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The main severe complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection are pneumonia and respiratory distress syndrome. Recent studies, however, reported that cardiac injury, as assessed by troponin levels, is associated with a worse outcome in these patients. No study hitherto assessed whether the simple standard electrocardiogram (ECG) may be helpful for risk stratification in these patients.

We studied 324 consecutive patients admitted to our Emergency Department with a confirmed diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Standard 12-lead ECG recorded on admission was assessed for cardiac rhythm and rate, atrioventricular and intraventricular conduction, abnormal Q/QS wave, ST segment and T wave changes, corrected QT interval, and tachyarrhythmias. At a mean follow-up of 31 ± 11 days, 44 deaths occurred (13.6%). Most ECG variables were significantly associated with mortality, including atrial fibrillation (P = 0.002), increasing heart rate (P = 0.002), presence of left bundle branch block (LBBB; P < 0.001), QRS duration (P <0 .001), a QRS duration of ≥110 ms (P < 0.001), ST segment depression (P < 0.001), abnormal Q/QS wave (P = 0.034), premature ventricular complexes (PVCs; P = 0.051), and presence of any ECG abnormality [hazard ratio (HR) 4.58; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.40-8.76; P < 0.001]. At multivariable analysis, QRS duration (P = 0.002), QRS duration ≥110 ms (P = 0.03), LBBB (P = 0.014) and presence of any ECG abnormality (P = 0.04) maintained a significant independent association with mortality.

Our data show that standard ECG can be helpful for an initial risk stratification of patients admitted for SARS-CoV-2 infectious disease.

Our data show that standard ECG can be helpful for an initial risk stratification of patients admitted for SARS-CoV-2 infectious disease.

Animal studies have shown that soy protein and isoflavones can increase antioxidant capacity and improve insulin resistance, and thus ameliorate nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, only limited epidemiological studies have examined the association of soy food intake with NAFLD.

We investigated the association between soy food intake and NAFLD in a Chinese cohort.

A total of 24,622 participants aged 20-90 y were included in the study. Diet information was collected using a validated 100-item FFQ. NAFLD was defined as having fatty liver diagnosed by ultrasonography and excluding men and women who consumed>210g alcohol/wk and>140g/wk, respectively. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association of soy food intake with NAFLD.

After adjustment for potential confounders, and taking those with<1time/wk soy food intake as the reference group, the ORs for NAFLD across soy food intake frequency were 0.94 (95% CI 0.83, 1.07) for 1 time/wk, 0.88 (95% CI 0.78, 0.99) for 2-3 times/wk, and 0.75 (95% CI 0.65, 0.87) for≥4 times/wk (P-trend<0.0001). The results were similar when participants were categorized by the energy-adjusted soy food intake (grams per 1000kilocalories) quartiles (OR=0.80; 95% CI 0.71, 0.91; comparing extreme quartiles).

Higher soy food intake was associated with a lower prevalence of NAFLD in Chinese adults. Further prospective studies and randomized clinical trials are necessary to confirm if soy food intake is inversely related to the risk of NAFLD.

Higher soy food intake was associated with a lower prevalence of NAFLD in Chinese adults. Further prospective studies and randomized clinical trials are necessary to confirm if soy food intake is inversely related to the risk of NAFLD.

In recent years, lactose-free infant formulas have been increasingly used. Digestible maltodextrins are commonly used as a substitute for lactose in these formulas, but the effects on energy metabolism are unknown.

We aimed to evaluate the differences in energy metabolism and substrate oxidation in piglets fed milk replacers containing lactose compared with maltodextrin as the only source of carbohydrates.

Piglets (Tempo×Topigs 20) from 8 litters were fed milk replacers containing lactose or maltodextrin (28% w/w, milk powder basis) from 1 to 9 wk of age (n=4 litters/milk replacer). At 5 wk of age, 4 females and 4 entire males (mean ± SEM bodyweight, 10± 0.3kg) were selected per litter, and housed in 16 groups of 4 littermates, with 2 females and 2 males per pen (n=8 groups/milk replacer). Between 7 and 9 wk of age, groups were housed for 72h in climate respiration chambers, and fed their experimental milk replacer in 2 meals per day, at 0830 and 1630. Heat production data were calculated from the contitprandial substrate oxidation profiles in pigs. Further research is warranted to evaluate the consequences of these metabolic changes for body composition.Brassinosteroids (BRs) are steroid hormones that play key roles in plant development and defense. Our goal is to harness the extensive knowledge of the Arabidopsis BR signaling network to improve productivity in crop species. This first requires identifying components of the conserved network and their function in the target species. Here, we investigated the function of SlBIM1a, the closest tomato homolog of AtBIM1, which is highly expressed in fruit. SlBIM1a-overexpressing lines displayed severe plant and fruit dwarfism, and histological characterization of different transgenic lines revealed that SlBIM1a expression negatively correlated with fruit pericarp cell size, resulting in fruit size modifications. These growth phenotypes were in contrast to those found in Arabidopsis, and this was confirmed by the reciprocal ectopic expression of SlBIM1a/b in Arabidopsis and of AtBIM1 in tomato. These results determined that BIM1 function depends more on the recipient species than on its primary sequence. Yeast two-hybrid interaction studies and transcriptomic analyses of SlBIM1a-overexpressing fruit further suggested that SlBIM1a acts through its interaction with SlBZH1 to govern the transcriptional regulation of growth-related BR target genes. Together, these results suggest that SlBIM1a is a negative regulator of pericarp cell expansion, possibly at the crossroads with auxin and light signaling.

The increase in soft drink (SD) consumption is emerging as a serious health issue. Our aim is to explore the prevalence and awareness regarding SD consumption among Saudi students.

This cross-sectional study included 1000 apparently healthy Saudi students (527 males, 473 females) aged 16-23years. A designed questionnaire including various sections was used to obtain the required information.

The BMI and frequency of SD consumption were significantly higher in males (P<0.001) than females, whereas, females exhibited higher awareness and knowledge regarding SD consumption than males. The SD consumption in females was due to society, taste, availability and markets, whereas in males it was due to cheap price. Females support the implementation of new policies to prevent consumption of SD.

Arab students exhibited a high prevalence of SD consumption especially in males. Although females showed more awareness and knowledge about SD, various misconceptions were notable in both sexes. New policies, health promotion campaigns must be organized to raise awareness among children and parents. Parents and health educators should motivate and encourage the children to consume more water in the context of a healthy balanced diet.

Arab students exhibited a high prevalence of SD consumption especially in males. Although females showed more awareness and knowledge about SD, various misconceptions were notable in both sexes. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/go-203.html New policies, health promotion campaigns must be organized to raise awareness among children and parents. Parents and health educators should motivate and encourage the children to consume more water in the context of a healthy balanced diet.We employ Newcomb-Benford law (NBL) to evaluate the reliability of COVID-19 figures in Brazil. Using official data from February 25 to September 15, we apply a first digit test for a national aggregate dataset of total cases and cumulative deaths. We find strong evidence that Brazilian reports do not conform to the NBL theoretical expectations. These results are robust to different goodness of fit (chi-square, mean absolute deviation and distortion factor) and data sources (John Hopkins University and Our World in Data). Despite the growing appreciation for evidence-based-policymaking, which requires valid and reliable data, we show that the Brazilian epidemiological surveillance system fails to provide trustful data under the NBL assumption on the COVID-19 epidemic.In flowering plants, cell-cell communication between the compatible pollen grain/growing pollen tube and the pistil is an essential component for successful sexual reproduction. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the later stages of this dialogue are mediated by several peptide ligands and receptors that guide pollen tubes to the ovules for the release of sperm cells. Despite a detailed understanding of these processes, a key gap remains regarding the nature of the regulators that function at the earlier stages which are essential steps leading to fertilization. Here, we report on new functions for A. thaliana Receptor-Like Kinase (RLK) genes belonging to the LRR-II and LRR-VIII-2 RLK subgroups in the female reproductive tract to regulate compatible pollen hydration and the early stages of pollen tube growth. Mutant pistils for the A. thaliana RKF1 gene cluster were observed to support reduced wild-type pollen hydration and, when combined with the SERK1 and SERK3/BAK1 mutations, reduced pollen tube travel distances occurred. As these mutant pistils displayed a wild-type morphology, we propose that the observed altered compatible pollen responses result from an impaired pollen-pistil dialogue at these early stages.Lateral-flow assays (LFAs) are quick, simple and cheap assays to analyze various samples at the point of care or in the field, making them one of the most widespread biosensors currently available. They have been successfully employed for the detection of a myriad of different targets (ranging from atoms up to whole cells) in all type of samples (including water, blood, foodstuff and environmental samples). Their operation relies on the capillary flow of the sample throughout a series of sequential pads, each with different functionalities aiming to generate a signal to indicate the absence/presence (and, in some cases, the concentration) of the analyte of interest. To have a user-friendly operation, their development requires the optimization of multiple, interconnected parameters that may overwhelm new developers. In this tutorial, we provide the readers with (i) the basic knowledge to understand the principles governing an LFA and to take informed decisions during lateral flow strip design and fabrication, (ii) a roadmap for optimal LFA development independent of the specific application, (iii) a step-by-step example procedure for the assembly and operation of an LF strip for the detection of human IgG and (iv) an extensive troubleshooting section addressing the most frequent issues in designing, assembling and using LFAs. By changing only the receptors, the provided example procedure can easily be adapted for cost-efficient detection of a broad variety of targets.

Autoři článku: Leabdi8060 (Yildirim Mohammad)