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The shells of mussels, live-collected bivalves or during archaeological excavations, can be used as bioindicators of current and historical levels of heavy metal contamination. In this study, we examined the shells of Unio tumidus, commonly found in the Baltic Sea region, and determined the concentrations of Zn, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Cd in samples from the 10th, 11th, and 21st century from the area of the Szczecin Lagoon. The average levels of heavy metals (in μg g-1 dry weight) in the shells from the Middle Ages were 137.5 (Fe), 3.87 (Zn), 0.789 (Cu), 0.012 (Pb), 0.047 (Ni), and 0.0009 (Cd). Shells from the 21st century were significantly (P less then 0.05) more abundant in Fe, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Cd (rates of increase 1.96×, 3.54×, 2.71×, 2.08×, and 3.55×, respectively) than shells from the Middle Ages. These results reflect contemporary anthropogenic pollution of the environment with heavy metals and confirm the possibility of using U. tumidus shells in the assessment of heavy metal pollution levels.Soil samples from the intertidal zone of Daliao River, Northeast China, were collected in three seasons (autumn, L1; winter, L2; and spring, L3) to evaluate the diversity and structure of bacterial community using high-throughput sequencing. Soil physicochemical characteristics varied greatly with seasons, and the potential nitrification rates were detected in the range of 1.04-2.71 μg NO3--N·g-1 dry soil·h-1 with the highest rate in spring (L3). Soil bacterial communities also differed seasonally, and nitrogen nutrients were the important variables affecting the bacterial communities as demonstrated by distance-based redundancy analysis and Mantel tests. Proteobacteria was the predominant phylum in soils showing a descending trend from L1 to L3. Woeseia and Ignatzschineria, both affiliating with Gammaproteobacteria, were the two most dominant genera, but they exerted different seasonal variations. selleck chemical The predicted functional profiles revealed 6 major nitrogen cycling processes, and the functional genes in relation to denitrification process were dominant in intertidal soils.Sixty-one surface sediment samples collected from the Jiangsu Coast (JSC), East China were investigated to explore the influences, provenances and bioavailabilities of P species. Authigenic and detrital P fractions were the dominant species, accounting for 28.53% and 44.04% of the total P content, respectively. Exchangeable, Fe-bound and organic P fractions were biologically available, with an average total of 5.94 μmol/g; this value was governed by grain sizes and the organic matter and carbonate contents. Exchangeable and organic P fractions were transformed between each other, while contributing to the formation of Fe-bound and authigenic P. Phosphorus in the JSC sediments originated mainly from the Yellow River. The unique distribution pattern of P species in the JSC depends on P sources and local environments. These findings improve our understanding of the P cycle and eutrophication in the Jiangsu Coastal Zone.Heavy metal content in water, sediment, and tissues of six commonly used edible fishes from Adyar estuary, southeast coast of India, was assessed for metal bioaccumulation. The enrichment of metals in estuarine sediment is due to the discharge of contaminated water from the Chennai Metropolis. The enrichment factor indicated that metals such as Cr (EF=30.9) and Cu (EF=31.9) are highly enriched and fall under the very severe category. Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) revealed that the concentration of heavy metals viz. Ni, Cr, Pb, Cu, Co, Zn, Fe, and Mn in different tissues of fishes was several times higher than their concentrations in water. Moreover, high concentration of heavy metals, especially Cu and Cr was noticed in the muscle and liver tissues of the fishes which are higher than the WHO standards. Among the studied fishes, Arius parkii and Gerres oyena showed higher levels of bioaccumulation in terms of toxic metals.We examined the impact of bilingualism as a construct of both language usage and language proficiency on the effectiveness of cognitive control. In particular, we asked whether the frequency of daily dense code-switching - frequent change of language within and between sentences with the same interlocutor- and the level of L2 proficiency separately and or interactively affect cognitive control efficiency in the Simon task. Results from 134 bilinguals showed that frequently code-switching bilinguals had fewer errors and their accuracy rate improved over trials leading to a smaller Simon effect. For response times (RTs), however, L2 proficiency modulated the Simon effect, and interacted with code-switching frequency in intricate ways in modulating overall RTs over trials. Crucially, highly proficient frequently code-switching bilinguals were better at conflict adaptation. These results show that bilinguals differ among themselves, and that researchers need to take both proficiency and language use into account to test the impact of bilingual experience on cognitive control. Bilingualism should be regarded as a continuum, with many different factors contributing to the language experience and affecting cognitive functioning.Social interaction, the process through which individuals act and react toward each other, is arguably the building block of society. As the very first step for successful social interaction, we need to derive the orientation and immediate social relevance of other people a person facing toward us is much more likely to initiate communications than a person who is back to us. Reversely, however, it remains elusive whether the relevance to social interaction modulates how we perceive the other's orientation. Here, we adopted the bistable point-light walker (PLW) which is ambiguous in its in-depth orientation. Participants were asked to report the orientation (facing the viewer or facing away from the viewer) of the PLWs. Three factors that are task-irrelevant but critically pertinent to social interaction, the distance, the speed, and the size of the PLW, were systematically manipulated. The nearer a person is, the more likely it initiates interactions with us. The larger a person is, the larger influence it may exert. The faster a person is, the shorter time is left for us to respond. Results revealed that participants tended to perceive the PLW as facing them more frequently than facing away when the PLW was nearer, faster, or larger. These same factors produced different patterns of effects on a non-biological rotating cylinder. These findings demonstrate that the relevance to social interaction modulates the visual perception of biological motion and highlight that bistable biological motion perception not only reflects competitions of low-level features but is also strongly linked to high-level social cognition.Mnemonic discrimination deficits, or impaired ability to discriminate between similar events in memory, is a hallmark of cognitive aging, characterised by a stark age-related increase in false recognition. While individual differences in mnemonic discrimination have gained attention due to potential relevance for early detection of Alzheimer's disease, our understanding of the component processes that contribute to variability in task performance across older adults remains limited. The present investigation explores the roles of representational quality, indexed by perceptual discrimination of objects and scenes with overlapping features, and strategic retrieval ability, indexed by standardised tests of executive function, to mnemonic discrimination in a large cohort of older adults (N=124). We took an individual differences approach and characterised the contributions of these factors to performance under Forced Choice (FC) and Yes/No (YN) recognition memory formats, which place different demands on strategic retrieval. Performance in both test formats declined with age. Accounting for age, individual differences in FC memory performance were best explained by perceptual discrimination score, whereas YN memory performance was best explained by executive functions. A linear mixed model and dominance analyses confirmed the relatively greater importance of perceptual discrimination over executive functioning for FC performance, while the opposite was true for YN. These findings highlight parallels between perceptual and mnemonic discrimination in aging, the importance of considering demands on executive functions in the context of mnemonic discrimination, and the relevance of test format for modulating the impact of these factors on performance in older adults.Artemia salina cysts collected from the Sebkha of Sidi El Hani hatched and cultivated in the laboratory were investigated. Nauplii were acclimated to laboratory conditions until reproductively mature (Generation 1; G1). Reproductive performance in terms of total cysts and nauplii offspring, days between brood production, and cyst and nauplii numbers was evaluated. Nauplii produced by specimens in the G1 were defined as those of G2 with there also being third (G3) and fourth (G4) generations. The aims were to evaluate Artemia salina in aquaculture conditions with the long-term aim of developing a system for "artemiculture". There was a larger number of cysts or nauplii per brood between G1 (60.7 ± 10.9 nauplii or cysts/female) and subsequent generations, notably G2 (122 nauplii or cysts/female, P  less then   0.05). The mean number of cysts and nauplii per female increased from the first and last brood. Number of cysts produced per female increased markedly (P  less then   0.05) from G1 (54.5 ± 14.2) to G3 (128.9 ± 39.2). Percentage of females producing nauplii increased from G1 (20 %) to G4 (100 %). There was, therefore, an increase in percentage of ovoviviparous offspring (nauplii) per female (P  less then   0.05) from G1 (7%) to G4 (71 %). There were no differences, however, between mean numbers of broods per female, and numbers of days between broods. The results indicate there are variations in reproduction from oviparity to ovoviviparity as consecutive generations of Artemia salina are cultivated. In summary, there was a rapid adaptation of Artemia salina of Sidi El Hani to laboratory conditions.The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of injectable trace element and vitamin combination on phagocytic, oxidative burst activity of neutrophils and reproductive outcomes in dairy cows. Cows were to assigned to the following groups (1) injectable trace element supplementation (ITES, n = 44, containing zinc, manganese, copper, selenium); (2) injectable vitamin supplementation (VIT, n = 48, containing vitamins A, D3, E); (3) ITES + VIT (n = 46); and (4) control (CON, n = 44). Cows were administered four injections between 230 and 260 days of the gestational period, on day of parturition, and 30 days postpartum. Neutrophil function was assessed at 10 days before and after calving. Phagocytosis was greater in cows of the ITES + VIT group at 10 days prepartum (P  less then  0.05) while oxidative burst was similar among groups. There were greater non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations in cows of the ITES+VIT group at 10 days prepartum (P  less then  0.05). Cows supplemented with ITES+ VIT had less SOD activity than those supplemented with ITES or vitamin during the pre- to post-partum transition period (P  less then  0.

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