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It can nano-focus the infrared radiation down to a 50 nm spot on the graphene metamaterial, thus yielding an 11.5 gain in optical intensity (i.e., 10.6 dB). The metamaterial itself has seven concentric cylindrical graphene layers separated by silicon dioxide thin films, thus each layer contributes to the overall absorption. The focused infrared propagates tangential to the graphene metamaterial layers (i.e., grazing propagation), and thus maximizes the light-graphene interaction length. In addition, each graphene layer experiences a double-face exposure to the nano-focused propagating spot, which increases each layer's absorption. This configuration is compact and polarization-insensitive. The estimated maximum absorption enhancement compared to the standalone monolayer graphene was 25.1 times (i.e., ≅4 dB). The estimated maximum absorption coefficient of the graphene stack was 5700 cm-1, which is considered as one of the record-high reported coefficients up to date.Modern agricultural production is greatly dependent on pesticide usage, which results in severe environmental pollution, health risks and degraded food quality and safety. Molecularly imprinted polymers are one of the most prominent approaches for the detection of pesticide residues in food and environmental samples. In this research, we prepared molecularly imprinted polymers for fenthion detection by using beta-cyclodextrin as a functional monomer and a room-temperature ionic liquid as a cosolvent. The characterization of the developed polymers was carried out. The polymers synthesized by using the room-temperature ionic liquid as the cosolvent had a good adsorption efficiency of 26.85 mg g-1, with a short adsorption equilibrium time of 20 min, and the results fitted well with the Langmuir isotherm model and pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The polymer showed cross-selectivity for methyl-parathion, but it had a higher selectivity as compared to acetamiprid and abamectin. A recovery of 87.44-101.25% with a limit of detection of 0.04 mg L-1 and a relative standard deviation of below 3% was achieved from soil, lettuce and grape samples, within the linear range of 0.02-3.0 mg L-1, using high-performance liquid chromatography with an ultraviolet detector. Based on the results, we propose a new, convenient and practical analytical method for fenthion detection in real samples using improved imprinted polymers with room-temperature ionic liquid.Multilevel resistive switching in memristive devices is vital for applications in non-volatile memory and neuromorphic computing. In this study, we report on the multilevel resistive switching characteristics in SnSe/SrTiO3(STO) heterojunction-based memory devices with silver (Ag) and copper (Cu) top electrodes. The SnSe/STO-based memory devices present bipolar resistive switching (RS) with two orders of magnitude on/off ratio, which is reliable and stable. Moreover, multilevel state switching is achieved in the devices by sweeping voltage with current compliance to SET the device from high resistance state (HRS) to low resistance state (LRS) and RESET from LRS to HRS by voltage pulses without compliance current. With Ag and Cu top electrodes, respectively, eight and six levels of resistance switching were demonstrated in the SnSe/SrTiO3 heterostructures with a Pt bottom electrode. These results suggest that a SnSe/STO heterojunction-based memristor is promising for applications in neuromorphic computing as a synaptic device.A piezoresistive sensor is an essential component of wearable electronics that can detect resistance changes when pressure is applied. In general, microstructures of sensing layers have been adopted as an effective approach to enhance piezoresistive performance. However, the mold-casted microstructures typically have quite a thick layer with dozens of microscales. In this paper, a carbon microstructure is formed by blue laser annealing (BLA) on a carbon nanotube (CNT) layer, which changes the surface morphology of CNTs into carbonaceous protrusions and increases its thickness more than four times compared to the as-deposited layer. Then, the pressure sensor is fabricated using a spin-coating of styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene (SEBS) elastomer on the BLA CNTs layer. A 1.32 µm-thick pressure sensor exhibits a high sensitivity of 6.87 × 105 kPa-1, a wide sensing range of 278 Pa~40 kPa and a fast response/recovery time of 20 ms, respectively. The stability of the pressure sensor is demonstrated by the repeated loading and unloading of 20 kPa for 4000 cycles. The stretchable pressure sensor was also demonstrated using lateral CNT electrodes on SEBS surface, exhibiting stable pressure performance, with up to 20% stretching.This paper studies the synergistic effect of total ionizing dose (TID) and displacement damage dose (DDD) in enhancement-mode GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) based on the p-GaN gate and cascode structure using neutron and 60Co gamma-ray irradiation. The results show that when the accumulated gamma-ray doses are up to 800k rad(Si), the leakage-current degradations of the two types of GaN HEMTs with 14 MeV neutron irradiation of 1.3 × 1012 n/cm2 and 3 × 1012 n/cm2 exhibit a lower degradation than the sum of the two separated effects. However, the threshold voltage shifts of the cascode structure GaN HEMT show a higher degradation when exposed to both TID and DDD effects. Moreover, the failure mechanisms of the synergistic effect in GaN HEMT are investigated using the scanning electron microscopy technique. It is shown that for the p-GaNHEMT, the increase in channel resistance and the degradation of two-dimensional electron gas mobility caused by neutron irradiation suppresses the increase in the TID leakage current. For the cascode structure HEMT, the neutron radiation-generated defects in the oxide layer of the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor might capture holes induced by gamma-ray irradiation, resulting in a further increase in the number of trapped charges in the oxide layer.The new phenomena observed in nanodevices and the related technological challenges of fabrication and manipulation at the nanoscale have spurred intense theoretical, simulation and experimental research activity [...].The authors wish to make the following correction to this paper [...].The Mediterranean diet has significant beneficial health effects and wheat is a major component of the Mediterranean diet, mainly in the form of bread and pasta. Modern wheat generally refers to varieties that were developed after the introduction of dwarfing genes in the 1950s, while old varieties are considered those developed before that time. Research findings on Italian wheat varieties showed that the total polyphenol content in both old and modern durum and soft wheat varieties are similar; but the old varieties have a higher number of polyphenols and of isomer forms. In particular, the durum wheat Senatore Cappelli genotype shows a very high variety of polyphenolic components. Recent studies have demonstrated healthy cardiovascular effects (favorable changes of atherosclerosis markers such as lipid parameters and hemorheological variables) as well as a marked reduction in gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal symptoms in non-celiac gluten sensitivity subjects with the consumption of pasta obtained by old durum wheat Senatore Cappelli variety, even though this type of wheat contains high amounts of gluten. In conclusion, old wheat Italian varieties, and in particular the Senatore Cappelli genotype, are characterized by multiple nutraceutical specificities that could suggest their use for health-promoting purposes. Selleckchem E7766 Additional research is needed to confirm these findings, focusing attention also on the effect of different environments and years.The nutrition and health of middle-aged and elderly people is crucial to the long-term development of a country. The present study aimed to analyze the dietary consumption status in Chinese adults by using baseline and follow-up data from the community-based Cohort Study on Nervous System Diseases between 2018-2020 and selecting those aged 55 and older (n = 23,296). Dividing 65 food items into 17 subgroups on the basis of a valid semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, we analyze the consumption amount and consumption rate of foods in relation to wave and sociodemographic factors by employing the Wilcoxon rank sum test, Kruskal-Wallis analysis, the Chi-squared test, and the Cochran-Armitage trend test and evaluate food intake status using the Chinese Dietary Guidelines Recommendations (2022). Compared to 2018, the median daily intake of livestock meat, poultry, and eggs increased in 2020 (p < 0.05), while the median daily intake of wheat, other cereals, tubers, legumes, fruits, and fish and seafood decreased (p < 0.05). The proportion of subjects with excessive intake of grain, livestock and poultry, and eggs was 46.3%, 36.6%, and 26.6%, respectively, while the proportion of subjects with insufficient intake of whole grains and mixed beans, tubers, legumes, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and fish and seafood were 98.4%, 80.3%, 74.0%, 94.6%, 94.3%, 75.8%, and 86.5%, respectively, and more than 50% of subjects were non-consumers of dairy products, nuts, and whole grains and mixed beans. In conclusion, the problem of unhealthy dietary structure is prominent among adults aged 55 and older in China; insufficient or excessive intakes of various types of foods are common; and excessive consumption of edible oil and salt remains a serious problem.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of disability and death in many countries. Together with CVD, Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) accounts for more than 80% of all premature non-communicable disease deaths. The protective effect of the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) on CVD and its risk factors, including T2DM, has been a constant topic of interest. Notwithstanding, despite the large body of evidence, scientists are concerned about the challenges and difficulties of the application of MedDiet. This review aims to explore the motivations and challenges for using MedDiet in patients with CVD and T2DM.

An electronic search was conducted for articles about MedDiet published in PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science up to December 2021, particularly on CVD and T2DM patients. From a total of 1536 studies, the final eligible set of 108 studies was selected. Study selection involved three iterations of filtering.

Motivation to apply MedDiet was driven by the importance of studying the enti existing challenges. This review informs the health benefits conferred by this centuries-old dietary pattern and highlights MedDiet could possibly be revolutionary, practical, and non-invasive approach for the prevention and treatment CVD and T2DM.

In general, there is consistent and strong evidence that MedDiet is associated inversely with CVD risk factors and directly with glycemic control. MedDiet is the subject of active and diverse research despite the existing challenges. This review informs the health benefits conferred by this centuries-old dietary pattern and highlights MedDiet could possibly be revolutionary, practical, and non-invasive approach for the prevention and treatment CVD and T2DM.

Autoři článku: Keatingesbensen7327 (Lorentsen Ali)