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Lung injury caused by chemical gas inhalation is a common clinically severe disease that very easily progresses to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Traditional respiratory support consists mainly of mechanical ventilation, but the prognosis of this condition is still poor. "Awake"extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) maintains oxygenation, improves ventilation, adequately allows the injured lungs to rest, and avoids complications associated with sedation, intubation, and mechanical ventilation. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)can provide better fluid management and reduce pulmonary edema. Herein, we describe the case of a patient with severe chemical gas inhalation lung injury who failed to respond to traditional mechanical ventilation and was subsequently treated with awake ECMO combined with CRRT. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Burn Association. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail Despite national immunization efforts, including universal childhood hepatitis A (HepA) vaccination recommendations in 2006, hepatitis A virus (HAV)-associated outbreaks have increased in the United States. Unvaccinated or previously uninfected persons are susceptible to HAV infection, yet the susceptibility in the U.S. population is not well known. METHODS Using National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2016 data, we estimated HAV susceptibility prevalence (total HAV antibody negative) among persons aged ≥2 years. Among U.S.-born adults aged ≥20 years, we examined prevalence, predictors, and age-adjusted trends of HAV susceptibility by sociodemographic characteristics. We assessed HAV susceptibility and self-reported non-vaccination to HepA among risk groups and the "immunization cohort" (those born in or after 2004). RESULTS Among U.S.-born adults aged ≥20 years, HAV susceptibility prevalence was 74.1% (95% CI 72.9-75.3%) during 2007-2016. Predictors of HAV susceptibility were age group 30-49 years, non-Hispanic white/black, 130% above the poverty level, and no health insurance. Prevalences of HAV susceptibility and non-vaccination to HepA, respectively, were 72.9% and 73.1% among persons who reported injection drug use, 67.5% and 65.2% among men who had sex with men, 55.2% and 75.1% among persons with hepatitis B or hepatitis C, and 22.6% and 25.9% among the immunization cohort. Susceptibility and non-vaccination decreased over time among the immunization cohort, but remained stable among risk groups. CONCLUSION During 2007-2016, approximately three-fourths of U.S.-born adults remained HAV susceptible. Enhanced vaccination efforts are critically needed, particularly targeting adults at highest risk for HAV infection, to mitigate the current outbreaks. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2020. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.Inflammatory factors in eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), including major basic protein (MBP), eotaxin-3 (EOT3) and mast cell tryptase (TRP), may predict treatment response to topical corticosteroids (tCS). We aimed to determine whether baseline levels of these markers predict response to tCS for EoE. To do this, we analyzed data from a randomized trial comparing two topical steroids for treatment of newly diagnosed EoE (NCT02019758). A pretreatment esophageal biopsy was stained for MBP, EOT3, and TRP to quantify tissue biomarker levels (cells/mm2). Levels were compared between histologic responders ( less then 15 eos/hpf) and nonresponders (the primary outcome), and endoscopic responders (EREFS less then 2) and nonresponders. Complete histologic response ( less then 1 eos/hpf) was also assessed, and area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) was calculated. We also evaluated whether baseline staining predicted symptom relapse in the trial's off-treatment observation phase. Baseline samples werl Society for Diseases of the Esophagus. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail Bacteria are sources of numerous molecules used in treatment of infectious diseases. We investigated effects of molecules produced by 26 Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains against infection of mammalian cell cultures with Trypanosoma cruzi, the aetiological agent of Chagas disease. METHODS Vero cells were infected with T. cruzi in the presence of wild-type P. aeruginosa supernatants or supernatants of mutants with defects in the production of various virulence, quorum sensing and iron acquisition factors. Quantification of T. cruzi infection (percentage of infected cells) and multiplication (number of amastigotes per infected cell) was performed and cell viability was determined. RESULTS Wild-type P. aeruginosa products negatively affected T. cruzi infection and multiplication in a dose-dependent manner, without evident toxicity for mammalian cells. PvdD/pchE mutation (loss of the P. aeruginosa siderophores pyoverdine and pyochelin) had the greatest impact on anti-T. cruzi activity. Negative effects on T. cruzi infection by pure pyochelin, but not pyoverdine, or other P. aeruginosa exoproducts studied, were quantitatively similar to the effects of benznidazole, the current standard therapy against T. cruzi. CONCLUSIONS The P. aeruginosa product pyochelin showed promising activity against T. cruzi and might become a new lead molecule for therapy development. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail classification of the central disorders of hypersomnolence has undergone multiple iterations in an attempt to capture biologically meaningful disease entities in the absence of known pathophysiology. Accumulating data suggest that further refinements may be necessary. At the 7th International Symposium on Narcolepsy, a group of clinician-scientists evaluated data in support of keeping or changing classifications, and as a result suggest several changes. First, idiopathic hypersomnia with long sleep durations appears to be an identifiable and meaningful disease subtype. Second, idiopathic hypersomnia without long sleep time and narcolepsy without cataplexy share substantial phenotypic overlap and cannot reliably be distinguished with current testing, and so combining them into a single disease entity seems warranted at present. Moving forward, it is critical to phenotype patients across a wide variety of clinical and biological features, to aid in future refinements of disease classification. © Sleep Research Society 2020. Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of the Sleep Research Society].There is some evidence indicating that nutrition may have the ability to prevent, treat, and/or influence the severity of depression. The aims of this evidence gap map (EGM) are to provide an overview and to determine evidence gaps in the existing research on micronutrients and their impact on depression among children and adolescents. We conducted a comprehensive search in multiple databases of primary and secondary literature assessing the impact of micronutrients on depression-related outcomes such as unipolar depression, major depressive disorders, dysthymia, acute depression, and mood disorders. Abstracts and full-text articles were dual-screened based on predefined eligibility criteria. A total of 30 primary research publications were included in the EGM. About 47% of included studies focused on late adolescents (15-19 y), ∼40% on early adolescents (10-14 y), and ∼13% on children aged 6-9 y. Among the included studies, 8 studies examined a single micronutrient intervention and 22 studies examined micronutrient concentrations (either intake or serum), and their impact on depression. The most frequently studied micronutrients were vitamin D (n = 8), zinc (n = 8), iron (n = 6), folate (n = 7), and vitamin B-12 (n = 5). More longitudinal studies and trials are needed to determine the role of micronutrients in the etiology and treatment of depression among children and adolescents. Copyright © The Author(s) 2020.CONTEXT To date, the effect of positive family history as a risk factor of primary aldosteronism (PA) is largely unknown. Studies have failed to distinguish the heritability of PA as well as the associations between positive family history of PA and clinical outcomes. OBJECTIVES We quantified the prevalence, the extent of familial aggregation, the heritability of PA among family members of patients with PA, and the association between positive PA family history and major cardiovascular events (MACE). DESIGN AND SETTINGS Using the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database, 30 245 077 National Health Insurance beneficiaries (both alive and those deceased between January 1, 1999, and December 31, 2015) were identified. RESULTS We identified 7902 PA patients. Forty-four had PA (0.3%) among 10 234 individuals with affected parents, 2298 with affected offspring, 1924 with affected siblings, and 22 with affected twins. A positive family history was associated with the adjusted relative risk (RR) (95% confidence inteFor permissions, please e-mail intake changes as animals age and grow. A constraint of most functional forms used to describe this relationship is that intake is maximum only once an animal reaches its mature weight. Often such is not the case and maximum intake is achieved earlier. Our aim was to describe a form unburdened by such a constraint, and to determine its utility to describe the relationship between feed intake and liveweight across multiple species. Twelve data sets representing 7 domestic animal species (cattle, chicken, dog, pig, rat, sheep, turkey) with a wide range of mature weights were used. Average daily ad libitum feed intakes and liveweights were available on either a weekly or fortnightly basis. Rates of intake were scaled to mature intake. Within each set, the quadratic regression of scaled intake on degree of maturity in weight was fitted. This form provided a very good description of the relationship between these variables (R2 > 0.86) and, for all but one case, a realistic prediction of mature intake. With one exception, intake reached its maximum value at a liveweight below its mature value. Furthermore, by appropriately scaling the relationship between intake and liveweight, the data could be described by a function with a single parameter with general relevance across species. By expressing rate of intake as a function of its value at maturity, a quadratic form provides a robust and general description of the relationship between feed intake scaled to mature intake and degree of maturity in weight. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail esophageal cancer is currently treated with induction chemoradiotherapy, followed by esophagectomy with reconstruction, using a gastric conduit. Mitapivat cell line In cases of conduit failure, patients are temporized with a cervical esophagostomy and enteral nutrition until gastrointestinal continuity can be established. At our institution, we favor reconstruction, using a colon interposition with a 'supercharged' accessory vascular pedicle. Consequently, we sought to examine our technique and outcomes for esophageal reconstruction, using this approach. We performed a retrospective review of all patients who underwent esophagectomy at our center between 2008 and 2018. We identified those patients who had a failed gastric conduit and underwent secondary reconstruction. Patient demographics, perioperative details, and clinical outcomes were analyzed after our clinical care pathway was used to manage and prepare patients for a second major reconstructive surgery. Three hundred and eighty eight patients underwent esophagectomy and reconstruction with a gastric conduit.

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