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Interestingly, trichomes and pavement cells are known to endoreduplicate, and we discussed the putative advantages given by endopolyploidy in xenobiotic detoxification abilities. The same feature concerning basal salt gland cells in Spartina has been raised. This similarity with detoxification in the endopolyploid liver cells of the animal system is included.Brassinosteroids (BRs) as a class of steroid plant hormones participate in the regulation of numerous developmental processes, including root and shoot growth, vascular differentiation, fertility, flowering, and seed germination, as well as in responding to environmental stresses. During four decades of research, the BR biosynthetic pathways have been well studied with forward- and reverse genetics approaches. The free BRs contain 27, 28, and 29 carbons within their skeletal structure (1) 5α-cholestane or 26-nor-24α-methyl-5α-cholestane for C27-BRs; (2) 24α-methyl-5α-cholestane, 24β-methyl-5α-cholestane or 24-methylene-5α-cholestane for C28-BRs; (3) 24α-ethyl-5α-cholestane, 24(Z)-ethylidene-5α-cholestane, 25-methyl-5α-campestane or 24-methylene-25-methyl-5α-cholestane for C29-BRs, as well as different kinds and orientations of oxygenated functions in A- and B-ring. These alkyl substituents are also common structural features of sterols. BRs are derived from sterols carrying the same side chain. The C27-BRs without substituent at C-24 are biosynthesized from cholesterol. The C28-BRs carrying either an α-methyl, β-methyl, or methylene group are derived from campesterol, 24-epicampesterol or 24-methylenecholesterol, respectively. The C29-BRs with an α-ethyl group are produced from sitosterol. Furthermore, the C29 BRs carrying methylene at C-24 and an additional methyl group at C-25 are derived from 24-methylene-25-methylcholesterol. Generally, BRs are biosynthesized via cycloartenol and cycloartanol dependent pathways. Till now, more than 17 compounds were characterized as inhibitors of the BR biosynthesis. For nine of the inhibitors (e.g., brassinazole and YCZ-18) a specific target reaction within the BR biosynthetic pathway has been identified. Therefore, the review highlights comprehensively recent advances in our understanding of the BR biosynthesis, sterol precursors, and dependencies between the C27-C28 and C28-C29 pathways.Pectins represent one of the main components of the plant primary cell wall. These polymers have critical roles in cell expansion, cell-cell adhesion and response to biotic stress. We present a comprehensive screening of pectin architecture of the unicellular streptophyte, Penium margaritaceum. Penium possesses a distinct cell wall whose outer layer consists of a lattice of pectin-rich fibers and projections. In this study, cells were exposed to a variety of physical, chemical and enzymatic treatments that directly affect the cell wall, especially the pectin lattice. Correlative analyses of pectin lattice perturbation using field emission scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy demonstrate that pectin lattice microarchitecture is both highly sensitive and malleable.The tolerance of photosynthesis to strong light increases in photosynthetic organisms during acclimation to strong light. We investigated the role of carotenoids in the protection of photosystem II (PSII) from photoinhibition after acclimation to strong light in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In cells that had been grown under strong light at 1,000 μmol photons m-2 s-1 (SL), specific carotenoids, namely, zeaxanthin, echinenone, and myxoxanthophyll, accumulated at high levels, and the photoinhibition of PSII was less marked than in cells that had been grown under standard growth light at 70 μmol photons m-2 s-1 (GL). The rate of photodamage to PSII, as monitored in the presence of lincomycin, did not differ between cells grown under SL and GL, suggesting that the mitigation of photoinhibition after acclimation to SL might be attributable to the enhanced ability to repair PSII. When cells grown under GL were transferred to SL, the mitigation of photoinhibition of PSII occurred in two distinct stages a first stage that lasted 4 h and the second stage that occurred after 8 h. During the second stage, the accumulation of specific carotenoids was detected, together with enhanced synthesis de novo of proteins that are required for the repair of PSII, such as the D1 protein, and suppression of the production of singlet oxygen (1O2). In the ΔcrtRΔcrtO mutant of Synechocystis, which lacks zeaxanthin, echinenone, and myxoxanthophyll, the mitigation of photoinhibition of PSII, the enhancement of protein synthesis, and the suppression of production of 1O2 were significantly impaired during the second stage of acclimation. Thus, elevated levels of the specific carotenoids during acclimation to strong light appeared to protect protein synthesis from 1O2, with the resultant mitigation of photoinhibition of PSII.Plant stomata which consist of a pair of guard cells, are not only finely controlled to balance water loss as transpiration and CO2 absorption for photosynthesis, but also serve as the major sites to defend against pathogen attack, thus allowing plants to respond appropriately to abiotic and biotic stress conditions. The regulatory signaling network for stomatal movement is complex in nature, and plant peptides have been shown to be involved in signaling processes. Arabidopsis secreted peptide PIP1 was previously identified as an endogenous elicitor, which induced immune response through its receptor, RLK7. PIP1-RLK7 can activate stomatal immunity against the bacterial strain Pst DC3118. However, the molecular mechanism of PIP1 in stomatal regulation is still unclear and additional new factors need to be discovered. In this study, we further clarified that PIP1 could function as an important regulator in the induction of stomatal closure. The results showed that PIP1 could promote stomata to close in a certain range of concentrations and response time. Imidazolo-oxindole PKR inhibitor C16 In addition, we uncovered that PIP1-RLK7 signaling regulated stomatal response by activating S-type anion channel SLAC1. PIP1-induced stomatal closure was impaired in bak1, mpk3, and mpk6 mutants, indicating that BAK1 and MPK3/MPK6 were required for PIP1-regulated stomatal movement. Our research further deciphered that OST1 which acts as an essential ABA-signaling component, also played a role in PIP1-induced stomatal closure. In addition, ROS participated in PIP1-induced stomatal closure and PIP1 could activate Ca2+ permeable channels. In conclusion, we reveal the role of peptide PIP1 in triggering stomatal closure and the possible mechanism of PIP1 in the regulation of stomatal apertures. Our findings improve the understanding of the role of PIP1 in stomatal regulation and immune response.Longan (Dimocarpus longan) is a typical southern subtropical fruit tree species that is sensitive to cold stress. C-repeat binding factors (CBFs), as transcription factors, are crucial components involved in the molecular regulation of the plant response to cold stress. However, the role of CBF homologs in the cold response regulation of longan remains largely unknown. Here, three novel CBF genes, DlCBF1, DlCBF2, and DlCBF3, were cloned from longan. DlCBF1 and DlCBF2 contain an AP2 domain and PKKPAGR and DSAWR CBF signature motifs, while DlCBF3 has mutations within these conserved signature motifs. DlCBF1/2/3 were mainly localized in the nucleus and specifically bound to CRT/DRE cis-elements, resulting in strong transcriptional activation. DlCBF1/2 exhibited tissue expression specificity, and their expression was induced by low temperature, while DlCBF3 had no tissue specificity and barely responded to low temperature. DlCBF1, DlCBF2, and DlCBF3 overexpression in Arabidopsis-enhanced cold tolerance by increasing proline accumulation and reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS) content, accompanied by upregulated expression of cold-responsive genes (AtRD29A, AtCOR15A, AtCOR47, and AtKIN1) in the CBF cold stress response signaling pathway. In conclusion, the biological functions of DlCBF1/2/3 were somewhat conserved, but slow expression of DlCBF1/2 and low expression of DlCBF3 may partly cause the cold sensitivity of longan. Collectively, these results indicated that differences exist in the expression and function of CBF orthologs in the cold-sensitive plant species longan, and these findings may help to improve the understanding of the cold response regulation mechanism and provide important theoretical support for cold-tolerant breeding of longan.In clementine, failure of fertilization can result in parthenocarpic fruit development, which has several advantages, such as seedless fruit, longer shelf-life, and greater consumer appeal. Recently, S-RNases have been identified in Citrus grandis, thus revealing that the self-incompatibility (SI) reaction relies on the S-RNase gametophytic mechanism. link2 The fundamental role of environmental factors, mostly temperature, in determining the numbers of pollen tubes reaching the ovary is also well established in Citrus. In the present work, temperature-dependent pollen-pistil interactions in C. clementina were analyzed, focusing on several morphological aspects, as well as on polyamine (PA) content and the activity and distribution of transglutaminase (TGase), both reported to be involved in the SI response in pear and in pummelo. link3 Results clearly indicate that temperature contributed to a different activation of the SI response, which occurs at optimal temperature of 25°C but was by-passed at 15°C. TGase activity was stimulated during the SI response, and it localized differently in the compatible and incompatible interaction in compatible pollinated styles, TGase localized inside the style canal, while it was detected all around it in incompatible crosses. TGase localization and activity were congruent with the levels of soluble and insoluble conjugated PAs and with morphological evidences, which highlighted cell wall modification occurring as a result of SI.Reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are universal compounds that are constantly present in plant cells. RNS function depends on their actual level (the "nitrosative door" concept), duration of plant exposure to RNS and the context of the exposure. RNS are involved in the nitration of nucleic acids and fatty acids, posttranslational protein modifications (nitration and S-nitrosylation), and modulation of reactive oxygen species metabolism. RNS are regulatory molecules of various physiological processes in plants, including seed formation, maturation, dormancy and germination. The free radical theory of aging, well documented for animals, indicated that RNS participate in the regulation of the life span. Some data point to RNS contribution in preservation of seed vigor and/or regulation of seed longevity. Seed aging is a problem for biologists and agriculture, which could be solved by application of RNS, as a factor that may potentially expand seed vitality resulting in increased germination rate. The review is focused on RNS, particularly nitric oxide contribution to regulation of seed aging.The present study reveals contrasting responses of photosynthesis to salt stress in two C4 species a glycophyte Setaria viridis (SV) and a halophyte Spartina alterniflora (SA). Specifically, the effect of short-term salt stress treatment on the photosynthetic CO2 uptake and electron transport were investigated in SV and its salt-tolerant close relative SA. In this experiment, at the beginning, plants were grown in soil then were exposed to salt stress under hydroponic conditions for two weeks. SV demonstrated a much higher susceptibility to salt stress than SA; while, SV was incapable to survive subjected to about 100 mM, SA can tolerate salt concentrations up to 550 mM with slight effect on photosynthetic CO2 uptake rates and electrons transport chain conductance (gETC ). Regardless the oxygen concentration used, our results show an enhancement in the P700 oxidation with increasing O2 concentration for SV following NaCl treatment and almost no change for SA. We also observed an activation of the cyclic NDH-dependent pathway in SV by about 2.

Autoři článku: Kirkegaardkinney9101 (Svenstrup Boyd)