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Introduction There is a dire need for research regarding the implications of opioid use during pregnancy on fetal and childhood development to better inform both medical practice and policy. The Healthy Brain and Child Development Study will examine brain and behavioral development from birth through the first decade of life. Due to large scope and anticipated complexity of this initiative, an 18-month planning phase was implemented across 28 sites across the nation. A core element of the Phase I initiative involved the development of Stakeholder Advisory Committees to inform the next phase of the initiative. Methods Phase I stakeholder meetings were conducted at Oregon Health and Science University, New York University Langone Medical Center, the University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Vermont to better understand perspectives and inform upcoming research. Despite differences in the structure of the stakeholder meetings by site, the overarching goals for the meetings included establishing relationshiand the medical system, and this could be addressed by including people with lived experience on the research team, forming connections, communicating clearly, training the research team in implicit bias, and practicing trauma-informed care. In conclusion, these stakeholder meetings provided valuable information for structuring upcoming studies; however, researchers would have benefitted from more time and more opportunities for in-person connection.A substantial amount of research has examined the role of individual differences in the regulation of emotion and the impact of emotion regulation on mental health; however, few studies have covered the role of situational context in the selection of emotion regulation strategies. In this paper, we investigate the extent to which an individual's choice of emotion regulation strategy is affected by factors such as emotional intelligence, the person with whom one is in conflict, situational sense of control, and the individual's aim in dealing with the conflict. A total of 300 participants (46.67% female) between the ages of 21 and 35 were recruited from the community (female's mean age = 28.14, SD = 4.49; male's mean age = 28.12, SD = 4.32). Participants filled out a set of questionnaires related to their emotion intelligence and emotion regulations they used in two interpersonal incidents with parents and partner. Structural equation modeling was used for data analyses. Results showed that positive correlatioents. Overall, the results confirm that emotion regulation is affected by both individual and situational factors, indicating the importance of adopting a dynamic approach when investigating emotion regulation.The aim of this study is to examine the association of autism traits with long-term obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms and well-being levels in patient with OCD. Participants comprised 18 outpatients from a tertiary hospital and 100 adults who were registered in a large Japanese internet marketing research company and met OCD criteria by the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview and were between the ages of 20 and 65 years. Clinical characteristics, autism trait assessed using the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), OCD symptoms assessed using Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS), and well-being assessed using the Flourishing Scale were assessed. Multiple regression analyses showed that a greater total score of AQ, a greater subscale score "imagination" was associated with a greater score of Y-BOCS. Greater total score of AQ, a greater subscale score "social skill," and "imagination" were associated with lower well-being score. Autism traits, especially lack of imagination, were associated with more severe OCD symptoms. Further, autism traits, especially social skill problems and lack of imagination, were associated with lower levels of well-being. Assessment of autism traits before treatment and a strategy designed for OCD patients with autism traits may be warranted.The purpose of this study was to explore the cultivation of innovation and entrepreneurship of university students as well as its influence on talent training and cultural diversity. First, based on the combination of theoretical analysis and practical investigation, the entrepreneurship of college students and the basic situation of cultural diversity cultivation were discussed. The research objects involve students of different genders, grades, majors, and family backgrounds. Second, the reliability and validity of the scale were tested, and the survey data were analyzed after eliminating the invalid items. read more It is found that the average score of entrepreneurship of college students is 3.428; the score of innovation spirit dimension is 3.61, which is the highest in the dimensions; the score of forward-looking dimension is 3.25, which is the lowest; and the variance of leadership dimension is the lowest. The variance of the forward-looking dimension is the greatest. According to the analysis of the scores of different types of students, freshmen score lower in innovation dimension and challenge dimension, challenge spirit of female students is slightly higher than that of male students, and the leadership dimension score of science students is higher. Based on the survey results of cultural diversity training in colleges and universities, the average score is 3.343, the scores of course teaching and educational achievement are lower, and the score of cultural activity dimension is the highest. Liberal arts students have higher scores in cultural diversity, and senior students have low scores in cultural diversity cultivation due to the limited time. This study has been considered in a comprehensive manner. It provides a scientific theoretical basis for carrying out innovation and entrepreneurship education as well as cultural or nutritional activities in colleges and universities and thus has a significant practical value.Latent Change Score models (LCS) are a popular tool for the study of dynamics in longitudinal research. They represent processes in which the short-term dynamics have direct and indirect consequences on the long-term behavior of the system. However, this dual interpretation of the model parameters is usually overlooked in the literature, and researchers often find it difficult to see the connection between parameters and specific patterns of change. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive examination of the meaning and interpretation of the parameters in LCS models. Importantly, we focus on their relation to the shape of the trajectories and explain how different specifications of the LCS model involve particular assumptions about the mechanisms of change. On a supplementary website, we present an interactive Shiny App that allows users to explore different sets of parameter values and examine their effects on the predicted trajectories. We also include fully explained code to estimate some of the most relevant specifications of the LCS model with the R-packages lavaan and OpenMx.Academic procrastination involves the delayed implementation of actions required to fulfill study-related tasks. These behavioral delays are thought to result from momentary failures in self-regulation (i.e., within-person processes). Most previous studies focused on the role of trait-based individual differences in students' procrastination tendencies. Little is known about the within-person processes involved in the occurrence of procrastination behavior in real-life academic situations. The present study applied an event-based experience sampling approach to investigate whether the onset of task-specific delay behavior can be attributed to unfavorable changes in students' momentary appraisals of tasks (value, aversiveness, effort, expectations of success), which may indicate failures in self-regulation arise between critical phases of goal-directed action. University students (N = 75) used an electronic diary over eight days to indicate their next days' intentions to work on academic tasks and their task-sditions and illustrate how this knowledge can benefit the design of tasks and instructions that support students' self-regulation to their best.Student initiatives for climate justice are driving forces in the climate change debate, but the psychological determinants of students' engagement for climate justice have hardly been investigated so far. For this study, we posited student engagement for climate justice to be a form of collective action and analyzed psychological determinants of collective action as well as subjective processes of change in these determinants. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with four individuals who were engaged in different student initiatives. The results of a qualitative content analysis showed that student collective action for climate justice as reported by the respondents reinforced some of the psychological conditions of collective action established in the literature, such as collective and participatory self-efficacy expectations and feelings of fear and anger. We also found, however, that (first-time) participation in collective action cannot be fully explained by those known predictors. A sense of responsibility, awareness of problems, and extrinsic motives, such as social contact, were also conducive to participation, whereas politicized collective identities did not play a significant role. Finally, we discuss the results against the background of existing theoretical considerations and outline implications for further psychological study of collective action.Empathy is a fundamental construct that allows individuals to perceive and understand the cognitive and emotional state of others. Empathy is not only a psychological and sociological concept; it also heavily impacts our daily lives by affecting our decisions and actions. Empathy is connected to and involves specific parts of the brain which, if damaged or of reduced volume, can lead to actions that are morally unjust, aggressive, or simply denoting a lack of understanding and sensitivity. The literature affirms that the low level of empathy, guilt, embarrassment, and moral reasoning displayed by violent and psychopathic criminals is strongly associated with empathy-linked brain regions that are smaller in size or less developed. The aim of this review is to show empirical data over the last 5 years on the connection between empathy and neuroscience among violent and psychopathic offenders, reflecting on future research on the topic.Vaccines are the most effective strategy to safeguard against COVID-19 and it is crucial to assess community acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination. This exploratory study aimed to assess the attitude of immigrants toward the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines in South Korea. A web-based anonymous study was completed by 463 immigrants. The data were statistically analyzed using a logistic regression model and ANOVA test. On a scale of 0-6, the average attitude toward the COVID-19 vaccination was 4.17 ± 1.73, indicating generally positive attitudes. The proportion of the immigrants who were certain to get COVID-19 vaccination was 55.3%. Only 36.7% reported that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe. Of the immigrants, 72.6% showed high acceptance and 27.4% low acceptance toward the COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccine safety concern was the major predictor for COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Up-to-date, valid information on COVID-19 vaccine safety, and vaccine risk communication strategies are required to increase vaccine acceptability.

Autoři článku: Leblancpuckett1085 (Corneliussen Knight)