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Our results suggest that the adaptive coefficient recovery method is able to improve on the conventional method up to 27% in terms of CPU time, and it also achieved better image quality with most considered images. Furthermore, the proposed rewritable data embedding method is able to embed 20,146 bits into an image of dimensions 512×512.Over recent years, deep learning methods have become an increasingly popular choice for solving tasks from the field of inverse problems. Many of these new data-driven methods have produced impressive results, although most only give point estimates for the reconstruction. However, especially in the analysis of ill-posed inverse problems, the study of uncertainties is essential. In our work, we apply generative flow-based models based on invertible neural networks to two challenging medical imaging tasks, i.e., low-dose computed tomography and accelerated medical resonance imaging. We test different architectures of invertible neural networks and provide extensive ablation studies. In most applications, a standard Gaussian is used as the base distribution for a flow-based model. Our results show that the choice of a radial distribution can improve the quality of reconstructions.Nowadays, images and videos have become the main modalities of information being exchanged in everyday life, and their pervasiveness has led the image forensics community to question their reliability, integrity, confidentiality, and security more and more [...].Smart agriculture is a new concept that combines agriculture and new technologies to improve the yield's quality and quantity as well as facilitate many tasks for farmers in managing orchards. An essential factor in smart agriculture is tree crown segmentation, which helps farmers automatically monitor their orchards and get information about each tree. However, one of the main problems, in this case, is when the trees are close to each other, which means that it would be difficult for the algorithm to delineate the crowns correctly. This paper used satellite images and machine learning algorithms to segment and classify trees in overlapping orchards. The data used are images from the Moroccan Mohammed VI satellite, and the study region is the OUARGHA citrus orchard located in Morocco. Our approach starts by segmenting the rows inside the parcel and finding all the trees there, getting their canopies, and classifying them by size. In general, the model inputs the parcel's image and other field measurements to classify the trees into three classes missing/weak, normal, or big. Finally, the results are visualized in a map containing all the trees with their classes. For the results, we obtained a score of 0.93 F-measure in rows segmentation. Additionally, several field comparisons were performed to validate the classification, dozens of trees were compared and the results were very good. This paper aims to help farmers to quickly and automatically classify trees by crown size, even if there are overlapping orchards, in order to easily monitor each tree's health and understand the tree's distribution in the field.In this study, we analyzed the problem of a compact furnace, to be used for in situ experiments in a cone-beam X-ray microtomography commercial system. The design process was accomplished and outlined through its main steps, until the realization of a prototype. The furnace was conceived to carry out wettability experiments at temperatures up to 700 °C and under inert atmosphere on sessile droplets of a molten metal alloy, with a few millimeters diameter, posed on a thin ceramic substrate. X-ray imaging of the molten droplet is expected to permit an accurate three-dimensional reconstruction of the droplet profile and a robust estimation of the related quantities (such as the contact angle and the surface tension) utilized for the assessment of metal-ceramic joints by brazing. The challenges faced during this project, mostly related to the constraints of the setup, and the novel solutions implemented were discussed also with the support of analytical and numerical tools, in terms of interaction of X-rays with matter, geometry and working principle, heat transfer and insulation, material selection.Deep learning based reconstruction methods deliver outstanding results for solving inverse problems and are therefore becoming increasingly important. A recently invented class of learning-based reconstruction methods is the so-called NETT (for Network Tikhonov Regularization), which contains a trained neural network as regularizer in generalized Tikhonov regularization. The existing analysis of NETT considers fixed operators and fixed regularizers and analyzes the convergence as the noise level in the data approaches zero. check details In this paper, we extend the frameworks and analysis considerably to reflect various practical aspects and take into account discretization of the data space, the solution space, the forward operator and the neural network defining the regularizer. We show the asymptotic convergence of the discretized NETT approach for decreasing noise levels and discretization errors. Additionally, we derive convergence rates and present numerical results for a limited data problem in photoacoustic tomography.(1) Background the frequency with which diagnostic tests are prescribed with exposure to ionizing radiation, a cause of biological damage, has been studied, and with much more attention, patients are subjected to these diagnostic tests for diagnosis and follow-up. This review aimed, given the recent developments of this technology, to evaluate the possible use of ultrasound in different branches of dentistry. The possibility of applying ionizing-radiation-free diagnostic exams in dentistry, overcoming the limits of this application, has led scientific research in this area to obtain interesting results that bode well for the future. (2) Methods a search for articles on the application of ultrasounds in dentistry was performed using the PubMed electronic database. (3) Results only 32 studies were included, and these clearly stated that this examination is widely usable and in great progress. (4) Conclusions regarding the modern application techniques of this diagnostic test, it is essential to consider technological evolution as an objective to reduce the damage and side effects of necessary diagnostic tests. The use of ultrasound in dentistry can represent a valid radiation-free alternative, in certain contexts, to the other most used exams.The Special Issue "Advanced Computational Methods for Oncological Image Analysis", published for the Journal of Imaging, covered original research papers about state-of-the-art and novel algorithms and methodologies, as well as applications of computational methods for oncological image analysis, ranging from radiogenomics to deep learning [...].Accurately estimating the six degree of freedom (6-DoF) pose of objects in images is essential for a variety of applications such as robotics, autonomous driving, and autonomous, AI, and vision-based navigation for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Developing such algorithms requires large datasets; however, generating those is tedious as it requires annotating the 6-DoF relative pose of each object of interest present in the image w.r.t. to the camera. Therefore, this work presents a novel approach that automates the data acquisition and annotation process and thus minimizes the annotation effort to the duration of the recording. To maximize the quality of the resulting annotations, we employ an optimization-based approach for determining the extrinsic calibration parameters of the camera. Our approach can handle multiple objects in the scene, automatically providing ground-truth labeling for each object and taking into account occlusion effects between different objects. Moreover, our approach can not only be used to generate data for 6-DoF pose estimation and corresponding 3D-models but can be also extended to automatic dataset generation for object detection, instance segmentation, or volume estimation for any kind of object.The purpose of this work is to evaluate the impacts of body off-center positioning on CT numbers and dose index CTDIv of two scanners from GE. HD750 and APEX scanners were used to acquire a PBU60 phantom of Kagaku and a 062M phantom of CIRS respectively. CT images were acquired at various off-center positions under automatic tube current modulation using various peak voltages. CTDIv were recorded for each of the acquisitions. An abdomen section of the PBU60 phantom was used for CT number analysis and tissue inserts of the 062M phantom were filled with water balloons to mimic the human abdomen. CT numbers of central regions of interests were averaged using the Fiji software. As phantoms were lifted above the iso-center, both CTDIv and CT numbers were increased for the HD750 scanner whilst they were approximately constant for the APEX scanner. The measured sizes of anterior-posterior projection images were also increased for both scanners whilst the sizes of lateral projection images were increased for the HD750 scanner but decreased for the APEX scanner. Off-center correction algorithms were implemented in the APEX scanner. Matching the X-ray projection center with the system's iso-center could improve the accuracy of CT imaging.One of the possible approaches to reconstructing the map of the distribution of magnetization parameters in the crust of Mars from the data of the Mars MAVEN orbiter mission is considered. Possible ways of increasing the accuracy of reconstruction of the magnetic image of Mars are discussed.Mina'i ceramics dating to the late 12th and early 13th century made in the Kashan region of Iran represent a novel period of overglaze enamelling technology in ceramic history. New colours were used to produce stylistically attractive and dynamic polychrome motifs. Due to their archaeological context, and popularity in the art market since the mid-20th century, these objects often have complex conditions involving reconstruction and overpainting. The aesthetic and technological significance of these pieces warrants further study, but in practice, removing restorations can lead to structural destabilisation, requiring time-consuming and potentially unplanned for conservation treatment. To determine if it is possible to gain useful information from the study of these artworks without disturbing existing restorations, a group of objects were drawn from the Sarikhani and Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology collections. The objective of this project was twofold, first to assess the merits of the imaging techniques for understanding condition, and second to propose a protocol for imaging with the aim of encouraging collaborative projects with international partners. The techniques used in this study include digital photography under visible and ultraviolet light, infrared reflectography, and radiography. The results show that important information invisible to the naked eye can be obtained about the decorative surfaces, using ultraviolet light and infrared reflectography. Digital radiography proved to be equally effective when studying the condition of the ceramic body. The results of this project were used to produce guidance on these techniques as a collaborative documentation package for the study of Mina'i ceramics.

Autoři článku: Kerrfitch3567 (Calhoun Puckett)