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At low reaction temperatures, the SCR reactions over three catalysts mainly obeyed the typical Elye-rideal (E-R) routs via the reactions of adsorbed l-NHx (x = 3, 2, 1) and B-NH4+ with the gaseous NO to generate N2 but also N2O by-products. Except for the above basic E-R reactions, as increasing the reaction temperature, the main adsorbed NOx-species were bidentate nitrates that were also active in the Langmuir-Hinshelwood reactions with adsorbed l-NHx species over Co/Ni modified Mn-SnO2 catalyst.Organic acids are important contributors to the acidity of atmospheric precipitation, but their existence in the Chinese atmosphere is largely unclear. In this study, twelve atmospheric gaseous organic acids, including C1-C9 alkanoic acids, methacrylic acid, pyruvic acid, and benzoic acid, were observed in the suburb of Wangdu, Hebei Province, a typical rural site in the northern China plain from 16th December, 2018 to 22nd January, 2019, using a Vocus® Proton-Transfer-Reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (Vocus PTR-ToF). The quantification of C2-C4 alkanoic acids by the Vocus PTR-ToF was calibrated according to the titration of a NaOH solution by C2-C4 alkanoic acids from home-made permeation sources, and the other organic acids except for formic acid were quantified based on the kcap-sensitivity linearity in the Vocus PTR-ToF, whereas formic acid was not quantified because our instrument setting led to a significant underestimation in its concentration. Quizartinib The average total concentration of eleven gaseous organic acids was 6.96 ± 5.20 ppbv (parts per billion by volume). The average concentration of acetic acid was the highest (3.86 ± 3.00 ppbv), followed by propanoic acid, butyric acid, and methacrylic acid. Domestic straw burning was likely the dominant source of the observed gaseous organic acids according to the good correlations between acetonitrile and organic acids and between particulate K+ and organic acids, and traffic emissions could also have contributed. During episodes with continuously high concentrations of organic acids, short-distance transport dominated in Wangdu according to the backward trajectory analysis. Baoding, Shijiazhuang, and Hengshui areas were the main source areas based on potential source contribution function and concentration weighing track analysis.Ethanol-type sludge fermentation has recently attracted much attention because it can enhance direct interspecies electron transfer and thus improve the anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge (WAS). In this paper, the enhancement of short-term ethanol-type fermentation of WAS via adding Saccharomyces was investigated. The experimental results show that the maximum ethanol production of 1030.8 ± 20.6 mg/L was achieved, with the optimum fermentation conditions of a pH of 5.1, temperature of 26.0 ℃ and time of 8.0 hr. Although the content of volatile fatty acid (VFA) increased within 10 hr, it is one order of magnitude lower than the content of ethanol, indicating that the VFA generation did not affect the efficient production of ethanol. The analyses of changes in the microbial community during the fermentation process demonstrate that the greatest Saccharomyces activity occurred in the first 8 hr and it can play an important role in ethanol production even at a very low relative abundance. Meanwhile, most typical acid-producing bacteria were inhibited, but the hydrogenotrophic methanogens (i.e., Methanobacterium) were enriched to a certain extent. Further statistical analyses reveal that the Rhodobacter, Thermomonas, Terrimonas and Saccharomyces are responsible for ethanol production during the fermentation. However, these findings not only provide a reference for the development of enhancing ethanol-type fermentation of sludge, but also are expected to provide a new way of thinking for the efficient bioenergy and resource recovery from sludge.Strict air pollution control measures were conducted during the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) period at Nanjing city and surrounding areas in August 2014. This event provides a unique chance to evaluate the effect of government control measures on regional atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Many previous studies have observed significant reductions of atmospheric pollution species and improvement in air quality, while no study has quantified its synergism on anthropogenic CO2 emissions, which can be co-reduced with air pollutants. To better understand to what extent these pollution control measures have reduced anthropogenic CO2 emissions, we conducted atmospheric CO2 measurements at the suburban site in Nanjing city from 1st July to 30th September 2014 and 1st August to 31st August 2015, obvious decrease in atmospheric CO2 was observed between YOG and the rest period. By coupling the a priori emission inventory with atmospheric transport model, we applied the scale factor Bayesian inversion approach to derive the posteriori CO2 emissions in YOG period and regular period. Results indicate CO2 emissions from power industry decreased by 45%, and other categories also decreased by 16% for manufacturing combusting, and 37% for non-metallic mineral production. Monthly total anthropogenic CO2 emissions were 9.8 (±3.6) × 109 kg/month CO2 for regular period and decreased to 6.2 (±1.9) × 109 kg/month during the YOG period in Nanjing city, with a 36.7% reduction. When scaling up to whole Jiangsu Province, anthropogenic CO2 emissions were 7.1 (±2.4) × 1010 kg/month CO2 for regular period and decreased to 4.4 (±1.2) × 1010 kg/month CO2 during the YOG period, yielding a 38.0% reduction.Ultraviolet (UV) assisted zero-valent iron (ZVI)-activated sodium persulfate (PDS) oxidation (UV-ZVI-PDS) was used to treat waste activated sludge (WAS) in this study. The dewaterability performance and mechanism of WAS dewatering were analyzed. The results showed that UV-ZVI-PDS can obtain better sludge dewatering performance in a wide pH range (2.0-8.0). When the molar ratio of ZVI/PDS was 0.6, UV was 254nm, PDS dosage was 200 mg/g TS (total solid), pH was 6.54, reaction time was 20 min, the CST (capillary suction time) and SRF (specific resistance to filtration) were decreased by 64.0% and 78.2%, respectively. The molar ratio of ZVI/PDS used in this paper is much lower than that of literatures, and the contents of total Fe and Fe2+ in sludge supernatant remained at a low level, as 3.7 mg/L and 0.0 mg/L. The analysis of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and particle size distribution showed that the EPS could be effectively destroyed by UV-ZVI-PDS, the sludge flocs broken down into smaller particles, cracks and holes appeared, and then the bound water was released. At the same time, the highly hydrophilic tightly bound-EPS (TB-EPS) were converted into loosely bound EPS (LB-EPS) and soluble EPS (S-EPS). During sludge pretreated by UV-ZVI-PDS, positively charged ions, such as Fe2+, Fe3+ and H+, produced in the reaction system could reduce the electronegativity of sludge surface, promote sludge particles aggregation, and then enhanced the sludge dewaterability.LnMnO3+σ (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd or Dy) perovskites synthesized by sol-gel method were employed for gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0) removal from coal-fired flue gas. Characterization results revealed the structure of the perovskites presented a phase transition process from rhombohedral system to O- and O'-orthorhombic structure with the change of A-site rare earth elements. The perovskites showed satisfactory Hg0 removal capacity in a narrow temperature range of 100-150°C. NdMnO3+σ with an O-O' orthorhombic structure presented the best Hg0 removal performance, which markedly depends on four factors crystal structure, oxygen vacancy density, Mn4+/Mn3+ ratio and surface element segregation. The Hg0 removal mechanism was illustrated based on the mercury temperature programmed desorption experiment and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy characterization. Both chemisorption and catalytic oxidation played a role in the Hg0 removal process. Chemisorption dominated the Hg0 removal, due to the slow catalytic oxidation rate at low temperature. This work preliminarily established the relation between the structure of rare earth manganese perovskite and Hg0 removal performance.The concentration variation of C3-C11 non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) collected in several types of commercial flexible bags and adsorption tubes was systematically investigated using a gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) system. The percentage loss of each NMHC in the polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) bags was less than 5% during a 7-hr storage period; significant NMHCs loss was detected in aluminum foil composite film and fluorinated ethylene propylene bags. The thermal desorption efficiency of NMHCs for adsorption tubes filled Carbopack B and Carboxen1000 sorbents was greater than 95% at 300℃, and the loss of NMHCs in the adsorption tubes during 20-days storage at 4℃ was less than 8%. The thermal desorption efficiency for C11 NMHCs in the adsorption tube filled with Carbograph 1 and Carbosieve SⅢ absorbents was less than 40% at 300℃, and pyrolysis of the absorbents at 330℃ interfered significantly with the measurements of some alkenes. The loss of alkenes was significant when NMHCs were sampled by cryo-enrichment at -90℃ in the presence of O3 for the online NMHC measurements, and negligible for enrichment using adsorption tubes at 25℃. Although O3 scrubbers have been widely used to eliminate the influence of O3 on NMHC measurements, the loss of NMHCs with carbon numbers greater than 8 was more than 10%. Therefore, PVF bags and adsorption tubes filled Carbopack B and Carboxen1000 sorbents were recommended for the sampling of atmospheric NMHCs.Biochar, carbonaceous material produced from biomass pyrolysis, has been demonstrated to have electron transfer property (associated with redox active groups and multi condensed aromatic moiety), and to be also involved in biogeochemical redox reactions. In this study, the enhanced removal of Cr(VI) by Shewanella oneidensis MR-1(MR-1) in the presence of biochars with different pyrolysis temperatures (300 to 800 °C) was investigated to understand how biochar interacts with Cr(VI) reducing bacteria under anaerobic condition. The promotion effects of biochar (as high as 1.07~1.47 fold) were discovered in this process, of which the synergistic effect of BMBC700(ball milled biochar) and BMBC800 with MR-1 was noticeable, in contrast, the synergistic effect of BMBCs (300-600 °C) with MR-1 was not recognized. The more enhanced removal effect was observed with the increase of BMBC dosage for BMBC700+MR-1 group. The conductivity and conjugated O-containing functional groups of BMBC700 particles themselves has been proposed to become a dominant factor for the synergistic action with this strain. And, the smallest negative Zeta potential of BMBC700 and BMBC800 is thought to favor decreasing the distance from microbe than other BMBCs. The results are expected to provide some technical considerations and scientific insight for the optimization of bioreduction by useful microbes combining with biochar composites to be newly developed.

Autoři článku: Kjerashby5542 (Ellison Elmore)