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07 to 4.29, demonstrating high levels of parent satisfaction with this aspect of the program. More than 86% of parents were overally satisfied with the hearing screening program. In open-ended items, 84% of parents comments showed their satisfaction. The findings of the present study revealed that parents were generally satisfied with the UNHS program. The PSQ-NHSP questionnaire is easily employed and effective method for assessing parental satisfaction with newborn hearing screening programs.Benign positional vertigo (BPV) occurs when freely floating otoconia which are normally attached to the utricular macula, enter the posterior semicircular canal and move under the influence of gravity. It is the most common cause of peripheral vertigo. Migraine is a common headache disorder which is characterized by hemicranial, throbbing pain and may be preceded by aura. The relation between vertigo and migraine is intriguing and in day to day practice, often not clear. 100 diagnosed patients of BPV, aged more than 20 years, were evaluated for presence of headache specifically migraine based on International Headache Classification 3rd Edition, beta version. We also compared the success of epley's manoeuvre in patients having BPV & headache as compared to patients with complaints of vertigo alone. Overall seventy-four patients had successful epley's manoeuver and the rest did not show improvement even after four trials. Thirty-four patients reported headache and migraine was diagnosed in only ten patients. 67.6% of patients with headache had successful epley's maneuver however fifty-one of the 66 patients without headache had successful epley's manoeuver. this website Prevalence of migraine was only 10% in patients with BPV in our population and we observed that presence of headache does not suggest success or failure of epley's manoeuvre.The aim of the study was to evaluate and report the short-term results of two-handed endoscopic cartilage butterfly tympanoplasty using endoscope holders. The efficacy of the operative technique was evaluated and assessed by comparing the air-bone-gap on pure tone audiometry preoperatively and on follow-up at 6 months and 1-year post operatively. Patients with uncomplicated otitis media and healthy middle ear status with no ossicular involvement underwent endoscopic transcanal cartilage butterfly tympanoplasty. Small and medium sized tympanic membrane perforations were included in the study. Pre- and postoperative air-bone gaps and presence for any residual perforation was noted. A total 69 patients consisting of 45 males and 24 females with a mean age of 24.45 years were included in the study group. Small perforations involving only one quadrant were 39 in number while the medium sized perforations involving two quadrants were 26 in number and the ones involving three quadrants were 4 in number. At the end of the follow-up period of 6 months and 1 year, successful closure occurred in 67 of 69 patients with a success rate of 97.1%. The mean preoperative Air-Bone gap was 34 ± 3.45 dB which showed a steady decline on follow-up at 6 months 13 ± 4.53 and 15.34 ± 3.39 dB at 1 year following surgery. Recurrent perforation was noted in two patients involving three quadrants of the tympanic membrane. Endoscopic two-handed butterfly cartilage tympanoplasty can be safely performed in small and medium sized perforations with no middle ear disease/ossicular involvement. The hearing outcomes and successful closure rate are similar to those of other surgical methods. Our study uses the endoscope which provides superior image quality and the use of an endoscope holder makes the technique a two handed one, thereby making the manoeuvring of the microear instruments easier. Moreover, it can be performed under local anaesthesia with low complication rates and quick recovery. Level of Evidence Level 4.To compare the efficacy between the commonly used sealing materials, i.e., adipose tissue and the gelfoam in primary endoscopic stapedotomy. Lobular fat and gelfoam have been used in patients who underwent endoscopic stapedotomy between two groups, each containing 29 patients. The hearing outcomes and postoperative complications were compared at the end of 12 weeks between two groups. The ABG of ≤ 10 dB was achieved in 69% of cases in group A and 76% of cases in group B. There was a significant short-term (1 week) improvement in the Dizziness Handicap Inventory score (p = 00) with patients of adipose tissue seal compared to the gelfoam. Although the audiological outcomes were comparable between the two groups, the use of the adipose tissue can be a better alternative than gelfoam to control vertigo in the early postoperative period without causing any significant morbidity to the patient.Tuberculosis is a global health problem. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis remains to be a challenge in the diagnosis and treatment. Tuberculous otitis media being not so commonly diagnosed due to its varied presentation, early diagnosis and treatment remains to be a challenge. The aim of this study is to present the varied and unusual presentations and the importance of histopathological confirmation and new diagnostic tools like CBNAAT (cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test) which aids in the confirmation and to start anti-tubercular treatment (ATT). Five cases of tuberculous otitis media within a period of two years were included in the study. Among the five cases three cases presented with discharging sinuses, one with mastoid abscess and one with tuberculous otitis media with pulmonary origin. All five cases were confirmed with proper histopathological examination and two cases with CBNAAT (cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test) confirmation. Anti-tubercular treatment (ATT) was started and the patients were disease free. Tuberculous otitis media remains to be a rare complication of chronic suppurative otitis media and it has to be kept in mind while treating chronic suppurative otitis media. Classical presentations of tuberculous otitis media are not seen nowadays and the disease extending to the mastoid is the changing trend as the initial presentation. A proper suspicion with confirmation of the disease remains to be the gold standard for diagnosis and for treatment with anti-tubercular therapy.To determine the outcomes of using tragal cartilage in performing tympanoplasty. It was a prospective study of 57 patients with chronic suppurative otitis media. In all patients, pure tone audiometry was done pre-operatively. Tragal cartilage with attached perichondrium as graft material was used for ossicular chain reconstruction. In fifty out of the 57 participants, the outcome was intact ossicular chain. Of the 7 failures, 5 were recorded in the age group of 51-65 years, where graft uptake failed and hearing was not improved. Two of the failed cases required revision tympanoplasty. Post operative audiograms on follow-up revealed reduced air-bone gaps, with dry tympanic cavity and improved hearing. This study concluded that ossiculoplasty using tragal cartilage as a grafting material was an effective and safe surgical method for reconstruction of the ossicular chain and restoration of sound transmission.Specific language impairment (SLI) is diagnosed when a child has difficulty in producing or understanding spoken language for no apparent reason. The study attempted to assess the sub-cortical encoding in children with SLI using speech-evoked auditory brainstem response (ABR). The objective of the study was to compare the amplitude and latency of the frequency following response (FFR) parameters between the children with SLI and typically developing children. The frequency following response was recorded using/da/stimuli from ten ears of children diagnosed with SLI. The amplitude and the latencies of the different peaks of FFR in children with SLI were compared with those of typically developing children. The results of the study showed that the latencies of wave C and D were significantly prolonged in children with SLI compared to typically developing children. The waveforms obtained from the typically developing (TD) children were clearer and easily identifiable, with larger negativity observed in the troughs. The waveform morphology was poorer in children with SLI with shallower peaks. Thus, it can be concluded that speech evoked ABR gives an insight into the auditory processing ability of children with SLI. It indicates that signal processing in the auditory pathway of children with SLI is temporally distorted and which might affect the development of language.Supra-threshold disorders in the form of auditory neuropathy (AN)/auditory dys-synchrony (AD) or central auditory processing disorders (CAPD), a special type of retrocochlear hearing loss; and also children with mild permanent hearing loss (PHL), may be missed on current hearing protocols. Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) and Brain stem evoked response audiometry (BERA), are tests, when used in combination, can indirectly help diagnose the different types of hearing loss. To correlate the parental awareness and the pattern of hearing loss (HL) in children with/without auditory and/or speech problems, using both OAE and BERA as hearing tests for indirect identification of suprathreshold disorders and mild PHL. An Observational Prospective study carried out on 100 children in the age group of 0-5 years, for detection of type of HL by both OAE and BERA and correlating it with parental awareness of HL and speech defects. In 72.22% of children with speech problem only and without any complaints of HL, some form of HL (confirmed HL-OAE refer/BERA fail or auditory neuropathy/auditory dys-synchrony-OAE pass/BERA fail) was diagnosed, whereas 24.07% had no detectable HL on both OAE and BERA pass, and were considered as indirect evidence of CAPD. 3.7% with OAE refer and BERA pass were considered indicative of mild PHL. AN/AD/CAPD/Mild PHL are important cause of speech delay without parental awareness of HL. OAE and BERA together can be used as an indirect evidence of their presence.To understand the effect of age at implantation on speech and auditory performances of 74 prelingually deaf Indian children after using cochlear implants for 3, 6 and 12 months. We also evaluate the causes of late implantation in this population. Seventy four children who underwent cochlear implantation from December 2013 to December 2015 in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Cancer in SMS Medical College, Jaipur were participated in this study. To compare the efficacy of cochlear implant, candidates are classified into 2 groups according to the age at the time of implantation 1-4 years and 4.1-7 years. The sample size is 37 in both age groups. Their auditory performance and speech intelligibility were rated using the Revised Categories of Auditory Perception scales, Speech Intelligibility Rating scales and Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale. The evaluations were made before implantation and 3, 6 and 12 months after implantation. The scores when compared in both the groups revealed that the results were comparable and significant after 12 months of follow up while the scores were not significant after 3 and 6 months. The results were statistically significant when baseline is compared with different postoperative stages. The children implanted before the age of 4 years had significantly better auditory and linguistic performances. At least 12 months of audio-verbal rehabilitation and speech and language therapy are required to compare the effects of cochlear implant in any set of children. Our study shows that hearing impaired children who receive cochlear implantation below 4 years of age acquires better auditory ability for developing language skills.

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