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Our aim was to evaluate the relationship of the dimensions of the facial canal (FC) and cochlear aqueduct (CA) in otosclerosis (OS) with the type and severity of OS.

Two radiologists retrospectively evaluated temporal bone high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images obtained from 48 healthy individuals and 94 OS patients between January 2015 and July 2020. In the study group, the CA width, funnel base width, and funnel length, in addition to the FC transverse length, were measured in the axial plane. The CA length was measured in the coronal plane on HRCT images. The FC craniocaudal length was measured in the same plane as the fissula ante fenestram (FAF) in coronal reformatted HRCT images. Grading of OS was based on otosclerotic plaque density and new bone formation extending toward the tympanic cavity at the FAF level.

In the OS patients, the CA width and FC craniocaudal and FC transverse diameters were significantly decreased on both sides compared to those in the control group (p < 0.001). In fenestral OS, the FC craniocaudal and transverse widths on both sides were statistically significantly lower than the FC widths in the control group (p < 0.0001). A statistically negative correlation was found in the FC craniocaudal (r = -0.831/-0.818) and transverse (r = -0.742/-0.750) measurements on both sides in accordance with an increase in the otosclerotic plaque density (p < 0.0001).

The presence of narrowing in the FC and CA adjacent to the FAF supports the role of autoimmunity theory in the etiology of OS.

The presence of narrowing in the FC and CA adjacent to the FAF supports the role of autoimmunity theory in the etiology of OS.Hepatic "hot spots" in anterior paraumbilical hepatic segments of patients suffering from superior vena cava syndrome may be revealed by angio-computed tomography. They may be due to a collateralizing system, the epigastric-paraumbilical venous system (EPVS), which enters the liver as a "third inflow". We report a typical case emphasizing the role of the ensiform and inferior Sappey's veins which constitute typical anatomic components of the EPVS.

In this study, we presented movable surface models to help medical students understand the multiaxial movements of the hip joint. The secondary objective was to demonstrate a simple method to make movable surface models for other researchers.

We used 166 surface models of the virtual human, and the commercial software was used for all the processes described in this study. Virtual joints were created for the hip joint of the surface models to simulate realistic movements of the joints. Bone surface models were processed to maintain the original shape of the bones during movement. Muscle surface models were processed to express deformation of the muscle shapes during movement. Next, the muscle and bone surface models were moved over six movements of the hip joint (flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, lateral rotation, and medial rotation). The surface models of these six movements were saved and packaged in a PDF file.

The PDF file enabled users to see the stereoscopic shapes of the bones and muscles of the hip joint and to scrutinize the six movements on the X, Y, and Z axes of the joint.

The movable surface models of the hip joint of this study will be helpful for medical students to learn the multiaxial movements of the hip joint. We expect to develop simulations of other joints that can be used in the education of medical students using the materials and methods described in this study.

The movable surface models of the hip joint of this study will be helpful for medical students to learn the multiaxial movements of the hip joint. We expect to develop simulations of other joints that can be used in the education of medical students using the materials and methods described in this study.

To date, no study has explored the inferior sagittal sinus (ISS) using neuroimaging modalities. This investigation aimed to characterize it using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

A total of 77 patients with intact cerebral hemispheres and covering meninges underwent thin-sliced, contrast-enhanced MRI.

The ISS was well delineated as a linear structure with a constant diameter in 97% of the patients. The maximum intensity projection (MIP) images well delineated the three-dimensional architecture of the ISS and relevant veins. The identified ISSs could be classified into three different types, with the underdeveloped type being the most frequent at 47%. In addition, the ISSs showed considerable variability both in the original site and course along the lower margin of the falx cerebri. Furthermore, in 22% of the cases, fenestrations were identified in the falx cerebri adjacent to or near the ISS. More than 70% of them were located in the middle third of the falx, followed by the anterior and middle thirds of the falx.

The ISS is a constant venous structure characterized by morphological variability and may function as an adjunctive or assistive venous drainage route. Thin-sliced, post-contrast-enhanced sagittal MRI combined with MIP imaging is useful for exploring the ISS.

The ISS is a constant venous structure characterized by morphological variability and may function as an adjunctive or assistive venous drainage route. Thin-sliced, post-contrast-enhanced sagittal MRI combined with MIP imaging is useful for exploring the ISS.

A major QTL (QLr.cau-2BL) for APR to leaf rust was detected on 2BL; an SSR marker was developed to closely link with QLr.cau-2BL and validated for effectiveness of MAS. The wheat landrace Hongmazha (HMZ) possesses adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust. To detect and validate quantitative trait locus (QTL) for the APR, four wheat populations were assessed for leaf rust severity in a total of eight field and greenhouse experiments. The mapping population Aquileja × HMZ (120 recombinant inbred lines, RILs) was genotyped using 90K SNP markers. A major QTL (QLr.cau-2BL) was detected between the markers IWB3854 and IWB21922 on chromosome 2BL. IWB3854 and IWB21922 were positioned at approximately 531.14Mb and 616.48Mb, respectively, on 2BL of IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 physical map. Based on the sequences between 531.14 and 616.48Mb on 2BL of IWGSC RefSeq v1.0, 415 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were developed. These markers and 28 previously published SSR makers were screened; the resulted polymorphic markers wedition, polymorphism at Ta2BL_ssr7 was detected among a panel of 282 commercial wheat cultivars. We believe, therefore, that Ta2BL_ssr7 should be useful for introducing QLr.cau-2BL into commercial wheat cultivars and for accumulating QLr.cau-2BL with other APR QTL.

It is important to support families in dealing with the distress that comes along with the diagnosis and treatment of childhood cancer. Therefore, we developed a playful tool that families can use at home to support their family functioning and safeguard their normal family life. We pilot tested this new tool called Mr.V and describe how families used and evaluated the tool, and how it could be further improved.

Mr.V is an interactive dispenser that looks like a spaceman and proposes family activities. These activities are suggested by family members themselves and dispensed by the machine at unexpected moments. Mr.V produced data on how it was used, and a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were used to evaluate the experiences of families and the potential of this tool.

Ten families with a child with cancer between 5 and 9 years old (M

=6.7years) who were in active treatment (mixed diagnoses) participated (n = 47; n

= 10, n

= 9, n

= 16). All families used Mr.V for multiple days and were very satisfied with the tool regarding its acceptability, feasibility, and potential effectiveness. They also had suggestions on how the tool could be further improved.

Mr.V is an acceptable and feasible tool that can be implemented by families independently at home, regardless of their level of need for support. Mr.V promoted family activities and therefore has the potential to support family functioning and normal family life at home. Future research should further investigate the effectiveness of this tool.

Mr.V is an acceptable and feasible tool that can be implemented by families independently at home, regardless of their level of need for support. Mr.V promoted family activities and therefore has the potential to support family functioning and normal family life at home. Future research should further investigate the effectiveness of this tool.Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and phenolic compounds (PCs) are persistent organic compounds. Contamination of these potentially toxic organic pollutants in soils and sediments is most studied environmental compartments. In recent past, studies were carried out on PAHs, OCPs and PCs in various soils and sediments in India. Stattic But, this is the first study on these pollutants in soils and sediments from an urbanized river flood plain area in Delhi, India. During 2018, a total of fifty-four samples including twenty-seven each of soil and sediment were collected and analyzed for thirteen priority PAHs, four OCPs and six PCs. The detected concentration of ∑PAHs, ∑OCPs and ∑PCs in soils ranged between 473 and 1132, 13 and 41, and 639 and 2112 µg/kg, respectively, while their concentrations in sediments ranged between 1685 and 4010, 4.2 and 47, and 553 and 20,983 µg/kg, respectively. PAHs with 4-aromatic rings were the dominant compounds, accounting for 51 and 76% of total PAHs in soils and sediments, respectively. The contribution of seven carcinogen PAHs (7CPAHs) in soils and sediments accounted for 43% and 61%, respectively, to ∑PAHs. Among OCPs, p, p'-DDT was the dominant compound in soils, while α-HCH was found to be dominated in sediments. The concentrations of ∑CPs (chlorophenols) were dominated over ∑NPs (nitrophenols) in both the matrices. Various diagnostic tools were applied for the identification of their possible sources in soil and sediments. The observed concentrations of PAHs, OCPs and PCs were more or less comparable with the recently reports from various locations around the world including India. Soil quality guidelines and consensus-based sediment quality guidelines were applied for the assessment of ecotoxicological health effect.The increase in managed honeybees (Apis mellifera) in many European cities has unknown effects on the densities of wild bees through competition. To investigate this, we monitored honeybees and non-honeybees from 01 April to 31 July 2019 and 2020 at 29 species of plants representing diverse taxonomic and floral-functional types in a large urban garden in the city of Munich in which the same plant species were cultivated in both years. No bee hives were present in the focal garden, and all bee hives in the adjacent area were closely monitored by interviewing the relevant bee keepers in both 2019 and 2020. Honeybee numbers were similar in April of both years, but increased from May to July 2020 compared to 2019. The higher densities correlated with a significant increase in shifts from wild bee to honeybee visits in May/June/July, while visitor spectra in April 2019 and 2020 remained the same. Most of the species that experienced a shift to honeybee visits in 2020 were visited mostly or exclusively for their nectar.

Autoři článku: Lambertsensun9526 (Mcmahon Wilhelmsen)