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001). Small left ventricles with valves deemed proportional in size were found in 11 (42%) of those with combined mitral and aortic stenosis. Fibroelastosis was significantly more common in the hearts with mitral stenosis compared to those with mitral atresia (76% vs. 11%, p less then 0.001). The ascending aorta was significantly smaller in the hearts with aortic atresia. The variability in the morphological findings support the notion that the lesions seen represent acquired disease occurring subsequent to closure of the embryonic interventricular communication, rather than representing abnormal embryogenesis. During the past decade, developments in genome editing technology have fundamentally transformed biomedical research. In particular, the CRISPR/Cas9 system has been extensively applied because of its simplicity and ability to alter genomic sequences within living organisms, and an ever increasing number of CRISPR/Cas9-based molecular tools are being developed for a wide variety of applications. Monastrol mouse While genome editing tools have been used for many aspects of biological research, they also have enormous potential to be used for genome editing therapy to treat a broad range of diseases. For some hematopoietic diseases, clinical trials of therapeutic genome editing with CRISPR/Cas9 are already starting phase I. In the cardiovascular field, genome editing tools have been utilized to understand the mechanisms of diseases such as cardiomyopathy, arrythmia, and lipid metabolism, which now open the door to therapeutic genome editing. Currently, therapeutic genome editing in the cardiovascular field is centered on liver-targeting strategies to reduce cardiovascular risks. Targeting the heart is more challenging. In this review, we discuss the potential applications, recent advances, and current limitations of therapeutic genome editing in the cardiovascular field. V.Skin pigmentation is a result of melanin produced by melanocytes in the epidermis. Melanocyte activity, along with the type and distribution of melanins, is the main driver for diversity of skin pigmentation. Dark melanin acts to protect against the deleterious effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, including photo-aging and skin cancer formation. In turn, UV radiation activates skin melanocytes to induce further pigmentation (i.e., "tanning pathway"). The well-characterized MSH/MC1R-cAMP-MITF pathway regulates UV-induced melanization. Pharmacologic activation of this pathway ("sunless tanning") represents a potential strategy for skin cancer prevention, particularly in those with light skin or the "red hair" phenotype who tan poorly after UV exposure due to MC1R inactivating polymorphisms. Skin hyperpigmentation can also occur as a result of inflammatory processes and dermatological disorders such as melasma. While primarily of cosmetic concern, these conditions can dramatically impact quality of life of affected patients. Several topical agents are utilized to treat skin pigmentation disorders. Here, we review melanogenesis induced by UV exposure and the agents that target this pathway. V.Chemotherapy is a cornerstone of cancer therapy. Irrespective of the administered drug, it is crucial that adequate drug amounts reach all cancer cells. To achieve this, drugs first need to be absorbed, then enter the blood circulation, diffuse into the tumor interstitial space and finally reach the tumor cells. Next to chemoresistance, one of the most important factors for effective chemotherapy is adequate tumor drug uptake and penetration. Unfortunately, most chemotherapeutic agents do not have favorable properties. These compounds are cleared rapidly, distribute throughout all tissues in the body, with only low tumor drug uptake that is heterogeneously distributed within the tumor. Moreover, the typical microenvironment of solid cancers provides additional hurdles for drug delivery, such as heterogeneous vascular density and perfusion, high interstitial fluid pressure, and abundant stroma. The hope was that nanotechnology will solve most, if not all, of these drug delivery barriers. However, in spite of advances and decades of nanoparticle development, results are unsatisfactory. One promising recent development are nanoparticles which can be steered, and release content triggered by internal or external signals. Here we discuss these so-called smart drug delivery systems in cancer therapy with emphasis on mild hyperthermia as a trigger signal for drug delivery. All drugs entering clinical trials are expected to undergo a series of in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity tests as outlined in the International Council on Harmonization (ICH) S2 (R1) guidance. Among the standard battery of genotoxicity tests used for pharmaceuticals, the in vivo micronucleus assay, which measures the frequency of micronucleated cells mostly from blood or bone marrow, is recommended for detecting clastogens and aneugens. (Quantitative) structure-activity relationship [(Q)SAR] models may be used as early screening tools by pharmaceutical companies to assess genetic toxicity risk during drug candidate selection. Models can also provide decision support information during regulatory review as part of the weight-of-evidence when experimental data are insufficient. In the present study, two commercial (Q)SAR platforms were used to construct in vivo micronucleus models from a recently enhanced in-house database of non-proprietary study findings in mice. Cross-validated performance statistics for the new models showed sensitivity of up to 74% and negative predictivity of up to 86%. In addition, the models demonstrated cross-validated specificity of up to 77% and coverage of up to 94%. These new models will provide more reliable predictions and offer an investigational approach for drug safety assessment with regards to identifying potentially genotoxic compounds. Published by Elsevier Inc.The combined use of different therapeutic agents in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders is a promising strategy to halt the disease progression. In this context, we aimed to combine the anti-inflammatory properties of geraniol (GER) with the mitochondrial rescue effects of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) in a newly-synthesized prodrug, GER-UDCA, a potential candidate against Parkinson's disease (PD). GER-UDCA was successfully synthetized and characterized in vitro for its ability to release the active compounds in physiological environments. Because of its very poor solubility, GER-UDCA was entrapped into both lipid (SLNs) and polymeric (NPs) nanoparticles in order to explore nose-to-brain pathway towards brain targeting. Both GER-UDCA nanocarriers displayed size below 200 nm, negative zeta potential and the ability to increase the aqueous dissolution rate of the prodrug. As SLNs exhibited the higher GER-UDCA dissolution rate, this formulation was selected for the in vivo GER-UDCA brain targeting experiments.

Autoři článku: Kudskpehrson3438 (Payne Mccarthy)