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With this tool, we can include reads without a family and check the reliability of the call, that increases substantially the sequencing depth for variant calling, a particular important advantage for low-input samples or low-coverage regions.Although tRNA structure is one of the most conserved and recognizable shapes in molecular biology, aberrant tRNAs are frequently found in the mitochondrial genomes of metazoans. The extremely degenerate structures of several mitochondrial tRNAs (mt-tRNAs) have led to doubts about their expression and function. Mites from the arachnid superorder Acariformes are predicted to have some of the shortest mt-tRNAs, with a complete loss of cloverleaf-like shape. While performing mitochondrial isolations and recently developed tRNA-seq methods in plant tissue, we inadvertently sequenced the mt-tRNAs from a common plant pest, the acariform mite Tetranychus urticae, to a high enough coverage to detect all previously annotated T. urticae tRNA regions. The results not only confirm expression, CCA-tailing and post-transcriptional base modification of these highly divergent tRNAs, but also revealed paired sense and antisense expression of multiple T. urticae mt-tRNAs. Mirrored expression of mt-tRNA genes has been hypothesized but not previously demonstrated to be common in any system. We discuss the functional roles that these divergent tRNAs could have as both decoding molecules in translation and processing signals in transcript maturation pathways, as well as how sense-antisense pairs add another dimension to the bizarre tRNA biology of mitochondrial genomes.Computational deconvolution is a time and cost-efficient approach to obtain cell type-specific information from bulk gene expression of heterogeneous tissues like blood. Deconvolution can aim to either estimate cell type proportions or abundances in samples, or estimate how strongly each present cell type expresses different genes, or both tasks simultaneously. Among the two separate goals, the estimation of cell type proportions/abundances is widely studied, but less attention has been paid on defining the cell type-specific expression profiles. Here, we address this gap by introducing a novel method Rodeo and empirically evaluating it and the other available tools from multiple perspectives utilizing diverse datasets.Prophages are phages that are integrated into bacterial genomes and which are key to understanding many aspects of bacterial biology. Their extreme diversity means they are challenging to detect using sequence similarity, yet this remains the paradigm and thus many phages remain unidentified. We present a novel, fast and generalizing machine learning method based on feature space to facilitate novel prophage discovery. To validate the approach, we reanalyzed publicly available marine viromes and single-cell genomes using our feature-based approaches and found consistently more phages than were detected using current state-of-the-art tools while being notably faster. This demonstrates that our approach significantly enhances bacteriophage discovery and thus provides a new starting point for exploring new biologies.The task of eukaryotic genome annotation remains challenging. Only a few genomes could serve as standards of annotation achieved through a tremendous investment of human curation efforts. Still, the correctness of all alternative isoforms, even in the best-annotated genomes, could be a good subject for further investigation. The new BRAKER2 pipeline generates and integrates external protein support into the iterative process of training and gene prediction by GeneMark-EP+ and AUGUSTUS. BRAKER2 continues the line started by BRAKER1 where self-training GeneMark-ET and AUGUSTUS made gene predictions supported by transcriptomic data. click here Among the challenges addressed by the new pipeline was a generation of reliable hints to protein-coding exon boundaries from likely homologous but evolutionarily distant proteins. In comparison with other pipelines for eukaryotic genome annotation, BRAKER2 is fully automatic. It is favorably compared under equal conditions with other pipelines, e.g. MAKER2, in terms of accuracy and performance. Development of BRAKER2 should facilitate solving the task of harmonization of annotation of protein-coding genes in genomes of different eukaryotic species. However, we fully understand that several more innovations are needed in transcriptomic and proteomic technologies as well as in algorithmic development to reach the goal of highly accurate annotation of eukaryotic genomes.Metagenomics is the study of genomic DNA recovered from a microbial community. Both assembly-based and mapping-based methods have been used to analyze metagenomic data. When appropriate gene catalogs are available, mapping-based methods are preferred over assembly based approaches, especially for analyzing the data at the functional level. In this study, we introduce CAMAMED as a composition-aware mapping-based metagenomic data analysis pipeline. This pipeline can analyze metagenomic samples at both taxonomic and functional profiling levels. Using this pipeline, metagenome sequences can be mapped to non-redundant gene catalogs and the gene frequency in the samples are obtained. Due to the highly compositional nature of metagenomic data, the cumulative sum-scaling method is used at both taxa and gene levels for compositional data analysis in our pipeline. Additionally, by mapping the genes to the KEGG database, annotations related to each gene can be extracted at different functional levels such as KEGG ortholog groups, enzyme commission numbers and reactions. Furthermore, the pipeline enables the user to identify potential biomarkers in case-control metagenomic samples by investigating functional differences. The source code for this software is available from https//github.com/mhnb/camamed. Also, the ready to use Docker images are available at https//hub.docker.com.The study of the gene repertoires of microbial species, their pangenomes, has become a key part of microbial evolution and functional genomics. Yet, the increasing number of genomes available complicates the establishment of the basic building blocks of comparative genomics. Here, we present PanACoTA (https//github.com/gem-pasteur/PanACoTA), a tool that allows to download all genomes of a species, build a database with those passing quality and redundancy controls, uniformly annotate and then build their pangenome, several variants of core genomes, their alignments and a rapid but accurate phylogenetic tree. While many programs building pangenomes have become available in the last few years, we have focused on a modular method, that tackles all the key steps of the process, from download to phylogenetic inference. While all steps are integrated, they can also be run separately and multiple times to allow rapid and extensive exploration of the parameters of interest. PanACoTA is built in Python3, includes a singularity container and features to facilitate its future development. We believe PanACoTa is an interesting addition to the current set of comparative genomics tools, since it will accelerate and standardize the more routine parts of the work, allowing microbial genomicists to more quickly tackle their specific questions.Traditional bulk RNA-sequencing of human pancreatic islets mainly reflects transcriptional response of major cell types. Single-cell RNA sequencing technology enables transcriptional characterization of individual cells, and thus makes it possible to detect cell types and subtypes. To tackle the heterogeneity of single-cell RNA-seq data, powerful and appropriate clustering is required to facilitate the discovery of cell types. In this paper, we propose a new clustering framework based on a graph-based model with various types of dissimilarity measures. We take the compositional nature of single-cell RNA-seq data into account and employ log-ratio transformations. The practical merit of the proposed method is demonstrated through the application to the centered log-ratio-transformed single-cell RNA-seq data for human pancreatic islets. The practical merit is also demonstrated through comparisons with existing single-cell clustering methods. The R-package for the proposed method can be found at https//github.com/Zhang-Data-Science-Research-Lab/LrSClust.An important goal in molecular biology is to quantify both the patterns across a genomic sequence and the relationship between phenotype and underlying sequence. We propose a multivariate tensor-based orthogonal polynomial approach to characterize nucleotides or amino acids in a given sequence and map corresponding phenotypes onto the sequence space. We have applied this method to a previously published case of small transcription activating RNAs. Covariance patterns along the sequence showcased strong correlations between nucleotides at the ends of the sequence. However, when the phenotype is projected onto the sequence space, this pattern does not emerge. When doing second order analysis and quantifying the functional relationship between the phenotype and pairs of sites along the sequence, we identified sites with high regressions spread across the sequence, indicating potential intramolecular binding. In addition to quantifying interactions between different parts of a sequence, the method quantifies sequence-phenotype interactions at first and higher order levels. We discuss the strengths and constraints of the method and compare it to computational methods such as machine learning approaches. An accompanying command line tool to compute these polynomials is provided. We show proof of concept of this approach and demonstrate its potential application to other biological systems.Estimation of statistical associations in microbial genomic survey count data is fundamental to microbiome research. Experimental limitations, including count compositionality, low sample sizes and technical variability, obstruct standard application of association measures and require data normalization prior to statistical estimation. Here, we investigate the interplay between data normalization, microbial association estimation and available sample size by leveraging the large-scale American Gut Project (AGP) survey data. We analyze the statistical properties of two prominent linear association estimators, correlation and proportionality, under different sample scenarios and data normalization schemes, including RNA-seq analysis workflows and log-ratio transformations. We show that shrinkage estimation, a standard statistical regularization technique, can universally improve the quality of taxon-taxon association estimates for microbiome data. We find that large-scale association patterns in the AGP data can be grouped into five normalization-dependent classes. Using microbial association network construction and clustering as downstream data analysis examples, we show that variance-stabilizing and log-ratio approaches enable the most taxonomically and structurally coherent estimates. Taken together, the findings from our reproducible analysis workflow have important implications for microbiome studies in multiple stages of analysis, particularly when only small sample sizes are available.

Autoři článku: Konradsencollier6456 (Buus Glover)