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Bivalirudin Attenuates Thrombin-Induced Endothelial Hyperpermeability by means of S1P/S1PR2 Classification: Initial Content.

Uneven Aminomethylative Etherification regarding Conjugated Dienes using Aliphatic Alcohols Facilitated by Hydrogen Connecting.

The results of this study indicated that a high genetic distance exists between HajiGholam (Manojan) and Arbabi (Rodan) genotypes and showed higher genetic diversity in mango of Rodan region. Results of present study suggested that for successful breeding, the genotypes of Rodan region mango especially Arbabi mango can be used as a gene donor and ITS can be a suitable tool for genetic evaluations of inter and intra species. © Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2019.Rose (Rosa × hybrid L.) is one of the most important commercial ornamental crops cultivated worldwide for its beauty, fragrance and nutraceutical values. Characterization of rose germplasm provides precise information about the extent of diversity present among the cultivars. It also helps in cultivar identification, intellectual property right protection, variety improvement and genetic diversity conservation. In the present study, 109 Indian bred rose cultivars were characterized using 59 morphological and 48 SSR markers. Out of 48 SSRs used, 31 markers exhibited polymorphism and 96 alleles were identified with an average of 3.9 alleles per locus. Nei's expected heterozygosity value of each locus ranged from 0.08 (with SSR ABRII/RPU32) to 0.78 (SSR Rh58). The similarity coefficient values ranged from 0.42 to 0.90 which indicated presence of moderated diversity among Indian cultivars. The neighbor-joining tree based on morphological data grouped the cultivars into two major clusters and several minor clusters based on their morphological resemblance. However, UPGMA dendrogram constructed using matching coefficient values grouped the cultivars into eight different clusters. Interpopulation analysis revealed higher genetic similarities between Hybrid Tea and Floribunda cultivars. An analysis for presence of population sub-structure grouped the Indian cultivars into eight different genetic groups. Analysis of molecular variance revealed apportioning of 97.59% of the variation to within subgroup diversity and 3.07% to between the cultivar groups. We have demonstrated here successful utilization of robust SSR to distinguish cultivars and assess genetic diversity among Indian bred rose cultivars. The information provided here is useful for cultivar identification and protection, cultivar improvement and genetic diversity conservation. © Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2019.Nitrogen (N) is the basis of plant growth and development and, is considered as one of the priming agents to elevate a range of stresses. Plants use solar radiations through photosynthesis, which amasses the assimilatory components of crop yield to meet the global demand for food. Nitrogen is the main regulator in the allocation of photosynthetic apparatus which changes of the photosynthesis (Pn) and quantum yield (Fv/Fm) of the plant. In the present study, dynamics of the photosynthetic establishment, N-dependent relation with chlorophyll fluorescence attributes and Rubisco efficacy was evaluated in low-N tolerant (cv. CR Dhan 311) and low-N sensitive (cv. Rasi) rice cultivars under low-N and optimum-N conditions. There was a decrease in the stored leaf N under low-N condition, resulting in the decreased Pn and Fv/Fm efficiency of the plants through depletion in the activity and content of Rubisco. The Pn and Fv/Fm followed the parallel trend of leaf N content during low-N condition along with depletion of intercellular CO2 concentration and overall conductance under low-N condition. Photosynthetic saturation curve cleared abrupt decrease of effective quantum yield in the low-N sensitive rice cultivar than the low-N tolerant rice. Also, the rapid light curve highlighted the unacclimated regulation of photochemical and non-photochemical quenching in the low-N condition. The low-N sensitive rice cultivar triumphed non-photochemical quenching, whereas the low-N tolerant rice cultivar rose gradually during the light curve. Our study suggested that the quantum yield is the key limitation for photosynthesis in low-N condition. Regulation of Rubisco, photochemical and non-photochemical quenching may help plants to grow under low-N level. © Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2019.In the present study the potentials of aqueous extracts of the two plants, neem (Azadirachta indica) and Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) were examined in alleviating arsenic toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants grown in hydroponics. Seedlings of rice grown for 8 days in nutrient solution containing 50 μM sodium arsenite showed decline in growth, reduced biomass, altered membrane permeability and increased production of superoxide anion (O2 ·-), H2O2 and hydroxyl radicals (·OH). Increased lipid peroxidation marked by elevated TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) level, increased protein carbonylation, alterated levels of ascorbate, glutathione and increased activities of enzymes SOD (superoxide dismutase), CAT (catalase), APX (ascorbate peroxidase) and GPX (glutathione peroxidase) were noted in the seedlings on As treatment. Exogenously added leaf aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica (0.75 mg mL-1, w/v) and Ocimum sanctum (0.87 mg mL-1, w/v) in the growth medium considerably alleviated As toxicity effects in the seedlings, marked by reduced As uptake, restoration of membrane integrity, reduced production of ROS, lowering oxidative damage and restoring the levels of ascorbate, glutathione and activity levels of antioxidative enzymes. Arsenic uptake in the seedlings declined by 72.5% in roots and 72.8% in shoots, when A. indica extract was present in the As treatment medium whereas with O. sanctum extract, the uptake declined by 67.2% in roots and 70.01% in shoots. read more Results suggest that both A. indica and O. sanctum aqueous extracts have potentials to alleviate arsenic toxicity in rice plants and that A. indica can serve as better As toxicity alleviator compared to O. link2 sanctum. © Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2019.The manuscript highlights the role of antioxidants in alleviation of salinity stress in two principal legume crops Cyamopsis tetragonoloba and Vigna radiata of Indian Thar Desert. The study evaluates correlation between the antioxidants of two cultivars in terms of morphological and physiological alterations. Hydroponically acclimatized seedlings of both the crops were subjected to NaCl stress at different concentrations ranges from 10 to 100 mM. After 96 h, the treated legumes were harvested to analyze the cellular homeostasis and salt tolerance mechanism via examining growth, stress parameters, osmoprotectants and enzymatic antioxidants. Differential response in the antioxidants activity was observed in crops. Equal contribution of antioxidants in mitigation of salinity stress was recorded in C. tetragonoloba while V. radiata shows greater tolerance by accumulating greater amount of proline which is approximately 2.72 folds higher than C. tetragonoloba. Moreover, the NR and HO1 activities in V. radiata were recorded to be 2.76 and 1.55 folds respectively which is 1.2 times higher in comparison to C. tetragonoloba. The detrimental effect of NaCl in terms of MDA content was also higher in V. radiata which concluded that V. radiata is more reactive towards salinity stress than C. tetragonoloba. The study is significant as this is the first report illustrating the sensitivity and tolerance level of NaCl in legumes of Thar Desert. © Prof. read more H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2019.The present study provides the first comparative fatty acid profiling of the three Indian seabuckthorn species, collected from varying altitudes (2900-4300 masl) of Trans-Himalayas (Hippophae rhamnoides, H. tibetana) and Sikkim Himalayas (H. salicifolia) regions. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed variability in fatty acid composition of different seabuckthorn populations. Sikkim populations showed higher (1.28-1.6 folds) palmitic acid than Trans-Himalayan populations which possess higher linoleic (1.3-1.5 folds) and linolenic (1.6-1.8 folds) acids. Interestingly, a strong altitudinal gradient associated positive correlation was observed with the degree of unsaturation and PUFA content while negative correlation was observed with saturated fatty acids content of different seabuckthorn populations. H. link2 read more salicifolia collected from Sikkim showed healthy ω-6ω-3 ratio (closer to 11) of functional lipids exhibiting its better nutraceutical potential than other commonly used seed oils. Interestingly, H. tibetana from Losar showed higher (5.81) degree of unsaturation than Sikkim populations (3.5) suggesting its better stress tolerance trait. Chemo-taxonomic diversity analysis also formed two broad clusters of Trans-Himalayan and Sikkim populations which correlated with earlier taxonomic studies. © Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2019.Menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.) cultivation is significantly affected by the heavy metals like cadmium (Cd) which also imposes severe health hazards. Two menthol mint cultivars namely Kosi and Kushal were evaluated under Cd stress conditions. Impact of plant growth regulators (PGRs) like salicylic acid (SA), gibberellic acid (GA3) and triacontanol (Tria) on Cd stress tolerance was assessed. Reduced growth, photosynthetic parameters, mineral nutrient concentration, and increased oxidative stress biomarkers like electrolyte leakage, malondialdehyde, and hydrogen peroxide contents were observed under Cd stress. link2 Differential upregulation of proline content and antioxidant activities under Cd stress was observed in both the cultivars. link3 Interestingly, low electrolyte leakage, lipid peroxidation, hydrogen peroxide and Cd concentration in leaves were observed in Kushal compared to Kosi. Among all the PGRs tested, SA proved to be the best in improving Cd-stress tolerance in both the cultivars but Kushal responded better than Kosi. © Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2019.Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal ion leading to morphological and physiological disorders in plants; a specific toxicity target is the membrane lipids. The total lipids were separated by thin-layer chromatography, and the fatty acid composition of the total (TLs), polar lipids (PLs) and triacylglycerol (TAG)-a neutral lipid-was analyzed in maize seedlings in hydroponics and treated by various Cd concentrations (0-200 µM Cd). The TLs and PLs significantly decreased in roots after Cd treatment, suggesting the onset of lipid peroxidation mediated by oxygen free radicals, that induce alterations of the membrane structure and function. There were also increases in the TAG from 28.2 to 36.9% of TLs, and the TAG/PLs ratio varied from 0.59 to 0.84, in control and after exposure to 200 µM Cd, respectively. The TAG plays potent roles in membrane turnover serving as energy and carbon resources for the biosynthesis of membrane lipids, to preserve membrane structure and function, and therefore cell homeostasis in response to Cd. In shoots, a significant increase in the levels of C160, C181, and C182, while a decrease in that of C183 was observed, suggesting inhibition of desaturases enzymes. These lead to impairment of the chloroplast membrane. link3 The total lipid content did not change under Cd stress. The PLs, however, decreased from 22.4 to 13.6 mg g-1 DW; their percent to TLs varied from 86.6 to 52.5%, in control, and after Cd treatment, respectively. In conclusion, the accumulation of TAG may represent a defense strategy by which maize seedlings can withstand the effects of Cd toxicity, leading to reduced oxidative stress. © Prof. link3 H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society 2019.

Autoři článku: Kristiansenhonore2081 (Sheehan Fitch)