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Nucleophagy is an organelle-selective subtype of autophagy that targets nuclear material for degradation. The macroautophagic delivery of micronuclei to the vacuole, together with the nucleus-vacuole junction-dependent microautophagic degradation of nuclear material, were first observed in yeast. Nuclear pore complexes and ribosomal DNA are typically excluded during conventional macronucleophagy and micronucleophagy, indicating that degradation of nuclear cargo is tightly regulated. In mammals, similarly to other autophagy subtypes, nucleophagy is crucial for cellular differentiation and development, in addition to enabling cells to respond to various nuclear insults and cell cycle perturbations. A common denominator of all nucleophagic processes characterized in diverse organisms is the dependence on the core autophagic machinery. Here, we survey recent studies investigating the autophagic processing of nuclear components. We discuss nucleophagic events in the context of pathology, such as neurodegeneration, cancer, DNA damage, and ageing.Aims Most blood diseases, such as chronic anemia, leukemia (commonly known as blood cancer), and hematopoietic dysfunction, are caused by environmental pollution, substandard decoration materials, radiation exposure, and long-term use certain drugs. Thus, it is imperative to classify the blood cell images. Most cell classification is based on the manual feature, machine learning classifier or the deep convolution network neural model. However, manual feature extraction is a very tedious process, and the results are usually unsatisfactory. On the other hand, the deep convolution neural network is usually composed of massive layers, and each layer has many parameters. Therefore, each deep convolution neural network needs a lot of time to get the results. Another problem is that medical data sets are relatively small, which may lead to overfitting problems. Methods To address these problems, we propose seven models for the automatic classification of blood cells BCARENet, BCR5RENet, BCMV2RENet, BCRRNet, BCRENet, BCRSNet, and BCNet. The BCNet model is the best model among the seven proposed models. The backbone model in our method is selected as the ResNet-18, which is pre-trained on the ImageNet set. To improve the performance of the proposed model, we replace the last four layers of the trained transferred ResNet-18 model with the three randomized neural networks (RNNs), which are RVFL, ELM, and SNN. The final outputs of our BCNet are generated by the ensemble of the predictions from the three randomized neural networks by the majority voting. We use four multi-classification indexes for the evaluation of our model. Results The accuracy, average precision, average F1-score, and average recall are 96.78, 97.07, 96.78, and 96.77%, respectively. Conclusion We offer the comparison of our model with state-of-the-art methods. The results of the proposed BCNet model are much better than other state-of-the-art methods.Fertilization is a key process in all sexually reproducing species, yet the molecular mechanisms that underlie this event remain unclear. To date, only a few proteins have been shown to be essential for sperm-egg binding and fusion in mice, and only some are conserved across vertebrates. One of these conserved, testis-expressed factors is SPACA6, yet its function has not been investigated outside of mammals. Here we show that zebrafish spaca6 encodes for a sperm membrane protein which is essential for fertilization. Zebrafish spaca6 knockout males are sterile. Furthermore, Spaca6-deficient sperm have normal morphology, are motile, and can approach the egg, but fail to bind to the egg and therefore cannot complete fertilization. Interestingly, sperm lacking Spaca6 have decreased levels of another essential and conserved sperm fertility factor, Dcst2, revealing a previously unknown dependence of Dcst2 expression on Spaca6. Together, our results show that zebrafish Spaca6 regulates Dcst2 levels and is required for binding between the sperm membrane and the oolemma. This is in contrast to murine sperm lacking SPACA6, which was reported to be able to bind but unable to fuse with oocytes. These findings demonstrate that Spaca6 is essential for zebrafish fertilization and is a conserved sperm factor in vertebrate reproduction.Paris saponin has shown great therapeutic value in cancer therapy. We used isolated Paris saponin II (PSII), an active component of Paris saponin, and demonstrated its antitumor effect on human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. Additionally, we investigated its mechanisms of action in vivo by establishing a xenograft mouse model. The results showed that PSII had presented strong anticancer effects on both hypopharyngeal malignant tumor cell lines (FaDu) and laryngeal carcinoma cell lines (Tu212 and Tu686). In addition, we successfully isolated and cultured the head and neck squamous stem cells and the primary fibroblasts to perform metabonomics studies. The results showed that RPII remarkably decreased energy metabolism, and type III nitric oxide synthase 3 (NOS3) may be a target to block tumor growth. Furthermore, we found that PSII inhibited HNSCC proliferation and metastasis by inhibiting the nitric oxide metabolic pathway. Overall, these results demonstrated that PSII is a potent anticancer agent, and the metabonomics analysis is a valuable tool to investigate and establish the antitumor effects of traditional Chinese medicines.Emerging evidence has suggested the unique and critical role of exosomes as signal molecules vector in various diseases. Numerous researchers have been trying to identify how these exosomes function in immune progression, as this could promote their use as biomarkers for the disease process and potential promising diagnostic tools. NOD-like receptor (NLR) family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3), a tripartite protein, contains three functional domains a central nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain (NACHT), an N-terminal pyrin domain (PYD), and a leucine-rich repeat domain (LRR). Of note, existing studies have identified exosome as a novel mediator of the NLRP3 inflammasome, which is critical in diseases progression. However, the actual mechanisms and clinical treatment related to exosomes and NLRP3 are still not fully understood. Herein, we presented an up-to-date review of exosomes and NLRP3 in diseases, outlining what is known about the role of exosomes in the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome and also highlighting areas of this topic that warrant further study.Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the main subtype of primary liver cancer with high malignancy and poor prognosis. Metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of cancer and has great importance on the tumor microenvironment (TME). As an abundant metabolite, lactate plays a crucial role in cancer progression and the immunosuppressive TME. Nonetheless, the potential roles of lactate in HCC remain unclear. In this study, we downloaded transcriptomic data of HCC patients with corresponding clinical information from the TCGA and ICGC portals. The TCGA-HCC dataset used as the training cohort, while the ICGC-LIRI-JP dataset was served as an external validation cohort. Cox regression analysis and the LASSO regression model were combined to construct the lactate metabolism-related gene signature (LMRGS). Then, we assessed the clinical significance of LMRGS in HCC. Besides, enriched molecular functions, tumor mutation burden (TMB), infiltrating immune cells, and immune checkpoint were comprehensively analyzed in different Lgroup. Our study suggested that the LMRGS was a robust biomarker to predict the clinical outcomes and evaluate the TME of patients with HCC.As sequencing technology improves, the identification of new disease-associated genes and new alleles of known genes is rapidly increasing our understanding of the genetic underpinnings of rare diseases, including neuromuscular diseases. However, precisely because these disorders are rare and often heterogeneous, they are difficult to study in patient populations. In parallel, our ability to engineer the genomes of model organisms, such as mice or rats, has gotten increasingly efficient through techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, allowing the creation of precision human disease models. Such in vivo model systems provide an efficient means for exploring disease mechanisms and identifying therapeutic strategies. Furthermore, animal models provide a platform for preclinical studies to test the efficacy of those strategies. Determining whether the same mechanisms are involved in the human disease and confirming relevant parameters for treatment ideally involves a human experimental system. One system ctly published work detailing the cellular mechanisms underlying GARS-associated CMT as a framework.Leishmaniasis is a severe public health problem, caused by the protozoan Leishmania. This parasite has two developmental forms, extracellular promastigote in the insect vector and intracellular amastigote in the mammalian host where it resides inside the phagolysosome of macrophages. Little is known about the virulence factors that regulate host-pathogen interactions and particularly host signalling subversion. All the proteomes of Leishmania extracellular vesicles identified the presence of Leishmania casein kinase 1 (L-CK1.2), a signalling kinase. L-CK1.2 is essential for parasite survival and thus might be essential for host subversion. To get insights into the functions of L-CK1.2 in the macrophage, the systematic identification of its host substrates is crucial, we thus developed an easy method to identify substrates, combining phosphatase treatment, in vitro kinase assay and Stable Isotope Labelling with Amino acids in Cell (SILAC) culture-based mass spectrometry. Implementing this approach, we identified 225 host substrates as well as a potential novel phosphorylation motif for CK1. We confirmed experimentally the enrichment of our substratome in bona fide L-CK1.2 substrates and showed they were also phosphorylated by human CK1δ. L-CK1.2 substratome is enriched in biological processes such as "viral and symbiotic interaction," "actin cytoskeleton organisation" and "apoptosis," which are consistent with the host pathways modified by Leishmania upon infection, suggesting that L-CK1.2 might be the missing link. Overall, our results generate important mechanistic insights into the signalling of host subversion by these parasites and other microbial pathogens adapted for intracellular survival.Circadian rhythms orchestrate organismal physiology and behavior in order to anticipate daily changes in the environment. Virtually all cells have an internal rhythm that is synchronized every day by Zeitgebers (environmental cues). The synchrony between clocks within the animal enables the fitness and the health of organisms. Conversely, disruption of rhythms is linked to a variety of disorders aging, cancer, metabolic diseases, and psychological disorders among others. At the cellular level, mammalian circadian rhythms are built on several layers of complexity. The transcriptional-translational feedback loop (TTFL) was the first to be described in the 90s. SBP-7455 concentration Thereafter oscillations in epigenetic marks highlighted the role of chromatin state in organizing the TTFL. More recently, studies on the 3D organization of the genome suggest that genome topology could be yet another layer of control on cellular circadian rhythms. The dynamic nature of genome topology over a solar day implies that the 3D mammalian genome has to be considered in the fourth dimension-in time.

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