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Background While chemotherapeutic agents result in an improvement in both disease-free and overall survival in cancer patients, treatment can result in short and long-term complications. One well-known complication is neuropathy which can result from a number of chemotherapeutic agents. However, chemotherapy-induced phrenic neuropathy is an exceedingly rare phenomenon with few cases reported in the literature. Case A 34-year-old male with metastatic testicular cancer presented with progressive dyspnea on exertion after initiation of chemotherapy with bleomycin, cisplatin, and etoposide. Multiple diagnostic studies were performed including pulmonary function testing, chest computed tomography, fluoroscopic sniff evaluation, in addition to phrenic nerve electromyography. Based on results of these tests, the diagnosis of chemotherapy-induced phrenic neuropathy was made. Conclusion Chemotherapy-induced phrenic neuropathy, although rare, should be considered as a cause of dyspnea in cancer patients following initiation of chemotherapy.Amyloidosis is a rare disease especially the localized form involving pulmonary parenchyma. We report the case of a 74 years old woman who presented with chest pain and dyspnoea. CT scan showed pulmonary embolism and bilateral nodules. Laboratory examinations highlighted circulating Kappa IgM. 18F-FDG PET/CT showed intense activity of the nodules. Histological investigation supported the diagnosis of nodular pulmonary amyloidosis. There were no sign of systemic amyloidosis or autoimmune disease. No treatment was initiated the patient remains asymptomatic after one year. Localized pulmonary amyloidosis related to MGUS was the most likely diagnosis. DYRK inhibitor Malignancy, a differential diagnosis of pulmonary amyloidosis, must be excluded histological examinations are overriding. Difference between systemic and localized amyloidosis conditions treatment and prognosis. This observation emphasizes the difficulty to establish the diagnosis of pulmonary nodular amyloidosis and the complex relationship between amyloidosis and thromboembolism.A patient with well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus developed a severe pulmonary infection secondary to Rhizopus spp. after receiving short courses of corticosteroids for a respiratory tract infection. He recovered after an aggressive surgical intervention and treatment with isavuconazole. Patients on chronic corticosteroid therapy have a higher risk for pulmonary mucormycosis, but there are much fewer reports of mucormycosis occurring in patients after only short courses of steroid therapy.Purpureocillium lilacinum is a rare but emerging pathogen in immunocompromised patients that primarily infects the skin and subcutaneous tissue. We present a novel case of Purpureocillium lilacinum infection in a patient with pyoderma gangrenosum who was successfully treated with isavuconazonium, followed by a literature review of 13 total cases of infection with Purpureocillium lilacinum gathered from a review of the PubMed database. Previous reports have utilized voriconazole, an antifungal with significant toxic side effects. Our case highlights the importance of culture and biopsy in patients with pyoderma gangrenosum who are unresponsive to standard treatment irrespective of pathergy risk.Tinea corporis and congenital ichthyoses are common dermatological diseases. The association of the two disorders is plausible due to the immunological and barrier defects of ichthyoses; however, relatively limited literature is available in this field. Since superficial fungal infections possess atypical morphology in keratinization disorders, and could imitate other dermatological conditions, the correct diagnosis can be challenging. We present the case of a 54-year-old woman with ichthyosis, who was initially treated for drug-hypersensitivity reaction.In the opinion of the medical societies of hygiene and pediatrics undersigning the present statement, the analyses published to date regarding transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the course of CoVid-19 show that children play a much less significant role in the spread of the virus than do adults. According to the findings available to date, not only do children and adolescents less frequently fall ill with CoVid-19, they also generally become less severely ill than do adults. The vast majority of infections in children and adolescents are asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic. Even the first analyses from China demonstrated that children and adolescents play a subordinate role in the transmission of the virus - not only to other children and adolescents, but also to adults. Taking into account regional infection rates and available resources, daycare centers, kindergartens and elementary schools promptly should be reopened. For children, this should be possible without excessive restrictions, such as clustering into veth-and-nose protection (whenever they are not sitting in their assigned classroom seats) and consistent education regarding the basic rules of infection prevention may provide increased options for normalizing teaching activities. Children and adolescents suspected of infection with SARS-CoV-2 should be tested immediately in order to either confirm or rule out such an infection. Evidence of individual infections in children or students must not automatically lead to the closure of the entire daycare center or school. A detailed analysis of the chain of infection is a prerequisite for a balanced approach to infection control. The opening of schools and children's facilities should be accompanied by specifically structured, model surveillance studies that further clarify outstanding questions about infectious disease events and hygiene control. These prospective, concomitant examinations will be essential for the purpose of evaluating and verifying the effectiveness of the required hygiene measures.Aims Healthcare-associated infections linked to contaminated textiles are rare but underline their potential role as a source for transmission. The aim of the review was to summarize the experimental evidence on the survival and persistence of the different types of nosocomial pathogens on textiles. Methods A literature search was performed on MedLine. Original data on the survival of bacteria, mycobacteria, and fungi and persistence of viruses on textiles were evaluated. Results The survival of bacteria at room temperature was the longest on polyester (up to 206 days), whereas it was up to 90 days for some species on cotton and mixed fibers. Only low inocula of 100 CFU were found on all types of textiles with a short survival time of ≤3 days. Most bacterial species survived better at elevated air humidity. The infectivity of viruses on textiles is lost much faster at room temperature, typically within 2-4 weeks. Conclusions Contaminated textiles or fabrics may be a source of transmission for weeks. The presence of pathogens on the coats of healthcare workers is associated with the presence of pathogens on their hands, demonstrating the relevance of textile contamination in patient care.Background To slow the increasing global spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, appropriate disinfection techniques are required. Ultraviolet radiation (UV) has a well-known antiviral effect, but measurements on the radiation dose necessary to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 have not been published so far. Methods Coronavirus inactivation experiments with ultraviolet light performed in the past were evaluated to determine the UV radiation dose required for a 90% virus reduction. This analysis is based on the fact that all coronaviruses have a similar structure and similar RNA strand length. Results The available data reveals large variations, which are apparently not caused by the coronaviruses but by the experimental conditions selected. If these are excluded as far as possible, it appears that coronaviruses are very UV sensitive. The upper limit determined for the log-reduction dose (90% reduction) is approximately 10.6 mJ/cm2 (median), while the true value is probably only 3.7 mJ/cm2 (median). Conclusion Since coronaviruses do not differ structurally to any great exent, the SARS-CoV-2 virus - as well as possible future mutations - will very likely be highly UV sensitive, so that common UV disinfection procedures will inactivate the new SARS-CoV-2 virus without any further modification.This review provides an exploratory overview of hand hygiene compliance in sub-Saharan Africa and examines strategies to bridge the compliance gap. While there is increasing awareness on hand hygiene, empirical evidence suggests that there is no concurrent increase in correct hand hygiene practice among key populations in sub-Saharan Africa. Children, adolescents and even healthcare providers (HCPs) in sub-Saharan Africa consistently assume poor hand hygiene compliance levels resulting in negative health consequences. Faecal-oral diseases remain common among schoolchildren, leading to school absenteeism and disease-specific morbidity. Additionally, the incidence of nosocomial infections in health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa remains high, as many HCPs do not adopt good hand hygiene practice. Increased disease burden, high healthcare costs and eroding public confidence in the healthcare system are a few implications of HCPs' poor compliance with hand hygiene. These trends underscore the inadequacies of educational approaches (cognition model) to hand hygiene promotion commonly adopted in sub-Saharan Africa. It was therefore recommended that the governments of sub-Saharan Africa should focus on promoting skill-based hygiene education which will help schoolchildren develop good hand hygiene practice as a lifelong skill. In addition, efforts should be made to implement a multimodal hand hygiene strategy in healthcare facilities in order to increase compliance by healthcare providers.Background Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales and Acinetobacter baumannii are of major concern in terms of infection prevention and control. This study evaluated factors that may increase the frequency of Enterobacterales and A. baumannii with carbapenem resistance (CR) in patients admitted to a German University Hospital for implementation of optimized infection control management. Methods A five-year-retrospective epidemiological cohort analysis was conducted on anamnestic risk factors for carrying Enterobacterales and/or A. baumannii with CR in patients who were first tested positive for these species at University Hospital Frankfurt (UHF) between January 2013 and June 2018. Results 364 patients were tested positive for Enterobacterales and/or A. baumannii with CR, resulting in n=400 bacterial isolates in total, with Klebsiella pneumoniae being the most frequently detected species (n=146/400; 36.5%; 95% confidence interval 31.8-41.4). In patients who were tested positive for Enterobacterales and/or A. baumannii with CR, any hospital stay within the previous 12 months was the most frequently reported common factor (n=275/364; 75.5%; 70.8-79.9). Conclusion A hospital stay within the previous 12 months, including hospitals in Germany and abroad, is a frequent characteristic of patients who tested positive for Enterobacterales and/or A. baumannii with CR. Upon admission, any previous hospital stay of the given patient within the previous 12 months should be determined. Infection control strategies such as screening measures need to be adapted to these patient groups in hospital settings. In order to reflect the varying determinants in "nosocomial" cases in greater detail, the existing criteria used to characterize "nosocomial detection" of gram-negative bacteria with CR should be reviewed.

Autoři článku: Lassiterhumphrey3144 (Bernard Price)