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Event-related desynchronization (ERD), as a proxy for mirror neuron activity, has been used as a neurophysiological marker for motor execution after mirror visual feedback (MVF). Using EEG, this study investigated ERD upon the immediate effects of single-session MVF in unimanual arm movements compared with the ERD effects occurring without a mirror, in two groups stroke patients with left hemiplegia and their healthy counterparts. During EEG recordings, each group performed one session of mirror therapy training in three task conditions with a mirror, with no mirror, and with a covered mirror. An asymmetry index was calculated from the subtraction of the event-related spectrum perturbations between the C3 and C4 electrodes located over the sensorimotor cortices contralateral and ipsilateral to the moved arm. Results of the effect of task versus group in contralateral and ipsilateral motor areas showed that there was a significant effect of task condition at the contralateral motor area in the high beta band (nt of MVF-induced ERD attenuation and motor severity, and the outcome indicator for improving stroke patients' neuroplasticity in clinical trials using MVF are warranted to be explored in the future.Beta oscillations have been predominantly observed in sensorimotor cortices and basal ganglia structures and they are thought to be involved in somatosensory processing and motor control. Although beta activity is a distinct feature of healthy and pathological sensorimotor processing, the role of this rhythm is still under debate. Here we review recent findings about the role of beta oscillations during experimental manipulations (i.e., drugs and brain stimulation) and their alteration in aging and pathology. We show how beta changes when learning new motor skills and its potential to integrate sensory input with prior contextual knowledge. We conclude by discussing a novel methodological approach analyzing beta oscillations as a series of transient bursting events.Mammals are born on a precocial-altricial continuum. Altricial species produce helpless neonates with closed distant organs incapable of locomotion, whereas precocial species give birth to well-developed young that possess sophisticated sensory and locomotor capabilities. Previous studies suggest that distinct patterns of cortex development differ between precocial and altricial species. This study compares patterns of neocortex neurogenesis and maturation in the precocial guinea pig and altricial dwarf rabbit, both belonging to the taxon of Glires. We show that the principal order of neurodevelopmental events is preserved in the neocortex of both species. Moreover, we show that neurogenesis starts at a later postconceptional day and takes longer in absolute gestational days in the precocial than the altricial neocortex. Intriguingly, our data indicate that the dwarf rabbit neocortex contains a higher abundance of highly proliferative basal progenitors than the guinea pig, which might underlie its higher encephalization quotient, demonstrating that the amount of neuron production is determined by complex regulation of multiple factors. Furthermore, we show that the guinea pig neocortex exhibits a higher maturation status at birth, thus providing evidence for the notions that precocial species might have acquired the morphological machinery required to attain their high functional state at birth and that brain expansion in the precocial newborn is mainly due to prenatally initiating processes of gliogenesis and neuron differentiation instead of increased neurogenesis. Together, this study reveals important insights into the timing and cellular differences that regulate mammalian brain growth and maturation and provides a better understanding of the evolution of mammalian altriciality and presociality.Electron microscopy (EM)-based synaptology is a fundamental discipline for achieving a complex wiring diagram of the brain. A quantitative understanding of synaptic ultrastructure also serves as a basis to estimate the relative magnitude of synaptic transmission across individual circuits in the brain. Although conventional light microscopic techniques have substantially contributed to our ever-increasing understanding of the morphological characteristics of the putative synaptic junctions, EM is the gold standard for systematic visualization of the synaptic morphology. Furthermore, a complete three-dimensional reconstruction of an individual synaptic profile is required for the precise quantitation of different parameters that shape synaptic transmission. While volumetric imaging of synapses can be routinely obtained from the transmission EM (TEM) imaging of ultrathin sections, it requires an unimaginable amount of effort and time to reconstruct very long segments of dendrites and their spines from the serial section TEM images. The challenges of low throughput EM imaging have been addressed to an appreciable degree by the development of automated EM imaging tools that allow imaging and reconstruction of dendritic segments in a realistic time frame. Here, we review studies that have been instrumental in determining the three-dimensional ultrastructure of synapses. With a particular focus on dendritic spine synapses in the rodent brain, we discuss various key studies that have highlighted the structural diversity of spines, the principles of their organization in the dendrites, their presynaptic wiring patterns, and their activity-dependent structural remodeling.The nervous systems converts the physical quantities sensed by its primary receptors into trains of events that are then processed in the brain. The unmatched efficiency in information processing has long inspired engineers to seek brain-like approaches to sensing and signal processing. The key principle pursued in neuromorphic sensing is to shed the traditional approach of periodic sampling in favor of an event-driven scheme that mimicks sampling as it occurs in the nervous system, where events are preferably emitted upon the change of the sensed stimulus. In this paper we highlight the advantages and challenges of event-based sensing and signal processing in the visual, auditory and olfactory domains. We also provide a survey of the literature covering neuromorphic sensing and signal processing in all three modalities. Our aim is to facilitate research in event-based sensing and signal processing by providing a comprehensive overview of the research performed previously as well as highlighting conceptual advantages, current progress and future challenges in the field.Somatosensory neurons (SSNs) densely innervate our largest organ, the skin, and shape our experience of the world, mediating responses to sensory stimuli including touch, pressure, and temperature. BI-1347 order Historically, epidermal contributions to somatosensation, including roles in shaping innervation patterns and responses to sensory stimuli, have been understudied. However, recent work demonstrates that epidermal signals dictate patterns of SSN skin innervation through a variety of mechanisms including targeting afferents to the epidermis, providing instructive cues for branching morphogenesis, growth control and structural stability of neurites, and facilitating neurite-neurite interactions. Here, we focus onstudies conducted in worms (Caenorhabditis elegans), fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), and zebrafish (Danio rerio) prominent model systems in which anatomical and genetic analyses have defined fundamental principles by which epidermal cells govern SSN development.Familial hemiplegic migraine type 3 (FHM3) is caused by gain-of-function mutations in the SCN1A gene that encodes the α1 subunit of voltage-gated NaV1.1 sodium channels. The high level of expression of NaV1.1 channels in peripheral trigeminal neurons may lead to abnormal nociceptive signaling thus contributing to migraine pain. NaV1.1 dysfunction is relevant also for other neurological disorders, foremost epilepsy and stroke that are comorbid with migraine. Here we used computer modeling to test the functional role of FHM3-mutated NaV1.1 channels in mechanisms of trigeminal pain. The activation of Aδ-fibers was studied for two algogens, ATP and 5-HT, operating through P2X3 and 5-HT3 receptors, respectively, at trigeminal nerve terminals. In WT Aδ-fibers of meningeal afferents, NaV1.1 channels efficiently participate in spike generation induced by ATP and 5-HT supported by NaV1.6 channels. Of the various FHM3 mutations tested, the L263V missense mutation, with a longer activation state and lower activation voltage, resulted in the most pronounced spiking activity. In contrast, mutations that result in a loss of NaV1.1 function largely reduced firing of trigeminal nerve fibers. The combined activation of P2X3 and 5-HT3 receptors and branching of nerve fibers resulted in very prolonged and high-frequency spiking activity in the mutants compared to WT. We identified, in silico, key determinants of long-lasting nociceptive activity in FHM3-mutated Aδ-fibers that naturally express P2X3 and 5-HT3 receptors and suggest mutant-specific correction options. Modeled trigeminal nerve firing was significantly higher for FHM3 mutations, compared to WT, suggesting that pronounced nociceptive signaling may contribute to migraine pain.This work presents the first simulation of a large-scale, bio-physically constrained cerebellum model performed on neuromorphic hardware. A model containing 97,000 neurons and 4.2 million synapses is simulated on the SpiNNaker neuromorphic system. Results are validated against a baseline simulation of the same model executed with NEST, a popular spiking neural network simulator using generic computational resources and double precision floating point arithmetic. Individual cell and network-level spiking activity is validated in terms of average spike rates, relative lead or lag of spike times, and membrane potential dynamics of individual neurons, and SpiNNaker is shown to produce results in agreement with NEST. Once validated, the model is used to investigate how to accelerate the simulation speed of the network on the SpiNNaker system, with the future goal of creating a real-time neuromorphic cerebellum. Through detailed communication profiling, peak network activity is identified as one of the main challenges for simulation speed-up. Propagation of spiking activity through the network is measured, and will inform the future development of accelerated execution strategies for cerebellum models on neuromorphic hardware. The large ratio of granule cells to other cell types in the model results in high levels of activity converging onto few cells, with those cells having relatively larger time costs associated with the processing of communication. Organizing cells on SpiNNaker in accordance with their spatial position is shown to reduce the peak communication load by 41%. It is hoped that these insights, together with alternative parallelization strategies, will pave the way for real-time execution of large-scale, bio-physically constrained cerebellum models on SpiNNaker. This in turn will enable exploration of cerebellum-inspired controllers for neurorobotic applications, and execution of extended duration simulations over timescales that would currently be prohibitive using conventional computational platforms.

Autoři článku: Lassennelson2589 (Roberts Hassan)