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Different solid sulfonic titania-based catalysts were investigated for the hydrothermal dehydration of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF). The catalytic behavior of the materials was evaluated in terms of fructose conversion and selectivity to 5-HMF. The surface and structural properties of the catalysts were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorption isotherms, thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and acid capacity measurements. Special attention was focused on the reaction conditions, both in terms of 5-HMF selectivity and the sustainability of the process, choosing water as the solvent. Among the various process condition studied, TiO2-SO3H catalyzed a complete conversion (99%) of 1.1M fructose and 5-HMF selectivity (50%) and yield (50%) at 165 °C. An important improvement of the HMF selectivity (71%) was achieved when the reaction was carried out by using a lower fructose concentration (0.1M) and lower temperature (140 °C). The catalytic activities of the materials were related to their acid capacities as much as their textural properties. In particular, a counterbalance between the acidity and the structure of the pores in which the catalytic sites are located, results in the key issue for switch the selectivity towards the achievement of 5-HMF.Internet-of-things (IoT) is a wide spreading technique that enables intelligence to the everyday objects, however, IoT devices are limited in computation and memory space due to their small physical sizes. As a result, IoT applications generally connect to the remote cloud that provides high computation and large storage. To enhance this communication, some IoT devices are equipped with multiple networks, e.g., cellular or Wi-Fi, by using Multipath TCP (MPTCP). However, MPTCP requires large buffer memory space compared to the legacy TCP, which is problematic for low-memory IoT devices. This paper proposes a new MPTCP scheme that leverages the multi-homed feature of low-memory IoT devices. Our design utilizes an application-level distributor that transmits packets to each MPTCP socket at each endpoint of the data. This scheme cleverly avoids the buffer blocking problem, while still maintaining the benefits of multi-homing. The main contribution of our paper is three-fold. First, our proposal achieves the benefits of multipath while avoiding buffer blocking due to out-of-order packets. Second, since our scheme utilizes the original MPTCP and modifies only the application level, it can be deployed more easily to the legacy systems. Finally, our experimental results, conducted on a Linux testbed and real-world cellular/Wi-Fi, show that the proposed scheme requires only half or less memory to achieve the performance of MPTCP.Bone marrow medullary erythropoiesis is primarily homeostatic. It produces new erythrocytes at a constant rate, which is balanced by the turnover of senescent erythrocytes by macrophages in the spleen. Despite the enormous capacity of the bone marrow to produce erythrocytes, there are times when it is unable to keep pace with erythroid demand. At these times stress erythropoiesis predominates. Stress erythropoiesis generates a large bolus of new erythrocytes to maintain homeostasis until steady state erythropoiesis can resume. In this review, we outline the mechanistic differences between stress erythropoiesis and steady state erythropoiesis and show that their responses to inflammation are complementary. We propose a new hypothesis that stress erythropoiesis is induced by inflammation and plays a key role in maintaining erythroid homeostasis during inflammatory responses.The plant-special SHI-RELATED SEQUENCE (SRS) family plays vital roles in various biological processes. However, the genome-wide analysis and abiotic stress-related functions of this family were less reported in soybean. In this work, 21 members of soybean SRS family were identified, which were divided into three groups (Group I, II, and III). The chromosome location and gene structure were analyzed, which indicated that the members in the same group may have similar functions. The analysis of stress-related cis-elements showed that the SRS family may be involved in abiotic stress signaling pathway. The analysis of expression patterns in various tissues demonstrated that SRS family may play crucial roles in special tissue-dependent regulatory networks. The data based on soybean RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR) proved that SRS genes were induced by drought, NaCl, and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA). GmSRS18 significantly induced by drought and NaCl was selected for further functional verification. GmSRS18, encoding a cell nuclear protein, could negatively regulate drought and salt resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis. It can affect stress-related physiological index, including chlorophyll, proline, and relative electrolyte leakage. Additionally, it inhibited the expression levels of stress-related marker genes. Taken together, these results provide valuable information for understanding the classification of soybean SRS transcription factors and indicates that SRS plays important roles in abiotic stress responses.An electronic fuze is a one-shot system that has a long storage life and high mission criticality. Fuzes are designed, developed, and tested for high reliability (over 99%) with a confidence level of more than 95%. selleck inhibitor The electronic circuit of a fuze is embedded in the fuze assembly, and thus is not visible. Go/NoGo fuze assembly mission critical testing does not provide prognostic information about electrical and electronic circuits and subtle causes of failure. Longer storage times and harsh conditions cause degradation at the component level. In order to calculate accrued damage due to storage and operational stresses, it is necessary to perform sample-based accelerated life testing after a certain time and estimate the remaining useful life of mission critical parts. Reliability studies of mechanical parts of such systems using nondestructive testing (NDT) have been performed, but a thorough investigation is missing with regards to the electronic parts. The objective of this study is to identify weak links and estimate the reliability and remaining useful life of electronic and detonating parts. Three critical components are identified in an electronic fuze circuit (1) a diode, (2) a capacitor, and (3) a squib or detonator. link2 The accelerated test results reveal that after ten years of storage life, there is no significant degradation in active components while passive components need to be replaced. The squib has a remaining useful life (RUL) of more than ten years with reliability over 99%.This paper presents an experimental study on the bond behaviour of cement panels reinforced with plant fibres from the recycling of waste jute bags, using starch as a plasticiser. During processing, different proportions of jute (5 wt %, 10 wt %, 15 wt %, and 20 wt %) were used with respect to the weight of cement, and the mixture was exposed to a pressure of 2.6 MPa and a temperature of 100 °C. The density, swelling thickness, internal bonding, flexural strength, and thermal conductivity were studied. Mechanical tests indicated that the values of the modulus of rupture (MOR) and the modulus of elasticity (MOE) increased over time; thus, the jute particles appeared to be protected by the plasticised starch and no degradation was observed. At 28 days, the particleboard with 5% starch had an MOR of 12.82 MPa and an MOE of 3.43 GPa; these values decreased when the jute proportion was higher. The thermal conductivity varied from 0.068 to 0.085 W·m-1·K-1. The main conclusion is that jute-cement-starch composite panels can be manufactured with physical, mechanical, and thermal properties that meet the European standards for use in the construction of buildings as partitions, interior divisions, and thermal insulators.Assessing and improving public knowledge of atrial fibrillation (AF) could increase its detection rate and the subsequent use of stroke prevention therapies. However, there is no validated AF knowledge assessment tool applicable to the general population, including those at risk of AF. Therefore, we aimed to develop and validate such a tool. The tool was developed from a literature review and discussion with subject matter experts. Content validity was ensured by a ten-member panel of experts comprising cardiologists and pharmacists. An online validation survey was conducted and reported based on the Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys (CHERRIES). The survey evaluated the tool performance by construct validity, internal consistency reliability, item discrimination, difficulty index and ease of readability. The survey participants included 14 general medical specialists, 20 fourth-year and 33 second-year undergraduate pharmacy students, and 122 members of the general public. The tool had satisfactory content validity, with a scale content validity index of 0.8. The mean percentage knowledge scores for general medical specialists and fourth-year pharmacy students were higher than second-year pharmacy students, followed by the general public (92.9%, 87.6%, 68.5% and 53.4%, respectively; p-value less then 0.001), supporting construct validity. The tool had good internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.91). The item-total correlation was in the preferred range of 0.23 to 0.71. link3 The Atrial Fibrillation Knowledge Assessment Tool is a valid instrument and can be used to investigate AF knowledge of the general population.The availability of smart and intelligent sensors has changed the monitoring, control and maintenance of a conventional and advanced cyber-physical system used in public or private sectors of a society. For example, internet of things (IoT)-based health, agricultural and weather management systems. With the emergence of such sensors, along with the new ways to communicate or coordinate with them, we need to analyze and optimize the system construction processes. In this paper, to address the issue of scalability for bigger and complex systems based on sensors, we redefine an incremental construction process with an emphasis on behavior preservation and study the effectiveness of the use of software component models from the component-based development domain. In this paper, to deal with the issue of scalability, we investigate component-based development approaches with respect to our defined process and propose a taxonomy of component models with respect to component/system behavior. Moreover, based on the outcome of our analysis, we recommend the EX-MAN component model as the most suitable approach. We investigate incremental construction in the context of the three main categories of current component models, namely models where components are (i) objects, (ii) architectural units and (iii) encapsulated components. Furthermore, to evaluate our defined process and selection of EX-MAN, we designed three examples of systems using our proposed process in EX-MAN component model.This study evaluates mechanisms of biogenic mineral formation induced by bacterial iron reduction for the stabilization of corroded iron. As an example, the Desulfitobacterium hafniense strain TCE1 was employed to treat corroded coupons presenting urban natural atmospheric corrosion, and spectroscopic investigations were performed on the samples' cross-sections to evaluate the corrosion stratigraphy. The treated samples presented a protective continuous layer of iron phosphates (vivianite Fe2+3(PO4)2·8H2O and barbosalite Fe2+Fe3+2(PO4)2(OH)2), which covered 92% of the surface and was associated with a decrease in the thickness of the original corrosion layer. The results allow us to better understand the conversion of reactive corrosion products into stable biogenic minerals, as well as to identify important criteria for the design of a green alternative treatment for the stabilization of corroded iron.

Autoři článku: Koefoedwomble1045 (Thomasen Temple)