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The accelerometer Analog Devices ADXL355 offers slightly better results regarding offset temperature stability and non-repeatability. The MEMS sensors Bosch BMA280 and TDK InvenSense MPU6500 do not match the performance of fluidic sensors in any category. Their advantages are the favorable price and the smaller package. From the investigations, it can be concluded that the fluidic sensor is competitive in the targeted price range, especially for applications with extended requirements regarding bias stability, noise, and hysteresis.A lunar vehicle radiation dosimeter (LVRAD) has been proposed for studying the radiation environment on the lunar surface and evaluating its impact on human health. The LVRAD payload comprises four systems a particle dosimeter and spectrometer (PDS), a tissue-equivalent dosimeter, a fast neutron spectrometer, and an epithermal neutron spectrometer. A silicon photodiode sensor with compact readout electronics was proposed for the PDS. The PDS system aims to measure protons with 10-100 MeV of energy and assess dose in the lunar space environment. The manufactured silicon photodiode sensor has an effective area of 20 mm × 20 mm and thickness of 650 μm; the electronics consist of an amplifier, analog pulse processor, and a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter for signal readout. We studied the responses of silicon sensors which were manufactured with self-made electronics to gamma rays with a wide range of energies and proton beams.The wide use of cooperative missions using multiple unmanned platforms has made relative distance information an essential factor for cooperative positioning and formation control. Reducing the range error effectively in real time has become the main technical challenge. We present a new method to deal with ranging errors based on the distance increment (DI). The DI calculated by dead reckoning is used to smooth the DI obtained by the cooperative positioning, and the smoothed DI is then used to detect and estimate the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) error as well as to smooth the observed values containing random noise in the filtering process. Simulation and experimental results show that the relative accuracy of NLOS estimation is 8.17%, with the maximum random error reduced by 40.27%. The algorithm weakens the influence of NLOS and random errors on the measurement distance, thus improving the relative distance precision and enhancing the stability and reliability of cooperative positioning.Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease process that leads to progressive damage of the optic nerve to produce visual impairment and blindness. Spectral-domain OCT technology enables peripapillary circular scans of the retina and the measurement of the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) for the assessment of the disease status or progression in glaucoma patients. This paper describes a new approach to segment and measure the retinal nerve fiber layer in peripapillary OCT images. The proposed method consists of two stages. In the first one, morphological operators robustly detect the coarse location of the layer boundaries, despite the speckle noise and diverse artifacts in the OCT image. In the second stage, deformable models are initialized with the results of the previous stage to perform a fine segmentation of the boundaries, providing an accurate measurement of the entire RNFL. Selleckchem BLU-554 The results of the RNFL segmentation were qualitatively assessed by ophthalmologists, and the measurements of the thickness of the RNFL were quantitatively compared with those provided by the OCT inbuilt software as well as the state-of-the-art methods.Multimodal imaging, including 3D modalities, is increasingly being applied in orthodontics, both as a diagnostic tool and especially for the design of intraoral appliances, where geometric accuracy is very important. Laser scanners and other precision 3D-imaging devices are expensive and cumbersome, which limits their use in medical practice. Photogrammetry, using ordinary 2D photographs or video recordings to create 3D imagery, offers a cheaper and more convenient alternative, replacing the specialised equipment with handy consumer cameras. The present study addresses the question of to what extent, and under what conditions, this technique can be an adequate replacement for the 3D scanner. The accuracy of simple surface reconstruction and of model embedding achieved with photogrammetry was verified against that obtained with a triangulating laser scanner. To roughly evaluate the impact of image imperfections on photogrammetric reconstruction, the photographs for photogrammetry were taken under various lighting conditions and were used either raw or with a blur-simulating defocus. Video footage was also tested as another 2D-imaging modality feeding data into photogrammetry. The results show the significant potential of photogrammetric techniques.Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common cancer in children, and its diagnosis mainly includes microscopic blood tests of the bone marrow. Therefore, there is a need for a correct classification of white blood cells. The approach developed in this article is based on an optimized and small IoT-friendly neural network architecture. The application of learning transfer in hybrid artificial intelligence systems is offered. The hybrid system consisted of a MobileNet v2 encoder pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset and machine learning algorithms performing the role of the head. These were the XGBoost, Random Forest, and Decision Tree algorithms. In this work, the average accuracy was over 90%, reaching 97.4%. This work proves that using hybrid artificial intelligence systems for tasks with a low computational complexity of the processing units demonstrates a high classification accuracy. The methods used in this study, confirmed by the promising results, can be an effective tool in diagnosing other blood diseases, facilitating the work of a network of medical institutions to carry out the correct treatment schedule.The light-based Internet of things (LIoT) concept defines nodes that exploit light to (a) power up their operation by harvesting light energy and (b) provide full-duplex wireless connectivity. In this paper, we explore the LIoT concept by designing, implementing, and evaluating the communication and energy harvesting performance of a LIoT node. The use of components based on printed electronics (PE) technology is adopted in the implementation, supporting the vision of future fully printed LIoT nodes. In fact, we envision that as PE technology develops, energy-autonomous LIoT nodes will be entirely printed, resulting in cost-efficient, flexible and highly sustainable connectivity solutions that can be attached to the surface of virtually any object. However, the use of PE technology poses additional challenges to the task, as the performance of these components is typically considerably poorer than that of conventional components. In the study, printed photovoltaic cells, printed OLEDs (organic light-emitting diodes) as well as printed displays are used in the node implementation. The dual-mode operation of the proposed LIoT node is demonstrated, and its communication performance in downlink and uplink directions is evaluated. In addition, the energy harvesting system's behaviour is studied and evaluated under different illumination scenarios and based on the results, a novel self-operating limitation aware algorithm for LIoT nodes is proposed.This study tested whether machine learning (ML) methods can effectively separate individual plants from complex 3D canopy laser scans as a prerequisite to analyzing particular plant features. For this, we scanned mung bean and chickpea crops with PlantEye (R) laser scanners. Firstly, we segmented the crop canopies from the background in 3D space using the Region Growing Segmentation algorithm. Then, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based ML algorithms were fine-tuned for plant counting. Application of the CNN-based (Convolutional Neural Network) processing architecture was possible only after we reduced the dimensionality of the data to 2D. This allowed for the identification of individual plants and their counting with an accuracy of 93.18% and 92.87% for mung bean and chickpea plants, respectively. These steps were connected to the phenotyping pipeline, which can now replace manual counting operations that are inefficient, costly, and error-prone. The use of CNN in this study was innovatively solved with dimensionality reduction, addition of height information as color, and consequent application of a 2D CNN-based approach. We found there to be a wide gap in the use of ML on 3D information. This gap will have to be addressed, especially for more complex plant feature extractions, which we intend to implement through further research.Intelligent machining has become an important part of manufacturing systems because of the increased demand for productivity. Tool condition monitoring is an integral part of these systems. Airborne acoustic emission from the machining process is a vital indicator of tool health, however, it is highly affected by background noise. Reducing the background noise helps in developing a low-cost system. In this research work, a feedforward neural network is used as an adaptive filter to reduce the background noise. Acoustic signals from four different machines in the background are acquired and are introduced to a machining signal at different speeds and feed-rates at a constant depth of cut. These four machines are a three-axis milling machine, a four-axis mini-milling machine, a variable speed DC motor, and a grinding machine. The backpropagation neural network shows an accuracy of 75.82% in classifying the background noise. To reconstruct the filtered signal, a novel autoregressive moving average (ARMA)-based algorithm is proposed. An average increase of 71.3% in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is found before and after signal reconstruction. The proposed technique shows promising results for signal reconstruction for the machining process.The conventional reconstruction method of off-axis digital holographic microscopy (DHM) relies on computational processing that involves spatial filtering of the sample spectrum and tilt compensation between the interfering waves to accurately reconstruct the phase of a biological sample. Additional computational procedures such as numerical focusing may be needed to reconstruct free-of-distortion quantitative phase images based on the optical configuration of the DHM system. Regardless of the implementation, any DHM computational processing leads to long processing times, hampering the use of DHM for video-rate renderings of dynamic biological processes. In this study, we report on a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) for robust and fast quantitative phase imaging in DHM. The reconstructed phase images provided by the GAN model present stable background levels, enhancing the visualization of the specimens for different experimental conditions in which the conventional approach often fails. The proposed learning-based method was trained and validated using human red blood cells recorded on an off-axis Mach-Zehnder DHM system. After proper training, the proposed GAN yields a computationally efficient method, reconstructing DHM images seven times faster than conventional computational approaches.

Autoři článku: Klausenjustice6800 (Pratt Hvass)