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Francolins are among the very gregarious variety of game birds severely infected by various parasites that may cause an important source for infection transmission in humans by eating them very fondly in the country. During this study, two commonly found francolins species of the region; Francolinus francolinus (Black Francolin) and F. pondicerianus (Grey Francolin), were examined for helminthes fauna. The study deals with the primary survey of helminthic infection occur in the francolin birds (Phasianidae Perdicinae) with reference to their forage in gut content. It is the first helminthological and epidemiological study in Sindh, Pakistan. At present, a total of 20 birds were examined, out of which 17 were found infected with cestode larvae of two species of genus Cotugnia and genus Raillietina, one species of trematode, Prosthogonimus potentially new species; one new species of acanthocephalan, Mediorhynchus francolinae sp. nov.; one species of nematode, Subulura brumpti (López-Neyra, 1922) were recovered, with new host records. The forage content and comparative incidence of helminth species were also observed and discussed in the current study, which revealed the high prevalence of infection in grey francolins than that of black francolin. The mean intensity of infection relative to the forage in guts of hosts was found significant (P less then 0.05), observed 9.14 ± 1.65 in black francolins than in grey francolins (5.8 ± 0.51). The parasitic abundance was compared using Fisher's Exact Test, which showed no significant difference between cestodes and nematodes in the two hosts, however trematode and acanthocephalan was found only in grey francolin. The parasitic frequencies along with the confidence intervals were recorded higher in black francolins by cestodes and nematodes than the black francolins during the present study.Rickettsiales, Haemosporida and Rhizobiales agents can cause diseases that affect various animal species, including humans. Due to predation behaviour, carnivorous birds may play an important role in spreading these etiological agentes across geographically distant areas, specially if they are migratory. The aim of this study was to investigate the occurrence and to access the phylogenetic relations among Anaplasmataceae (Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Neorickettsia), Bartonellaceae (Bartonella spp.), and Haemosporida (Plasmodium, Haemoproteus and Leucocytozoon) agents in blood samples from 121 carnivorous birds sampled in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Inclusions resembling hemoparasites were not observed in Giemsa-stained preparations. While three animals were seropositive for E. chaffeensis (3.41% [3/88]; 95% CI1.17-9.55%), five showed antibodies to A. phagocytophilum (5.68% [5/88]; 95% CI 2.45-12.62%). Despite the detection of rrs gene fragments closely related to E. chaffeensis (4.13% [5/121]r investigated.The boophilid ticks are regarded as highly adaptive tick species in tropical and subtropical regions and considered to be the most economically important ectoparasites to cattle worldwide. To that, a geographical survey to investigate the distribution of boophilid ticks on grazing cattle was conducted seasonally between October 2018 and September 2019 at Elundini, Senqu and Walter Sisulu Local Municipalities in the north-eastern region of the Eastern Cape Province (ECP). Ten cattle were selected randomly during the tick sampling at each locality. Ticks were carefully removed from cattle and placed into sampling tubes containing 70% ethanol. During tick sampling, special attention was paid to the tick predilection sites such as lower perineum, neck, dewlap and ventral body parts which are the preferred sites for blue ticks. Based on the morphological traits, a total of 6176 ticks belonging to two boophilid tick species of Rhipicephalus were identified Rhipicephalus decoloratus (98.30%) and Rhipicephalus microplus (1.70%). Locality and season significantly influenced boophilid tick distribution (P less then 0.05). Rhipicephalus decoloratus had a significantly higher prevalence (P less then 0.05) in Elundini during the hot-dry (3.37 ± 0.121) and hot-wet (3.35 ± 0.121) seasons compared to other localities. In Senqu, R. microplus had high counts (P less then 0.05) during the post-rainy season (1.06 ± 0027) compared to other localities. Interestingly, the current study recorded Asiatic invasive pantropical blue tick (R. microplus) for the first time in the north-eastern region of the ECP. This tick is of great veterinary economic importance locally and globally, and thus necessitates continuous monitoring and control.This study aims to report the detection of N. mTOR inhibitor caninum DNA in a newborn lamb (1) with neurological signs and congenital neosporosis and in a stillborn lamb (2), both born from the same ewe in a herd of Southern Brazil. The lambs were born during different pregnancies of a Suffolk ewe seropositive to N. caninum and seronegative to T. gondii. Histopathological lesions were observed only in the central nervous system of the lambs. The newborn lamb (1) showed mild and focal gliosis in the frontal lobe. In the hippocampal region of the stillborn lamb (2), lymphoplasmacytic perivascular cuffs and N. caninum cysts were observed in the cytoplasm of neurons and confirmed by IHC. PCR was performed using brain samples to detect the protozoa N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. The infection with N. caninum was confirmed in the newborn lamb (1) by PCR and in the stillborn lamb (2) by histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and PCR tests.Cystic echinococcosis (CE; Echinococcus spp.) is widespread in many domestic animal species in Italy, with the G1-G3 genotype predominating. The G7 genotype ("pig strain"), which is much less common, has only been reported in pigs and wild boar from the island of Sardinia and in wild boars from southern mainland Italy. Ten pig livers with hydatid cysts were identified in a slaughterhouse in northwestern Italy. Multiplex PCR for Echinococcus granulosus gave positive results for two of these and subsequent sequencing confirmed the species as Echinococcus granulosusu s.l. G6/G7. Affected pigs came from an intensive farm in northeastern Italy. This is, to the authors' knowledge, the first report of CE by Echinococcus granulosusu s.l. G6/G7 in the domestic pig in mainland Italy. E. granulosus s.l. G6/G7 is zoonotic and its circulation in Italy should be of concern for public health.Bovine trypanosomosis remains an important livestock disease constraint, which is threatening livestock health and production, despite ongoing tsetse and trypanosomosis control efforts in Sadi Chanka district, Kellem Wollega zone, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was conducted in May 2018, to determine the prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis and distribution of the vectors of disease in Sadi Chanka district, Western Ethiopia. A total of 370 blood samples were collected from randomly selected local Horro and Abigar cattle breeds covering five villages of the district. The collected samples were examined using buffy coat microscopy and Giemsa-stained thin blood smear techniques. In this study, 12.4% (95% CI 12.3-12.4) of the animals were found to be infected with trypanosomes. The study showed that 69.6% of trypanosome infections were caused by T. congolense followed by 26.1% T. vivax and 4.3% mixed T. congolense and T. vivax. In the present study, the association of bovine trypanosomosis was assessed in releation to body condition scores, sex, and age of cattle, and a significant association (P 0.05). The Mean Packed Cell Volume (PCV) of infected (21.6%) and non-infected (24.5%) groups of cattle had significant variation (P less then 0.05). In an entomological survey, a total of 616 flies were trapped, of which 280 (45.5%) were Glossina and the remaining 336 (54.5%) were Stomoxys, Tabanus, and Haematopota. The apparent density of Glossina, Stomoxys, Tabanus, and Haematopota was 3.5, 3.1, 0.7 and 0.4 fly per trap per day, respectively. This study generated basic scientific data on the epidemiology of bovine trypanosomosis and its vectors in Sadi Chanka district, which can be used in planning the control of bovine trypanosomosis in the area.The consumption of wild boar meat, common in many countries, became popular in Brazil after the hunting of these animals was authorized in 2013. The meat of these animals is often consumed by hunters and their social groups, and their offal is occasionally used as supplemental food in the diet of hunting dogs. Given the high frequency of foodborne diseases related to wild boar meat consumption in other countries, including toxoplasmosis, knowledge on these diseases is essential for risk assessment and elaboration of education campaigns for the exposed public. Thus, this study aimed diagnosing, isolating, and genotyping Toxoplasma gondii in hunted wild boars. For that, we obtained samples of serum and tissues (brain, tongue, diaphragm, and heart) from 26 wild boar hunted in three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil, based on convenience sampling strategy. The serum samples were submitted to the indirect immunofluorescence reaction test (IFAT) test while the tissue samples (n = 22) were used to perform a bioassay animals, and humans, causing everything from mild clinical symptoms to death, this study found, for the first time, the detection of this genotype in wild boars. These results also reaffirm the importance of these animals as a possible source of T. gondii infection for humans and domestic animals.Toxoplasma gondii is an important foodborne pathogen worldwide, with undercooked meat as the main source of human transmission. In this study, we determined the seroprevalence of T. gondii in free-range pigs from two adjacent villages in the Tumbes region of northern Peru, El Tutumo and Nuevo Progreso. We randomly selected 100 pig serum samples collected during a prior study and processed these using Western Blot to detect IgG anti-T. gondii antibodies. Results indicated a prevalence of 32% (32/100) to T. gondii in pigs. Free-ranging pigs from northern Peru represent a substantial risk for transmission of T. gondii to humans.Oslerus osleri is a cosmopolitan filaroid nematode that parasitizes the respiratory system of domestic and wild canids. Natural infection by O. osleri is reported in the Andean fox (Lycalopex culpaeus) in this study. Nematodes, enclosed in small and compact fibrous nodules of 1 to 5 mm in diameter, were found on the surface of the trachea near the bronchial bifurcation on four Andean foxes during necropsy (one from Cuzco, Peru and three from Northwestern Patagonia in Argentina). The nematodes were identified as O. osleri by morphological and molecular methods. Ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA analyses were performed amplifying the second internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-2), the partial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (cox1), and the large subunit of nuclear ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA) genes. Sequences of the ITS-2 and LSU rRNA had a genetic variation of 1.5% and 1.0%, respectively, with previous sequences of O. osleri registered in Genbank. This is the first amplification of the cox1 gene of O. osleri and demonstrated an identity of 92% to Perostrongylus falciformis (KY365437), and 90% to Angiostrongylus cantonensis (KY779735) and Angiostrongylus costaricensis (AP017675).

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