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As a result of multiple regression analysis, it was found that gender and mother's occupation had a statistically significant effect on mask-wearing behavior, while gender and previous training on mask-wearing had a statistically significant effect on hand-washing behavior.

Students exhibited correct behaviors regarding hand hygiene and mask-wearing, but some misbehaviors suggest that training is necessary, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic period.

Students exhibited correct behaviors regarding hand hygiene and mask-wearing, but some misbehaviors suggest that training is necessary, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic period.

Ankle periprosthetic joint infections are rising in number, but an evidence-based gold standard treatment has not been defined yet.

We made a systematic review about the operative treatment of infections following total ankle arthroplasty. Proportional meta-analysis was used to summarize effects of the surgical techniques included. Primary outcome of this study was infection eradication, followed by complications, re-interventions, amputation rates and functions.

We included six studies(113 patients) reporting 6 types of surgical interventions, mostly irrigation and debridement (35.4%) and two-stage revisions (24.8%). No differences among all analyzed techniques were found in the infection eradication outcome as well as in the secondary outcomes. Patients receiving a permanent spacer are most likely to end up with amputation.

Literature dealing with infections after total ankle replacement is currently composed by few low-quality articles. The overlapping of confidence intervals related to all analyzed interventions showed no superiority of either technique.



Establishing venous outflow in liver transplantation for patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome is crucial and requires various surgical techniques. The outcomes of these patients exibits distinct problems including vasculary thrombosis and biliary complications.

In this single center study, the outcomes and surgical features of 33 patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome who were carried out liver translantation (27 patients from living donor). Another group was formed among patients underwent liver transplantation due to other etiologies and the outcomes were compared.

The most-seen type was the classical type of Budd-Chiari syndrome (25, 75.8%). For twenty-six patients inherited or acquired prothrombotic disorders were identified (78.2%) in Budd-Chiari group. Average follow-up was 29.7±15.5 months. We have observed no recurrence of disease in our BCS patients. When the two groups was compared in terms of thrombotic complications, there was a significantly increased risk in BCS group (p=0.014). Our 1 and 3-year survival rates for the BCS group were 81.8% and 78.8%, respectively. In the control group, 1 and 3-year survival rates were 93.3% and 88.9%, respectively. N-Ethylmaleimide mw Log-rank test analyses showed no statistically significant results.

Liver transplantation with individual surgical and postoperative treatment strategy for patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome provides comparable outcomes.

Liver transplantation with individual surgical and postoperative treatment strategy for patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome provides comparable outcomes.

To determine parental understanding of directions on common pediatric prescription pharmacy labels and to identify enablers and barriers that affect interpretation of these labels.

Prospective qualitative descriptive study (July to August 2020) of 20 parents in post-surgical wards at a single Australian tertiary pediatric center.

Four key themes emerged through inductive analysis of the interview transcripts 1) the addition of specific directions, such as administration with/without food and treatment course duration were perceived to be beneficial; 2) explicit phrasing of dosing intervals and times were more easily interpreted; 3) the use of simpler and common terminology enhanced understanding of the directions; and 4) presentation of multiple-step directions (e.g. tapering regimens) in a simplified and more organized manner was identified as an enabler and was thought to reduce confusion.

Differences in wording and presentation of pediatric prescription medication label directions led to variable interpretation by parents.

Therefore, there is a need for guidelines to standardize the wording of prescription medication advice labels. Findings from this study can be used to achieve this goal.

Therefore, there is a need for guidelines to standardize the wording of prescription medication advice labels. Findings from this study can be used to achieve this goal.

Discrimination occurs in health care settings contributing to health inequities. Yet guidance on how best to measure discrimination in health care is still limited.

We sought to (1) identify and describe the characteristics of published studies that used the Discrimination in Health Care Measure, a scale first published in 2001; (2) review how the measure has been used or adapted and summarize the measure's published psychometric properties and its variations; and (3) summarize associations between the measure and health-related variables.

We performed a systematic search and review of the measure by searching PsycINFO, PubMed, Sociological Abstracts, and Web of Science from January 1, 2001 through January 31, 2017. We screened 260 unique articles, identified 22 eligible articles, and completed a narrative synthesis.

Most studies measured race or ethnicity-based discrimination. All studies made minor revisions to the measure, and most reported high reliabilities. Discrimination in health care, using this measure, was associated with adverse health outcomes.

Study results indicate that the measure is easy to use and adapt. Researchers should consider using the Discrimination in Health Care Measure when designing studies that will examine individuals' discriminatory experiences when receiving health care.

Study results indicate that the measure is easy to use and adapt. Researchers should consider using the Discrimination in Health Care Measure when designing studies that will examine individuals' discriminatory experiences when receiving health care.

Parents spend substantial time reading to their children, making storybooks a promising but understudied avenue for motivating parents to serve their children healthier beverages. This study examines parents' reactions to messages promoting healthy beverage consumption embedded in a children's storybook.

In 2020, a total of 2,164 demographically diverse parents of children aged 6 months to 5 years participated in an online survey. Participants were randomized to view control messages (school readiness) or 1 of 3 beverage message topics (sugary drink discouragement, water encouragement, or combined discouragement and encouragement) presented as pages from the storybook Potter the Otter. Survey items assessed parents' reactions to the messages and their perceptions, beliefs, and intentions regarding sugary drinks and water. Data were analyzed in 2021.

Compared with control messages, exposure to the beverage messages led to higher discouragement from serving children sugary drinks and higher encouragement to serve children more water (p<0.001). The beverage messages also elicited more thinking about beverages' health impacts and led to stronger perceptions that sugary drinks are unhealthy (p<0.001). Moreover, the beverage messages led to higher intentions to limit serving children sugary drinks and higher intentions to serve children more water (p≤0.02). Parents' reactions to the beverage messages did not differ by most demographic characteristics. Few differences in outcomes were observed among the 3 beverage message topics.

Embedding beverage messages in storybooks is a promising, scalable strategy for motivating parents from diverse backgrounds to serve children more water and fewer sugary drinks.

Embedding beverage messages in storybooks is a promising, scalable strategy for motivating parents from diverse backgrounds to serve children more water and fewer sugary drinks.

Nanocrystalline silver dressings can reduce the number of changes, facilitating burn wound management. However, the evidence regarding their efficacy and cost-consequences compared to well-established treatments, such as 1% silver sulfadiazine, is still scarce.

To determine the efficacy, safety, and costs of nanocrystalline silver dressings compared to 1% silver sulfadiazine dressings to treat adult patients with burns.

Randomized, single-center, single-blind trial conducted at a referral hospital in São Paulo, Brazil.

100 adult patients were randomized 11 to nanocrystalline silver (n = 50) or 1% silver sulfadiazine (n = 50). The primary outcome was the proportion of participants with complete re-epithelization at day 15 after randomization. Secondary outcomes included the number of dressing changes, direct medical costs (in international dollars, I$), pain intensity, the incidence of infections, number of patients undergoing surgery, and adverse events.

On day 15, the proportion of patients who reaference = 221.63 (95% CI, 89.04 to 354.23, P = 0.001). The main driver of higher mean total costs among nanocrystalline silver-treated participants was the purchase cost of the dressings, representing 79.3% of the total cost in the nanocrystalline silver group but only 15.2% in the 1% silver sulfadiazine group.

We found no evidence of a difference between nanocrystalline silver and 1% silver sulfadiazine dressings regarding efficacy and safety outcomes. Nanocrystalline silver dressings were associated with an increase in the total costs, but they could result in important savings for an institution (less changes of dressings, reducing human resources burden), especially if acquisition costs can be decreased. Additional cost-effectiveness studies are warranted.



Patients with dental crowding, even with good oral hygiene, may show increased bacterial presence in the crowded area. This study aimed to determine the microbial composition of subgingival plaque in crowded and noncrowded dental regions.

Forty dental students with anterior dental crowding, who were aware of correct brushing techniques and oral hygiene, were enrolled in this study. After orthodontic records were taken and the periodontal examination was performed, subgingival plaque samples were collected from the crowded (experimental) and noncrowded regions (control) of each patient. Colony counting was performed for Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), and streptococcus species.

The mean amount of Aa and Pg colonies was significantly higher in crowded areas (P<0.0001), but there was no significant difference between streptococcus species colonization and crowding. Aa and Pg colonization had a significant direct relation with the amount of crowding. (P<0.0001).

Crowded dental areas, even with good oral hygiene, are more suitable environments for Aa and Pg colonization.

Crowded dental areas, even with good oral hygiene, are more suitable environments for Aa and Pg colonization.

This study aimed to investigate the immediate impact and long-term implications of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus on orthodontic practices in the United States in2020.

A 35-item survey was developed and validated to investigate the impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on the orthodontic specialty. The survey contained 5 domains, including respondent's demographic information, COVID-19 information acquisition, practice ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, financial implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, and patient management strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. This voluntary survey acquired responses from active orthodontists in the United States. Associations of demographic and practice characteristics with items related to COVID-19 were assessed using chi-square tests, with a 5% significance level.

The survey was disseminated to 5,694 orthodontists, and 507 complete surveys were obtained (response rate of 8.9%). Respondents indicated that they obtained the most useful information regarding the COVID-19 pandemic through professional associations and internet or online news resources.

Autoři článku: Laniersteen9303 (Ryan Vest)