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Recently, two-dimensional black phosphorus (BP) nanomaterial has captured much attention due to its superb physiochemical and electronic properties and various promising biomedical applications. However, relatively few studies have explored its antimicrobial properties, particularly for targeting antibiotic-resistant pathogens. A comprehensive understanding of the bactericidal mechanisms of BP is essential for application of this material as an antimicrobial. This review discusses the physicochemical and electronic properties of BP that are relevant for antimicrobial applications, especially the unique characteristics that may play a role in overcoming drug resistance. The literature is discussed in the context of what is known and what information is missing. We also highlight the differences and advantages of BP over other two-dimensional nanomaterials (i.e., graphene oxide and molybdenum disulfide) for bactericidal activity. Finally, we analyze existing challenges and note topics that require future investigation to overcome current inadequacies, aiming to assist the safe development of BP-based nanotechnology for pathogen control. Owing to the wide application of phthalic acid esters (PAEs) in the manufacturing of plastic products, they are ubiquitous in the marine environment. AMG510 price However, the occurrence of various PAEs in marine organisms from China has not been well characterized. In this study, 341 marine organism samples (including fish, shrimp, crab, and shellfish) were collected from Hangzhou Bay, China and analyzed for 16 PAEs. Further, the human PAE exposure risks raised from the consumption of marine organisms were evaluated for adults and children. In total, eight PAEs were detected in collected organism samples, with the concentration of total PAEs (∑PAEs) ranging from 64 to 2840 ng/g (mean 238 ng/g). Crab (mean 811 ng/g) samples had the highest mean concentration of ∑PAEs, followed by fish (465 ng/g), shrimp (293 ng/g), and shellfish (261 ng/g) samples. Among detected PAEs, di-isobutyl phthalate (DiBP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), and di-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) were the predominant PAEs, and they collectively accounted for 84-97% of the ∑PAEs concentrations in all samples. The estimated daily intakes of DiBP, DBP, and DEHP were more than one order of magnitude higher than remaining PAEs. Calculated hazard quotient values of PAEs were all less then 0.1, suggesting non-cancer risks for the general population through the consumption of marine organisms. Overall, for the first time, this study systematically examined the occurrence of multiple PAEs in four types of marine organisms from Hangzhou Bay, China. Anthropogenic metal pollution is known to adversely affect bird reproduction; however, few systematic studies are available on the effects of metal pollution on breeding performance and parental investment in a common resident songbird, the tree sparrow (Passer montanus). We conducted this study in two sites, a long-term heavy metal polluted site (Baiyin [BY]) and a relatively unpolluted site at approximately 110 km distance (Liujiaxia [LJX]), to assess the potential effects of environmental metal contamination on breeding parameters (clutch size, hatching success, fledging success, and growth of nestlings) and parental investment. The results showed smaller clutch size, lower fledging success, and differences in incubation behaviors of tree sparrows in BY than in LJX. Although there was no difference in parental body condition (residual body mass) between the two study sites, the parents responded differently with respect to reproduction due to varying metal levels in their habitats and bodies. Higher Cd levels in the primary feathers of females in BY were associated with lower clutch sizes. Parental investment including incubation duration and feeding rates showed no significant difference between the two sites during the incubation and nestling periods, but the frequencies of incubation visits were higher in BY. Parental behavior during the incubation period was also negatively affected by the parental Pb and Cd levels. Although the nestling growth patterns were relatively similar between the two sites, the nestlings were smaller, had lower body weight, and fledged later and fledging rate was also lower in BY than in LJX. Metal concentrations were higher in nestling organs and feces in BY. Taken together, metal pollution might adversely affect nestling growth condition. Our results suggest a negative response in the reproduction of tree sparrows to long-term environmental metal pollution. Sludge recycling as an agricultural resource has gained great attention worldwide. This is exacerbated by the ever-rising municipal wastewater production and the realization of its potential as a soil amendment resource. Sludge suitability assessment and characterization is crucial to prompt informed decisions regarding its use on agricultural lands. Liquid sludge samples were collected from eighteen wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) employing three different treatment processes in South Africa. Samples were analysed for physical and chemical parameters. Sludges' pH ranged from 4.5-9.5. Heavy metals concentrations were below the threshold level except for two waste activated sludge (WAS) which were downgraded to class B due to high Lead (Pb) content. Two anaerobically digested (AnD) sludges were downgraded to classes B and C because of high Pb and Cadmium (Cd) concentrations respectively. Electrical conductivity (EC) was above the 200 mS m-1 threshold in AnD and in one of aerobically digested (AeD) sludges whilst WAS had ≤100 mS m-1. Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) ratios of the sludges were less then 8. Application of biosolids with low NP ratio based on crop N requirements would lead to P pollution. Sustainable sludge application options were either to apply dry sludge based on crop N or P requirements and supplement the nutrient deficit with other fertilizer sources. The use of current liquid sludge as irrigation water to meet crop water needs and or applying dry sludge at 10 tons ha-1 options showed that such options are unsustainable and would add excess nutrients above crop need which would result in agroecosystems pollution. The study findings suggest that, supposedly these liquid sludges are used for irrigation, they should be diluted with fresh water or deficit irrigation should be implemented to limit nutrient load.

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