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The replacement of SBM protein with full-fat HI larvae meal in broiler diets exceeding 50% significantly compromised the growth performance of birds and the carcass and meat quality.This study investigated the reproductive biology and sperm cryopreservation of ex situ southern stingrays (Hypanus americanus) by semen collection and characterization and the development and validation of an enzyme-linked immunoassay for plasma total testosterone. Semen was collected in March and June using a manual massage technique, and the ejaculates were assessed for volume, pH, osmolarity, motility, status (0-5 scale 0 = no forward progression, 5 = rapid linear progression) and total sperm count. Semen was extended in Hank's elasmobranch ringer solution containing 10% DMSO, 10% glycerol or 5% glycerol with 5% N-methylformamide and cryopreserved using a conventional freezing method (~-50 °C/min) or a modified slow freezing method (~-3 °C/min). Body condition was scored from 1-5 and was noted to be low in March (1.93 ± 0.07) due to feeding practices and increased by June (2.93 ± 0.05) after dietary corrections were made. A concomitant increase (p less then 0.05) in plasma total testosterone concentration and sperm motility was noted between March (8.0 ± 7.2 ng/mL, 5.71 ± 2.77%) and June (97.3 ± 11.3 ng/mL, 51.4 ± 14.3%). Samples cryopreserved using a modified slow freeze method (~-3 °C/min) had higher post-thaw motility and plasma membrane integrity than conventionally cryopreserved samples. Data indicate that southern stingray sperm morphometrics adheres to those of other elasmobranch species and that a slow cooling rate may be an avenue of research to improve southern stingray sperm survival during cryopreservation.The objective of this study was to investigate changes in protein abundance of mTOR and insulin signaling pathway components along with amino acid (AA) transporters in bovine s.c. adipose (SAT) explants in response to increased supply of Leu, Ile, or Val. Explants of SAT from four lactating Holstein cows were incubated with high-glucose serum-free DMEM, to which the 10 essential AAs were added to create the following treatments ideal mix of essential AA (IPAA; LysMet 2.91; LysThr 1.81; LysHis 2.381; LysVal 1.231; LysIle 1.451; LysLeu 0.851; LysArg 2.081) or IPAA supplemented with Ile, Val, or Leu to achieve a LysIle of 1.291 (incIle), LysVal 1.121 (incVal), or LysLeu (incLeu) 0.781 for 4 h. Compared with IPAA, incLeu or incIle led to greater activation of protein kinase B (AKT; p-AKT/total AKT) and mTOR (p-mTOR/total mTOR). Total EAA in media averaged 7.8 ± 0.06 mmol/L across treatments. Incubation with incLeu, incIle, or incVal led to greater protein abundance of solute carrier family 38 member 1 (SLC38A1), a Gln transporter, and the BCAA catabolism enzyme branched-chain α-keto acid dehydrogenase kinase (BCKDK) compared with IPAA. Activation of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2; p-eEF2/total eEF2) was also greater in response to incLeu, incIle, or incVal. Furthermore, compared with incLeu or incIle, incVal supplementation led to greater abundance of SLC38A1 and BCKDK. BCKDK is a rate-limiting enzyme regulating BCAA catabolism via inactivation and phosphorylation of the BCKD complex. Overall, data suggested that enhanced individual supplementation of BCAA activates mTOR and insulin signaling in SAT. Increased AA transport into tissue and lower BCAA catabolism could be part of the mechanism driving these responses. The potential practical applications for enhancing post-ruminal supply of BCAA via feeding in rumen-protected form support in vivo studies to ascertain the role of these AAs on adipose tissue biology.Food hypersensitivity reactions are adverse reactions to harmless dietary substances, whose causes are hidden within derangements of the complex immune machinery of humans and mammals. Until recently, enterocytes were considered as solely absorptive cells providing a physical barrier for unwanted lumen constituents. This review focuses on the enterocytes, which are the hub for innate and adaptive immune reactions. Furthermore, the ambiguous nature of enterocytes is also reflected in the fact that enterocytes can be considered as antigen-presenting cells since they constitutively express major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Taken together, it becomes clear that enterocytes have an immense role in maintaining oral tolerance to foreign antigens. In general, the immune system and its mechanisms underlying food hypersensitivity are still unknown and the involvement of components belonging to other anatomical systems, such as enterocytes, in these mechanisms make their elucidation even more difficult. The findings from studies with animal models provide us with valuable information about allergic mechanisms in the animal world, while on the other hand, these models are used to extrapolate results to the pathological conditions occurring in humans. There is a constant need for studies that deal with this topic and can overcome the glitches related to ethics in working with animals.Only six parasitic species of Demodecidae mite have thus far been described from the Soricomorpha, these being associated with the common shrew Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758, and the Mediterranean water shrew Neomys anomalus Cabrera, 1907 (two species from each host), and with the lesser white-toothed shrew Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas, 1811) and the European mole Talpa europaea Linnaeus, 1758 (one from each host species). Presently, Demodex crocidurae, a new species, has been described from the territory of Poland for C. suaveolens; in order to confirm its validity, it was necessary to redescribe D. talpae Hirst, 1921, from T. europaea, a demodecid species first described by Hirst in 1921 from England and then noted only in Poland. Both species colonized the hairy skin of the body in their hosts, where no disease symptoms of infestation were observed. However, D. crocidurae showed higher infection parameters (prevalence 100%, mean intensity 11.7, intensity range 3-26 individuals) than those of D. talpae (30.0%, 4.7, 2.0-8.0), possibly due to different host biology.The measurement of glucocorticoid metabolites (GCMs) in faeces has become a widely used and effective tool for evaluating the amount of stress experienced by animals. CX-5461 order However, the potential sampling bias resulting from an oversampling of individuals in different states of pregnancy has rarely been investigated. In this study, we validate a noninvasive method for measuring gestagen metabolites in female mountain hares (Lepus timidus) under controlled conditions. We also measured the concentration of gestagen metabolites of females in a free-ranging population during the early breeding and post-breeding periods from 2014 to 2019. We found significant yearly variations in gestagen metabolites, which were related to the condition of the females due to the snow cover duration before and at the start of the reproduction period. GCMs were significantly influenced by the gestagen metabolite levels. These results are important for improving the interpretation of GCM concentrations in free-ranging populations during the breeding and reproductive periods.Aquatic animals have unique physiological mechanisms to absorb and retain minerals from their diets and water. Research and development in the area of mineral nutrition of farmed fish and crustaceans have been relatively slow and major gaps exist in the knowledge of trace element requirements, physiological functions and bioavailability from feed ingredients. Quantitative dietary requirements have been reported for three macroelements (calcium, phosphorus and magnesium) and six trace minerals (zinc, iron, copper, manganese, iodine and selenium) for selected fish species. Mineral deficiency signs in fish include reduced bone mineralization, anorexia, lens cataracts (zinc), skeletal deformities (phosphorus, magnesium, zinc), fin erosion (copper, zinc), nephrocalcinosis (magnesium deficiency, selenium toxicity), thyroid hyperplasia (iodine), muscular dystrophy (selenium) and hypochromic microcytic anemia (iron). An excessive intake of minerals from either diet or gill uptake causes toxicity and therefore a fine balance between mineral deficiency and toxicity is vital for aquatic organisms to maintain their homeostasis, either through increased absorption or excretion. Release of minerals from uneaten or undigested feed and from urinary excretion can cause eutrophication of natural waters, which requires additional consideration in feed formulation. The current knowledge in mineral nutrition of fish is briefly reviewed.Crustacean farming is a fast-growing sector and has contributed to improving incomes. Many studies have focused on how to improve crustacean production. Information about crustacean behavior is important in this respect. Manual methods of detecting crustacean behavior are usually infectible, time-consuming, and imprecise. Therefore, automatic growth situation monitoring according to changes in behavior has gained more attention, including acoustic technology, machine vision, and sensors. This article reviews the development of these automatic behavior monitoring methods over the past three decades and summarizes their domains of application, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, the challenges of individual sensitivity and aquaculture environment for future research on the behavior of crustaceans are also highlighted. Studies show that feeding behavior, movement rhythms, and reproduction behavior are the three most important behaviors of crustaceans, and the applications of information technology such as advanced machine vision technology have great significance to accelerate the development of new means and techniques for more effective automatic monitoring. However, the accuracy and intelligence still need to be improved to meet intensive aquaculture requirements. Our purpose is to provide researchers and practitioners with a better understanding of the state of the art of automatic monitoring of crustacean behaviors, pursuant of supporting the implementation of smart crustacean farming applications.We use a suite of meta-analytic and comparative methods to derive fundamental insights into how sampling effort, pathogen richness, infection prevalence, and seroprevalence vary across Carnivora taxa and Iberian geography. The red fox was the most studied species, the wolf and Iberian lynx were disproportionally studied, and the Arctoidea were understudied. Sampling effort was higher in Mediterranean areas, but central Spain showed the higher pathogen richness. Excluding studies analyzing fecal samples, 53 different pathogens have been detected in Iberian carnivores, including 16 viruses, 27 bacteria, and 10 protozoa but no fungi. Sampling effort and pathogen diversity were generally more similar among closely related carnivore species. Seropositivity to viruses was lower and higher in the Mustelinae and the Canidae, respectively, and seropositivity to protozoa was higher in both taxa. Canine distemper virus exposure was greatest in canids and mustelids. Carnivore protoparvovirus-1 exposure was greatest in the Atlantic regions, and the Felidae and the Musteloidea had lower infection prevalence. A subclade of the Mustelidae had a greater prevalence of Leishmania infection. We observed no relationships between host phylogenetic distance and pathogen sharing among species. Lastly, we identify important research pitfalls and future directions to improve the study of infectious disease in Iberian wild carnivore communities.

Autoři článku: Kurekelley7252 (Humphrey Thyssen)