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Techniques used in cave art suggest that drawing skills emerged long before the oldest known representative human productions (44,000 years BC). This study seeks to improve our knowledge of the evolutionary origins and the ontogenetic development of drawing behavior by studying drawings of humans (N = 178, 3- to 10-year-old children and adults) and chimpanzees (N = 5). Drawings were characterized with an innovative index based on spatial measures which provides the degree of efficiency for the lines that are drawn. Results showed that this index was lowest in chimpanzees, increased and reached its maximum between 5-year-old and 10-year-old children and decreased in adults, whose drawing efficiency was reduced by the addition of details. Drawings of chimpanzees are not random suggesting that their movements are constrained by cognitive or locomotor aspect and we cannot conclude to the absence of representativeness. We also used indices based on colors and time and asked children about what they drew. These indices can be considered relevant tools to improve our understanding of drawing development and evolution in hominids.Motifs are patterns of inter-connections between nodes of a network, and have been investigated as building blocks of directed networks. This study explored the re-organization of 3-node motifs during loss and recovery of consciousness. Nine healthy subjects underwent a 3-h anesthetic protocol while 128-channel electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded. In the alpha (8-13 Hz) band, 5-min epochs of EEG were extracted for Baseline; Induction; Unconscious; 30-, 10- and 5-min pre-recovery of responsiveness; 30- and 180-min post-recovery of responsiveness. We constructed a functional brain network using the weighted and directed phase lag index, on which we calculated the frequency and topology of 3-node motifs. Three motifs (motifs 1, 2 and 5) were significantly present across participants and epochs, when compared to random networks (p  less then  0.05). The topology of motifs 1 and 5 changed significantly between responsive and unresponsive epochs (p-values  less then  0.01; Kendall's W = 0.664 (motif 1) and 0.529 (motif 5)). Motif 1 was constituted of long-range chain-like connections, while motif 5 was constituted of short-range, loop-like connections. Our results suggest that anesthetic-induced unconsciousness is associated with a topological re-organization of network motifs. As motif topological re-organization may precede (motif 5) or accompany (motif 1) the return of responsiveness, motifs could contribute to the understanding of the neural correlates of consciousness.Tobacco bacterial wilt (TBW) caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is the most serious soil-borne disease of tobacco. However, molecular mechanism information of R. solanacearum resistance is limited to tobacco, hindering better breeding of resistant tobacco. In this study, the expression profiles of the rootstalks of Yunyan87 (susceptible cultivar) and Fandi3 (resistant cultivar) at different stages after R. solanacearum infection were compared to explore molecular mechanisms of tobacco resistance against the bacterium. Findings from gene-expression profiling indicated that the number of upregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) at 3 and 7 days post-inoculation (dpi) increased significantly in the resistant cultivar. WRKY6 and WRKY11 family genes in WRKY transcription factors, ERF5 and ERF15 family genes in ERFs transcription factors, and genes encoding PR5 were significantly upregulated in the resistant cultivar response to the infection. For the first time, WRKY11 and ERF15 were found to be possibly involved in disease-resistance. The Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis demonstrated glutathione metabolism and phenylpropane pathways as primary resistance pathways to R. solanacearum infection. In the resistant cultivar, DEGs encoding CYP450, TCM, CCoAOMT, 4CL, PAL, CCR, CSE, and CADH, involved in the synthesis of plant antitoxins such as flavonoids, stilbenoids, and lignins, enriched in the phenylpropane pathway were upregulated at 3 and 7 dpi. Furthermore, a pot experiment was performed to verify the role of flavonoids in controlling TBW. VX-803 mw This study will strongly contribute to a better understanding of molecular interactions between tobacco plants and R. solanacearum.We performed finite-element micromagnetic simulations to examine the formation of skyrmions without intrinsic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in magnetic hemispherical shells. We found that curvature-induced DM-like interaction allows for further stabilization of skyrmions without the DMI in curved-geometry hemispherical shells for a specific range of uniaxial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) constant Ku. The larger the curvature of the shell, the higher the Ku value required for the formation of the skyrmions. With well-stabilized skyrmions, we also found in-plane gyration modes and azimuthal spin-wave modes as well as an out-of-plane breathing mode, similarly to previously found modes for planar geometries. Furthermore, additional higher-frequency hybrid modes were observed due to coupling between the gyration and azimuthal modes. This work provides further physical insight into the static and dynamic properties of intrinsic DMI-free skyrmions formed in curved-geometry systems.Layered topographic maps of the depolarisation due to diffuse biological tissues are produced using a polarisation-holographic Mueller matrix method approach. Histological sections of myocardial tissue with a spatially structured optically anisotropic fibrillar network, and parenchymal liver tissue with a polycrystalline island structure are successfully mapped. The topography of the myocardium maps relates to the scattering multiplicity within the volume and the specific morphological structures of the biological crystallite networks. The overall depolarisation map is a convolution of the effects of these two factors. Parenchymal liver tissues behave broadly similarly, but the different biological structures present cause the degree of scattering multiplicity to increase more rapidly with increasing phase. Through statistical analysis, the dependences of the magnitudes of the first to fourth order statistical moments are determined. These moments characterise the changing distributions of the depolarisation values through the volume of biological tissues with different morphological structures. Parenchymal liver tissue depolarisation maps are characterised by larger mean and variance, and less skewness and kurtosis, compared to the distributions for the myocardium. This work demonstrates that a polarisation-holographic Mueller matrix method can be applied to the assessment of the 3D morphology of biological tissues, with applications in disease diagnosis.Fungi are an important and understudied component of coastal biomes including sand beaches. Basic biogeographic diversity data are lacking for marine fungi in most parts of the world, despite their important role in decomposition. We examined intertidal fungal communities at several United States (US) Gulf of Mexico sand beach sites using morphology and ITS rDNA terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analyses. Fungal biogeographical patterns from sand beach detritus (wood, emergent plant [mangrove/ saltmarsh], or marine [algae, seagrass]) from Florida, Mississippi, and Texas were investigated using diversity indices and multivariate analyses. Fungal diversity increased with decreasing latitude at our study sites. Substrate type strongly influenced fungal community structure in this region, with different fungal communities on detrital marine versus emergent substrates, as well as detrital marine versus wood substrates. Thirty-five fungi were identified morphologically, including new regional and host records. Of these, 86% were unique to an individual collection (i.e., sampled once from one site). Rarefaction curves from pooled morphological data from all sites estimate the number of samples required to characterize the mycota of each substrate. As sampling occurred before the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (April-2010), our findings contribute pre-oil spill sand beach biodiversity data and marine fungal distribution trends within this economically important oceanographic region.The present article provides a detailed analysis of entropy generation on the unsteady three-dimensional incompressible and electrically conducting magnetohydrodynamic flow of a Casson nanofluid under the influence of mixed convection, radiation, viscous dissipation, Brownian motion, Ohmic heating, thermophoresis and heat generation. At first, similarity transformation is used to transform the governing nonlinear coupled partial differential equations into nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations, and then the resulting highly nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations are numerically solved by the utilization of spectral quasi-linearization method. Moreover, the effects of pertinent flow parameters on velocity distribution, temperature distribution, concentration distribution, entropy generation and Bejan number are depicted prominently through various graphs and tables. It can be analyzed from the graphs that the Casson parameter acts as an assisting parameter towards the temperature distribution in the absence of viscous and Joule dissipations, while it has an adverse effect on temperature under the impacts of viscous and Joule dissipations. On the contrary, entropy generation increases significantly for larger Brinkman number, diffusive variable and concentration ratio parameter, whereas the reverse effects of these parameters on Bejan number are examined. Apart from this, the numerical values of some physical quantities such as skin friction coefficients in x and z directions, local Nusselt number and Sherwood number for the variation of the values of pertinent parameters are displayed in tabular forms. A quadratic multiple regression analysis for these physical quantities has also been carried out to improve the present model's effectiveness in various industrial and engineering areas. Furthermore, an appropriate agreement is obtained on comparing the present results with previously published results.Real-world data (RWD) sources are important to advance clinical oncology research and evaluate treatments in daily practice. Since 2013, the Prospective Dutch Colorectal Cancer (PLCRC) cohort, linked to the Netherlands Cancer Registry, serves as an infrastructure for scientific research collecting additional patient-reported outcomes (PRO) and biospecimens. Here we report on cohort developments and investigate to what extent PLCRC reflects the "real-world". Clinical and demographic characteristics of PLCRC participants were compared with the general Dutch CRC population (n = 74,692, Dutch-ref). To study representativeness, standardized differences between PLCRC and Dutch-ref were calculated, and logistic regression models were evaluated on their ability to distinguish cohort participants from the Dutch-ref (AU-ROC 0.5 = preferred, implying participation independent of patient characteristics). Stratified analyses by stage and time-period (2013-2016 and 2017-Aug 2019) were performed to study the evolution towards RWD.

Autoři článku: Kjellerupmolloy7760 (Velling Hartmann)