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Neuroscience studies have proved that the absence of proper tactile feedback can affect human behavior. A qualitative and quantitative growth in flexible artificial touch sensing technologies has been witnessed over the recent years. The development of flexible, sensitive, cost-effective, and durable artificial tactile sensors is crucial for prosthetic rehabilitation. Many researchers are working on realizing a smart touch sensing system for prosthetic devices. To mimic the human sensory system is extremely difficult. The practical uses of the newly invented techniques in the industry are limited by complex fabrication processes and lack of proper data processing techniques. Many compatible flexible substrates, materials, and strategies for tactile sensors have been identified to enhance the amputee population. This paper reviews the flexible substrates, functional materials, preparation methods, and several computational techniques for artificial tactile sensors.Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) is essential for many computer vision tasks. In some real-world applications, such as object recognition and image classification, the captured image size can be arbitrary while the required image size is fixed, which necessitates SISR with arbitrary scaling factors. It is a challenging problem to take a single model to accomplish the SISR task under arbitrary scaling factors. To solve that problem, this paper proposes a bilateral upsampling network which consists of a bilateral upsampling filter and a depthwise feature upsampling convolutional layer. The bilateral upsampling filter is made up of two upsampling filters, including a spatial upsampling filter and a range upsampling filter. With the introduction of the range upsampling filter, the weights of the bilateral upsampling filter can be adaptively learned under different scaling factors and different pixel values. The output of the bilateral upsampling filter is then provided to the depthwise feature upsampling convolutional layer, which upsamples the low-resolution (LR) feature map to the high-resolution (HR) feature space depthwisely and well recovers the structural information of the HR feature map. The depthwise feature upsampling convolutional layer can not only efficiently reduce the computational cost of the weight prediction of the bilateral upsampling filter, but also accurately recover the textual details of the HR feature map. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed bilateral upsampling network can achieve better performance than some state-of-the-art SISR methods.While many approaches exist in the literature to learn low-dimensional representations for data collections in multiple modalities, the generalizability of multi-modal nonlinear embeddings to previously unseen data is a rather overlooked subject. In this work, we first present a theoretical analysis of learning multi-modal nonlinear embeddings in a supervised setting. Our performance bounds indicate that for successful generalization in multi-modal classification and retrieval problems, the regularity of the interpolation functions extending the embedding to the whole data space is as important as the between-class separation and cross-modal alignment criteria. We then propose a multi-modal nonlinear representation learning algorithm that is motivated by these theoretical findings, where the embeddings of the training samples are optimized jointly with the Lipschitz regularity of the interpolators. Experimental comparison to recent multi-modal and single-modal learning algorithms suggests that the proposed method yields promising performance in multi-modal image classification and cross-modal image-text retrieval applications.Due to the wide applications in a rapidly increasing number of different fields, 3D shape recognition has become a hot topic in the computer vision field. Many approaches have been proposed in recent years. However, there remain huge challenges in two aspects exploring the effective representation of 3D shapes and reducing the redundant complexity of 3D shapes. In this paper, we propose a novel deep-attention network (DAN) for 3D shape representation based on multiview information. More specifically, we introduce the attention mechanism to construct a deep multiattention network that has advantages in two aspects 1) information selection, in which DAN utilizes the self-attention mechanism to update the feature vector of each view, effectively reducing the redundant information, and 2) information fusion, in which DAN applies attention mechanism that can save more effective information by considering the correlations among views. Meanwhile, deep network structure can fully consider the correlations to continuously fuse effective information. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conduct experiments on the public 3D shape datasets ModelNet40, ModelNet10, and ShapeNetCore55. Experimental results and comparison with state-of-the-art methods demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method. Code is released on https// article investigates spectral chromatic and spatial defocus aberration in a monocular hyperspectral image (HSI) and proposes methods on how these cues can be utilized for relative depth estimation. The main aim of this work is to develop a framework by exploring intrinsic and extrinsic reflectance properties in HSI that can be useful for depth estimation. Depth estimation from a monocular image is a challenging task. An additional level of difficulty is added due to low resolution and noises in hyperspectral data. Our contribution to handling depth estimation in HSI is threefold. Firstly, we propose that change in focus across band images of HSI due to chromatic aberration and band-wise defocus blur can be integrated for depth estimation. Novel methods are developed to estimate sparse depth maps based on different integration models. Secondly, by adopting manifold learning, an effective objective function is developed to combine all sparse depth maps into a final optimized sparse depth map. Lastly, a new dense depth map generation approach is proposed, which extrapolate sparse depth cues by using material-based properties on graph Laplacian. Experimental results show that our methods successfully exploit HSI properties to generate depth cues. We also compare our method with state-of-the-art RGB image-based approaches, which shows that our methods produce better sparse and dense depth maps than those from the benchmark methods.Texture characterization from the metrological point of view is addressed in order to establish a physically relevant and directly interpretable feature. In this regard, a generic formulation is proposed to simultaneously capture the spectral and spatial complexity in hyperspectral images. The feature, named relative spectral difference occurrence matrix (RSDOM) is thus constructed in a multireference, multidirectional, and multiscale context. As validation, its performance is assessed in three versatile tasks. In texture classification on HyTexiLa, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) on ICONES-HSI, and land cover classification on Salinas, RSDOM registers 98.5% accuracy, 80.3% precision (for the top 10 retrieved images), and 96.0% accuracy (after post-processing) respectively, outcompeting GLCM, Gabor filter, LBP, SVM, CCF, CNN, and GCN. Analysis shows the advantage of RSDOM in terms of feature size (a mere 126, 30, and 20 scalars using GMM in order of the three tasks) as well as metrological validity in texture representation regardless of the spectral range, resolution, and number of bands.For the clinical assessment of cardiac vitality, time-continuous tomographic imaging of the heart is used. To further detect e.g., pathological tissue, multiple imaging contrasts enable a thorough diagnosis using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). For this purpose, time-continous and multi-contrast imaging protocols were proposed. The acquired signals are binned using navigation approaches for a motion-resolved reconstruction. Mostly, external sensors such as electrocardiograms (ECG) are used for navigation, leading to additional workflow efforts. Recent sensor-free approaches are based on pipelines requiring prior knowledge, e.g., typical heart rates. We present a sensor-free, deep learning-based navigation that diminishes the need for manual feature engineering or the necessity of prior knowledge compared to previous works. A classifier is trained to estimate the R-wave timepoints in the scan directly from the imaging data. Our approach is evaluated on 3-D protocols for continuous cardiac MRI, acquired in-vivo and free-breathing with single or multiple imaging contrasts. We achieve an accuracy of >98% on previously unseen subjects, and a well comparable image quality with the state-of-the-art ECG-based reconstruction. Our method enables an ECG-free workflow for continuous cardiac scans with simultaneous anatomic and functional imaging with multiple contrasts. It can be potentially integrated without adapting the sampling scheme to other continuous sequences by using the imaging data for navigation and reconstruction.Accurate segmentation of the prostate is a key step in external beam radiation therapy treatments. In this paper, we tackle the challenging task of prostate segmentation in CT images by a two-stage network with 1) the first stage to fast localize, and 2) the second stage to accurately segment the prostate. To precisely segment the prostate in the second stage, we formulate prostate segmentation into a multi-task learning framework, which includes a main task to segment the prostate, and an auxiliary task to delineate the prostate boundary. Here, the second task is applied to provide additional guidance of unclear prostate boundary in CT images. Besides, the conventional multi-task deep networks typically share most of the parameters (i.e., feature representations) across all tasks, which may limit their data fitting ability, as the specificity of different tasks are inevitably ignored. By contrast, we solve them by a hierarchically-fused U-Net structure, namely HF-UNet. The HF-UNet has two complementary branches for two tasks, with the novel proposed attention-based task consistency learning block to communicate at each level between the two decoding branches. Therefore, HF-UNet endows the ability to learn hierarchically the shared representations for different tasks, and preserve the specificity of learned representations for different tasks simultaneously. We did extensive evaluations of the proposed method on a large planning CT image dataset and a benchmark prostate zonal dataset. The experimental results show HF-UNet outperforms the conventional multi-task network architectures and the state-of-the-art methods.We present BitConduite, a visual analytics approach for explorative analysis of financial activity within the Bitcoin network, offering a view on transactions aggregated by entities, i.e. check details by individuals, companies or other groups actively using Bitcoin. BitConduite makes Bitcoin data accessible to non-technical experts through a guided workflow around entities analyzed according to several activity metrics. Analyses can be conducted at different scales, from large groups of entities down to single entities. BitConduite also enables analysts to cluster entities to identify groups of similar activities as well as to explore characteristics and temporal patterns of transactions. To assess the value of our approach, we collected feedback from domain experts.

Autoři článku: Knowlesreimer1313 (Pihl Lindsay)