-art integrated circuits manufacturing methodologies, vapor phase methodologies for deposition of spin filtering layers are needed. Here, we present vapor phase deposition of hybrid organic-inorganic thin films with embedded chirality. The deposition scheme relies on a combination of atomic and molecular layer deposition (A/MLD) utilizing enantiomeric pure alaninol molecular precursors combined with trimethyl aluminum (TMA) and water. The A/MLD deposition method deliver highly conformal thin films allowing the fabrication of several types of nanometric scale spintronic devices. The devices showed high spin polarization (close to 100%) for 5 nm thick spin filter layer deposited by A/MLD. The procedure is compatible with common device processing methodologies.Polysorbates are nonionic surfactants that have been widely used in biotherapeutic formulations to prevent protein aggregation and denaturation. However, polysorbates are subject to degradation after prolonged storage if certain lipases are present in the biotherapeutic product. Because the degradation of polysorbates compromises the shelf life of biotherapeutics and leads to the formation of undesirable products such as protein aggregates and subvisible particles, it is important to identify the active enzymes that catalyze polysorbate hydrolysis. In this study, we developed a novel fluorophosphonate activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) probe (termed the REGN probe), which mimics the structure of polysorbate and targets lipases catalyzing polysorbate degradation. We demonstrated that the REGN probe could enrich certain lipases from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lysate by more than 100-fold compared with direct tryptic digestion. Furthermore, we found that the REGN probe had higher lipase enrichment efficiency than commercially available ABPP probes including fluorophosphonate-biotin (FP-biotin) and FP-desthiobiotin. Remarkably, the REGN probe can enrich several lipases that cannot be labeled by commercial probes, such as lysosomal acid lipase and cytosolic phospholipase A2. Additionally, we showed that lipases with abundances as low as 0.08 ppm in drug substances were detected by the REGN probe enrichment and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis. Collectively, we have developed a novel ABPP probe with higher enrichment efficiency and broader coverage for lipases compared with commercial probes, and this probe can be used to detect the trace level of lipases in biotherapeutic products and to facilitate their development and manufacturing.Among near-infrared (NIR) dyes, squaraine derivatives are applied as efficient sensitizers in optoelectronic and biomedical devices due to their simple synthesis, intense absorption, and emission and exceptional photochemical stability. The fundamental understanding of the structure-property relationships of sensitizers provides the insight to increase the efficiency of such devices. Here, unsymmetrical squaraine derivatives (ABSQs) with donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D') architectures having N,N-dimethyl amino anthracene and benzothiazole (ABSQ-H) halogenated with fluoride (ABSQ-F), chloride (ABSQ-Cl), and bromide (ABSQ-Br) were synthesized to understand the effect of halogen on the photophysical properties and intermolecular interaction dynamics with phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), which is used widely as an electron acceptor in bulk heterojunction-based devices. Interestingly, ABSQ-H exhibited intense absorption (ε ∼ 6.72 × 104 M-1 cm-1) spectra centered at ∼660 nm. Upon halogen substitution, a bathochromic shift in the absorption spectra with an increase of molar absorptivity was observed (ε ∼ 8.59 × 104 M-1 cm-1), which is beneficial for NIR light harvesting. The femtosecond transient absorption spectra of ABSQs revealed that the polarity of the solvent controlled the excited-state relaxation dynamics. Upon addition of PCBM, the fluorescence intensity and dynamics of halogenated ABSQs were quenched, and the formation of a squaraine radical cation was observed, reflecting the occurrence of intermolecular charge-transfer dynamics between ABSQs and PCBM. Thus, the observation of a bathochromic shift with intense absorption and an efficient intermolecular interaction with PCBM upon halogenation of ABSQs provide a design strategy for the development of unsymmetrical squaraine derivatives for bulk heterojunction-based optoelectronic devices.Freestanding oxide membranes constitute an intriguing material platform for new functionalities and allow integration of oxide electronics with technologically important platforms such as silicon. Sambri et al. recently reported a method to fabricate freestanding LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (LAO/STO) membranes by spalling of strained heterostructures. Here, we first develop a scheme for the high-yield fabrication of membrane devices on silicon. DL-Buthionine-Sulfoximine concentration Second, we show that the membranes exhibit metallic conductivity and a superconducting phase below ∼200 mK. Using anisotropic magnetotransport we extract the superconducting phase coherence length ξ ≈ 36-80 nm and establish an upper bound on the thickness of the superconducting electron gas d ≈ 17-33 nm, thus confirming its two-dimensional character. Finally, we show that the critical current can be modulated using a silicon-based backgate. The ability to form superconducting nanostructures of LAO/STO membranes, with electronic properties similar to those of the bulk counterpart, opens opportunities for integrating oxide nanoelectronics with silicon-based architectures.

Significant underutilization of breast cancer chemoprevention remains, despite guidelines stating that physicians should recommend chemoprevention with antiestrogen therapy to high-risk women. We randomized women, ages 35 to 75 years, who met high-risk criteria for breast cancer, without a personal history of breast cancer or prior chemoprevention use, to standard educational materials alone or combined with a web-based decision aid. All healthcare providers, including primary care providers and breast specialists, were given access to a web-based decision support tool. The primary endpoint was chemoprevention uptake at 6 months. Secondary outcomes included decision antecedents (perceived breast cancer risk/worry, chemoprevention knowledge, self-efficacy) and decision quality (decision conflict, chemoprevention informed choice) based upon patient surveys administered at baseline, 1 and 6 months after randomization. Among 282 evaluable high-risk women enrolled from November 2016 to March 2020, mean age was 5wever, these decision support tools may increase knowledge and informed choice about breast cancer chemoprevention.

In this randomized controlled trial of decision support for 300 high-risk women and 50 healthcare providers, we did not observe a significant increase in chemoprevention uptake, which remained low at under 5%. However, these decision support tools may increase knowledge and informed choice about breast cancer chemoprevention.Dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) can be used for the discovery of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from time series gene expression data. Here, we suggest a strategy for learning DBNs from gene expression data by employing a Bayesian approach that is scalable to large networks and is targeted at learning models with high predictive accuracy. Our framework can be used to learn DBNs for multiple groups of samples and highlight differences and similarities in their GRNs. We learn these DBN models based on different structural and parametric assumptions and select the optimal model based on the cross-validated predictive accuracy. We show in simulation studies that our approach is better equipped to prevent overfitting than techniques used in previous studies. We applied the proposed DBN-based approach to two time series transcriptomic datasets from the Gene Expression Omnibus database, each comprising data from distinct phenotypic groups of the same tissue type. In the first case, we used DBNs to characterize responders and non-responders to anti-cancer therapy. In the second case, we compared normal to tumor cells of colorectal tissue. The classification accuracy reached by the DBN-based classifier for both datasets was higher than reported previously. For the colorectal cancer dataset, our analysis suggested that GRNs for cancer and normal tissues have a lot of differences, which are most pronounced in the neighborhoods of oncogenes and known cancer tissue markers. The identified differences in gene networks of cancer and normal cells may be used for the discovery of targeted therapies.

Autoři článku: Leeraun8176 (Dowling Lentz)