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obial samples. One advantage of this technique is that the addition of a metal helps facilitate ionization from electrically nonconductive substrates, which allows for the investigation of biofilms grown in polymer-based devices, like soil-emulating micromodels.SARS-CoV-2 has had a disproportionate impact on nonhospital health care settings, such as long-term-care facilities (LTCFs). The communal nature of these facilities, paired with the high-risk profile of residents, has resulted in thousands of infections and deaths and a high case fatality rate. To detect presymptomatic infections and identify infected workers, we performed weekly surveillance testing of staff at two LTCFs, which revealed a large outbreak at one of the sites. We collected serum from staff members throughout the study and evaluated it for binding and neutralization to measure seroprevalence, seroconversion, and type and functionality of antibodies. At the site with very few incident infections, we detected that over 40% of the staff had preexisting SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies, suggesting prior exposure. At the outbreak site, we saw rapid seroconversion following infection. Neutralizing antibody levels were stable for many weeks following infection, suggesting a durable, long-lived responalf the staff already had antibodies, suggesting prior infection. The majority of these antibodies bind to the receptor-binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and are potently neutralizing and stable for many months. The non-outbreak site had two unique introductions of SARS-CoV-2 into the facility, but these did not result in workplace spread or outbreaks. Our results reveal that high seroprevalence among staff can contribute to immunity and protect against subsequent infection and spread within a facility.Antibiotic resistance is a global challenge for tuberculosis control, and accelerating its diagnosis is critical for therapy decisions and controlling transmission. Genotype-based molecular diagnostics now play an increasing role in accelerating the detection of such antibiotic resistance, but their accuracy depends on the instructed detection of genetic variations. Genetic mobile elements such as IS6110 are established sources of genetic variation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, but their implication in clinical antibiotic resistance has thus far been unclear. Here, we describe the discovery of an intragenic IS6110 insertion into Rv0678 that caused antibiotic resistance in an in vitro-selected M. tuberculosis isolate. The subsequent development of bioinformatics scripts allowed genome-wide analysis of intragenic IS6110 insertions causing gene disruptions in 6,426 clinical M. tuberculosis strains. This analysis identified 10,070 intragenic IS6110 insertions distributed among 333 different genes. Focusing on geetect the most common antibiotic-resistance-conferring mutations in the form of single nucleotide changes, small deletions, or insertions. Mobile genetic elements, named IS6110, are also known to move within the M. tuberculosis genome and cause significant genetic variations, although the role of this variation in clinical drug resistance remains unclear. In this work, we show that both in vitro and in data analyzed from 6,426 clinical M. tuberculosis strains, IS6110 elements are found that disrupt specific genes essential for the function of a number of pivotal antituberculosis drugs. By providing ample evidence of clinically relevant IS6110-mediated drug resistance, we believe that this shows that this form of genetic variation must not be overlooked in molecular diagnostics of drug resistance.The deep-branching protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia is the causative agent of the intestinal disease giardiasis. Consistent with its proposed evolutionary position, many pathways are minimalistic or divergent, including its actin cytoskeleton. Giardia is the only eukaryote known to lack all canonical actin-binding proteins. Previously, our lab identified a number of noncanonical Giardia lamblia actin (GlActin) interactors; however, these proteins appeared to interact only with monomeric or globular actin (G-actin) rather than with filamentous actin (F-actin). To identify F-actin interactors, we used a chemical cross-linker to preserve native interactions followed by an anti-GlActin antibody, protein A affinity chromatography, and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. We found 46 putative actin interactors enriched under the conditions favoring F-actin. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD026067. None of the proteins identified contain known actin-interacting motifs, and mved role in Giardia cells, despite being a highly divergent protein with none of the conserved regulators found in model organisms. Here, we identify and localize 46 interactors of polymerized actin. These putative interactors localize to a number of places in the cell, underlining GlActin's importance in multiple cellular processes. Surprisingly, eight of these proteins localize to the ventral disc, Giardia's host attachment organelle. Since host attachment is required for infection, proteins involved in this process are an appealing target for new drugs. While treatments for Giardia exist, drug resistance is becoming more common, resulting in a need for new treatments. Giardia and human systems are highly dissimilar, thus drugs specifically tailored to Giardia proteins would be less likely to have side effects.Bacteria have necessarily evolved a protective arsenal of proteins to contend with peroxides and other reactive oxygen species generated in aerobic environments. Listeria monocytogenes encounters an onslaught of peroxide both in the environment and during infection of the mammalian host, where it is the causative agent of the foodborne illness listeriosis. Despite the importance of peroxide for the immune response to bacterial infection, the strategy by which L. monocytogenes protects against peroxide toxicity has yet to be illuminated. Here, we investigated the expression and essentiality of all the peroxidase-encoding genes during L. monocytogenes growth in vitro and during infection of murine cells in tissue culture. We found that chdC and kat were required for aerobic growth in vitro, and fri and ahpA were each required for L. monocytogenes to survive acute peroxide stress. Despite increased expression of fri, ahpA, and kat during infection of macrophages, only fri proved necessary for cytosolic growth. In contrast, the proteins encoded by lmo0367, lmo0983, tpx, lmo1609, and ohrA were dispensable for aerobic growth, acute peroxide detoxification, and infection. Together, our results provide insight into the multifaceted L. monocytogenes peroxide detoxification strategy and demonstrate that L. monocytogenes encodes a functionally diverse set of peroxidase enzymes. IMPORTANCE Listeria monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular pathogen and the causative agent of the foodborne illness listeriosis. L. monocytogenes must contend with reactive oxygen species generated extracellularly during aerobic growth and intracellularly by the host immune system. However, the mechanisms by which L. monocytogenes defends against peroxide toxicity have not yet been defined. Here, we investigated the roles of each of the peroxidase-encoding genes in L. monocytogenes growth, peroxide stress response, and virulence in mammalian cells.Background Rate of corrective nasal surgery after maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been reported to be 18.7% for functional and aesthetic indications. Objective Describe a comprehensive strategy to optimize nasal outcomes with MMA for OSA. Methods A retrospective review of patients undergoing MMA for OSA in a tertiary referral center was performed, with a comprehensive perioperative intervention to optimize nasal outcomes from January 2014 to February 2018. Outcomes included the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI), oxygen saturation (SpO2) nadir, corrective nasal surgery needed after MMA, and Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) scores. Results AHI after MMA showed significant reduction (-34.65, p  less then  0.001), SpO2 nadir increased (+6.08, p  less then  0.001), and NOSE scores decreased (-5.96, p  less then  0.001). Corrective nasal surgery needed after MMA was reported in 6.5% (8 of 122) subjects at a mean of 8.5 months, ranging from 1 to 24.7 months. selleck compound Six subjects underwent either septoplasty and/or valve stenosis repair, and two subjects underwent functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty. Conclusion A perioperative strategy was applied since 2014 that showed effectiveness in reducing post-MMA corrective nasal surgery to 6.5%.Understanding the earliest events of HIV sexual transmission is critical to develop and optimize HIV prevention strategies. To gain insights into the earliest steps of HIV rectal transmission, including cellular targets, rhesus macaques were intra-rectally challenged with a single-round SIV-based dual reporter that expresses luciferase and iRFP670 upon productive transduction. The vector was pseudotyped with the HIV-1 envelope JRFL. Regions of tissue containing foci of luminescent, transduced cells were identified macroscopically using an in vivo imaging system, and individual transduced cells expressing fluorescent protein were identified and phenotyped microscopically. This system revealed that anal and rectal tissues are both susceptible to transduction 48 hours after the rectal challenge. Detailed phenotypic analysis revealed that on average, 62% of transduced cells are CCR6+ T cells-the vast majority of which express RORγT, a Th17 lineage-specific transcription factor. The second most common target cells were immature dendritic cells at 20%. These two cell types were transduced at the rates that are four to five times higher than their relative abundances indicate. Our work demonstrates that Th17 T and immature dendritic cells are preferential initial targets of HIV/SIV rectal transmission. IMPORTANCE Men and women who participate in unprotected receptive anal intercourse are at high risk for acquiring HIV. While in vitro data have developed a framework for understanding HIV cell tropism, the initial target cells in the rectal mucosa have not been identified. In this study, we identify these early host cells by using an innovative rhesus macaque rectal challenge model and methodology, which we previously developed. Thus, by shedding light on these early HIV/SIV transmission events, this study provides a specific cellular target for future prevention strategies.Uncoordinated 51-like kinase 1 (ULK1) is a well-characterized initiator of canonical autophagy under basal or pathological conditions. Porcine haemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (PHEV), a neurotropic betacoronavirus (β-CoV), impairs ULK1 kinase but hijacks autophagy to facilitate viral proliferation. However, the machinery of PHEV-induced autophagy initiation upon ULK1 kinase deficiency remains unclear. Here, the time course of PHEV infection showed a significant accumulation of autophagosomes (APs) in nerve cells in vivo and in vitro. Utilizing the ULK1-knockout neuroblastoma cells, we have identified that ULK1 was not essential for productive AP formation induced by PHEV. In vitro phosphorylation studies discovered that mTORC1-regulated ULK1 activation stalls during PHEV infection, whereas the AP biogenesis was controlled by AMPK-driven BECN1 phosphorylation. A lack of BECN1 is sufficient to block LC3 lipidation and disrupt recruitment of the LC3-ATG14 complex. Moreover, BECN1 acts as a bona fide substrate for ULK1-independent neural autophagy, and ectopic expression of BECN1 somewhat enhances PHEV replication.

Autoři článku: Kirkcervantes6274 (Pappas Ivey)