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The combustion of coal in Thermal Power Plants generates fine dust particles (coal fly ash, CFA), which are collected from the flue gas streams and deposited as solid wastes. One of the technologically reliable solutions for utilization of CFA is its alkaline conversion into zeolites. The present study focuses on the influence of calcium content in CFA on the chemical and phase composition, morphology and surface properties of coal fly ash zeolites. Comparative studies of the capacity of zeolites of Na-X and Na-Ca-X types from coal fly ash to capture carbon emissions under static and dynamic conditions have been performed. The present study answers a key question from a practical point of view, how does moisture in flue gases affect the adsorption of carbon dioxide on zeolites. The development of efficient adsorbents from CFA with varying composition will contribute to a number of environmental benefits and to the development of efficient CO2 capture technologies in the context of the circular economy.Surgical treatment of thumb basal joint arthritis generally yields good and excellent results. In case of failure, the surgeon will propose an appropriate solution to the patient, one that can be performed easily. Each technique has its own complications shortening with trapeziometacarpal pain following trapeziectomy, loosening and instability following total arthroplasty, instability for some implants. There are also intolerances such as allergies to nickel, foreign body reactions to silicone and inflammatory reactions to some synthetic ligament implants. It is important to bear these complications in mind when determining the best possible surgical technique initially. The different surgical solutions are exposed here. Prosthetic replacement is preferred in case of loosening when it is technically possible in order to preserve the thumb's length. A conversion to trapeziectomy with or without interposition (implant or ligament reconstruction) will be carried out in the other cases. In case of trapeziectomy failure, solutions are more difficult to find. In the current state of things, it seems that implant or biological tissue interposition is the best solution.

Alterations in the genes of lysine methylation as Lysine-specific demethylase 6B (KDM6B) have been associated with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders. Until now, there are few cases in the literature attributed to KDM6B mutations. This gap may be due to the fact that the exome sequencing technique is still being implemented in routine clinical practice.

A case is presented with its clinical and phenotypic characteristics. The sequence exome analysis was done with the Nimblegen SeqCap EZ MedExome capture kit+mtDNA 47Mb. selleck products The psychopathological approach from mental health was carried out through individual and family interviews, the Conner's questionnaires, ADHD rating scale, as well as the psychometry.

A frameshift variant in the KDM6B gene related to neurodevelopmental disorders with facial and body dysmorphia was obtained. The case was oriented as a neurodevelopmental disorder secondary to a genetic alteration and a comorbid Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

The clinical peculiaritieated approach is essential to have a comprehensive vision of the case.

Neuropathic corneal pain (NCP) is caused by damage or disease of the somatosensory nervous system that innervates the cornea and presents with symptoms of pain or persistent unpleasant sensations, such as burning, dryness, or light sensitivity. This retrospective study aims to assess the efficacy and tolerability of low-dose naltrexone (LDN) in refractory NCP patients.

Fifty-nine NCP patients with a centralized component treated with oral LDN 4.5mgat bedtime for at least four weeks were identified. Thirty out of 59 patients who had a baseline pain score ≥4 on the visual analogue scale had completed the ocular pain assessment survey (OPAS) and presented persistent pain, despite instillation of topical anesthetic drops, were included. Changes in pain scores, comorbidities, side effects, among others, were analyzed. Change in ocular pain scores (scale 0-10) and quality of life (QoL) scores (scale 0-100%) were the main endpoints.

Mean age (years±SD) was 45.60±19.30 with a white (80.00%) female (73.33%) predominance. Duration of LDN use was 14.87±11.25 months, and the duration of NCP before treatment was 17.53±17.29 months. Eight patients used LDN as a monotherapy, whereas the remaining used it as an adjunct therapy. LDN resulted in a 49.22% decrease in mean pain score from 6.13±1.93 to 3.23±2.60 (p<0.001). Mean QoL scores by the OPAS were 5.84±2.57at the first visit and improved to 3.77±2.91at the last visit (p=0.023). Common side effects were vivid dreams, headaches, and stomachache.

LDN was effective and well-tolerated for NCP treatment.

LDN was effective and well-tolerated for NCP treatment.Hemodialysis mainly removes small water-soluble uremic toxins but cannot effectively remove middle molecules and protein-bound uremic toxins. Besides, the therapy is intermittent leading to fluctuating blood values and fluid status which adversely impacts patients' health. Prolonged hemodialysis (with adequate anticoagulation) could improve the removal of toxins and the development of portable and wearable artificial kidneys could offer more flexibility in the dialysis scheme. This would enhance patients' overall health, autonomy, mobility and flexibility, allowing patients to participate in social and economic life. However, the time that patients' blood is exposed to the dialyzer material is longer during prolonged hemodialysis, and blood clots could obstruct the fiber lumen, resulting in a decrease of the effective membrane surface area available for toxin removal. The outside-in filtration (OIF) mode, wherein blood flows through the inter-fiber space instead of through the fiber lumina, has been applied w time, dual layer mixed matrix hollow fiber membranes (MMM) for outside-in filtration (OIF). The OIF mode wherein blood would flow through the inter-fiber space instead of through the fiber lumina could prevent fiber clotting. Moreover, the MMMs combine diffusion and adsorption to improve (protein-bound) toxin removal. We believe that the new design of our MMM fibers is an important contribution concerning the development of artificial kidney systems and the improvement of the health and well-being of patients with renal failure.Titanium has been used in various biomedical applications; however, titanium exhibits poor wear resistance, and its bioinert surface slows osseointegration in vivo. In this study, directed energy deposition (DED)-based additive manufacturing (AM) was used to process hydroxyapatite (HA) reinforced Ti6Al4V (Ti64) composites to improve biocompatibility and wear resistance simultaneously. Electron micrographs of the composites revealed dense microstructures where HA was observed at the β-phase grain boundaries. Hardness increased by 57% and 71% for 2 and 3 wt.% HA in Ti64 composites, respectively. XRD analysis revealed no change in the phases with the addition of HA, when compared to the control. Tribological studies displayed an increase in contact resistance (CR) due to an in situ formed HA-based tribofilm, reduction in wear rate when testing in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) with a ZrO2 counter wear ball, less then 1% wear ball volume loss, and suppression of cohesive shear failure of the Ti matrix. Histomorphometric analysis from a rat distal femur study revealed an increase in the osteoid surface over the bone surface (OS/BS) for 3 wt.% HA composite over the control Ti64 from 9 ± 1% to 14 ± 1%. Additionally, from push-out testing, the shear modulus was observed to increase from 17 ± 3 MPa for control Ti64 to 32 ± 5 MPa for the 3 wt.% HA composite after 5-weeks in vivo. The present study demonstrates that the addition of HA in Ti64 can simultaneously improve bone tissue-implant response and wear resistance.

Steroid hormones play an important role in heart failure (HF) pathogenesis, and clinical data have revealed disordered steroidogenesis in male patients with HF. However, there is still a lack of studies on steroid hormones and their receptors during HF progression. Therefore, a porcine model of tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy corresponding to HF was used to assess steroid hormone concentrations in serum and their nuclear receptor levels in heart tissue during the consecutive stages of HF.

Male pigs underwent right ventricular pacing and developed a clinical picture of mild, moderate, or severe HF. Serum concentrations of dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol, aldosterone, and cortisol were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Androgen receptor, estrogen receptor alpha, mineralocorticoid receptor, and glucocorticoid receptor messenger RNA levels in the left ventricle were determined by qPCR.The androgen level decreased in moderate and severe HF animals, while the corticosteroid level increased. The estradiol concentration remained stable. The quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction revealed the downregulation of androgen receptor in consecutive stages of HF and increased expression of mineralocorticoid receptor messenger RNA under these conditions.

In the HF pig model, deteriorated catabolic/anabolic balance, manifested by upregulation of aldosterone and cortisol and downregulation of androgen signaling on the ligand level, was augmented by changes in steroid hormone receptor expression in the heart tissue.

In the HF pig model, deteriorated catabolic/anabolic balance, manifested by upregulation of aldosterone and cortisol and downregulation of androgen signaling on the ligand level, was augmented by changes in steroid hormone receptor expression in the heart tissue.

Elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is common in patients with advanced heart failure. PVR generally improves after left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation, but the rate of decrease has not been quantified and the patient characteristics most strongly associated with this improvement are unknown.

We analyzed 1581 patients from the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support registry who received a primary continuous-flow LVAD, had a baseline PVR of ≥3 Wood units (WU), and had PVR measured at least once postoperatively. Multivariable linear mixed effects modeling was used to evaluate independent associations between postoperative PVR and patient characteristics. PVR decreased by 1.53 WU (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.27-1.79 WU) per month in the first 3 months postoperatively, and by 0.066 WU (95% CI 0.060-0.070 WU) per month thereafter. Severe mitral regurgitation at any time during follow-up was associated with a 1.29 WU (95% CI 1.05-1.52 WU) higher PVR relative to absence of mitral regurgitation at that time. In a cross-sectional analysis, 15%-25% of patients had persistently elevated PVR of ≥3 WU at any given time within 36 months after LVAD implantation.

The PVR tends to decrease rapidly early after implantation, and only more gradually thereafter. Residual mitral regurgitation may be an important contributor to elevated postoperative PVR. Future research is needed to understand the implications of elevated PVR after LVAD implantation and the optimal strategies for prevention and treatment.

The PVR tends to decrease rapidly early after implantation, and only more gradually thereafter. Residual mitral regurgitation may be an important contributor to elevated postoperative PVR. Future research is needed to understand the implications of elevated PVR after LVAD implantation and the optimal strategies for prevention and treatment.

Autoři článku: Kejserpeacock9661 (Parks Mercer)