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With the implementation of COVID-19 restrictions and consequent improvement in air quality due to the nationwide lockdown, ozone (O3) pollution was generally amplified in China. However, the O3 levels throughout the Guangxi region of South China showed a clear downward trend during the lockdown. To better understand this unusual phenomenon, we investigated the characteristics of conventional pollutants, the influence of meteorological and anthropogenic factors quantified by a multiple linear regression (MLR) model, and the impact of local sources and long-range transport based on a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) and the HYSPLIT model. Results show that in Guangxi, the conventional pollutants generally declined during the COVID-19 lockdown period (January 24 to February 9, 2020) compared with their concentrations during 2016-2019, while O3 gradually increased during the resumption (10 February to April 2020) and full operation periods (May and June 2020). Focusing on Beihai, a typical Guangxi regof the COVID-19 lockdown and meteorological factors intensified O3 reduction in the Guangxi region of South China.Metal-resistant bacteria can reduce Cd accumulation in plants, but mechanisms underlying this effect are poorly understood. In this study, a highly effective Cd-resistant WRS8 strain was obtained from the rhizoshere soil of Triticum aestivum L. Yangmai-13 and identified as Pseudomonas taiwanensis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Strain WRS8 was investigated for its effects on Cd availability and wheat tissue Cd contents and the related mechanisms using a hydroponic culture experiment. In strain WRS8-inoculated solution, the Cd concentration reduced and the pH and cell-adsorbed Cd increased with time. Strain WRS8 increased the wheat root and above-ground tissue dry weights by 11-36% compared to the controls. In strain WRS8-inoculated wheat plants, the Cd contents of the roots and above-ground tissues decreased by 78-85% and 88-94% and the Cd bioconcentration and translocation factors decreased by 78-85% and 46-58% at days 3 and 10, respectively, compared with the controls. The root surface-adsorbed Cd contents increased by 99-121% in the WRS8 strain-inoculated wheat plants at days 3 and 10 compared to the controls. Furthermore, strain WRS8 colonized the wheat root surfaces and interiors and reduced the expression levels of the LCT1 and HMA2 genes involved in Cd accumulation and transport in wheat roots by 46% and 30%, respectively, compared to the controls. In the Cd-contaminated soils, strain WRS8 significantly reduced the available Cd content by 20-24% and increased the pH compared to the controls. These findings showed the important role of strain WRS8 in reducing solution and soil Cd availability and suggested that strain WRS8 reduced the wheat tissue Cd accumulation by increasing root surface Cd adsorption and decreasing wheat root Cd uptake and transport-related gene expression and may provide a new and effective wheat rhizobacteria-enhanced approach for reducing wheat Cd uptake in Cd-polluted environments.Developing a biotechnical system with rapid degradation of pesticide is critical for reducing environmental, food security and health risks. Here, we investigated a novel epigenetic mechanism responsible for the degradation of the pesticide atrazine (ATZ) in rice crops mediated by the key component CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1a (OsCOI1a) in the jasmonate-signaling pathway. OsCOI1a protein was localized to the nucleus and strongly induced by ATZ exposure. Overexpression of OsCOI1a (OE) significantly conferred resistance to ATZ toxicity, leading to the improved growth and reduced ATZ accumulation (particularly in grains) in rice crops. HPLC/Q-TOF-MS/MS analysis revealed increased ATZ-degraded products in the OE plants, suggesting the occurrence of vigorous ATZ catabolism. Bisulfite-sequencing and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that ATZ exposure drastically reduced DNA methylation at CpG context and histone H3K9me2 marks in the upstream of OsCOI1a. The causal relationships between the DNA demethylation (hypomethylatioin), OsCOI1a expression and subsequent detoxification and degradation of ATZ in rice and environment were well established by several lines of biological, genetic and chemical evidence. Our work uncovered a novel regulatory mechanism implicated in the defense linked to the epigenetic modification and jasmonate signaling pathway. It also provided a modus operandi that can be used for metabolic engineering of rice to minimize amounts of ATZ in the crop and environment.The use of bird feathers to assess environmental contamination has steadily increased in ecotoxicological monitoring programs over the past decade. The Olrog's Gull (Larus atlanticus) is a species endemic to the Atlantic coast of southern South America, constituting one of the three threatened gull species listed in the entire American continent. The aim of this study was to assess the exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and chlorpyrifos in the Near Threatened Olrog's Gull through the analysis of body feathers sampled at the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, the main wintering area of the species in Argentina, controlling for sex and age class. Chlorpyrifos showed the highest concentrations among all contaminants and groups of individuals (X¯ = 263 ng g-1), while among POPs the concentration of organochlorine pesticides was higher than polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers, likely indicating the current use of these agricultural contaminant in the region. The highest values of total POP concentrations (males X¯ = 280 ng g-1, females X¯ = 301 ng g-1) were found in juvenile gulls, likely as a consequence of the incorporation of pollutants during the breeding season. Subadult and adult birds showed difference between sexes in the concentration of contaminants, with higher levels in males than females. The results highlight the need to include birds of different sex and age classes in order to better understand the variation in pollutants loads. The present study provides relevant information to improve the conservation status of the Olrog's Gull and new insights about the environmental health of the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, Argentina, a MAB-UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. However, there is a continued need for long-term monitoring programs focusing on this threatened species to understand the effects of pollutants on its population.Phosphogypsum (PG) is disposed worldwide in large stacks usually placed in coastal zones, as in the case of Huelva (SW of Spain), where around 100 Mt of PG are stored on the salt marshes of the Tinto River estuary covering a surface of about 1000 ha. This management generates the weathering of PG, and due to its high acidity (pH ≈ 2) and pollutant load can provoke significant emissions into their surroundings. In this work were evaluated by laboratory experiments the effects of pH increase in the behaviour of heavy metals and natural radionuclides during the mixing of phosphogypsum leachates with seawater. The acidic phosphogypsum leachates showed concentrations of heavy metals from two to three orders of magnitude higher than natural continental waters, and natural radionuclides (U-isotopes and 210Po) from four to five orders of magnitude higher than unperturbed aquatic systems. Major elements and some heavy metals as Mn, Ni, Cd, As, Sb and Co showed a conservative behaviour during the neutralisation of the leachates with seawater, remaining in the liquid phase, while other ones as Al, Fe, Cr, Zn, Cu, Pb precipitated and/or were adsorbed onto the solid phase. The U-isotopes and 210Po showed a clear non-conservative behaviour probably due to coprecipitation/adsorption processes onto the formed precipitates, but while 210Po reached a total removal at pH ≈ 7, U- isotopes after a total removal at pH ≈ 5 returned into the liquid phase due to redissolution/desorption processes at near neutral pH. The formed precipitates, mainly composed by iron phosphates particles, showed heavy metal and natural radionuclide concentrations from one to three orders of magnitude higher than unperturbed soils. All these facts demonstrate the serious environmental impact produced by the PG stacks into their surroundings and the urgency of effective restoration measures.Natural aging alters the surface physicochemical properties of biochars, which can affect the retention of heavy metals. This work investigated the effect of biochar aging on stabilization of heavy metals (Cd and Ni) and soil enzyme activities simulated with laboratory wet-dry (WD) and freeze-thaw (FT) cycling. A wheat straw (WS) biochar and a corn straw (CS) biochar were subjected to 30 WD or FT cycles, and Cd- and Ni-contaminated alkaline soils amended with the two fresh biochars (at 5% w/w) were subjected to 30-day constant moisture incubation and 30 WD or FT cycles. WD and FT aging caused slight reduction in the pH of the biochars, significant increases in their O contents and surface areas, and formation of new carbonate minerals. WS biochar was more effective than CS biochar at reducing the phytoavailable Cd in the soil, with reduction of 12.1%, 14.6%, and 12.9% under constant moisture incubation, WD aging, and FT aging, respectively. Reduction in phytoavailability of Ni by the addition of biochars was observed only under WD aging, by 17.0% and 18.5% in the presence of WS and CS biochars, respectively. Biochar amendment also reduced the distribution of Cd in the acid soluble and reducible fractions in all aging regimes. The addition of biochars decreased catalase activity in almost all aging regimes and invertase activity under FT aging, but increased urease activity under FT aging. Comparison of the enzyme activities in the soils amended with biochars under constant moisture and accelerated aging conditions indicates WD aging significantly decreased the activities of catalase, invertase, and urease in all treatments, while FT aging significantly increased urease activity in all treatments. These findings suggest that biochars can stabilize Cd in alkaline soils under changing environmental conditions, although the activities of some soil enzymes could be negatively impacted.The current study presents the oxidative potential (OP) along with a wide range of chemical speciation of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 10 μm (PM10) at five sites representing different environments in Ahmedabad, a big city in western India. On an average, PM10 concentrations were 116 ± 36, 228 ± 43, 133 ± 29, 101 ± 21, and 70 ± 20 μg m-3; volume-normalized OP (OPV) were 2.51 ± 0.71, 5.62 ± 0.68, 2.69 ± 0.76, 2.14 ± 0.41, and 1.55 ± 0.51 nmol DTT min-1 m-3; and mass-normalized OP (OPM) were 22 ± 3, 25 ± 5, 21 ± 6, 21 ± 2, and 22 ± 3 pmol DTT min-1 μg-1 over Bapunagar (backward residential area), Narol (industrial), Paldi (bus transport hub), Income Tax (huge running traffic) and Science City (posh residential area), respectively. Overall, OPV showed a significant linear correlation with PM10, whereas OPM showed near uniformity with increasing PM10. Although the OPM values were similar, the site-to-site variability in PM10 concentration reflects the corresponding health risks associated with PM10 exposure for the people living in these areas.

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