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Rainfall negatively affected abundance, whereas increased temperature showed a low positive effect. We detected Leishmania amazonensis parasites in Pi. townsendi for the first time. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail AND OBJECTIVES The opioid epidemic has led to substantive regulatory and policy changes. Little is known about how these changes have impacted older adults, especially those with chronic pain and multiple chronic conditions (MCC). We sought to understand the experiences of older adults with chronic pain and MCC in the context of the opioid epidemic and policy responses to it. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Purposive sampling of older adults in a West Coast metropolitan area. Semistructured in-depth interviews lasting 45-120 min were digitally recorded and transcribed. Responses were analyzed using the constant comparative method. Participants were 25 adults aged 65 years and greater with three or more self-reported medical conditions and pain lasting for more than 6 months. RESULTS Respondents' accounts revealed numerous unintended consequences of the opioid epidemic and its policy responses. We identified four main themes changes to the patient-clinician relationship; lack of patient agency and access in pain management; patient ambivalence and anxiety about existing opioid treatment/use; and patient concerns about future use. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS Older adults have high rates of chronic pain and MCC that may reduce their pain management options. The opioid epidemic and policies addressing it have the potential to negatively affect patient-clinician relationships and patients' pain self-management. Clinicians may be able to mitigate these unintended consequences by actively conveying respect to the patient, empowering patients in their pain self-management activities, and proactively addressing worries and fears patients may own related to their current and future pain management regimens. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail is the primary complication of current tissue-engineered vascular grafts used in pediatric congenital cardiac surgery. Murine models provide considerable insight into the possible mechanisms underlying this situation, but they are not efficient for identifying optimal changes in scaffold design or therapeutic strategies to prevent narrowing. In contrast, computational modeling promises to enable time- and cost-efficient examinations of factors leading to narrowing. Whereas past models have been limited by their phenomenological basis, we present a new mechanistic model that integrates molecular- and cellular-driven immuno- and mechano-mediated contributions to in vivo neotissue development within implanted polymeric scaffolds. Model parameters are inferred directly from in vivo measurements for an inferior vena cava interposition graft model in the mouse that are augmented by data from the literature. By complementing Bayesian estimation with identifiability analysis and simplex optimization, we found optimal parameter values that match model outputs with experimental targets and quantify variability due to measurement uncertainty. Utility is illustrated by parametrically exploring possible graft narrowing as a function of scaffold pore size, macrophage activity, and the immunomodulatory cytokine transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1). The model captures salient temporal profiles of infiltrating immune and synthetic cells and associated secretion of cytokines, proteases, and matrix constituents throughout neovessel evolution, and parametric studies suggest that modulating scaffold immunogenicity with early immunomodulatory therapies may reduce graft narrowing without compromising compliance. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, is an important food staple and export crop for the Island of Hawaii. Cylas formicarius elegantulus, sweet potato weevil, is a major quarantine pest that causes severe destruction to the crop. Root malformation and a bitter taste occur when larvae feed and tunnel within the storage root. Off-grade roots are often left in the field after harvest and serve as a reservoir for the weevils. Current management involves the unsustainable practice of moving to virgin land for the next cropping cycle. Strains of Heterorhabditis indica isolated from the Hawaiian Islands were tested for their efficacy at causing mortality of C. formicarius and reducing the emergence of adults from infested roots. In well plate assays, H. indica caused mortality of 88% larvae, 96% pupae, and 4% adults after 48 h. When applied to infested roots, the nematodes caused an average mortality of 78% larvae, 66% pupae, and 32% adults. Greater mortality was observed at the highest inoculum levels (10,000 infective juveniles per storage tuber) but a reduction of 90% inoculum density was still effective at weevil management. In simulated field trials, infestation of storage roots was reduced by 42-99.6% when planted among infested roots that had been inoculated with H. indica. Rates of 2.5 billion IJs/hectare were just as effective as 5 billion IJs/hectare. Application of local H. indica strains in sweet potato production has the potential to manage C. formicarius populations and allow for consecutive cropping seasons. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2020.PURPOSE To describe the process and outcomes of services or products co-produced with patients in hospital settings. DATA SOURCES Database searches on Medline, CINAHL and Business Source between 2008 and 2019. STUDY SELECTION Studies that evaluate the products of co-production in hospital settings. DATA EXTRACTION Primary outcome is the individual and organizational outcomes resulting from co-production. Study characteristics, co-production process, level of engagement and intensity of engagement were also extracted. RESULTS OF DATA SYNTHESIS A total of 13 studies were included. Types of co-produced outputs were health services and care processes, tools and resources, and technology-based products, such as mobile application. Most studies engaged patients at a consultative or involvement level, with only four studies engaging patients as partners. Moderate-to-high acceptability and usability by patients and health services were reported for co-produced outputs. Organizational outcomes were also reported qualitatively as producing various positive effects, such as improved communication and diagnostic process. Positive patient outcomes were reported for co-produced outputs in qualitative (e.g. improved social support) and quantitative results (e.g. reduction of clinic wait time). No patient clinical outcomes were reported. CONCLUSION Co-produced outputs have moderate-to-high acceptability, usability or uptake. There is insufficient evidence on other organizational or patient outcomes due to the lack of reporting of outcomes in co-production. Future research should focus on the outcomes (i.e. effects on patients and health service providers), not just the output of co-production. This is critical to provide feedback to advance the knowledge and implementation of co-production. SBI-0640756 mw © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press in association with the International Society for Quality in Health Care. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail the past decade, nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems have been extensively explored. However, the average tumour enrichment ratio of passive targeting systems corresponds to only 0.7% due to the nonspecific uptake by normal organs and poor selective retention in tumours. The therapeutic specificity and efficacy of nano-medicine can be enhanced by equipping it with active targeting ligands, although it is not possible to ignore the recognition and clearance of the reticuloendothelial system (RES) caused by targeting ligands. Given the complexity of the systemic circulation environment, it is necessary to carefully consider the hydrophobicity, immunogenicity, and electrical property of targeting ligands. Thus, for an active targeting system, the targeting ligands should be shielded in blood circulation and de-shielded in the tumour region for enhanced tumour accumulation. In this study, strategies for improving the performance of active targeting ligands are introduced. The strategies include irreversible shielding, reversible shielding, and methods of modulating the multivalent interactions between ligands and receptors. Furthermore, challenges and future developments in designing active ligand targeting systems are also discussed.Dynamic covalent hydrogels crosslinked by boronate ester bonds are promising materials for biomedical applications. However, little is known about the impact of the crosslink structure on the mechanical behaviour of the resulting network. Herein, we provide a mechanistic study on boronate ester crosslinking upon mixing hyaluronic acid (HA) backbones modified, on the one hand, with two different arylboronic acids, and on the other hand, with three different saccharide units. Combining rheology, NMR and computational analysis, we demonstrate that carefully selecting the arylboronic-polyol couple allows for tuning the thermodynamics and molecular exchange kinetics of the boronate ester bond, thereby controlling the rheological properties of the gel. In particular, we report the formation of "strong" gels (i.e. featuring slow relaxation dynamics) through the formation of original complex structures (tridentate or bidentate complexes). These findings offer new prospects for the rational design of hydrogel scaffolds with tailored mechanical response.With the aim to develop a novel multifunctional gene delivery system that may overcome the common barriers of gene transfection, near-infrared fluorescent triphenylamine-pyrazine was modified with a DNA condensing triazole-[12]aneN3 moiety through different length alkyl ester linkages to afford three new non-viral gene vectors, TDM-A/B/C. All compounds showed prominent solvatochromic fluorescence (Stokes shift of up to 383 nm) and two-photon absorption properties (σ2P to 101 GM), and exhibited strong aggregation-induced emission (AIE). Gel electrophoresis demonstrated that plasmid DNA was completely condensed at a concentration of 10 μM (TDM-A), 14 μM (TDM-B) and 16 μM (TDM-C), and released in esterase and acidic environment. SEM demonstrated that the three compounds were able to self-assemble and co-aggregate with DNA to form regular nanoparticles. Experiments demonstrated that TDM-A/B/C was able to integrate with DNA through electrostatic interactions and supramolecular stacking, and the short alkyl linkage favored the strong interaction with DNA. Among the three compounds, TDM-B showed the best luciferase and GFP transfection activities in the presence of DOPE, which were 156% and 310% higher than those of Lipo2000, respectively. The transfection process of DNA was clearly traced through one- and two-photon fluorescence microscopy imaging. Cellular uptake inhibition assay indicated that the DNA complex entered the cell mainly via clathrin-independent endocytosis. Furthermore, the in vivo transfection experiments of TDM-B/DOPE were successfully implemented in zebra fish embryos, and the GFP gene expression level was superior to that of Lipo2000 (200%). Finally, this study clearly unraveled that the length of the alkyl linkage affected the DNA condensation and transfection activity, which can serve as a base for the future rational design of non-viral gene vectors.

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