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Time in range (TIR) is gaining ground as an outcome measure in type 1 diabetes trials. However, inclusion of TIR raises several issues for trial design. In this article, the authors begin by defining TIR and describing the current international consensus around TIR targets. They then expand on evidence for the validity of TIR as a primary clinical trial outcome before concluding with some practical, ethical, and logistical implications.Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is being used with increasing frequency as an adjunct to self-monitoring of blood glucose in pregnancy, and novel targets based on CGM data are becoming standardized. This adoption of CGM is the result of its improving accuracy, patient preference, and evolving data demonstrating associations of novel targets such as time in range (TIR) with pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. A greater understanding of the relationship of various CGM metrics to outcomes in pregnancy complicated by diabetes is needed. read more It is clear that TIR parameters need to be uniquely lower for pregnant women than for nonpregnant individuals. CGM technology is also an integral part of hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery systems. These insulin delivery systems will be a significant advance in the management of diabetes during pregnancy if they can achieve the pre- and postprandial targets required for pregnancy and optimize TIR.Time in range (TIR) and other continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)-derived metrics have been standardized in international consensus conferences. TIR correlates closely with A1C; a TIR of 70% correlates to an A1C of 6.7-7%. Evidence is emerging on the association of TIR with long-term diabetes complications, and each 10% increase in TIR shows a substantial decrease in risk for long-term complications. Application of TIR to clinical practice can be easily done with a stepped approach to the analysis and interpretation of CGM-derived metrics and the ambulatory glucose profile report. Clinician education and partnership with patients are crucial for successful implementation of TIR and all CGM-derived metrics in clinical practice.Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems are becoming part of standard care for type 1 diabetes, and their use is increasing for type 2 diabetes. Consensus has been reached on standardized metrics for reporting CGM data, with time in range of 70-180 mg/dL and time below 54 mg/dL recognized as the key metrics of focus for diabetes management. The ambulatory glucose profile report has emerged as the standard for visualization of CGM data and will continue to evolve to incorporate other elements such as insulin, food, and exercise data to support glycemic management.Silk fibroin films are excellent candidate biomaterials for corneal tissue engineering due to their optical transparency, biocompatibility, and mechanical strength. Their tunable chemical and mechanical properties open the possibility of engineering cellular microenvironments that can both mimic native corneal tissue and provide stimuli to actively promote wound regeneration. While silk film mechanical properties, such as surface topography, have demonstrated the ability to control corneal epithelial cell wound regenerating behavior, few studies have explored the stiffness tunability of these films and its cellular effects. Cells are known actively sense the stiffness of their surroundings and processes such as cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, and expression of stem markers can be strongly influenced by matrix stiffness. This study develops technical solutions that allow for both the fabrication of films with stiffnesses similar to corneal tissue and also for their characterization in an aqueous, native-like environment at a scale relevant to cellular forces. Physiological evidence demonstrates that corneal epithelial cells are mechanosensitive to films of different stiffnesses and show that cell spreading, cytoskeletal tension, and molecular mechanotransducer localization are associated with film stiffness. These results indicate that silk film stiffness can be used to regulate cell behavior for the purposes of ocular surface repair.Using a simple Bayesian 'mixed effects' hierarchical model we provide econometric estimates of annual 2020 employment losses in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for 15 SADC member states on the basis of historical GDP data between 2000 and 2019 and 2020 forecasts. Our mixed effects model consists of country-varying coefficients, as well as 'fixed' (pooled) coefficients. This allows us to fully explore variation between countries. The model provides estimates for losses in total employment and women's employment, from which we infer income losses. We find that roughly half of estimated SADC countries have total employment losses below or approaching 25% of all jobs, while the other half have total losses exceeding 25%. Around one-third of all jobs for women risk being lost during 2020 for Madagascar, Comoros, Angola, Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. Our model implies that most SADC countries will experience an equivalent loss of wage income in excess of 10% of GDP (whether through pure job losses and/or reductions in wages and working hours). Policy implications are briefly discussed.Using the survey data collected on informal sector MSMEs in Senegal, this study performs logit and propensity score matching (PSM) both to examine the determinants of access to credit, the decline in sales, and the business growth prospect in the 12 months following the COVID-19 pandemic and to assess the impact of credit on the MSMEs sales decline. We find that being a male manager and aged 46-55 years old reduces the likelihood of a decline in sales, whereas those who are 25-35 years present a high probability of experiencing a decrease in sales due to COVID-19. Being between 25 and 35 and 36-45 years old with a formalized MSME increases the probability of having access to loans. MSMEs that undertake manufacturing businesses appear more pessimistic about the future. More importantly, PSM findings show that MSMEs with loans have a higher average treatment effect of sales decline than their counterparts. This suggests that the greater the access to credit, the greater the difference in sales decline between MSMEs with credit and their counterpart without.

Autoři článku: Kehoemolloy5211 (Reeves Skytte)