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With third generation DNA sequencing and a general reduction of sequencing costs, the production of bioinformatic data has become easier than ever. Cell Cycle inhibitor Several pipeline automation tools have emerged to ease data processing through a multitude of steps. Here, we describe the setup and use of Snakemake, a pipeline automation tool derived from GNU MAKE.Use of the Bash command shell and language is one of the fundamental skills of a bioinformatician. This language is required for accessing high performance computing (HPC) services and effectively using these resources to improve your analyses. Bash is completely text based, which is different from many graphic based operating systems, but this language is also highly powerful, allowing for significant automation and reproducibility within analysis pipelines. This chapter aims to teach the fundamentals of Bash, including how to create files and folders, how to sort and search through files, and how to use pipes and loops to automate processes. By the end of this chapter, readers should be ready to undertake their first simple bioinformatics analysis.To unlock the genetic potential in crops, multi-genome comparisons are an essential tool. Decreasing costs and improved sequencing technologies have democratized plant genome sequencing and led to a vast increase in the amount of available reference sequences on the one hand and enabled the assembly of even the largest and most complex and repetitive crops genomes such as wheat and barley. These developments have led to the era of pan-genomics in recent years. Pan-genome projects enable the definition of the core and dispensable genome for various crop species as well as the analysis of structural and functional variation and hence offer unprecedented opportunities for exploring and utilizing the genetic basis of natural variation in crops. Comparing, analyzing, and visualizing these multiple reference genomes and their diversity requires powerful and specialized computational strategies and tools.The CerealsDB website, created by members of the Functional Genomics Group at the University of Bristol, provides access to a database containing SNP and genotyping data for hexaploid wheat and, to a lesser extent, its progenitors and several of its relatives. The site is principally aimed at plant breeders and research scientists who wish to obtain information regarding SNP markers; for example, obtain primers used for their identification or the sequences upon which they are based. The database underpinning the website contains circa one million putative varietal SNPs of which several hundreds of thousands have been experimentally validated on a range of common genotyping platforms. For each SNP marker, the site also hosts the allelic scores for thousands of elite wheat varieties, landrace cultivars, and wheat relatives. Tools are available to help negotiate and visualize the datasets. The website has been designed to be simple and straightforward to use and is completely open access.Gramene is an integrated bioinformatics resource for accessing, visualizing, and comparing plant genomes and biological pathways. Originally targeting grasses, Gramene has grown to host annotations for over 90 plant genomes including agronomically important cereals (e.g., maize, sorghum, wheat, teff), fruits and vegetables (e.g., apple, watermelon, clementine, tomato, cassava), specialty crops (e.g., coffee, olive tree, pistachio, almond), and plants of special or emerging interest (e.g., cotton, tobacco, cannabis, or hemp). For some species, the resource includes multiple varieties of the same species, which has paved the road for the creation of species-specific pan-genome browsers. The resource also features plant research models, including Arabidopsis and C4 warm-season grasses and brassicas, as well as other species that fill phylogenetic gaps for plant evolution studies. Its strength derives from the application of a phylogenetic framework for genome comparison and the use of ontologies to integrate structural and functional annotation data. This chapter outlines system requirements for end-users and database hosting, data types and basic navigation within Gramene, and provides examples of how to (1) explore Gramene's search results, (2) explore gene-centric comparative genomics data visualizations in Gramene, and (3) explore genetic variation associated with a gene locus. This is the first publication describing in detail Gramene's integrated search interface-intended to provide a simplified entry portal for the resource's main data categories (genomic location, phylogeny, gene expression, pathways, and external references) to the most complete and up-to-date set of plant genome and pathway annotations.In this chapter, we introduce the main components of the Legume Information System ( https// ) and several associated resources. Additionally, we provide an example of their use by exploring a biological question is there a common molecular basis, across legume species, that underlies the photoperiod-mediated transition from vegetative to reproductive development, that is, days to flowering? The Legume Information System (LIS) holds genetic and genomic data for a large number of crop and model legumes and provides a set of online bioinformatic tools designed to help biologists address questions and tasks related to legume biology. Such tasks include identifying the molecular basis of agronomic traits; identifying orthologs/syntelogs for known genes; determining gene expression patterns; accessing genomic datasets; identifying markers for breeding work; and identifying genetic similarities and differences among selected accessions. LIS integrates with other legume-focused informatics resources such as SoyBase ( https// ), PeanutBase ( https// ), and projects of the Legume Federation ( https// ).Posing complex research questions poses complex reproducibility challenges. Datasets may need to be managed over long periods of time. Reliable and secure repositories are needed for data storage. Sharing big data requires advance planning and becomes complex when collaborators are spread across institutions and countries. Many complex analyses require the larger compute resources only provided by cloud and high-performance computing infrastructure. Finally at publication, funder and publisher requirements must be met for data availability and accessibility and computational reproducibility. For all of these reasons, cloud-based cyberinfrastructures are an important component for satisfying the needs of data-intensive research. Learning how to incorporate these technologies into your research skill set will allow you to work with data analysis challenges that are often beyond the resources of individual research institutions. One of the advantages of CyVerse is that there are many solutions for high-powered analyses that do not require knowledge of command line (i.e., Linux) computing. In this chapter we will highlight CyVerse capabilities by analyzing RNA-Seq data. The lessons learned will translate to doing RNA-Seq in other computing environments and will focus on how CyVerse infrastructure supports reproducibility goals (e.g., metadata management, containers), team science (e.g., data sharing features), and flexible computing environments (e.g., interactive computing, scaling).Ensembl Plants ( http// ) offers genome-scale information for plants, with four releases per year. As of release 47 (April 2020) it features 79 species and includes genome sequence, gene models, and functional annotation. Comparative analyses help reconstruct the evolutionary history of gene families, genomes, and components of polyploid genomes. Some species have gene expression baseline reports or variation across genotypes. While the data can be accessed through the Ensembl genome browser, here we review specifically how our plant genomes can be interrogated programmatically and the data downloaded in bulk. These access routes are generally consistent across Ensembl for other non-plant species, including plant pathogens, pests, and pollinators.GenBank® and the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) are comprehensive databases of publicly available DNA sequences. GenBank contains data for 480,000 named organisms, more than 176,000 within the embryophyta, obtained through submissions from individual laboratories and batch submissions from large-scale sequencing projects. SRA contains reads from next-generation sequencing studies from over 110,000 species. Daily data exchange with the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) in Europe and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) ensures worldwide coverage for both databases. GenBank and SRA data are accessible through the NCBI Entrez retrieval system that integrates these data with other data at NCBI, such as genomes, taxonomy, and the biomedical literature. BLAST provides sequence similarity searches of GenBank and other sequence databases. Complete bimonthly releases and daily updates of the GenBank database are available by FTP. Usage scenarios for both GenBank and SRA ranging from local and cloud analyses to online analyses supported by the NCBI web-based tools are discussed. Both GenBank and SRA, along with their related retrieval and analysis services, are available from the NCBI homepage at .Seasonal reproductive cycles of most birds are regulated by photoperiod via neuroendocrine control. The present study aims to investigate the role of a single long day in triggering hypothalamic expressions of GnRH-I and GnIH in the Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus). Sparrows were divided into two groups (n = 24 each) and pre-treated under short days (9L 15D) for 4 days. On the fifth day, one group was exposed to long day (14L 10D), while other was continued under short day for another 1 day. Birds of both the groups were sacrificed and perfused on fifth day at different time points, i.e., ZT 14, ZT 16 and ZT 18 and the expressions of GnRH-I and GnIH mRNAs and peptides were studied using real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry, respectively. In addition, testicular size was measured to know testicular development. Observations revealed that birds exposed to a single long day (14L 10D) showed an increase in hypothalamic expressions of GnRH-I mRNA and peptide and decrease in levels of GnIH mRNA only at ZT 16 and ZT 18 with no significant change in GnIH peptide. However, no significant change in GnRH-I or GnIH expression was observed at any time point under short day and birds maintained high and low expression levels of GnIH and GnRH-I, respectively. Our results clearly indicate that the photoperiodic response system of sparrow is highly sensitive to light and responds even to single long day. Furthermore, they suggest that the GnRH-I and GnIH are expressed in the hypothalamus of tree sparrow in an anti-phasic manner and switching over of their expression occurs at late hours of exposure of birds to single long day.

Mesenchymal stem cells have been widely used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. However, hyperglycemia associated with DM promotes cell apoptosis and affects osteogenic differentiation of MSCs in varying degrees, leading to osteoporosis in DM patients. Therefore, in this paper, the effect of high glucose on apoptosis and osteogenesis of MSCs was investigated and underlying mechanism was further determined.

Intracellular ROS levels were determined using probe DCFH-DA. MMP was detected using JC-1 staining. Cell apoptosis was detected using Annexin V-FITC/PI and Flow Cytometer. The expression of genes and protein was detected by qRT-PCR and Western blot respectively. The results showed high glucose induced MSC apoptosis but promoted its osteogenesis. Western blot analysis revealed that high glucose downregulated AKT-Sirt1-TWIST pathway. Activation of Sirt1 via SRT1720 increased TWIST expression, alleviated MSC apoptosis and promoted osteogenesis of MSCs. TWIST knockdown studies demonstrated that inhibition of TWIST intensified high glucose-induced apoptosis but promoted osteogenesis differentiation of MSCs.

Autoři článku: Lauritsenthybo7454 (Puckett Foldager)