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We have demonstrated that asymptomatic cerebral small vessel disease (cSVD) measured by white matter hyperintensity volume is associated with reduced manipulative manual dexterity on the Grooved Peg Board Test (GPBT) in middle-aged healthy individuals with a family history of early coronary artery disease. In this current study, we aim to identify the association of subcortical white matter microstructural impairment measured by diffusion tensor imaging, manual dexterity measured by GPBT and circulating serums ceramide, another marker for white matter injury. We hypothesize that lower regional fractional anisotropy (rFA) is associated with worse performance on GPBT and elevated serum ceramides in the same study population.

rFA of 48 regions representing the subcortical white matters were analyzed in GeneSTAR participants in addition to serum ceramides and GPBT scores. Acetylcholine Chloride clinical trial Unadjusted univariable analyses with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons were completed using Spearman correlation for testing tese results demonstrate that subcortical microstructural white matter disruption is associated with elevated serum ceramides and reduced manual dexterity in a population with cSVD. These findings suggest that injury to white matter tracts undermines neural networks, with functional consequences in a middle-aged population with cardiovascular risk factors.

These results demonstrate that subcortical microstructural white matter disruption is associated with elevated serum ceramides and reduced manual dexterity in a population with cSVD. These findings suggest that injury to white matter tracts undermines neural networks, with functional consequences in a middle-aged population with cardiovascular risk factors.

As the pathogenesis of keloids is poorly understood, there is no sound biological basis of keloid management. Few controlled therapeutic studies have been published, and recurrences are a major reason for treatment failure.

To detect efficacy and safety of cryosurgery regimens on keloids and the occurring biological changes caused by the treatment.

This prospective randomized study compared efficacy and tolerability as well as histological/immunohistochemical effects of liquid nitrogen contact cryosurgery as a single regimen (group A) and combined with intralesional corticosteroids (group B) on young (<2 years old), small (≤10 cm2) keloids in 40 patients (2-sided effect, α-error 1%, power 95%).

Marked flattening of the lesions was achieved by both regimens. Median lesional volumes decreased from 106 to 7 mm3 in group A (p = 0.001) and from 138 to 6 mm3 in group B (p < 0.0001; ns, between groups). Good to excellent responses were registered in 83.3 and 90% of patients in groups A and B, respectivdure, but also by inducing biochemical and immunological scar rejuvenation.

Cryosurgery without and with intralesional corticosteroids is effective and safe on young, small keloids not only as a destructive physical procedure, but also by inducing biochemical and immunological scar rejuvenation.

Panobinostat, bortezomib, and dexamethasone combination therapy demonstrated progression-free survival (PFS) benefit over bortezomib and dexamethasone alone in the PANORAMA-1 study in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (MM). Here, we present data from a phase II study (NCT02290431) of this combination in Japanese patients with relapsed or relapsed-and-refractory MM.

Patients received 3-week cycles of 20-mg oral panobinostat (weeks 1 and 2), 1.3-mg/m2 subcutaneous bortezomib (days 1, 4, 8, and 11), and 20-mg oral dexamethasone (day of and the day following bortezomib administration) for a total of 8 cycles (24 weeks; treatment phase 1). Patients with treatment benefit had an option to enter the extension phase to receive 6-week (42-day) cycles of panobinostat (weeks 1, 2, 4, and 5) plus bortezomib (days 1, 8, 22, and 29) and dexamethasone (day of and the day following bortezomib treatment) for 24 weeks. The primary objective was complete response (CR) + near CR (nCR) rate after treatment phase 1 as per ts.

The study met the primary objective with 48.4% CR + nCR rate. The AEs associated with the combination treatment were safely managed using the existing AE management guidelines, including dose interruption/modification and/or supportive medical intervention. This treatment regimen is an effective option with a favorable benefit/risk profile for Japanese patients with relapsed/refractory MM.

The study met the primary objective with 48.4% CR + nCR rate. The AEs associated with the combination treatment were safely managed using the existing AE management guidelines, including dose interruption/modification and/or supportive medical intervention. This treatment regimen is an effective option with a favorable benefit/risk profile for Japanese patients with relapsed/refractory MM.

Genital warts, caused by the human papillomavirus, are a common sexually transmitted disease. The warts can regress spontaneously or exhibit a persistent clinical course. Various therapeutic modalities are available, yet none is curative, and there may be recurrences. Retinoids are considered the mainstay of therapy in many dermatologic diseases. Data on their use for genital warts are limited.

To systematically review the published evidence on the efficacy and safety of retinoids for the treatment of genital warts.

A systematic review and meta-analysis of all publications evaluating topical or systemic retinoids for the treatment of genital warts was performed. The primary outcome was complete response (CR); the secondary outcomes were recurrence rate and adverse events.

Six publications were evaluated, three randomized controlled trials and three prospective cohort studies, including a total of 141 patients with genital warts treated exclusively with retinoids (90% with isotretinoin). CR rates were 100% for systemic etretinate (3 out of 3 patients, 95% CI 28-81%) and 56% for isotretinoin (95% CI 28-81%; I2 = 84%). Topical etretinate did not induce CR. The most common side effect of topical agents was irritant contact dermatitis (36%) and that of systemic agents mucocutaneous disorders (80%). The relapse rate was 12% for oral isotretinoin and was unavailable for the other modalities.

Current data suggest that unlike topical retinoids, systemic retinoids are an effective and safe treatment for genital warts. Further studies are required to determine their specific role and the most effective regimen for each derivative.

Current data suggest that unlike topical retinoids, systemic retinoids are an effective and safe treatment for genital warts. Further studies are required to determine their specific role and the most effective regimen for each derivative.

The aim of the study was a comparative evaluation of in-house real-time PCR and commercial real-time PCR (Fast Track Diagnostics (FTD), ampliCube/Mikrogen) targeting enteropathogenic bacteria from stool in preparation of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

Both 241 stool samples from patients and 100 samples from German laboratory control schemes ("Ringversuche") were used to comparatively assess in-house real-time PCR, the FTD bacterial gastroenteritis kit, and the ampliCube gastrointestinal bacterial panels 1&2 either with the in-house PCRs as gold standard and as a test comparison without gold standard applying latent class analysis. Sensitivity, specificity, intra- and inter-assay variation and Cohen's kappa were assessed.

In comparison with the gold standard, sensitivity was 75-100% for strongly positive samples, 20-100% for weakly positive samples, and specificity ranged from 96 to 100%. Latent class analysis suggested that sensitivity ranges from 81.2 to 100% and specificity from 58.5 to 100%. Cohen's kappa varied between moderate and nearly perfect agreement, intra- and inter-assay variation was 1-3 to 1-4 Ct values.

Acceptable agreement and performance characteristics suggested replaceability of the in-house PCR assays by the commercial approaches.

Acceptable agreement and performance characteristics suggested replaceability of the in-house PCR assays by the commercial approaches.Összefoglaló. Bevezetés A gyermekkori akut lymphoblastos leukaemia kezelése napjainkban 80% feletti túlélést tesz lehetővé, de fontos cél a kezelés okozta mellékhatások kivédése és a gyermekek hosszú távú életminőségének javítása is. Célkitűzés A kemoterápia csontrendszerre kifejtett mellékhatásainak vizsgálata és a prognosztikai tényezők feltárása, a rizikófaktorok összegyűjtése. Módszerek Retrospektív vizsgálatunkba a Semmelweis Egyetem II. Gyermekgyógyászati Klinikáján 2007 és 2016 között kezelt 215, akut lymphoblastos leukaemiás gyermek közül a csontelváltozást észlelt betegeket vontuk be a következő, csontrendszert érintő megbetegedésekkel 38 gyermeknél csökkent csontásványianyag-tartalom, 5 főnél osteonecrosis, 3 főnél osteomyelitis és 2 fő esetében patológiás fractura volt detektálható. Különböző követési időpontokban gyűjtöttünk oszteodenzitometriai adatokat, D-vitamin-, foszfát-, alkalikusfoszfatáz- és lipidszinteket is. Eredmények Az oszteodenzitometriai értékek már a diagnóziskor csökkent értéket m osteodensitometric measurements and monitoring of laboratory parameters are extremely important, as bone abnormalities can occur in leukemia patients. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(49) 2086-2093.

In summary, we can conclude that follow-up of these children, osteodensitometric measurements and monitoring of laboratory parameters are extremely important, as bone abnormalities can occur in leukemia patients. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(49) 2086-2093.Összefoglaló. Bevezetés és célkitűzés A Navilas® 577s mikropulzuslézerrel végzett kezelés biztonságosságának és hatásosságának vizsgálata diabeteses maculaoedemában. link2 Módszer Retrospektív vizsgálatunkba diabeteses maculaoedema miatt gondozott és legalább 6 hónapos utánkövetéssel rendelkező, korábban Navilas® 577s mikropulzuslézer-kezelésen átesett 28 beteg 46 szemét válogattuk be. Minden szemen optikaikoherencia-tomográfia (OCT) vastagsági térkép navigált, nonkontakt, küszöb alatti mikropulzuslézer-kezelés történt egy alkalommal. A kezelést megelőzően és az azt követő 6. hónapban rögzítettük a látóélesség, a centrális retinavastagság értékeit és az éreredetű endothelialis növekedési faktort (VEGF) gátló injekciók számát. A követési idő végén megvizsgáltuk a szemfenéki képnek a digitális fundusfotográfia és az átmetszeti OCT-képek segítségével észlelhető változásait. Eredmények A vizsgált szemek közül 30 esetben a lézerkezelést korábbi centrális maculaoedema miatt VEGF-gátló injekciós kezelés előzte meg, míg 16 treatment of diabetic macular edema. It can be very useful in anti-VEGF treated eyes by decreasing the number of injections needed. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(49) 2078-2085.Összefoglaló. A Gorlin-Goltz-szindróma - más néven naevoid basalsejtes carcinoma szindróma - egy ritka, viszont számos orvosi társszakmát érintő, rendkívül változatos megjelenésű és genetikailag is heterogén betegség. Bár a tudományos kutatások egyik kedvenc területe, az aránylag alacsony betegszám, valamint a genotípus és a fenotípus közötti, igen komplex összefüggések miatt a kórképről meglévő ismereteink még nem teljesek. A témában megjelent nemzetközi és magyar nyelvű publikációk jelentős része esetközlésekre és a szindróma általános ismertetésére szorítkozik. A közlemény célja, hogy áttekintést adjon a szindróma genetikai vonatkozásairól. A nemzetközi és a magyar nyelvű szakirodalom áttanulmányozását végeztük. A naevoid basalsejtes carcinoma szindróma genetikai hátterének, az egyelőre azonosítatlan örökletes tényezőknek pontos megismerése még várat magára. link3 A genetikai vizsgálatok a szindróma pontosabb megértéséhez, könnyebb diagnosztizálásához, a pozitív családtervezéshez és a személyre szabott terápiákhoz is hozzájárulhatnak.

Autoři článku: Lamkirkland7957 (Nunez Hatfield)