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Recently, immunotherapy has become one of the most promising strategies in the treatment of malignant tumors. However, nonspecific immune activation may lead to immunotherapy-related adverse effects (irAEs). IrAEs involve almost all organs and may be life-threatening. However, current research on irAEs is scarce, and knowledge regarding histopathology is insufficient. In the present study, after Lewis lung cancer mouse model formation, the experimental group mice were intraperitoneally injected with a programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) inhibitor. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, immunohistochemistry (IHC), and Masson's trichrome staining were used to evaluate the pathological characteristics of the heart, lungs, spleen, intestines, kidneys, and liver. Echocardiography was used to evaluate heart function. The results showed that one or more inflammatory cells were positively expressed in each organ in the PD-1 inhibitor group. Compared to the control group, Masson's trichrome staining showedincreased fibrosis of the heart, spleen, and kidney in the PD-1 inhibitor group, and echocardiography also showed impaired cardiac function in the PD-1 inhibitor group. Thus, the PD-1 inhibitor-induced inflammatory response may beimplicated in the impairment of multiple murine organs. This is the first study to describe the pathological changes in multiple organs caused by PD-1 inhibitors in a holistic form.The hydrophobicity of virions is a major physicochemical parameter regulating their dissemination in humans and the environment. But knowledge about potential factors modulating virion hydrophobicity is limited due to the lack of suitable quantifying methods. It has been recently shown that sodium dodecyl-sulfate (SDS) labels capsid hydrophobic domains in capillary zone electrophoresis of non-enveloped virions, altering their electrophoretic mobility (μ) in proportion to their hydrophobicity. This was exploited here to quantify the hydrophobicity of GA, Qβ and MS2 phages as a function of pH. By subtracting the native from the SDS-modified μ of phages, measured in the absence and presence of SDS, respectively, we defined a "hydrophobic index" increasing with virion hydrophobicity. Using this approach, we found that the virion hydrophobicity changes at a virion-specific pivotal pH. This procedure may be applied under various physicochemical conditions and to diverse non-enveloped virus families of significance to human health and the environment.

Research suggests there is an 'ethnic density effect' whereby racial/ethnic minority populations appear healthier when they reside in neighborhoods with greater numbers of people from the same ethnic group. The purpose of this study is to test whether this effect is observed for residents in Chinese enclaves (immigrant neighborhoods in urban areas) and ethnoburbs (immigrant neighborhoods in suburban areas) for measures on alcohol abuse and dependence.

ZIP code areas of California that represented Chinese enclaves and ethnoburbs were identified and mapped. Spatial regression models were used to compare neighborhood-level effects, including the ethnic density of Chinese enclaves and ethnoburbs on observed rates of alcohol-related hospitalizations compared to the rest of California. Analyses used Bayesian Space-Time Misalignment Poisson models on the annual number of alcohol-related hospitalizations per ZIP code for the years 2007-2011 (n=8488 space-by-time units).

Ethnic density effect appeared for residents of ZIP code areas with greater proportions of Chinese Americans (RR=0.986, 95% CI 0.982, 0.990). After controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, residents of ZIP code areas representing Chinese enclaves had lower risks for alcohol-related hospitalizations (RR=0.766, 95% CI 0.630, 0.927); hospitalizations among residents of Chinese ethnoburbs no longer differed from the rest of the state. Compared to Chinese enclaves, Chinese ethnoburbs had a lower poverty rate (p<.001), a greater English fluency rate (p=.002), and similar proportions of residents who were Chinese and foreign-born.

Despite the socioeconomic advantages of living in Chinese ethnoburbs, populations living in these neighborhoods experience more problems related to alcohol abuse and dependence.

Despite the socioeconomic advantages of living in Chinese ethnoburbs, populations living in these neighborhoods experience more problems related to alcohol abuse and dependence.

Prenatal alcohol exposure has been found to be associated with adverse physical and mental health outcomes in postnatal life, but the evidence is equivocal as to whether such exposure increases the risk of subsequent alcohol use in the offspring. We systematically reviewed the literature on the association between prenatal alcohol exposure and subsequent alcohol use in the offspring.

Relevant primary studies were identified via systematic search of PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, EMBASE and Psych-INFO databases. Articles were also retrieved by reviewing reference lists of the identified studies. Literature searches did not have language and date limits but were restricted to human studies. The revised Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to evaluate the methodological quality of the studies included in this review. The protocol of this study was prospectively registered in the PROSPERO.

Twelve observational studies, published between 1998 and 2020, were included in the final review. Eight studies (66.7%) reported anw stronger causal inference are warranted to further elucidate specific causal pathways.

Substance use disorder, unemployment, and poverty are interrelated problems that have not been addressed adequately by existing interventions. This study evaluated post-intervention effects of abstinence-contingent wage supplements on drug abstinence and employment.

Unemployed adults enrolled in opioid agonist treatment were randomly assigned to an abstinence-contingent wage supplement group (n=44) or a usual care control group (n=47). All participants could work with an employment specialist throughout a 12-month intervention period. Those in the abstinence-contingent wage supplement group earned stipends for working with the employment specialist and, after gaining employment, abstinence-contingent wage supplements for working in their community job but had to provide opiate- and cocaine-negative urine samples to maximize pay. To assess post-intervention effects of abstinence-contingent wage supplements and compare those effects to during-intervention effects, we analyzed urine samples and self-reports ug use and cease employment when wage supplements are discontinued.

Neuroimaging studies reveal structural and functional including neurochemical brain abnormalities in individuals with substance use disorders compared to healthy controls. However, whether and to what extent such dysfunction is reversible with abstinence remains unclear, and a review of studies with longitudinal within-subject designs is lacking. We performed a systematic review of longitudinal neuroimaging studies to explore putative brain changes associated with abstinence in treatment-seeking individuals with substance use disorders.

Following PRISMA guidelines, we examined articles published up to May 2021 that employed a neuroimaging technique and assessed neurobiological recovery in treatment-seeking participants at a minimum of two time-points separated by a period of abstinence (longer than 24h apart) or significant reduction in drug use.

Forty-five studies met inclusion criteria. learn more Encouragingly, in this limited but growing literature, the majority of studies demonstrated at least partial neurobirders. Elucidating the temporal dynamics between neuronal recovery and abstinence will enable evidence-based planning for more effective and targeted treatment of substance use disorders, potentially pre-empting relapse.

The present study examined racial/ethnic differences in US drug overdose mortality among US-born and foreign-born men and women.

In this cross-sectional analysis of 2010-2019 data from the National Center for Health Statistics, Bayesian hierarchical models predicted drug overdose mortality based on the interaction of race/ethnicity, nativity, and sex, adjusting for age, for 518,553 drug overdose deaths among individuals ages 15-74 identified as Non-Hispanic (NH) White, NH Black, Hispanic, or NH Asian/Pacific Islander (PI). Rate ratios with 95% Highest Posterior Density Intervals (HPDIs) were examined by race/ethnicity and nativity.

In the US-born population, 2017-2019 estimated overdose mortality rates were higher for NH Black than NH White men (ratio 1.48 [95% HPDI 1.28-1.72]), similar between NH Black and NH White women (ratio 1.03 [95% HPDI 0.89-1.20]), similar between Hispanic and NH White men (ratio 0.96 [95% HPDI 0.82-1.10]), and lower for NH Asian/PI than NH White men and women. In the foreign-born population, both for men and women, estimated overdose mortality rates were lower in every racial/ethnic group relative to the NH White group. For men and women of all racial/ethnic groups examined, estimated overdose mortality rates were higher in US-born than foreign-born subpopulations, yet the extent of this nativity differential was least pronounced in the NH White group.

In the US-born population, NH Black men experienced the highest recent rates of overdose mortality; in the foreign-born population, the highest rates of overdose mortality were observed among NH White men and women.

In the US-born population, NH Black men experienced the highest recent rates of overdose mortality; in the foreign-born population, the highest rates of overdose mortality were observed among NH White men and women.Heterotopic salivary tissue (HSGT) is found where salivary glands are not normally placed. HSGT manifests as accessory salivary glands, salivary tissue associated with branchial cleft anomalies, and true heterotopic salivary gland tissue. Benign and malignant salivary heterotopias have been described in the literature, with the most common reported neoplasm being Warthin tumor. In the malignant group, the most frequent tumors are mucoepidermoid carcinomas (MEC) and acinic cell carcinomas (AciCC). For the treating physician, this condition presents a diagnostic dilemma, whether these salivary heterotopias represent metastasis from orthotopic salivary origin or primary of heterotopic origin. We report a unique case of heterotopic high-grade/dedifferentiated SWI/SNF (SMARC-B1) deficient AciCC. A 48 yo male presented for evaluation of a persistently enlarged right sided lymph node for the past 6 months. A biopsy was performed, and initial interpretation was squamous cell carcinoma- p16 negative. Diffuse adenopathy and lack of an obvious primary source prompted a modified right neck dissection. Final pathological diagnosis was heterotopic SWI/SNF (SMARCB1)-deficient high-grade/dedifferentiated salivary AciCC. This case is an example of meticulous pathological investigation and multidisciplinary decision-making process of a heterotopic SMARCB1-deficient dedifferentiated AciCC. Heterotopic dedifferentiated AciCC are extremely rare (two cases reported so far), necessitating definitive surgery with neck dissection and adjuvant therapy. Long term outcomes are not known, and an adequate follow up is mandatory.

Autoři článku: Krusesteele8130 (Lynn Carlsen)