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Despite attempts to halt it, the prevalence of food allergy is increasing, and there is an unmet need for strategies to prevent morbidity and mortality from food-induced allergic reactions. There are no known medications that can prevent anaphylaxis, but several novel therapies show promise for the prevention of food-induced anaphylaxis through targeting of the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcϵRI) pathway. This pathway includes multiple candidate targets, including tyrosine kinases and the receptor itself. Small molecule inhibitors of essential kinases have rapid onset of action and transient efficacy, which may be beneficial for short-term use for immunotherapy buildup or desensitizations. Short courses of FDA-approved inhibitors of Bruton's tyrosine kinase can eliminate IgE-mediated basophil activation and reduce food skin test size in allergic adults, and prevent IgE-mediated anaphylaxis in humanized mice. In contrast, biologics may provide longer-lasting protection, albeit with slower onset. Omalizumab is an anti-IgE antibody that sequesters IgE, thereby reducing FcϵRI expression on mast cells and basophils. As a monotherapy, it can increase the clinical threshold dose of food allergen, and when used as an adjunct for food immunotherapy, it decreases severe reactions during buildup phase. Finally, lirentelimab, an anti-Siglec-8 antibody currently in clinical trials, can prevent IgE-mediated anaphylaxis in mice through mast cell inhibition. This review discusses these and other emerging therapies as potential strategies for preventing food-induced anaphylaxis. In contrast to other food allergy treatments which largely focus on individual allergens, blockade of the FcϵRI pathway has the advantage of preventing clinical reactivity from any food.The emergence of COVID-19 has led to a pandemic that has caused millions of cases of disease, variable morbidity and hundreds of thousands of deaths. Currently, only remdesivir and dexamethasone have demonstrated limited efficacy, only slightly reducing disease burden, thus novel approaches for clinical management of COVID-19 are needed. We identified a panel of human monoclonal antibody clones from a yeast display library with specificity to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein receptor binding domain that neutralized the virus in vitro. Administration of the lead antibody clone to Syrian hamsters challenged with SARS-CoV-2 significantly reduced viral load and histopathology score in the lungs. Moreover, the antibody interrupted monocyte infiltration into the lungs, which may have contributed to the reduction of disease severity by limiting immunopathological exacerbation. The use of this antibody could provide an important therapy for treatment of COVID-19 patients.Canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC) channels are considered as elements of the immune cell Ca2+ handling machinery. We therefore hypothesized that TRPC photopharmacology may enable uniquely specific modulation of immune responses. Utilizing a recently established TRPC3/6/7 selective, photochromic benzimidazole agonist OptoBI-1, we set out to test this concept for mast cell NFAT signaling. RBL-2H3 mast cells were found to express TRPC3 and TRPC7 mRNA but lacked appreciable Ca2+/NFAT signaling in response to OptoBI-1 photocycling. Genetic modification of the cells by introduction of single recombinant TRPC isoforms revealed that exclusively TRPC6 expression generated OptoBI-1 sensitivity suitable for opto-chemical control of NFAT1 activity. Expression of any of three benzimidazole-sensitive TRPC isoforms (TRPC3/6/7) reconstituted plasma membrane TRPC conductances in RBL cells, and expression of TRPC6 or TRPC7 enabled light-mediated generation of temporally defined Ca2+ signaling patterns. Nonetheless, only cells overexpressing TRPC6 retained essentially low basal levels of NFAT activity and displayed rapid and efficient NFAT nuclear translocation upon OptoBI-1 photocycling. Hence, genetic modification of the mast cells' TRPC expression pattern by the introduction of TRPC6 enables highly specific opto-chemical control over Ca2+ transcription coupling in these immune cells.Cytokines activate or inhibit immune cell behavior and are thus integral to all immune responses. IL-1α and IL-1β are powerful apical cytokines that instigate multiple downstream processes to affect both innate and adaptive immunity. Multiple studies show that IL-1β is typically activated in macrophages after inflammasome sensing of infection or danger, leading to caspase-1 processing of IL-1β and its release. However, many alternative mechanisms activate IL-1α and IL-1β in atypical cell types, and IL-1 function is also important for homeostatic processes that maintain a physiological state. This review focuses on the less studied, yet arguably more interesting biology of IL-1. We detail the production by, and effects of IL-1 on specific innate and adaptive immune cells, report how IL-1 is required for barrier function at multiple sites, and discuss how perturbation of IL-1 pathways can drive disease. Thus, although IL-1 is primarily studied for driving inflammation after release from macrophages, it is clear that it has a multifaceted role that extends far beyond this, with various unconventional effects of IL-1 vital for health. However, much is still unknown, and a detailed understanding of cell-type and context-dependent actions of IL-1 is required to truly understand this enigmatic cytokine, and safely deploy therapeutics for the betterment of human health.Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) syndrome is a group of inborn errors of immunity characterized by a defect in the cascade of the activation and adhesion leading to the failure of leukocyte to migrate to the site of tissue injury. Three different types of LAD have been described. The most common subtype is LAD type 1 (LAD1) caused due to defects in the ITGβ2 gene. LAD type 2 (LAD2) is caused by mutations in the SLC35C1 gene leading to a generalized loss of expression of fucosylated glycans on the cell surface and LAD type 3 (LAD3) is caused by mutations in the FERMT3 gene resulting in platelet function defects along with immunodeficiency. There is a paucity of data available from India on LAD syndromes. The present study is a retrospective analysis of patients with LAD collated from 28 different centers across India. For LAD1, the diagnosis was based on clinical features and flow cytometric expression of CD18 on peripheral blood leukocytes and molecular confirmation by Sanger sequencing. For patients with ecular spectrum.In December 2019, the novel betacoronavirus Severe Acute Respiratory Disease Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was first detected in Wuhan, China. SARS-CoV-2 has since become a pandemic virus resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths and deep socioeconomic implications worldwide. In recent months, efforts have been directed towards detecting, tracking, and better understanding human humoral responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection. It has become critical to develop robust and reliable serological assays to characterize the abundance, neutralization efficiency, and duration of antibodies in virus-exposed individuals. Here we review the latest knowledge on humoral immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection, along with the benefits and limitations of currently available commercial and laboratory-based serological assays. We also highlight important serological considerations, such as antibody expression levels, stability and neutralization dynamics, as well as cross-reactivity and possible immunological back-boosting by seasonal coronaviruses. The ability to accurately detect, measure and characterize the various antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2 is necessary for vaccine development, manage risk and exposure for healthcare and at-risk workers, and for monitoring reinfections with genetic variants and new strains of the virus. Having a thorough understanding of the benefits and cautions of standardized serological testing at a community level remains critically important in the design and implementation of future vaccination campaigns, epidemiological models of immunity, and public health measures that rely heavily on up-to-date knowledge of transmission dynamics.SARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus, not encountered before by humans. The wide spectrum of clinical expression of SARS-CoV-2 illness suggests that individual immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 play a crucial role in determining the clinical course after first infection. Immunological studies have focused on patients with moderate to severe disease, demonstrating excessive inflammation in tissues and organ damage. In order to understand the basis of the protective immune response in COVID-19, we performed a longitudinal follow-up, flow-cytometric and serological analysis of innate and adaptive immunity in 64 adults with a spectrum of clinical presentations 28 healthy SARS-CoV-2-negative contacts of COVID-19 cases; 20 asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2-infected cases; eight patients with Mild COVID-19 disease and eight cases of Severe COVID-19 disease. Our data show that high frequency of NK cells and early and transient increase of specific IgA, IgM and, to a lower extent, IgG are associated with asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. By contrast, monocyte expansion and high and persistent levels of IgA and IgG, produced relatively late in the course of the infection, characterize severe disease. Modest increase of monocytes and different kinetics of antibodies are detected in mild COVID-19. The importance of innate NK cells and the short-lived antibody response of asymptomatic individuals and patients with mild disease suggest that only severe COVID-19 may result in protective memory established by the adaptive immune response.Pregnancy-associated malaria (PAM) caused by Plasmodium falciparum can result in detrimental outcomes for both mother and infant, including low infant birth weight, preterm birth, maternal anemia, spontaneous abortion, and maternal and/or infant mortality. Maternal anemia is a particularly complex outcome, as the body must both maintain erythropoiesis and tolerance of the growing fetus, while directing a Th1 response against the parasite. Underlying the pathogenesis of PAM is the expression of variant surface antigens (VSAPAM) on the surface of infected red blood cells (iRBC) that mediate sequestration of the iRBC in the placenta. Naturally acquired antibodies to VSAPAM can block sequestration and activate opsonic phagocytosis, both associated with improved pregnancy outcomes. In this review, we ask whether VSAPAM antibodies can also protect mothers against malarial anemia. Studies were identified where VSAPAM antibody titres and/or function were associated with higher maternal hemoglobin levels, thus supporting additional protective mechanisms for these antibodies against PAM. Yet these associations were not widely observed, and many studies reported no association between protection from maternal anemia and VSAPAM antibodies. We discuss the epidemiological, biological and technical factors that may explain some of the variability among these studies. We appraise the current evidence of these complex interactions between PAM-specific immunity and maternal anemia, propose potential mechanisms, and discuss knowledge gaps.

Autoři článku: Kragarildsen2758 (Grantham Kristiansen)