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The results show that the overall water resources vulnerability of the Song-Liao River Basin has not improved significantly in the past 18 years, and the overall vulnerability of the Song-Liao River Basin is in the level V of moderate to high vulnerability. In the future scenario 1, the overall water resources vulnerability of the river basin will improve, and it is expected to achieve an improvement to the level III of moderate to low vulnerability. At the same time, the natural vulnerability and vulnerability of carrying capacity will increase significantly in the future, and the man-made vulnerability will increase slowly, which will deteriorate to the level V of moderate to high vulnerability under Scenario 3. Therefore, taking active measures can significantly reduce the vulnerability of nature and carrying capacity, but man-made vulnerability will become a bottleneck restricting the fragility of the overall water resources of the river basin in the future.The impact of JPEG compression on deep learning (DL) in image classification is revisited. Given an underlying deep neural network (DNN) pre-trained with pristine ImageNet images, it is demonstrated that, if, for any original image, one can select, among its many JPEG compressed versions including its original version, a suitable version as an input to the underlying DNN, then the classification accuracy of the underlying DNN can be improved significantly while the size in bits of the selected input is, on average, reduced dramatically in comparison with the original image. This is in contrast to the conventional understanding that JPEG compression generally degrades the classification accuracy of DL. Specifically, for each original image, consider its 10 JPEG compressed versions with their quality factor (QF) values from 100,90,80,70,60,50,40,30,20,10. Under the assumption that the ground truth label of the original image is known at the time of selecting an input, but unknown to the underlying DNN, we preve the Top 1 accuracy of Inception V3 and ResNet-50 V2 by approximately 0.4% and the Top 5 accuracy of Inception V3 and ResNet-50 V2 by 0.32% and 0.2%, respectively. Other selectors without the knowledge of the ground truth label of the original image are also presented. They maintain the Top 1 accuracy, the Top 5 accuracy, or the Top 1 and Top 5 accuracy of the underlying DNN, while achieving CRs of 8.8, 3.3, and 3.1, respectively.This paper investigates the two-user uplink non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) paired with the hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) in the finite blocklength regime, where the target latency of each user is the priority. To limit the packet delivery delay and avoid packet queuing of the users, we propose a novel NOMA-HARQ approach where the retransmission of each packet is served non-orthogonally with the new packet in the same time slot. We use a Markov model (MM) to analyze the dynamics of the uplink NOMA-HARQ with one retransmission and characterize the packet error rate (PER), throughput, and latency performance of each user. We also present numerical optimizations to find the optimal power ratios of each user. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms the standard NOMA-HARQ in terms of packet delivery delay at the target PER.Neural network quantum states (NQS) have been widely applied to spin-1/2 systems, where they have proven to be highly effective. The application to systems with larger on-site dimension, such as spin-1 or bosonic systems, has been explored less and predominantly using spin-1/2 Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) with a one-hot/unary encoding. Here, we propose a more direct generalization of RBMs for spin-1 that retains the key properties of the standard spin-1/2 RBM, specifically trivial product states representations, labeling freedom for the visible variables and gauge equivalence to the tensor network formulation. To test this new approach, we present variational Monte Carlo (VMC) calculations for the spin-1 anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg (AFH) model and benchmark it against the one-hot/unary encoded RBM demonstrating that it achieves the same accuracy with substantially fewer variational parameters. Furthermore, we investigate how the hidden unit complexity of NQS depend on the local single-spin basis used. Exploiting the tensor network version of our RBM we construct an analytic NQS representation of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) state in the xyz spin-1 basis using only M=2N hidden units, compared to M∼O(N2) required in the Sz basis. Additional VMC calculations provide strong evidence that the AKLT state in fact possesses an exact compact NQS representation in the xyz basis with only M=N hidden units. These insights help to further unravel how to most effectively adapt the NQS framework for more complex quantum systems.Secure user access to devices and datasets is widely enabled by fingerprint or face recognition. Organization of the necessarily large secure digital object datasets, with objects having content that may consist of images, text, video or audio, involves efficient classification and feature retrieval processing. This usually will require multidimensional methods applicable to data that is represented through a family of probability distributions. Then information geometry is an appropriate context in which to provide for such analytic work, whether with maximum likelihood fitted distributions or empirical frequency distributions. The important provision is of a natural geometric measure structure on families of probability distributions by representing them as Riemannian manifolds. Then the distributions are points lying in this geometrical manifold, different features can be identified and dissimilarities computed, so that neighbourhoods of objects nearby a given example object can be constructed. This can reveal clustering and projections onto smaller eigen-subspaces which can make comparisons easier to interpret. Geodesic distances can be used as a natural dissimilarity metric applied over data described by probability distributions. Exploring this property, we propose a new face recognition method which scores dissimilarities between face images by multiplying geodesic distance approximations between 3-variate RGB Gaussians representative of colour face images, and also obtaining joint probabilities. The experimental results show that this new method is more successful in recognition rates than published comparative state-of-the-art methods.Axial flow fans are used in many fields in order to ensure the mass and heat transfer from air, chiefly in the heating, ventilation and air conditioning industry (HVAC). A more proper understanding of the airflow behavior through the systems is necessary to manage and optimize the fan operation. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) represents a real tool providing the ability to access flow structures in areas that measuring equipment cannot reach. Reducing the leakage flow rate, inherent in operation, by synthetic-jet techniques improves performance. This paper presents the CFD results performed on a hollow blade fan developed by our team. The leakage flow is controlled by blowing air from 16 designated circular holes and arranged on the fan shroud. We discuss the results for two rotational speeds (1000 and 2000 rpm) and two injection rates (400 and 800 L/min). The numerical results consistent with the experimental show, for the low rotation speed and high injection ratio, significant gains in power (53%), torque (80%) and leakage flow rate (80%).Two types of bifurcation diagrams of cytosolic calcium nonlinear oscillatory systems are presented in rectangular areas determined by two slowly varying parameters. Verification of the periodic dynamics in the two-parameter areas requires solving the underlying model a few hundred thousand or a few million times, depending on the assumed resolution of the desired diagrams (color bifurcation figures). One type of diagram shows period-n oscillations, that is, periodic oscillations having n maximum values in one period. The second type of diagram shows frequency distributions in the rectangular areas. Each of those types of diagrams gives different information regarding the analyzed autonomous systems and they complement each other. In some parts of the considered rectangular areas, the analyzed systems may exhibit non-periodic steady-state solutions, i.e., constant (equilibrium points), oscillatory chaotic or unstable solutions. The identification process distinguishes the later types from the former one (perioch a dynamical model of cytosolic calcium oscillations, with mitochondria included, is an important model in which control of the basic functions of cells is achieved through the Ca2+ signal regulation.During the physical foundation of his radiation formula in his December 1900 talk and subsequent 1901 article, Planck refers to Boltzmann's 1877 combinatorial-probabilistic treatment and obtains his quantum distribution function, while Boltzmann did not. For this, Boltzmann's memoirs are usually ascribed to classical statistical mechanics. Agreeing with Bach, it is shown that Boltzmann's 1868 and 1877 calculations can lead to a Planckian distribution function, where those of 1868 are even closer to Planck than that of 1877. Boltzmann's and Planck's calculations are compared based on Bach's three-level scheme 'configuration-occupation-occupancy'. Special attention is paid to the concepts of interchangeability and the indistinguishability of particles and states. In contrast to Bach, the level of exposition is most elementary. I hope to make Boltzmann's work better known in English and to remove misunderstandings in the literature.Over previous decades, many nature-inspired optimization algorithms (NIOAs) have been proposed and applied due to their importance and significance. Some survey studies have also been made to investigate NIOAs and their variants and applications. However, these comparative studies mainly focus on one single NIOA, and there lacks a comprehensive comparative and contrastive study of the existing NIOAs. Sotrastaurin supplier To fill this gap, we spent a great effort to conduct this comprehensive survey. In this survey, more than 120 meta-heuristic algorithms have been collected and, among them, the most popular and common 11 NIOAs are selected. Their accuracy, stability, efficiency and parameter sensitivity are evaluated based on the 30 black-box optimization benchmarking (BBOB) functions. Furthermore, we apply the Friedman test and Nemenyi test to analyze the performance of the compared NIOAs. In this survey, we provide a unified formal description of the 11 NIOAs in order to compare their similarities and differences in depth and a systematic summarization of the challenging problems and research directions for the whole NIOAs field. This comparative study attempts to provide a broader perspective and meaningful enlightenment to understand NIOAs.The definition of temperature in non-equilibrium situations is among the most controversial questions in thermodynamics and statistical physics. In this paper, by considering two numerical experiments simulating charge and phonon transport in graphene, two different definitions of local lattice temperature are investigated one based on the properties of the phonon-phonon collision operator, and the other based on energy Lagrange multipliers. The results indicate that the first one can be interpreted as a measure of how fast the system is trying to approach the local equilibrium, while the second one as the local equilibrium lattice temperature. We also provide the explicit expression of the macroscopic entropy density for the system of phonons, by which we theoretically explain the approach of the system toward equilibrium and characterize the nature of the equilibria, in the spatially homogeneous case.

Autoři článku: Kurebarrett3995 (Dinesen Povlsen)