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While the results from the existing standard stochastic methods converge conditionally or diverge in the long run, the solution by the stochastic NSFD method is stable and convergent over all time steps. Conclusions The stochastic NSFD is an efficient, cost-effective method that accommodates all the desired feasible properties.Acoustic emission is a non-destructive testing method where sensors monitor an area of a structure to detect and localize passive sources of elastic waves such as expanding cracks. Passive source localization methods based on times of arrival (TOAs) use TOAs estimated from the noisy signals received by the sensors to estimate the source position. In this work, we derive the probability distribution of TOAs assuming they were obtained by the fixed threshold technique-a popular low-complexity TOA estimation technique-and show that, if the sampling rate is high enough, TOAs can be approximated by a random variable distributed according to a mixture of Gaussian distributions, which reduces to a Gaussian in the low noise regime. The optimal source position estimator is derived assuming the parameters of the mixture are known, in which case its MSE matches the Cramér-Rao lower bound, and an algorithm to estimate the mixture parameters from noisy signals is presented. We also show that the fixed threshold technique produces biased time differences of arrival (TDOAs) and propose a modification of this method to remove the bias. The proposed source position estimator is validated in simulation using biased and unbiased TDOAs, performing better than other TOA-based passive source localization methods in most scenarios.Traditional pest detection methods are challenging to use in complex forestry environments due to their low accuracy and speed. To address this issue, this paper proposes the YOLOv4_MF model. The YOLOv4_MF model utilizes MobileNetv2 as the feature extraction block and replaces the traditional convolution with depth-wise separated convolution to reduce the model parameters. In addition, the coordinate attention mechanism was embedded in MobileNetv2 to enhance feature information. A symmetric structure consisting of a three-layer spatial pyramid pool is presented, and an improved feature fusion structure was designed to fuse the target information. For the loss function, focal loss was used instead of cross-entropy loss to enhance the network's learning of small targets. The experimental results showed that the YOLOv4_MF model has 4.24% higher mAP, 4.37% higher precision, and 6.68% higher recall than the YOLOv4 model. The size of the proposed model was reduced to 1/6 of that of YOLOv4. Moreover, the proposed algorithm achieved 38.62% mAP with respect to some state-of-the-art algorithms on the COCO dataset.This paper focuses on the adaptive spline (A-spline) fitting of the semiparametric regression model to time series data with right-censored observations. Typically, there are two main problems that need to be solved in such a case dealing with censored data and obtaining a proper A-spline estimator for the components of the semiparametric model. The first problem is traditionally solved by the synthetic data approach based on the Kaplan-Meier estimator. In practice, although the synthetic data technique is one of the most widely used solutions for right-censored observations, the transformed data's structure is distorted, especially for heavily censored datasets, due to the nature of the approach. In this paper, we introduced a modified semiparametric estimator based on the A-spline approach to overcome data irregularity with minimum information loss and to resolve the second problem described above. In addition, the semiparametric B-spline estimator was used as a benchmark method to gauge the success of the A-spline estimator. To this end, a detailed Monte Carlo simulation study and a real data sample were carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimator and to make a practical comparison.The review deals with a novel approach (MNEQT) to nonequilibrium thermodynamics (NEQT) that is based on the concept of internal equilibrium (IEQ) in an enlarged state space SZ involving internal variables as additional state variables. The IEQ macrostates are unique in SZ and have no memory just as EQ macrostates are in the EQ state space SX⊂SZ. The approach provides a clear strategy to identify the internal variables for any model through several examples. The MNEQT deals directly with system-intrinsic quantities, which are very useful as they fully describe irreversibility. Because of this, MNEQT solves a long-standing problem in NEQT of identifying a unique global temperature T of a system, thus fulfilling Planck's dream of a global temperature for any system, even if it is not uniform such as when it is driven between two heat baths; T has the conventional interpretation of satisfying the Clausius statement that the exchange macroheatdeQflows from hot to cold, and other sensible criteria expected of a temperature. The concept of the generalized macroheat dQ=deQ+diQ converts the Clausius inequality dS≥deQ/T0 for a system in a medium at temperature T0 into the Clausius equalitydS≡dQ/T, which also covers macrostates with memory, and follows from the extensivity property. The equality also holds for a NEQ isolated system. The novel approach is extremely useful as it also works when no internal state variables are used to study nonunique macrostates in the EQ state space SX at the expense of explicit time dependence in the entropy that gives rise to memory effects. To show the usefulness of the novel approach, we give several examples such as irreversible Carnot cycle, friction and Brownian motion, the free expansion, etc.Recently, Schmid and Spekkens studied the quantum contextuality in terms of state discrimination. By dealing with the minimum error discrimination of two quantum states with identical prior probabilities, they reported that quantum contextual advantage exists. Meanwhile, if one notes a striking observation that the selection of prior probability can affect the quantum properties of the system, it is necessary to verify whether the quantum contextual advantage depends on the prior probabilities of the given states. In this paper, we consider the minimum error discrimination of two states with arbitrary prior probabilities, in which both states are pure or mixed. We show that the quantum contextual advantage in state discrimination may depend on the prior probabilities of the given states. In particular, even though the quantum contextual advantage always exists in the state discrimination of two nonorthogonal pure states with nonzero prior probabilities, the quantum contextual advantage depends on prior probabilities in the state discrimination of two mixed states.Bitcoin has attracted attention from different market participants due to unpredictable price patterns. Sometimes, the price has exhibited big jumps. Bitcoin prices have also had extreme, unexpected crashes. We test the predictive power of a wide range of determinants on bitcoins' price direction under the continuous transfer entropy approach as a feature selection criterion. Accordingly, the statistically significant assets in the sense of permutation test on the nearest neighbour estimation of local transfer entropy are used as features or explanatory variables in a deep learning classification model to predict the price direction of bitcoin. The proposed variable selection do not find significative the explanatory power of NASDAQ and Tesla. Under different scenarios and metrics, the best results are obtained using the significant drivers during the pandemic as validation. In the test, the accuracy increased in the post-pandemic scenario of July 2020 to January 2021 without drivers. In other words, our results indicate that in times of high volatility, Bitcoin seems to self-regulate and does not need additional drivers to improve the accuracy of the price direction.In many physical, social, and economic phenomena, we observe changes in a studied quantity only in discrete, irregularly distributed points in time. The stochastic process usually applied to describe this kind of variable is the continuous-time random walk (CTRW). Despite the popularity of these types of stochastic processes and strong empirical motivation, models with a long-term memory within the sequence of time intervals between observations are rare in the physics literature. Here, we fill this gap by introducing a new family of CTRWs. The memory is introduced to the model by assuming that many consecutive time intervals can be the same. Surprisingly, in this process we can observe a slowly decaying nonlinear autocorrelation function without a fat-tailed distribution of time intervals. Our model, applied to high-frequency stock market data, can successfully describe the slope of decay of the nonlinear autocorrelation function of stock market returns. We achieve this result without imposing any dependence between consecutive price changes. This proves the crucial role of inter-event times in the volatility clustering phenomenon observed in all stock markets.Recently, a new chaotic image encryption technique was proposed based on multiple discrete dynamic maps. The authors claim that the scheme can provide excellent privacy for traditional digital images. However, in order to minimize the computational cost, the encryption scheme adopts one-round encryption and a traditional permutation-diffusion structure. Through cryptanalysis, there is no strong correlation between the key and the plain image, which leads to the collapse of cryptosystem. Based on this, two methods of chosen-plaintext attacks are proposed in this paper. The two methods require 3 pairs and 258 pairs of plain and cipher images, respectively, to break the original encryption system. The simulation results show the effectiveness of the two schemes.Inspired by the consideration of some inside and future market information in financial market, a class of anticipated backward doubly stochastic Volterra integral equations (ABDSVIEs) are introduced to induce dynamic risk measures for risk quantification. The theory, including the existence, uniqueness and a comparison theorem for ABDSVIEs, is provided. Finally, dynamic convex risk measures by ABDSVIEs are discussed.We consider a quantum spinless nonrelativistic charged particle moving in the xy plane under the action of a time-dependent magnetic field, described by means of the linear vector potential A=B(t)-y(1+α),x(1-α)/2, with two fixed values of the gauge parameter α α=0 (the circular gauge) and α=1 (the Landau gauge). While the magnetic field is the same in all the cases, the systems with different values of the gauge parameter are not equivalent for nonstationary magnetic fields due to different structures of induced electric fields, whose lines of force are circles for α=0 and straight lines for α=1. We derive general formulas for the time-dependent mean values of the energy and magnetic moment, as well as for their variances, for an arbitrary function B(t). They are expressed in terms of solutions to the classical equation of motion ε¨+ωα2(t)ε=0, with ω1=2ω0. Explicit results are found in the cases of the sudden jump of magnetic field, the parametric resonance, the adiabatic evolution, and for several specific functions B(t), when solutions can be expressed in terms of elementary or hypergeometric functions.

Autoři článku: Ladefogedflowers1388 (Hagen Everett)